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        Korea’s Candlelight Protests in Context: Evidence from the Asian Barometer Survey and Global Events Data

        José Alemán 고려대학교 평화와 민주주의연구소 2019 평화연구 Vol.27 No.1

        2016-2017 witnessed the Candlelight Revolution, a series of protests in which 16 million South Koreans peacefully and successfully demanded the end of Park Geun-hye’s presidency. This paper probes what this event says about the strength of South Korea’s democracy. Scholars have argued that popular mobilization is positively associated with commitment to and support for democracy in East Asia. Using survey and events data, I study the factors driving protest participation in Korea and compare the Candlelight Revolution to previous protest cycles there. I also compare protest and repression in South Korea to domestic conflict in other Third Wave democracies. My research yields two important findings: political protest has become both more routine and less violent in South Korea, and genuine concerns about the quality of democracy rather than dissatisfaction with the political system have driven citizens to partake in protests in recent years. These findings imply that the Candlelight Revolution, the most recent manifestation of popular contention in Korea, reflects and is concerned with the quality of the country’s democracy.

      • KCI등재

        Exploring New Applications for Rhodiola rosea: Can We Improve the Quality of Life of Patients with Short-Term Hypothyroidism Induced by Hormone Withdrawal?

        Jose´ M. Zubeldia,Hani A. Nabi,Miguel Jimenez del Rio,Jorge Genovese 한국식품영양과학회 2010 Journal of medicinal food Vol.13 No.6

        Patients treated for differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) are subjected to periodic surveillance that includes serum thyroglobulin measurements followed by radioiodine administrations for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes if necessary. Both procedures require adequately elevated blood levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), which can be achieved by two approaches: parenteral administration of recombinant human TSH (rhTSH) or stopping thyroid hormone replacement until optimal levels of endogenous TSH are achieved. Although rhTSH administration does not require hormone withdrawal, it is not inexpensive and carries the risk of secondary effects. The latter option is simpler but induces a profound state of hypothyroidism, which results in physical and mental complaints that may interfere severely with the patient’s activities of daily living. Rhodiola rosea is a popular plant in traditional medical systems in Eastern Europe and Asia with a reputation for stimulating the nervous system, decreasing depression, enhancing work performance, and eliminating fatigue,all features of clinical hypothyroidism. Investigators have also suggested additional benefits such as cardioprotection or even tumor growth inhibition. Here, we propose R. rosea as a viable alternative treatment for the symptoms of short-term hypothyroidism in patients with DTC who require hormone withdrawal.

      • KCI등재

        Hay' problemas

        Jose‘ Mari‘a Areta Ayuso 한국스페인어문학회 2004 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.33

        Estudiamos en este trabajo la sintaxix del verbo haber como existencial. Para ello, nos basamos tanto en los ejemplos en los que este verbo concuerda con su complemento nominal como en los que no existe tal concordanci´a (los normativos). Discutimos la hipo´tesis de que este verbo sea un verbo inacusativo y la rechazamos segu´n criterios sinta´cticos como la posicio´n del argumento. Planteamos despune´s la hipo´tesis de que este verbo impersonal existencial en realidad proyecta dos argumentos, uno LOCATIVO y otro nominal. Aunque ha habido autores que han defendido el CASO PARTITIVO para este complemento, nosotros creemos que es ACUSATIVO, incluso en las ocasiones en que se produce su concordancia con el verbo, ya que se producen en espan~ol casos simiares, como con el verbo ser en oraciones como son las dos. Por u´ltimo, intentamos extender nuestra hipo´tesis a todos los verbos impersonales del espan~ol, y en esta clase incluimos dos subcategori´as, los impersonales le´xicos, como haber, estar, ser, existir, etc, y los impersinales sinta´cticos estructuras que se convierten en impersonales so´lo si aparece un argumento espacio-temporal. Aunque parece que no es necesario en todos los casos que el sintagma espacio-temporal este´ en una posicio´n argumental, si´ es necesario que estev presinte o, al menos, sea interpretable contextualmente.

