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        이종기 동시의 시적 사유와 현실 대응

        김종헌(Kim, Jong Heon) 한국아동문학학회 2007 한국아동문학연구 Vol.- No.13

        이종기는 1949년 ≪어린이나라≫ 11월호에 동시 ?가을?을 발표한 이후 1950 년대 ≪소년세계≫와 1960년대 ≪새벗≫을 중심으로 활발하게 활동한 시인이 다. 그는 신인으로 등장하면서부터 동요의 형태를 벗어난 자유율의 동시를 발표 한다. 또한 그는 과학과 역사를 현실인식의 도구로 삼으면서 서정적 이미지로 동시를 형상화하고 있다. 이처럼 그는 줄곧 현실의 문제를 다루면서도 서정성 짙은 작품을 발표하였다. 이러한 점에서 그는 주목할 만한 아동문학가이다. 그러 나 이종기 동시에 대한 연구는 대체로 자유율의 동시와 ?하늘과 땅의 사랑?을 중심으로 실험적인 서사동시에 모아져 있다. 그의 시작(詩作)활동의 비중으로 볼 때 이와 같은 연구는 당연하다. 그러나 그의 동시는 세계와 자아의 갈등을 회복하고자하는 비동일적(disidentification)인 서정성이 짙게 배어 있다. 뿐만 아니 라 일제 강점기에 거치면서 왜곡된 역사를 배운 그는 이를 바로잡고자 하는 역사 의식도 그의 동시에는 내재되어 있다. 따라서 그의 동시에 깊게 밴 서정적 현실 대응을 간과한 채 자유율과 실험적 서사동시만을 담론의 한 가운데 놓는 것은 재고되어야 할 것이다. 이종기는 초기 서정시에서 후기 서사시에 이르기까지 그 시적사유가 매우 폭넓게 형성되었다. 그렇지만 그의 동시를 단계적으로 구분하여 볼 수는 없다. 그 이유는 그의 동시에서 소재와 형식의 변화만 있을 뿐 시적 대응태도는 일관되고 있기 때문이다. 즉 초기 서정시에서도 자아와 세계의 행복한 일치가 아니라 자아는 세계에 합일되지 못하고 있다. 이러한 시적대응이 후기의 장동시와 서사동시의 형식적 변화를 통해서 역사와 민족의식으로 옮겨가고 있을 뿐이다. 따라서 이 글은 이종기 동시의 서정적 주체가 어떻게 현실에 대응하는지를 살피고자 한다. Lee Jong-gee announced a juvenile poetry, Autumn(?가을?) in a magazine Childrens World and he was an active poet in magazines Childrens World(≪소년세계≫) in 1950s and A New Friend(≪새벗≫) in 1960s. As a budding poet, he published a juvenile poetry of free rhymes and his poem was beyond a form of nursery songs. And he gave a concrete shape to his juvenile poetry with the lyrical images while he thought of science and history as a means of recognition of realities. Likewise, he published some poems regarding the problems of human realities and strong lyrical characteristics. However, His discourses about juvenile poetry focused on the experimental epic juvenile poetry and they were concerned about a juvenile poetry of free rhymes and The affection of the sky and the earth(?하늘과 땅의 사랑?). Though he experienced the hard days of war and economic development, we could not find the any ideology and the conscious efforts for the children enlightenment in his poetry. In his poems, we could find disidentification for the recovering the conflict between the world and the self. Thus, we have to reconsider the emphasis on the experimental epic juvenile poetry and free rhymes in the controversy of discourse. From the early lyric poems to the late epic poems, Lee Jong-gee formed the way of poetic thinking very extensively but we cannot divide his juvenile poetry by stage. Because his reactions on his poetry was consistent in spite of a slight change in the subject and formation, the self was not united in the early lyrics -not in the harmony of a self and his world. These poetic reactions were shifted to the history and national consciousness by means of formational changes in his late long-length juvenile poetry and epic juvenile poetry. So wed like to inspect closely how the subject of his lyrics reacts to realities in Lee Jong-gees poetry.

