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        이기룡,김갑선,이채산 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.4

        This study was conducted to prove the differences in keeping your balance in your golf swing, according to the golfers skill level. Dynamic Balance System was used in this experiment in which 10 subjects(5 skilled, 5 unskilled) participated. The results were as follows; 1) Sway of the center of the balance in golf swing. (1) With any club, all ten golfers had a big sway of balance to the left on the "X" axis, The unskilled golfers had a bigger sway of balance than the skilled golfers. (2) ALL ten golfers had a big sway of balance to the forward on the "Y" axis, The unskilled golfers had a bigger sway of balance than the skilled golfers. (3) Shorter clubs produced higher sway exponents on the graph in all of the ten golfers. (4) With shorter clubs, the five skilled golfers had a bigger sway of balance from right to left on the "X" axis, With longer clubs, the skilled golfers had a bigger sway of balance from front to back on the "Y" axis, With any club length, the unskilled golfers had a bigger sway of balance on the "X" and "Y" axis. 2) The position of your body weight during the swing (1) At the address, the skilled golfers placed approx, 61~65% of their body weight on their left foot, and approx , 36~40% of their weight on the right foot, The golfers placed most of weight on their heels when swinging with #1 wood and most of their weight on their toes when swinging with iron clubs. The unskilled golfers placed approx. 53~61% of their body weight on the left foot, and approx. 40~47% of theft weight on the right foot, With a #1 wood and a #5 iron swing there was a lot of weight on the left foot's heel and right foot's toes. (2) At the top of the back swing, the skilled golfers placed approx, 61~65% of their weight on the left root and approx 69~79% on the right foot according to the clubs, With a N. wood swing, they placed similar weight on their toes and heels. with iron swing, there was a lot of weight on theft right foot's heel. In the case or the unskilled golfers, they placed approx. 69 ~83% of the weight on their left foot and approx. 77~79% on their right foot, they also placed a lot of weight on their right toes when swinging with any club. (3) At the impact, the skilled golfers placed approx, 69~83% of their weight on the left foot and approx 17 ~31% on the right foot according to the clubs, With a #1 wood swing, they placed a lot of weight on theft left heel and there was a lot of weight on their left toes with iron swim the unskilled golfers placed approx, 60~83% of their weight on the left foot and approx, 21~40% of the weight on their right foot. they also placed most of weight when swinging with any club, And before impacting the ball, their right foot's heel was raised up a bit. (4) During the follow through, the skilled golfers placed approx. 92~95% of their might on the left root and approx. 5~8% of the weight on their right foot, They placed a lot of weight on left foot's heel when swinging with a #1 wood and a #5 iron. The unskilled golfers placed approx, 90~95% of the weight on their left root and approx, 5~10% on their right root, they placed a lot of weight on their left foot's heel when swing with a #1 wood and also a lot of weight on their left foot's toes when they swing with iron club.

      • KCI등재
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      • 모델동물의 병태.생리 유발 유전자 기능 연구 : 당뇨 모델 동물에서 비만유전자가 당뇨에 미치는 영향 The dffect of obese on development of diabetes in animal model

        채갑용,신동환,황진희,황대연,임채형,이주은,허영범,장인석,조정식 식품의약품안전청 2000 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.4 No.-