      • KCI등재

        Cytotoxicity Screening of Several Tomato Extracts

        Jose´ Luis Guil-Guerrero,Rebeca Ramos-Bueno,Ignacio Rodríguez-García,Cristóbal López-Sánchez 한국식품영양과학회 2011 Journal of medicinal food Vol.14 No.1

        The cytotoxic effects of extracts of the tomato variety “Racimo” have been evaluated through the use of the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide (MTT) assay at several concentrations. Three extracts—ethanol–water, petroleum ether, and in vitro digested tomato—exhibited in vitro cytotoxicity against the proliferation of the cultured cancer cell line HT-29. The concentration that caused 50% inhibition of cancer cell growth occurred (GI50) of the different extracts for HT-29 cells was 62.5μg/mL for the petroleum ether extract and 87.0μg/mL for the digested tomato extract. For the ethanol–water extract, it was not possible to determine this parameter at the assayed extract concentrations. These results clearly indicate that after the digestion process, the less polar substances, such as carotenoids and sterols, are bioavailable as active species against cancer cells. The GI50 levels for tomato extracts are similar to those values reported for medicinal plants. The results of the MTT assay on nonmutagenic CCD-18 cells showed a lack of negative effect on cell growth, which indicates that tomato extracts act selectively on HT-29 tumor cells. ^1H-Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra confirmed the presence of known compounds with accepted cytotoxic activity against tumor lines (lycopene and β-carotene). The high cytotoxicity for HT-29 cells showed by the petroleum ether extract might be due to the simultaneous presence in the extract of both carotenoids and glyceryl esters of fatty acids. The results of this work clearly indicate the importance of carotenoid consumption on colon tumor proliferation and prevention, and also the importance of the dietary fats in carotenoid bioavailability.

      • KCI등재

        Los verbos ser y estar en la clase de E/LE

        JOSE 한국스페인어문학회 2012 스페인어문학 Vol.0 No.63

        Estos dos verbos son de los más evaluados en las pruebas de competencia del español como lengua extranjera (E/LE). El motivo parece obvio: el español es una de los pocos idiomas de amplia difusión con una distinción semejante y, a pesar de las dificultades que entraña para muchos alumnos de E/LE, los hispanohablantes no parecen mostrar divergencias considerables en los dialectos que componen su comunidad. En otras palabras, se asume que un error reiterado en la utilización de uno u otro verbo indica que el hablante no ha alcanzado un determinado nivel de competencia comunicativa, según la secuenciación del Plan Curricular del Instituto Cervantes. Este trabajo intenta ser una reflexión sobre este tema. Hemos dividido el artículo en 3 partes principales: en la primera sección, resumiremos la visión que se ha tenido de estas formas verbales en la tradición gramatical española y revisaremos conceptos como ‘permanente’ frente a ‘accidental’, ‘general’ frente a ‘particular’ o ‘delimitado’ frente a ‘no delimitado’. En la segunda sección, resumiremos la secuenciación que se hace en el Plan curricular de estos dos verbos (anexo 1) y analizaremos sus consecuencias basándonos en una encuesta (anexo 3) realizada a estudiantes de español en el nivel B2 o bien personas que han alcanzado ese nivel por otros medios (permanencia en el extranjero,por ejemplo). En la última sección, presentaremos nuestra propuesta, en la línea de los estudios sobre el aspecto léxico.


