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      • Comparison of the robustness-based optimal designs of water distribution systems in three different formulations

        Jung, Donghwi,Kang, Doosun,Chung, Gunhui,Kim, Joong Hoon IWA Publishing 2013 Journal of hydroinformatics Vol.15 No.4

        <P>Robustness is generally defined as a system's ability to stay within satisfactory bounds against variations in system factors. Recently, robustness has been indicated to be a useful objective function for the optimal design of water distribution systems (WDSs). While various formulations are possible to represent WDS robustness, few efforts have been made to compare the performances of these formulations. This study examined three potential formulations for quantifying system robustness to provide guidelines on the usage of a robustness index. Giustolisi <I>et al</I>.'s robustness index (see Giustolisi <I>et al.</I> (2009) ‘Deterministic versus stochastic design of water distribution networks’, <I>J. Water Resour. Plann. Manage.</I> <B>135</B> (2), 117–127) was adopted to calculate nodal robustness, while the system robustness was defined using three different formulations: (1) minimum among nodal robustness values; (2) total sum of nodal robustness; and (3) sum of nodal robustness at multiple critical nodes. The three proposed formulations were compared through application to identify the most appropriate one for enhancing system robustness in general; three representative benchmark networks were optimally designed to minimize the economic cost while maximizing the system robustness.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Development of a Hybrid Harmony Search for Water Distribution System Design

        Donghwi Jung,Doosun Kang,Joong Hoon Kim 대한토목학회 2018 KSCE JOURNAL OF CIVIL ENGINEERING Vol.22 No.4

        Metaheuristic Optimization Algorithms (MOA) have been widely employed for optimal designs of Water Distribution System(WDS). Generally, the size, capacity, and location of WDS components (e.g., pipes, pumps, and tanks) are determined in the WDSdesign. Therefore, solutions with good fitness have engineeringly sound value of decision variables and share commonality. Forexample, a solution with transmission pipes bigger than distribution pipes is better with respect to fitness than that with the opposite casein the pipe sizing problem. However, few efforts have been made to consider good fitness rules in the optimization. In this study, wedevelop a hybrid harmony search (HyHS) algorithm that combines Harmony Search (HS) and a rule induction algorithm. The proposedHyHS algorithm’s performance is compared with an improved GA, improved HS, and hybrid GA through optimizations of well-knownbenchmark functions and two WDS designs. The four algorithms are first applied to the optimization of the De Jong functions. Then, theleast-cost and robustness-based design problems of New York tunnel system are solved using the four algorithms. The application resultsconfirm that the proposed HyHS outperforms the other algorithms in terms of computational speed and effectiveness.

      • Nationwide simulation of water, energy, and food nexus: Case study in South Korea and Indonesia

        Wicaksono, Albert,Kang, Doosun Elsevier 2019 JOURNAL OF HYDRO-ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH Vol.22 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Water, energy, and food (WEF) scarcity has been realized as a global issue, and several strategies have been proposed to solve this problem. The WEF Nexus is a novel concept in resources management that integrates and considers feedback connections of water, energy, and food production and consumption in a single framework. The discussion of WEF Nexus commonly involves several parties with different backgrounds and expertise to decide sustainable management plan. This paper introduces a computer simulation model to calculate the supply and consumption, availability, and reliability of water, energy, and food resources on a nationwide scale considering the interconnections of resources. Developed based on a system dynamics algorithm, the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Simulation Model (WEFSiM) simulated the nationwide resources nexus implementing the changes of energy policy in South Korea and capital investment planning of urban water systems in Indonesia. Successfully calculating the reliability index of resources and evaluating the feedback analysis in both case studies, WEFSiM can investigate resource security under plausible future conditions, and stakeholders possibly could utilize it as a decision support tool.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Economic analysis of reclaimed water reuse: a case study of Yongin-si water reuse

        Lim, Gabyul,Kang, Doosun 한국수자원학회 2018 한국수자원학회논문집 Vol.51 No.4

        최근 물 사용량의 증가와 잦은 가뭄 발생으로 인해 물 부족 현상이 심화되고 있다. 따라서 기존 취수원에 대한 의존도를 줄이고 버려졌던 물의 재이용을 활성화하여 친환경적이며 지속가능한 대체수원을 확보할 필요성이 부각되고 있다. 국내에서 활용가능한 물 재이용 방법은 빗물재이용, 중수재이용 및 하수재이용 등 크게 세 가지로 구분할 수 있으나, 아직 국내에는 물 재이용이 활발하게 추진되고 있지 않다. 본 연구에서는 세 가지 물 재이용 방안 중 연중 발생량이 일정하고 이용가능 수량이 많으며, 수질이 비교적 양호한 하수재이용수의 활용방안을 모색하였다. 적용대상 지역으로 선정한 용인시는 총 26곳의 골프장이 운영 중에 있으며 이는 전국에서 운영 중인 골프장의 약 10%에 해당한다. 골프장은 시설 운영을 위해 많은 양의 용수를 소비하는 대규모 수요처이므로 재이용수를 활용한다면 큰 경제적, 사회 ․ 환경적 편익을 얻을 수 있을 것이다. 본 연구에서는 용인시를 대상으로 하수처리장 인근에 위치한 골프장 내 조경용수로 하수재이용수를 활용하였을 경우의 경제적 효과를 비용 및 편익 추정을 통해 분석하였다. Recently, increased water demand and frequent droughts caused severe water shortages in South Korea. Thus, reusing the reclaimed water is receiving attention as an alternative water source rather than depending on the conventional water supply. In South Korea, three types of water reuse are mainly applied, such as rainwater reuse, gray water reuse and wastewater reuse. In this study, the wastewater reuse was analyzed since the amount of treated wastewater is relatively constant over the year and typically the water quality is acceptable for reuse. In Yongin-si, there are 26 golf clubs, which is about 10% of entire facilities currently operating in South Korea. The golf courses consume significant amount of water for landscaping; thus, if the reclaimed water used, the economic, social and environmental benefits would be tremendous. This study estimates the economic benefits and costs when supplying the reclaimed wastewater for landscaping of golf courses as a case study in Yongin-si.