      • KCI등재

        이종기의 1950년대 초기동시 연구

        김종헌(Kim Jong-heon) 우리말글학회 2010 우리말 글 Vol.49 No.-

        Lee Jong-gee announced a juvenile poetry, 'Autumn(「가을」)' in a magazine 'Children's World' and he was an active poet in magazines 'Children's World(『소년세계』)' in 1950s and 'A New Friend(『새벗』)' in 1960s. As a budding poet, he published a juvenile poetry of free rhymes and his poem was beyond a form of nursery songs. And he gave a concrete shape to his juvenile poetry with the lyrical images while he thought of science and history as a means of recognition of realities. Likewise, he published some poems regarding the problems of human realities and strong lyrical characteristics. However, His discourses about juvenile poetry focused on the experimental epic juvenile poetry and they were concerned about a juvenile poetry of free rhymes and ‘The affection of the sky and the earth’(『하늘과 땅의 사랑』). Though he experienced the hard days of war and economic development, we could not find the any ideology and the conscious efforts for the children enlightenment in his poetry. In his poems, we could find disidentification for the recovering the conflict between the world and the self. Thus, we have to reconsider the emphasis on the experimental epic juvenile poetry and free rhymes in the controversy of discourse. From the early lyric poems to the late epic poems, Lee Jong-gee formed the way of poetic thinking very extensively but we cannot divide his juvenile poetry by stage. Because his reactions on his poetry was consistent in spite of a slight change in the subject and formation, the self was not united in the early lyrics -not in the harmony of a self and his world. These poetic reactions were shifted to the history and national consciousness by means of formational changes in his late long-length juvenile poetry and epic juvenile poetry. So we'd like to inspect closely how the subject of his lyrics reacts to realities in Lee Jong-gee's poetry.

      • KCI등재
      • 제주도 연안 정치망 조업시스템 개발에 관한 연구 : 낙망에 의한 조업시스템 생력화 Studies for the Man Power Saving of Fishing System by Pound net

        김병엽,김석종,이창헌,김종범,서두옥 濟州大學校 海洋硏究所 2002 해양과환경연구소 연구논문집 Vol.26 No.-

        제주도 연안 정치망의 조업시스템 생력화와 실용화를 목적으로 어군의 도피를 최대한 방지하고 양망작업이 용이하도록 개량 설계된 낙망어구를 제주도 북제주군 한경면 금등정치망 어장에 부설하고 실용화 및 조업시스템 생력화에 대하여 현장실험을 실시하였는데 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 낙망어구규모에 적합한 조업선을 기계화하여 1척의 어선으로 조업이 가능하였다. 2. 조업어선 선수미부 양망현에 양망기인 캡스턴을 설치하므로 조업인원 2∼3명으로도 양망작업이 가능하였다. 3. 망갈이 작업시 양망한 그물을 선상에서 적재하고 육상에서 양륙할 때 파워블록을 사용함으로써 작업효율을 높일 수 있었다. In order to obtain the fundamental data for the man power saving and the practical use of fishing system for a set net in the coast of Jeju island, a pound net designed for making hauling operation easier and preventing a school of fish from escaping was set up at a fishing ground in Geumdeung and a field experiment was carried out. The fishing operation was feasible with one boat mechanized for the pound net and the hauling operation was not made possible with 2-3 persons till a net haular, that is, a capstan was set up on the hauling side of the boat. In addition, a power block enhanced the efficiency of operation for hauling up the net on board or hauling down on land.


        자궁경부에 발생한 배아성 횡문근육종 2예

        박정열,조준식,김대연,이동헌,김종혁,김용만,김영탁,목정은,남주현 대한부인종양 콜포스코피학회 2002 Journal of Gynecologic Oncology Vol.13 No.3

        횡문근육종은 소아와 청소년기에 가장 흔한 연부조직 육종이다. 발생 부위는 일반적으로 두부 및 경부, 그 다음으로 비뇨생식계이다 조직학적으로 배아성 횡문근육종, 국화상 육종, 폐포성 횡문근육종, 다형성 횡문근육종으로 나누어진다. 횡문근육종의 약 20%가 비뇨생식기에서 발생하고, 50% 이상이 배아성 횡문근육종이다. 여성 생식기의 배아성 횡문근육종은 드문 악성 종양으로,주로 유소아의 질에서 발생하며, 자궁경부에서 발생하는 횡문근육종은 청소년기에 흔하고, 질에서 기원하는 횡문근육종이 자궁경부에 기원하는 경우보다 5배 정도 많다. 폐경기여성에서는 자궁체부에서 가장 흔히 발생한다. 비뇨생식기의 횡문근육종의 치료는 과거에는 골반장기 적출술만으로 치료를 시도하였으나. 서서히 다중 항암화학요법, 방사선요법, 근치적 절제술을 포함한 병합요법으로 바뀌어가고 있으며, 이에 따라 생존율이 현저하게 향상되었다. 이에 저자들은 최근 본원 산부인과에서 자궁경부에 발생한 배아성 횡문근육종 2예를 경험하였기에 문헌 고찰과 아울러 보고하는 바이다. Rhabdomyosarcoma is the most common soft tissue sarcoma in childhood and young adult. Genitourinary tract is the econd most common site of rhabdomyosarcoma. Rhabdomyosarcoma can be classified into one of four major types; embryonal, alveolar, pleomorphic and undifferentiated. Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the female genital tract is rare malignant tumor and usually occurs during childhood in the vagina. In rare cases, rhabdomyosarcoma can originate in the uterine cervix, with a peak incidence in the second decade. Recently we have experienced two cases of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the uterine cervix. These cases are presented with a brief review of the literature.