        비만 모델동물인 Zucker (fa/fa) 랫드에서 당뇨발병 시점을 전후궁'#여 발생되는 병태 ·생리적 연구를 통해 인체 당뇨 및 대사 질환 연구의 기초자료를 제공하고자 6, 8, 10, 12 및 16 주령의 Zucker에서 혈중 leptin 및 insulin과 췌장 f-세포에서 당뇨발생의 marker제로서 Bcl2 및 Bax 그리고 비만에 따른 당뇨 발생에 관여하는 체지방합성 주요인 인자인 렙틴 수용체, ACC 및 PPARγ발현을 조사하였다. 1, 혈중 인슬린은 10 주령까지 체중이 증가할수록 증가하였으나 If 주령부터는 유의적으로 감소였으며 혈중 leptin도 이와 우-사한 동일한 경향을 나타냈파. 2, 체지방 합성인자 고찰시 유의적 차이는 없으나 PPARr는 10 주령을 정점으로 감소하는 경향을 보였으나 ACC는 주령이 증가할수록 증가하는 경향을 보였다. 3. 췌장 β-langerhan islet에서의 세포사 관련 지표분석에서 Bax 단백질의 발현은 10, 12 주령에서 가장 감소하였으며 Bcl2 단백질은 10 주령에서 감소하였다 4. 이상의 결과로 췌장 β-세포에서 세포사가 일어나는 시점은 8 주령에서 나타나지만 이에 따른 당뇨의 병래학적 결꽈』극 10 주령이후에 나타나는 것으로 사료된다. 5. 췌장세포 β-cell를 분리하여 당뇨발생에 현상을 세포수준에서 접근 할 수 있는 기반 기술을 착립하였다. The present study was designed to determine the age-associated onsrt of diabetes in Zucker rats (fa/fa) aged 6, 8, tO, 12 and 16wks. Here, we anaByzed leptin andinsulin levels in serum, ACC and PPAR γ expressions in the adipocyte and Bcl2 and Baxexpressions In the pancreatir β -cells.1. Leptin and insulin leuels in serum were significantly increased unlil 10wk old, after thatthose levels were decreased compared with 6wks old.2. We did not observe ,Bny age-related differences in expressions of ACC and PPAR γ .However, ACC expression sllowed a tendency to enhance as age increased. PPAR r expressionin the adipocyte tended to be high at 10wks old3. Bax protein expression in the pancreatic β -cells was markedly low at 10 and 12wk otdand Bcl2 expression was lorr at 10wk old.4. From the evidences we observed here, it is suggested that the cell death of pancreatic β-cells is occurred at 8 wks and as a consequence pathophysiological symptom of diabetes inZucker rats (fE/fa) was short after 10wk old.

      • 등줄쥐(Apodemus agrarius Pallsa)에 있어서 α-amylase의 특성연구(Ⅱ) : 당뇨 모델동물로서 등줄쥐의 유용성

        채갑용,임철주,김용규,김철규,장인석,황진희,황대연,조성화,이은,조정식 식품의약품안전청 1997 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.1 No.-

        등줄쥐를 실험동물로서 유풍성을 증진하고 당뇨 모델동물간의 생리적 발칠 특성을 연구하기 위하여 비만 감수성 동물에 특이적으로 비만을 유발하는 사료 모델인 고지방사료(34% 지방에너지/총에너지)를 등줄쥐 및 당뇨 모델동물(KK 마우스와 chinese hamster)에 급여하여 당뇨 및 비만의생리적 특성을 연구하였다. 각 동물은 4-6주령의 수컷 24마리, 총 72마리를 10준간 급여하였다. 이들의 결과 빅만 감꼭성 모질사료인 고찌방사료 급여에 의하예 딘K마 우스는 고혈당,혈중 지질함량 및 leptin이 현저한 증가가 나타나인간의 비만형 당뇨모델동물로서 고지방에 민감한 반응을 나타내고 있는 반면에 IDDM이 다발하는 chinese hamster에서는 영향을 나타나지 않는 것으로 나타났고 등줄쥐는 KK마우스 및 chinese hamster에 비하여 혈중 중성지질 및 cholesterol 함량이 현저히 낮고 고지방 사료에는 민감한 반응을 나타내지 깥아 지방대사에는 현저한 항상성은 있으나 혈당 및 혈중 인슬린 함량이 높은 당뇨모질동물로서 가능성을 시사하고 있다. The levels of enzyme activity (o-amylase), metabolite (serum glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride) and peptide hormones (insulin, leptin) were exarBined fn striped field mice and the diabetesmodel animals fed moderatelr high fat diet for 10 weeks. Four-six weeks old of male animal in stripedfield mice, KK mice and chinese hamsters were used in this experimrnt and fed pelleted diet containiBgmoderately high fat diet wifh 34% of energy supplied as fat. At the ending 70 days of feeding, blood wasquickly collected from hea3f puncture and parotid gland, pancreas, liver and kidneys were removed.Serum were prepared for engfme activity, metabolite and peptide hot·none levels. As a result of experi-meBt, a moderately high fElt diet gave rise to significant increase in blood glucose, lipid and leptin i8KK mice, kRown as a mode:1 animal for human diabetes(non- insulin dependent diabetes Taellitvs). How-ever, a high fat diet did not induce a sigBifincantly change in chinese hamsters knoweB as a insulin de-Thus, strired field mice indicated a potentially useful aBiinal model for diabetes to studf of mechanismunderlying in development of diabetes.

