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      • KCI등재

        임호박수검(林湖朴守儉)의 트라우머와 장자철학(莊子哲學) -치유담론으로서의 『장자』에 대한 역사적 사례-

        김종수 ( Jong Soo Kim ) 영산대학교 동양문화연구원 2013 동양문화연구 Vol.15 No.-

        17세기 중.후반을 주요 활동기로 삼았던 임호 박수검은 제천에 연고를 둔 노론계의 관인.유자였다. 수학기 적부터 자자한 문명을 떨쳤던 박수검은 20세 때에 진사초시에 합격하는 영예를 안았다. 그러나 이후 약20여 년간에 이르는 온갖 집안의 불행사들로 인하여 박수검의 과거 합격은 무한정 지연되어 가고만 있었다. 마침내 박수검은 뒤늦은 나이인 44세때에 과거에 급제하였으나, 이미 그의 영혼은 심각한 트라우머에 시달리고 있었다. 때문에 주로 한직과 외직을 전전했던 박수검의 관직생활은 단순한 생계유지의 수단 그 이상의 의미를 발휘하지 못했다. 대신에 박수검은 웅장한 경세에의 포부가 좌절된 데 따른 트라우머로 인하여 늘상 방황하는 모습을 연출하고 있었다. 박수검은 그런 자신을 ?『장자』? 속의 중증 장애인인 지리소로 비유하곤 하였다.그런 점에서 수학기 적에 만난 세 번째 스승인 무하옹 이준남은 박수검이 닮아야 할 동일시 모델로 다가섰고, 또한 텍스트 ?『장자』?를 매개.인도케해준 중요한 인물이었다. 박수검이 구축한 장자철학은 <장자소요유제물론이편주해서>로 대변되는 텍스트 ?『장자』?에 대한 해석과 시료로서 ?『장자』?를원용한 두 국면을 형성하고 있다. 전자가 정주학적 세계 구도인 음양.오행론과 역학적 사유가 묘하게 결부된 주해 방식을 선보여 주었다면, 후자의경우 자신의 트라우머를 드러내고 해소.치유하기 위한 의식적 노력과 결부되어 있다. 또한 두 국면 모두 『주역』의 복괘에 내함된 생의[陽]가 투사되어 있는바, 이는 트라우머의 치유를 위한 박수검 나름의 치열한 노력이반영된 결과였다. 그러나 박수검은 끝끝내 자신 안에 각인된 트라우머를 치유.승화시키는 단계로까지는 진입하지를 못했다. 박수검의 경우 ?『장자』?혹은 장자철학이란 자아 성찰과 세계 확장이라는 새로운 두 계기를 제공해주었으나, 궁극적인 치유담론으로 기능하지는 못한 것 같다. Imho(林湖) Park Soo-geom(朴守儉) could not pass an examination to become a government officer because of various misfortunes which continued for more than 20 years on him. He at last passed a government examination for government officer at the late age of 44 years old; however, his soul was already suffering serious trauma. Therefore, the government officer position of Park Soo-geom was just a way to make ends meet. Park Soo-geom always wandered because of the serious trauma caused by the frustration coming from the failure to realize the big aspiration he had held as a government officer. He frequently compared himself to Jiriso(支離疏), who is a seriously disabled person appearing in the book, Zhuangzi(莊子). The philosophy of Zhuangzi philosophy established by Park Soo-geom can be seen in his two writings quoting the book Zhuangzi as the material for his poetry and his preface on the two annotations on Soyoyoo (逍遙遊) and Jemullon(齊物論) in the book Zhuangzi(莊子逍遙遊齊物論二篇註解序). However, Park Soo-geom could not reach the stage of healing and sublimation of his internal trauma with deep source until the end. Consequently, the philosophy of Zhuangzi established by Park Soo-geom provided him with two opportunities of self-introspection and world-expansion; however, it seems it could not function as an ultimate discourse on healing

