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      • 水原樹木園地域內의 自然森林植生 調査結果

        李峻雨,禹保命,辛俊煥,金景河,兪鐘德 서울大學校 農科大學 1985 서울대농학연구지 Vol.10 No.2

        樹木園 活成豫定地를 對象으로 土壤 水分含量과 植生을 調査하여 앞으로의 樹木園 造成에 필요한 情報를 얻음과 동시에 樹木園 造成에 따른 植生破壞後 原來植生에 關한 情報가 必要할 때 參考하기 爲하여 1985年 6月 12日에 本 調査를 實施하였는데 그 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 全體的으로 겨이삭(Agrostis clavata var. nukabo)의 優占度가 매우 높았으며 씀바귀(Ixeris dentata)와 흰씀박귀(Ixeris dentata var. albiflora)는 극히 乾燥한 곳을 제외하고는 대부분 優占度가 높았다. 濕한 곳에는 왕비늘사초(Carex maximowiczii), 기장대풀(Isachne globosa) 等이, 극히 乾燥한 곳에서는 잔디(Zoysia japonica)가, 보통 乾燥한 곳에서는 그늘사초(Carex lanceolata), 김의털(Festuca ovina) 等이 優占度가 높았다. 2. 特히 稀貴植物인 선제비꽃(Viola raddeana)群落과 진퍼리용담(Grntiana scabra var. buergeri for stenophylla)이 Block 3(습지)에 있으므로 앞으로 이 區域은 注意깊게 保存되어야 할 것이다. 3. 土壤 水分含量이 最低 14.7%에서 最高 89.9%까지 分布하여 乾濕의 差異가 심하게 나타났다. 特히 調査 時期가 乾濕期인데도 土壤 水分含量이 70%가 넘는 곳이 3개소나 된다. 이 곳은 地下水位가 높아서 濕地이므로 濕地植物園을 造成해야 될 것이다. 植生의 造成狀態가 區域에 따라 變異가 심하게 나타났기 때문에 이 林地가 매우 不安定한 狀態에 있다고 볼 수 있을 것이다. Soil moisture contents and vegetation of the forest land planed to establish the Suweon Arboretum had been investigated to obtain some informations for establishing arboretum, and also for keeping the original vegetation composition data after the arboretum was established. The results obtained in this investigation could be summarized as follows. 1. In general, the coverage of Agrostis clavata var. nukabo was very high. The coverage of lxeris dentata and ixeris dentata var. albiflora were high except for very arid blocks. Coverages of Carex maximowiczii and Isachne globosa were high in wet blocks. The coverage of Zoysia japonica was high in very arid blocks and that of Carex lanceolata and Festuca ovina in arid blocks were high. 2. Soil moisture content was distributed from 14.7% to 88.9%. Especially the fact of the high moisture content (74.7, 77.5, 88.9%) in dry season implied that the ground water level of this area was high. The vegetation composition of this forest was varied, too. Therefore, it is considered that the stability of this forest was fragile.

      • 樹木園 造成地域內 地존作業을 위한 아까시나무 除去試驗

        金景河,辛俊煥,李峻雨,兪鐘德,禹保命 서울大學校 農科大學 1985 서울대농학연구지 Vol.10 No.2

        This experiment was conducted at the Seoul National University Arboretum at Seodun-dong, Suweon, Kyeonggi-do, Korea (1) to find out methods killing Robinia pseudoacacia L. effectively and (2) to minimize ecological and aesthetic problems. Glycine and 2, 4-D were treated in several concentration following the saw-scratching and cutting of stems on July 22 and 29, 1985. The results were measured on October 17, 1885. The results obtained were as follows: 1. Ecological problems were decreased by these methods. 2. In case of herbicides treatment on section area, aesthetic problems were minimized, and amounts of herbicide consumption were five times as little as in case of spraying plants with herbicides. 3. The death rate amounted to 100% when the ratio of Glycine solution to water was 1:3, so that the concentration, 1:3 was most economical to kill the tree throughly. 4. The death rate amounted to 100% when the ratio of Glycine solution mixed with 2, 4-D to water was 1:4, therefore Glycine solution mixed with 2, 4-D was more effective than pure Glycine solution. Since 2, 4-D solution was less expensive than Glycine solution and only small amounts of 2, 4-D solution was added, it was most economical and effective method that Glycine solution mixed with 2, 4-D was diluted to the concentration, 1:4 and treated on the stem.