      • Presenilin-2 유전자 이식에 의한 alzheimer 질환모델동물의 개발

        황대연,채갑용,신동환,황진희,임채형,김연주,김범진,구준서,김용규,조정식 식품의약품안전청 2000 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.4 No.-

        알츠하이머는 신경세포에 Aβ-42의 침적으로 신경원섬운 농축이나 시냅스 상실 풍이 발생하여 나타나는 신경퇴행성 질환이다. 치매의 원인 단백질인 Aβ는 APP가 secreatasr에 절단되어 형성되며 APP내에 돌연변이는 퍽상적인 Aβ-40보다 Aβ-42의 비정상적인 형태를 더욱 많이 형성하여 치매를 유발하는 것으로 보고피었다. 이와 더불어 60세 "1전에 발생하는 조기유발성 치매는 presenilin이라는 단백질에 의해서 촉진되며, 특히 PS-2가 중요한 유발원으로 생각피고 았다. PS-2는 Aβ-42의 생성을 촉진시킬 뿐만 아니라 apoptosls동안에 caspase에의해 정상과 다른형태로 절단되었다. 그러나 PS-2가 정확히 어떠한 기작에 의해서 Af의 생성을 촉진시키고 apoptosis에 관여하는지는 밝혀져 있지 않다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 조기유발성 치매의 원인 단백질을 이용한 인간화모델동물을 생산하핀 이를 이용하여 치매의 발생기작을 연구하며 치매 치료제의 유효성과 안전성을 평가하는데 기여하고자한다. 당해 연로에는 정상 마우스치 각 조직에서 PS-2 유전자의 발현을 관찰하여 다양한 조직에서 PS-2가 발현 됨을 확인하였다. 또한 순부분리된 재조합 유전자를 마우스 수정란에 주입하여 3마리의 pTet-tTAK 유전자가 삽입된 형질전환 마우스를 개발하였고 pTet-wild PS-2 마우스 1마리와 pTet-N1411 PS-2 마우스 3마리를 생산하였다. 확인된 마우스는 double transgenic 마우스를 생산하기 위차여 교배에 와해 4마리의 doubftransgenic 마우스를 생산하였다. 현재 개발된 마우스를 이용하여 tetracycline 발현 온도를 실시중이며 다른 종류의 형질전환 마우스를 개발 중에 있다. A1zheimer's Disease (AD) occurs when neurons in memory and cognition region of brain are damaged and u14imately killed. A key step in this process Is the polymeriTation ofthe A β -peptide into neurotoxic protein fillaments and these filaments are accumulated in thecerebral cortex and hippocamTlus of AD as the extracrllular senile plaq·ues that are composed ofthe 40 to 42/3 amino acid long peptide. Aβ fragment derived from amyloid precusor protein(fIPP) and intracellular neurc,fibrillary tangles are composed of twisted filament of tau protein.Since there is a Back of basi,c mechanisms of AD for which no animal is available, underlyingcauses of AD remain obscure and therapeutic development is progressing slowly. Transgenictechnology have provided an uniaue opportunity to study of how gene is associated with thehuman cognitive dysfunction after synaptic transrrdssion between neurons in the brain. Genesfor presenilins (PSs) are kno·Pn to be involved in the development of AD and are accounts forcase of early-onset of AD leading to the development of AD in patient younger than 60 years.It is interesting that overexpression of PS-2 witd type in PCl2 cells enhances the apoptosisinduced by A β and mutant PS-2 increases apoptotic activiry when compared with PS-2 wildtype. In this study, Human rTild and Nlrtll PS-2 gene were inserted into pTet-splice under tr,econtrol of tetracycline operaf:or This pTe?-PS-2 was injected into mouse fertilized embryo.Three transgenic mice carrying pTet-tTAK plasmid, one transgenic mice carrying pTet-wildPS-2 plasmid and three transgenic mice carrying pTet-N1411 PS-2 plasmid were generated. Inp'ret-tTAK transgenic ndce, the expresslon of transactivator increase with dose of tetracycline.Thus, modei animals mated from each Tet-PS-2M and Tet-tTAK transgenic animal will beuseful for eTarγline the mechanisms and drug screen.