      • KCI등재

        임호(林湖) 박수검(朴守儉)의 생애와 저술 양상

        김종수 ( Kim Jong-soo ) 한국유교학회 2012 유교사상문화연구 Vol.50 No.-

        향리인 제천의 만지곡에서 출생한 임호 박수검은 17세기 중후반을 전후로 한 관료이면서 사상가였다. 고려 왕족의 후손인 박수검은 효성과 학문을 중시한 전래의 가풍 속에서, 일찍부터 독서에 눈을 뜨기 시작했다. 이어지는 수학기 동안에 박수검은 순차적으로 조석윤ㆍ이영선ㆍ이준남ㆍ송시열 등의 문하에서 학업을 연마하는 행운을 누렸고, 자연히 임호는 원근을 막론하고 조기에 문명을 떨칠 정도의 실력을 배양하게 되었다. 그런데 박수검은 비교적 이른 시기에 과거 공부에 착수하였으나, 실제 그 가문과 급제한 나이는 뒤늦은 44세 때였다. 이후 박수검은 내직과 외직을 두루 거치는 사환기에 접어들게 되었으나, 남인과 뚜렷한 대립각을 곤두세웠던 그의 서인 노론적 당색으로 인해 잦은 환로의 부침을 경험하기에 이른다. 특히 박수검은 기사환국 직후에 고향 제천으로 낙향, 몇 년간에 걸쳐서 이른바 의림경영에 돌입하기도 했다. 그런 와중에서도 박수검은 경학과 역사학, 역학 과 장자철학 둥을 아우르는 일련의 저술을 추진해 나감으로써, 학자 본연의 자세를 망각하지 않았다. 박수검이 남긴 저서 목록인 『진사통고』ㆍ『중용석의』ㆍ『장자소요제물론이편주해』ㆍ『참동계교정』ㆍ『절위여편』과 문집인 『산일여편』등은 관직 생활을 하는 와중에서 저술된 결실로서, 임호의 치열한 학자적 탐구 노력을 반증해 준다. 특히 박수검은 一理 혹은 理原을 철학적 화두로 설정한 가운데, 자신의 전 저서들 속에 이 물음을 투영시켜 두었음이 주목된다. 이같은 정황은 박수검의 사상적 착지점이 근본 정주학자였다는 사실을 뚜렷이 확인시켜 주고 있다. Park Soo-geom was born in a country village, Jecheon (堤川). He was the posterity of Goryeo royal family and experienced the invasion of Ching (丙子胡亂) in person. Park Soo-geom studied until the age of 40 under the scnolars who succeed the tradition of Giho school neo-Confucianism (畿湖性理學) such as Jo Seok-yoon (趙錫尹), Yi Yeong-seon (李榮先) and Song Si-yeol (宋時烈). Accordingly, the academic school and political position of Park Soo-geom were defined as Seoin (西人) Norongye(老論系). Park Soo-geom passed examination for government officer (科擧) when he was 44 years old; however, his career as a government officer was not successful. He had frequent conflicts with Namin (南人) and he ended up resigning government position and returned to home village. Meanwhile, Park Soo-geom authored Jinsatonggo (震史通考), Jungyongseokeui (中庸釋義), Chamdonggyegyojeong (參同契矯正) and Jeolweeyeopyeon (絶韋餘編). He also published annotation (註解書) on Zhuangzi (莊子). Like this, the academic world of Park Soo-geom was quite extensive accommodating historical studies, jingxue (經學), yixue (易學) and Zhuangzi (莊子) philosophy. These books share the characteristic of exploring me topic or chengzhuxue (程朱學) represented by yili (一理).

      • 虹彩 體質 分析에서 心腎結合組織의 虛弱 體質과 高血壓 家族歷과 관련성 硏究

        金鐘牛,黃祐準,琴坰樹,李始炯,李宗淳,都金錄,趙在運,趙州掌,金鐘煜 한국전통의학연구소 2002 한국전통의학지 Vol.12 No.1

        Iridology, developed more than 100 years ago, is the diagnosis of medical conditions through noting irregularities of the pigmentation in the iris The purpose of this study is to compare interrelation between CVA, hypertension family history and cardio-renal connective tissue in Iris Constitution through iris constitution examination. The subjects consist of 114 patients who were examined in Iris Constitution at Chonju Oriental Medicine Hospital attached to Wonkwang Univ. from September. 1St. 2000 to August. 31th. 2002. 1. In the distribution of Iris Constitution, among of 79cases, There are neurogenic type 13cases, abdominal connective tissue weakness constitution 31 cases, cardio-renal connective tissue weakness constitution 6 cases, cholesterol 7 cases and others 22 case in control group. 2. There are familial history of CVA and hypertention 32 cases, no familial history of CVA and hypertention1 3 cases, in 35cases of experimental group. These results imply that there is meaningfulness of interrelation between cardio-renal connective tissue weakness constitution and. CVA, hypertention.

      • KCI등재

        遲延再植 時 齒根處理에 따른 齒周組織의 治癒에 關한 硏究

        김종여,김종수,김용기,임성수 大韓小兒齒科學會 1998 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.25 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to analyze comparatively the effect of various root pretreatments prior to delayed replantation. Total 6 beagle dogs were used for the experiment and 8 teeth per each animal were treated by several prepared regimens before replantation. After 3 & 6 weeks of experimental periods, animals were sacrificed by perfusion method. The results obtained form the present study can be summarized as follows: 1. All root pretreatment regimen used in this experiment showed effectiveness in the periodontal repair of delayed replanted teeth. 2. The teeth treated by the regimen of stannous fluoride combined with tetracycline revealed more favorable tissue response and less frepuent root resorption or ankylosis than other groups. 3. The long term effect of Group Ⅳ-regimen seems to be worth further study since the result at 6-weeks showed the significant progress in periodontal healing when compared to 3-week result which was not indicated in any other group.