        Gas sensing properties of WO<sub>3</sub> doped rutile TiO<sub>2</sub> thick film at high operating temperature

        Jo, S.E.,Kang, B.G.,Heo, S.,Song, S.,Kim, Y.J. Elsevier 2009 Current Applied Physics Vol.9 No.4

        A semiconductor gas sensor based on WO<SUB>3</SUB> doped TiO<SUB>2</SUB> having a rutile phase was fabricated on an Al<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>3</SUB> substrate. The sensing film of the sensor was deposited by using screen printing. In order to enhance the sensitivity of the sensor, the sensing film was fabricated with a porous shape by high temperature heat treatment and the TiO<SUB>2</SUB> layer was doped with WO<SUB>3</SUB> to improve the gas selectivity. The surface topography and inner morphological properties of the sensing film were characterized with scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The gas sensing properties of the fabricated sensor were evaluated by detecting NO<SUB>2</SUB> and other oxidizing gases (CO, O<SUB>2</SUB> and CO<SUB>2</SUB>) at high operating temperature (600<SUP>o</SUP>C).


        Microaerobic conversion of xylose to ethanol in recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae SX6<sup>MUT</sup> expressing cofactor-balanced xylose metabolic enzymes and deficient in ALD6

        Jo, S.E.,Seong, Y.J.,Lee, H.S.,Lee, S.M.,Kim, S.J.,Park, K.,Park, Y.C. Elsevier Science Publishers 2016 Journal of biotechnology Vol.227 No.-

        <P>Xylose is a major monosugar in cellulosic biomass and should be utilized for cost-effective ethanol production. In this study, xylose-converting ability of recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae SX6MUT expressing NADH-preferring xylose reductase mutant (R276H) and other xylose-metabolic enzymes, and deficient in aldehyde dehydrogenase 6 (Ald6p) were characterized at microaerobic conditions using various sugar mixtures. The reduction of air supply from 0.5 vvm to 0.1 vvm increased specific ethanol production rate by 75% and did not affect specific xylose consumption rate. In batch fermentations using various concentrations of xylose (50-104 g/L), higher xylose concentration enhanced xylose consumption rate and ethanol productivity but reduced ethanol yield, owing to the accumulation of xylitol and glycerol from xylose. SX6MUT consumed monosugars in pitch pine hydrolysates and produced 23.1 g/L ethanol from 58.7 g/L sugars with 0.39 g/g ethanol yield, which was 14% higher than the host strain of S. cerevisiae D452-2 without the xylose assimilating enzymes. In conclusion, S. cerevisiae SX6(MUT) was characterized to possess high xylose-consuming ability in microaerobic conditions and a potential for ethanol production from cellulosic biomass. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.</P>

      • Flexible thermoelectric generator for human body heat energy harvesting

        Jo, S. E.,Kim, M. K.,Kim, M. S.,Kim, Y. J. IET 2012 Electronics letters Vol.48 No.16

        <P>A report is presented on a thermoelectric generator used for harvesting heat energy from a human body. The proposed thermoelectric generator comprises a polydimethylsiloxane substrate and thermoelectric materials. The use of polydimethylsiloxane provides flexibility to the thermoelectric generator. Another advantage of using a polydimethylsiloxane substrate is that it has low thermal conductivity; this can help minimise losses in the effective heat flowing through the active thermoelectric materials. The proposed thermoelectric generator was easily fabricated using dispenser printing for thermoelectric materials. The fabricated thermoelectric generator was attached to the human body for generating electrical energy. When the temperature difference between the human body and ambient air was 19 K, the output power of the thermoelectric generator was 2.1 μW.</P>

      • Electromagnetic human vibration energy harvester comprising planar coils

        Jo, S. E.,Kim, M. S.,Kim, Y. J. IET 2012 Electronics letters Vol.48 No.14

        <P>An electromagnetic energy harvester for vibrations generated by the human body is proposed. The proposed energy harvester comprises a magnetic spring and inductive components. It is preferred to use the magnetic spring for human body vibrations, which are aperiodic in a very low frequency domain. The inductive components are composed of planar coil layers. The use of a planar coil reduces the size of the harvester, and the multilayer structure of the planar coil enhances its transduction efficiency. The harvester generated electrical energy in a frequency domain ranging from 1 to 15 Hz, and its output power was 430 μW. When the harvester was applied to the human body, the output power was 500 μW.</P>

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