      • 荒廢山地에서의 산불이 森林植生및 土壤에 미치는 影響에 관한 硏究(III)

        禹保命,權台鎬,李峻雨,金景河 서울大學校 農科大學 1986 서울대농학연구지 Vol.11 No.2

        The third year's results on effects of surface fire on frest vegetations and soil properties were investigated in Mt.Gwanak, Kyunggi-do successively after the study of the first year's effects in the same place. Organic matters in soil had increased just after fire and whatsome decreased during 1 year after fire, and resulted in percentage that was less than unfired area in the third year after fire. The pH of subsoil was continuously increasing from just after fire till after 1 year, but decreased somewhat in the third year after fire. More exact classification into Increasers, Decreasers, Invaders and Neutral species was possible in the third year's study. According to comparison of similarities, the vegetational structure of the species at fired area has been gradually restoring to original state as time goes by.

      • KCI등재

        中國散文의 體裁變遷에 관한 硏究

        禹埈浩 한국중국문화학회 1998 中國學論叢 Vol.7 No.-

        本文首先設定中國散文的定義和範疇, 進而考察中國散文的體裁變遷過程, 적以對中國散文的文體分類有更深的認識. 一般的看法, 把中國古代的騈文包含在散文的定義和範疇之內, 這是較無爭論, 但是在源流和系統上屬於詩歌的辭賦?箴銘?頌贊及現代的散文詩是否屬於散文的範圍, 學者각有不同的認定. 筆者認爲以上文體應劃歸詩歌的範疇, 排除在散文的範圍之外, 因爲사們雖然具有相當多的散文要素, 可是각具有明顯不同於散文的詩歌特性以及詩歌獨具的文學價値和藝術性. 中國散文早已在先秦具備屬於敍記?奏議?論辯?書牘性質的文章, 到了兩漢已經具備論?序跋?奏議 ?書牘?詔令?傳記?碑誌?敍記等的文體. 六朝時, 維持兩漢具備的文體而産生了不少優秀的, 到了唐宋, 哀祭和遊記定型爲獨立的散文文體, 至此中國散文的一切類型臻於完備. 明淸兩代, 散文병沒有體裁方面的發展, 可是此時各種流派的散文家輩出, 産生了數量相當多的優秀作品. 到了現代, 因特殊的時代狀況反映在散文的體裁形成方面, 而把散文分類爲雜文?小品文?報告文學?一般敍事散文, 但是사們互相重複包括的細部文體皆能歸屬於在古代散文已經定型化的論辨?書牘?傳記?敍記?遊記等. 同時, 論辨?書牘?敍記名稱可改爲現代比較通用的論說?書信?記. 結果, 包括古代和現代的中國散文文體可以簡明分類爲論說?序跋?奏議?書信?詔令?傳記?碑誌?哀祭?記敍?遊記等的十. 筆者認爲以上這種包括古代和現代的簡明的文體分類可以解消因其領域的複雜和尨大所造成的不便, 以促進對中國散文硏究的복勃發展.

      • 水原農學캠퍼스 構內樹木園의 樹木目錄과 活用方法

        禹保命,辛俊煥 서울大學校 農科大學 1985 서울대농학연구지 Vol.10 No.2

        농학캠퍼스 구내에는 캠퍼스의 역사를 말해 주는 듯한 노거수들이 군데 군데 자라고 있다. 어느 노목은 노령으로 이게 그 본래의 웅장한 모습이 노쇄해 지는 감이 짙기도 하고, 또 어느 거수는 너무나도 높이 높이 자라서 그 나무 아래에서는 그 수간의 정점을 관찰할 수 없는 천하대장군격인 장승수도 있다. 기록에 보면 상록의 얼이 담긴 농학캠퍼스구내에서는 대체로 1907년경부터 수목이 식재되었다. 정문수위실의 뒤편에 자라는 상수리나무와 굴참나무, 그리고 그 옆에 서 있는 희화나무는 처음 심은 자리에서 그대로 자라왔다. 초창기에 심은 나무들은 리기다소나무, 양버즘나무, 아까시나무, 칠엽수, 신나무 등이다. 그밖에도 일본가래나무, 흑호도, 개서어나무 등은 초창기 심어 졌으나 지금은 없어져서 이 나무를 심어 주신 선배님들께 죄송하기 이를데 없다. 농학캠퍼스 중앙길 부근에 있는 노거수 미루나무는 1908년, 본관앞에 있는 이팝나무는 1926년에 조사한 바 그때 수고가 5m였다고 한다. 본관앞 숲속의 섬잣나무도 초창기에 심어진 노목이며, 운동장 남쪽 복판에 외롭게 남아있는 꽃개오동나무도 1907년에 들어온 나무 중의 하나로서 한때 황금수라는 이름으로 서둔동의 명물이 되어 서둔동을 카타루파(Catalpa)촌이라고 부르던 때도 있었다. 농대정문에서 육교에 이르는 대학로에도 카탈파가로수가 많이 심겨자라고 있었다. 「서울의 마로니에」는 아직도 보존되고 또 비석까지 세워졌지만 「수원의 카탈파」는 간곳이 없구나. 농대에서 농촌진흥청에 이르는 서둔길가에 남아 있는 개서어나무는 1907년에, 칠엽수 마로니에는 1908에 심은 것인데, 이미 그 모습이 사라진 것도 있고, 아직 남아 있는 것은 고생스럽게 살고 있다.