      • KCI등재

        Water pipe deterioration assessment using ANN-Clustering

        Lee Sleemin,Kang Doosun 한국수자원학회 2018 한국수자원학회논문집 Vol.51 No.11

        노후화된 상수관로는 단수유발, 수압부족 및 수질악화, 싱크홀 발생 피해와 누수로 인한 경제적 손실 등을 초래한다. 하지만 모든 노후관로를 일시에 보수 및 교체하는 것은 불가능하므로, 사용 중인 관로의 노후도를 정량적으로 판단하여 상수관로의 개량 우선순위를 결정해야 한다. 본 연구에서는 ANN(Artificial Neural Network)-Clustering 기법이 상수관로의 노후도 평가를 위한 새로운 평가방법이 될 수 있음을 제시하였다. 본 연구는 전라남도 YG지역의 배수관로를 적용대상으로 진행하였으며, 관망성능평가 항목을 이용하여 전체 관로를 세 개의 등급으로 분류하여 노후도를 평가하였다. 또한, 본 연구의 적용 가능성을 판단하기 위하여 실무에서 적용 중인 점수평가법 결과와 비교분석을 실시하였으며, 전체 대상관로의 노후도 정도를 직관적으로 파악할 수 있도록 산정된 노후도 등급을 관망도에 도시하였다. 본 연구에서 제안한 노후관로 평가기법은 관로의 다양한 특성값을 손쉽게 변경하여 적용할 수 있으며, 점수평가법과 더불어 상수관로의 유지관리를 위한 객관적이고 합리적인 관망성능평가법이 될 수 있을 것으로 기대한다. The aging water pipes induce various problems, such as water supply suspension due to breakage, insufficient water pressure, deterioration of water quality, damage by sink holes, and economic losses due to water leaks. However, it is impractical and almost impossible to repair and/or replace all deteriorated water pipes simultaneously. Hence, it is required to quantitatively evaluate the deterioration rate of individual pipes indirect way to determine the rehabilitation order of priority. In this study, ANN(Artificial Neural Network)-Clustering method is suggested as a new approach to assess and assort the water pipes. The proposed method has been applied to a water supply network of YG-county in Jeollanam-do. To assess the applicability of the model, the evaluation results were compared with the results of the Numerical Weighting Method (NWM), which is being currently utilized in practice. The assessment results are depicted in a water pipe map to intuitively grasp the degree of deterioration of the entire pipelines. The application results revealed that the proposed ANN-Clustering models can successfully assess the water pipe deterioration along with the conventional approach of NWM.

      • KCI등재

        재해에 대비한 수자원 시스템의 지속가능성 및 복원성에 관한 연구

        강두선,김태웅,안재현,Kang. Doosun,Kim. Tae-Woong,Ahn. Jae-Hyun 한국방재학회 2013 한국방재학회논문집 Vol.13 No.1

        본 연구에서는 예기치 않은 재해에 대비한 물 공급 수자원 시스템의 재해대비성에 대한 지표로서 시스템의 지속가능성(sustainability)과 복원성(resilience)을 (이후, S&R) 산정하는 방안을 제안하였다. 물 공급 시스템을 크게 세 가지 규모(scale)로 구분하였는데, 1) 대규모 시스템은 수계 단위의 수자원 시스템을 의미하며, 2) 중규모 시스템은 권역별 상 하수 및 송 회수 시스템을 나타내고, 마지막으로 3) 소규모 시스템은 지역별 물 배분 시스템을 의미한다. 제안된 정량화 지표를 간단한 수자원 시스템에 적용, 그 활용가능성을 살펴보았으며, 향후 대규모 실제 시스템에 적용하여 재해에 대비한 시스템의 기능 평가/검증 및 설계에 활용이 가능할 것으로 판단된다. 지금까지 개념적으로만 소개되었던 지속가능성과 복원성에 대한 정량화된 지표를 제시함으로써, 기존 물 공급 시스템의 장래 지속가능성 검증, 재해 및 사고에 대한 복원가능성을 판단하는 지표로 활용이 가능하며, 또한 새로 구축하고자 하는 시스템의 계획 및 설계에 있어서는 최적화기법등의 목적함수로 활용이 가능할 것이다. This paper sets forth key concepts and advances working definitions for sustainable and resilient infrastructures (S&R-Infra), specifically for water systems. Three water infrastructure scales, such as large, medium, and small scales are considered, each of which is represented by water resource system, regional water and wastewater infrastructure, and local water distribution system, respectively. All three scales are interconnected each other since water travels from sources to end users and returns the other way. This study is beneficial by suggesting indicators to evaluate system sustainability and resilience against outer disturbances. After S&R definitions and potential indicators are provided, application examples are examined to demonstrate the applications of the proposed indicators. Application results show that the proposed indices are useful for quantifying water system performance. While the approach is refined and applied to synthetic cases, it may be considered applicable to real-world systems as system performance indicators and/or system planning and design goals within an optimization framework.

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