      • 용혈성 요독 증후군이 합병된 출혈성 장염 1예

        김능수,이원길,김기연,이종명,윤종수,김성한,전정훈 대한감염학회 1997 감염 Vol.29 No.3

        저자들은 쇠고기에 의해 매개된 것으로 추정되는 출혈성 장염 및 이에 합병된 용혈성 요독 증후군 환자 1예를 경험하였기에 문헌고찰과 함께 보고하는 바이다. We report case of hemolytic uremic syndrome(HUS) associated with hemorrhagic colitis. A 35-year0old man was admitted to a local hospital because of abdominal pain and watery diarrhea which had developed about 6 hours after taking roast beef. He was treated with intravenous fluids and antibiotics, but watery diarrhea changed to bloody in nature from the next day. He was transferred to our hospital due to progressive ascites and jaundice on his 8th day of illness. Examinations revealed ascites, jaundice, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and uremia. Sorbitol-negative Escherichia coli was isolated from his stool, which proved as Shiga-like toxin-negative E. coli, serotype O25. His conditions improved markedly after three times of plasmapheresis and intravenous fluids therapy, and the organism was not isolated from the follow-up stool culture.

      • KCI등재후보

        아미노글리코사이드 사용제한에 따른 병원성 균혈증 유발 그람음성간균의 내성변화 및 임상적 의의

        오종택,김신우,손종원,도병훈,한승우,신병철,박지현,이종명,김능수 대한감염학회 2003 감염과 화학요법 Vol.35 No.4

        목적 : 항균제 오남용으로 인한 내성균의 출현, 약물부작용의 발생 및 약제 비용의 증가는 환자 개인뿐만 아니라 사회적으로 문제가 되고 있다. 본 연구는 항생제의 오남용을 막기 위한 제도의 일환으로 시행한 아미노글리코사이드 사용 제한정책의 비용 효과적인 측면을 조사하고 그람음성간균에 의해 병원성 균혈증이 발생한 환자들을 대상으로 이 정책이 항생제 내성률과 환자 사망률에 미치는 영향을 연구하였다. 방법 : 930병상 규모의 3차 병원인 일개 대학병원에서 아미노글리코사이드 사용제한정책이 시행된 직후인 2002년 3월에서 9월 사이에 그람음성간균(Acinetobacter baumannii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Escherichia coli, Enterobacter cloacae, Enterobacter aerogenes, Serratia marcescens, Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, Burkholderia cepacia)에 의해 발생한 병원성 균혈증 환자 60명(실험군)과, 이 정책이 시행되기 전에 입원한 환자들 중 균주별로 같은 수만큼 선별한 병원성 균혈증 환자 60명(대조군)의 의무기록을 후향적으로 조사하였다. 결과 : 아미노글리코사이드 사용제한정책이 시행된 시기인 2002년 3월에서 9월 사이에 처방된 아미노글리코사이드 사용량 및 비용을 이 정책이 시행되기 전인 2001년 3월에서 9월 사이와 비교한 결과, 아미노글리코사이드의 사용량(antimicrobial utilization density)은 사용제한 후 225.2에서 130.3으로 42% 감소하였고 약제 비용은 44% 감소하였다. 아미노글리코사이드 사용제한 후 병원성 균혈증을 유발한 그람 음성간균의 이 항생제에 대한 내성률은 유의한 변화를 보이지 않았으며 균혈증과 직접 연관된 사망률도 환자의 나이, 성별, 기저질환 및 원발병소 등을 보정할 경우 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다(40.4% vs. 24.1%, P=0.11). 결론 : 아미노글리코사이드를 5일을 초과한 사용 시 감염전문가의 사전 승인을 필요로 하는 사용제한정책은 아미노글리코사이드의 사용량과 비용을 유의하게 감소시켰다. 또한 이 정책 시행 후 그람음성간균에 의한 균혈증 환자에서 균혈증으로 인한 사망률과 아미노글리코사이드에 대한 내성률은 유의한 차이가 없었다. Objective : To evaluate the effects of an aminoglycoside restriction policy on expenditures for aminoglycosides, antimicrobial resistance rates and clinical outcome of nosocomial bacteremia caused by Gram-negative bacilli (GNB). Methods : Starting in February, 2002, a prior consultation with an infectious disease specialist for using aminoglycoside antibiotics over 5 days was required in a 930-bed university hospital. In retrospective analysis of medical records 7 months after initiation of the aminoglycoside restriction policy, sixty cases of clinically relevant nosocomial bacteremia caused by GNB were found. These bacteremic patients were compared with sixty, species-matched, control patients with nosocomial Gramnegative bacteremia before the policy for total expenditures for aminoglycosides, susceptibility to antibiotics and clinical outcomes of bacteremia. Results : During the same period of 7 months before and after the restriction policy, total expenditures for aminoglycosides decreased by 44% in cost (from 465,030,841 Won to 259,618,337 Won) and the antimicrobial utilization density of aminoglycosides decreased by 42% (from 225,2 to 130.3). On the other hand, the patterns of antibiotic susceptibility and bacteremia-related in-hospital mortality rates after the policy did not show a significant change, compared with those before the policy. Conclusion : Antibiotic restrictions are among the most popular methods to diminish the practice of antibiotic overuse in hospitals. In this study, requirement for prior approval of aminoglycoside use over 5 days led to a significant decrease in the amount and cost of total aminoglycosides without a significant change in susceptibility patterns and bacteremia-related mortality rates.