      • 冠岳樹木圓地域內 荒廢山地土壤의 肥沃化를 통한 綠化促進에 關한 硏究(II)

        禹保命,權台鎬,李宗學,金景河,李峻雨,麻鎬燮 서울大學校 農科大學 1986 서울대농학연구지 Vol.11 No.2

        The shallow soil depth and severe rock exposures on the hillslopes in the Kwanak aboretum area which resulted from the heavy soil erosion have made very poor growth of forest vegetation. In order to establish the forest vegetation in this area, it is urgent to recover the fertility of soil and the productivity of existing trees. For this reason, fertilization experiment (using the briquet compound fertilizer) was conducted on summer and autumn season in 1983 with the 4 main native species (Pinus densiflora, Pinus rigida, Juniperus rigida, Rhododendron schlippenbachii) growing on these eroded hillslopes. Result in 1985 and 1986 of this experiment represented that the fertilization was effective toward both height and root-collar diameter growth of trees and spring fertilization was, relatively, more effective than autumn fertilization. It also represented that effects of fertilization to P. rigida were more than those to other species. Therefore, besides the engineering methods and afforestation measures for soil erosion control, rapid establishment of vegetation through conservation and recovery of existing trees by fertilization is available measures for the rehabilitation of rockily eroded hillslopes like Mt. Kwanak area.

      • KCI등재

        항정신병약물을 처음으로 사용하는 초발 정신증 환자에서 나타나는 체중 및 대사성 지표의 변화 : 후향적 연구

        김우진,심주철,공보금,강제욱,문정준,김정은,김민걸,박민경,김성진,김현정,정도운 대한생물치료정신의학회 2011 생물치료정신의학 Vol.17 No.2

        Objectives:This study was to identify weight & metabolic changes in first-episode psychotic patients with antipsychotics use and investigate the differences of weight & metabolic changes between first-episode psychotic patients and controls with antipsychotics use. Method:In this retrospective study, twenty eight first-episode psychotic patients and twenty eight controls with schizophrenia, schizoaffective or bipolar disorder defined by DSM-IV criteria were included. Information about demographic and clinical characteristics of the subjects was gathered from the medical records. Also body weight, sBP, dBP, fasting glucose, lipid profile and WBC count were evaluated before and after antipsychotics use. Rogistic regression was conducted to assess factors associated with weight gain. Results:First-episode psychotic patients showed more weight and BMI changes than controls after antipsychotics use, and these changes continue over 12 months. On the other hand, there were no significant factors associated with weight gain. Conclusion:The results of present study suggest that antispychotics is one of the major causes inducing weight gain of psychotic patients and antipsychotics-induced weight gain is more vulnerable to drug-naive first-episode psychotic patients.

      • 전단자극 시 나트륨-칼슐 교환체 활성에 의한 횡방향 심방 근세포 Ca2+ 웨이브의 발생

        김준철, 왕준, 손민정, 김경희, 우선희 충남대학교 약학대학 의약품개발연구소 2017 藥學論文集 Vol.32 No.-

        In the present study, we investigated possible mechanism for the triggered global CaH wave from local Ca2+ wave in atrial myocytes under shear stress. Shear stress was applied onto single cells isolated from rat atria and two-dimensional confocal Ca2+ imaging was performed to measure Ca2+ signal. Shear stress of 16 dyn/cm2 induced local Ca2+ wave, which was followed by a rapid transverse global Ca2+ wave inhibition of Na + -ci+ exchange using KB-R7943 suppressed the occurrence of rapid transverse wave ob served under shear stress, but not the shear-induced local wave. in the presence of this chemical local wave was developed to global wave under shear stress which results in slower time to peak of peripheral and central CaH transients. As the preceding local Ca"+ wave signal was higher, the latency of the occurrence of transverse global wave was shorter, suggesting Ca2+ dependence of transverse Ca2+ wave. The results sug-gest that shear stress may activate Na+ -Ca2+ exchange via local CaZ+ wave, triggering the rapid global Ca2+ wave

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