      • 질환모델동물에 있어서 생리적 특성의 발현 연구(Ⅰ) : 비만 모델 동물의 생리적 형질 발현 Physiological pattern of dbesity in potential obese laboratory animals

        장인석,채갑용,강태석,김용규,김철규,황진희,황대연,이주은,허영범,정근기,조정식 식품의약품안전청 1998 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.2 No.-

        수컷 SD 랫드를 사용하여, 핀탄수화물 급여군(HCHO), 탄수화물 및 지방 혼합 급여군(MPAT) 및 고지밟 급여군 (틴FAT), 그리고 절식군(R료I:T) 깊군을 체중웨 따란 완전임의 배치한 후 정제사료를 13주 동안 자옳 급식토록 하였다. 시험결과 체중에서는 절식관인 REST군을 제외하고 운의적 차이가 나타난지 않았으나, 사료 섭취량에서는 고수준의 탄순화물 급여군(HCHO)이 고지방 급여군(딘FAT)에 비해 유의적(P<0.95)으로 증가하였다. 혈중 glucose 함량은 HFAT군에서 다른 군에 비해 유의적으로 증가되었으나,중성지항은 오히려 고탄수왔물 급여군인 HCHO군엑서 증가하는 경향이 뚜렷하였다. 혈장내 insulin 농도는 HFAT군에서 현저한 증가를 보여 insvliu resistauce 현상을 나타내었다. 혈중 leptiBl농고는 MFAT와 HFAT군에서 HCHO와 REST군에 비해 유의적으로 증가하였으며, 특힉 절식군인 REST군에서는 HFAT와 HFAT군들에 비왜 약 3배 이상의 감소치를 보였다. Leptin receptor(extra-cellular와 intracellular donlain)의 mnNA 발현을 조사한 결과 영양소원 및 절식에 따른 영향 즉 혈중 leptin 함량에 따라서 leptin receptor왁 발현은 아문런 차이를 나타내지 않았다. NPY를 시상하부 3곳의 주요 nuclei(arcu-ate, paraventricular, supraopti매에서 면역 염잭하여 관찰한 결과 역시 혈중 leptin 및 insulin 함량파는 상관없이 HC려0, MfAT 및 HFAT군에서 모두 비슷한 양상을 보였다. 그러나 절식군인 REST군에서는 NPY 발현이 감소 하였다. 결론적으로 주에너지원으로 고지방 급여시 비만 및 당뇨가 유발되었으며, 증가된 혈중 leptin 맞 insulin은 41상31부 lertinreceptor 및 NPY조절을 통한 비만 조절 기전에 유의한 영향을 미치지 않았다. Leptin, prodv.cts of the adipose-specific oS gene, acts an important effect in the rrgulation of obesity. Several studies with obesity model animals have suggested that the action of leptin or-erted in the hypothalamus of the brain. However, in contrast to obesity model animals such as oo/oc, dD/08 mice aBd zucker rats,,dietary induced obesity model has not been intensively investigated on leptin'ssignaling pathway. Therefore, six wk old SD rats(n= 90) were allotted to HCHO(high carbohydratediet) group fed the diet couts.ming 70% carbohydrate and 11% fat, Mf'AT (medium fat diet) group frdthe diet containing 48% carbr)hydrate and 32.5% fat, HFAT(high fat diet) group fed the containing 33.3% carbohydrate and 42.8% fat, as basis of energy, and REST(restricted feeding) group that fed 50%restricted amount of ad fiSifHu3 of MFAT diet. All diets except REST consist of the salne energy densityand SB rats tvere continualty fed the purified diets for 13 wks. The body weight was not altered by die-tary treatrnftts eBcept REST group. However, daily feed intake increase4 in HCHO and MFAT grouprcompared with HFAT. Also, feeding HFAT enhanced serum glucose, insulin, and leptin levels when com-pared with IfCHO and REST groups. A second. stage was to determine whether the expressions of leptinreceptor and neuropeptide Y(Iffy ) in the hypothalamos were affected by serum leptin and insulia con-centrations. No difference in leptin receptor mRNA expression by RT-PCR were found amoBg groups. Inaddition, serum leptin and insulin did not alter NPY expression levels in arcuate, paraventricular, andsupraoptic nuclei in the hypothalamus. In summary, the expressions of leptin receptor and NPY arealtered by neither diet, nor leptin and iusulin levels in dietary induced obese SD rats.

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