      • 고령자의 스포츠참가와 생활만족도에 관한 연구

        정종훈,김종표,김유수,안종학 東亞大學校附設스포츠科學硏究所 1999 스포츠科學硏究論文集 Vol.17 No.-

        The issues for the aged have been appearing on the stage as the deep social problems since the end of 1970's when our communities began to enter into high level industry, which were concerned by people in modern times. The starting time to study on the aged in Korea was from the 1960's. Moreover, it was lively proceeded during the end of the 1970's and the 1980's. At first, it mainly dealt medical issues for them, then, spread up to their social concerns later. This study was to research about the participating type of the aged' leisure, sports activities, as well as its changable relationships with life satisfaction on the premise regarding the necessity of positive practice toward leisure and its participation as the positive solution scheme from the aged' issues, which was based on the social concerns related with the aged. According to the questionary method, to select the main group who were over 60-years-old, men and women in Pusan, it was studied and analyzed regarding the realities of the aged's leisure activities, the participating attitude in sports, the relationships between the degree of satisfaction life when participating in sports activities and the life satisfaction. The results were as follows ; 1. Among the low ranking scopes of the participating attitude in sports, in case of participating in sports for the self-training of character-building themselves, it significantly had and effect on the satisfaction of life. 2. In case of building their own character through sports activities, it had the highest effect on the satisfaction of life. 3. The satisfaction of sporting activities in their childhood had and effect on the life satisfaction.

      • 『素問·疾態論』에 대한 硏究

        장종렬,김명수,서대선,김종호,천상묵,금경수 한국전통의학연구소 2002 한국전통의학지 Vol.12 No.1

        A study on the Byungtae Ron(病能論) of the So Moon(素問), one of the classic book of oriental medicine, was carried out analytically for the right comments. The principal ideas obtained summarized as follows; Neng(能) is similar to tae(熊) in the pronunciation and the meaning of a chinese character. Byungtae(病能) means the state of the symptoms and the pulse condition of the diseases, etc. It deals with ethological factor, mechanism of disease, the condition of an illness, method of diagnosis, rule of treatment, technique of treatment of seven diseases and taking this seven diseases as a example, mainly discuss the technique and significance of clinical observation and the pathogenesis and condition of an illness, so It named 「Byungtaeron(病能論)」 In this chapter it shows we can grasp condition of illness well only if we classify the pathogenesis and condition of an illness in details. this viewpoint provides the foundation of development in oriental diagnostics. It places emphasis on pulse feeling in this chapter, so it describes pulse condition of various kinds of diseases in details. It also presents how to compare pulse feeling like comparison between Inyoungmaek(人迎脈, arterial carotid communes, the pulsation of which is easily felt beside Adam's apple) and Ch'onkumaek(寸口脈, the radial artery on the wrist where the pulse is routinely taken for diagnosis), between right and left Ch'onkumaek(寸口脈), between Yangmyungsangdong (陽明常動) and Taeyangbudong(太陽不動), Soyangbudong(少陽不動), etc. In this chapter it explains pulse feeling occupies a high position in the diagnosis of diseases in 『Huangdi's internal Classic(黃帝內經)』 period and the technique of pulse feeling is already plentiful and minute. In this chapter it presents 「Tongbyungyich(同病異治, to apply different methods of treatment to the same kind of disease)」 theory, taking tangible syndromes as examples. this is prominent viewpoint of determination of treatment based on the differentiation of symptoms and signs and much influence development of later ages' medicine. On the ground of oriental medical theory, it may bring about different symptoms in the same disease according to stage of disease, the seasons, the regions, the constitution of patient, therefore surely adopt different technique of treatment, this differentiation of symptoms and signs is an important character in oriental medicine.

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