      • 위암 환자에서 세포성 면역 기능에 관한 연구

        이재익,윤일국,이종선,김종완,장준,안정기,송민호,정현용,이헌영,김삼용,김영건 충남대학교 암연구소 1991 癌共同硏究所 硏究誌 Vol.1 No.1

        We performed a variety of lymphocyte stimulation tests, delayed hypersensitivity skin tests, and enumeration of several lymphocyte subpopulations in 21 patients with gastric cancer who did not receive any form of anticancer therapy, and in 20 healthy controls. The gastric cancer patients had significantly decreased number and total score of positive reactions in delayed hypersensitivity skin tests compared with the healthy controls. The percent of CD_(4) positive lymphocytes in the gastric cancer patients was significantly decreased compared to the normal control subjects, but it had no correlation with the total score of delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity reactions. The ratio of helper to suppressor cells was lower in the cancer group. The uptake of 3H-thymidine was markedly depressed in cancer patients when stimulated with various mitogens. There was little correlation between any of the stimulation tests and any of the lymphocyte subpopulation proportions to delayed hypersensitivity cutaneous reactions. Optimal proliferative response was found in lymphocytes stimulated with 10 micrograms of concanavalin-A and 10 microgram of phytohemagglutinin. Advanced stage patients had greatly depressed delayed hypersensitivity skin reactions and proliferative responses to mitogens compared with localized diseases. These results suggest that gastric cancer patients have depressed cellular immune functions, which mainly result from the decreased helper cells and defects in functional proliferative response to mitogens. Interleukin-2 and interferon-gamma restored the in vitro proliferative response of lymphocyte in patients with gastric cancer.

      • KCI우수등재

        朝鮮後期 寺刹 寮舍空間의 特性과 變化에 관한 硏究 : 主佛殿 앞마당에 面한 寮舍를 中心으로 Focused on the Yosa faced with the front court of a Central Buddhist Sanctum

        김종헌,김도경,양재영 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.19 No.1

        Yosa is a space for organizational living of buddhist monk that is composed of daebang, kitchen, gidaebang, rooms, storages, and so on. The plan of Yosa forms shape of ㅡ,ㄱ,ㄷ,ㅁ. Yosa is organized by practical aspect that is based on living transformation, and each space has its own usual order. Daebang is a centered space that connects the holy space with the mundane space in Yosa. The use and layout of kitchen has intimate relation with constitution of the central space in buddhist temple. As a result of the investigation of the characteristic and transformation of Yosa that is faced with the front court of a central buddhist sanctum, we can understand the space composition principle of the buddhist temple in the Chosun Dynasty. The existing sanctum-centered researches in buddhist temple layout must go side by side with diversified studies.

      • 폐쇄성 황달로 내원한 담관내 증식을 동반한 간세포암 1예

        김승범,김태년,이호찬,박재현,은종렬,장병익,이헌주,윤성수,배영경 영남대학교 의과대학 2008 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.25 No.2

        The incidence of hepatocellular carcinoma presenting as obstructive jaundice is 0.7 -9% The mechanisms of obstructive jaundice include bile duct invasion by tumor, tumor thrombi, blood clots, direct bile duct compression by tumor, and intraductal tumor growth. We report a rare case of hepatocellular carcinoma with intraductal growth A 46-year-o1d woman was admitted due to colicky right upper abdominal pain and jaundice for 4 days Computed tomography showed dilatation of the left intrahepatic duct, and endoscopic retrograde cholangiography showed a filhng defect in the left main intrahepatic duct. We performed a left lobectomy with a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy. The tumor was diagnosed as a hepatocellular carcinoma with intraductal growth.

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