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        코로나19 한국대응관련 국내 진보ᐨ보수 언론의 외국보도 인용기사 비교 : 한국의 이미지 및 정체성 중심 분석

        한지원(Jiwon Han),김영욱(Yungwook Kim) 한국언론정보학회 2021 한국언론정보학보 Vol.105 No.-

        이 연구의 목적은 한국이 코로나19 대응에서 세계적인 모델이 되었다는 외신의 호평이 쏟아짐에 따라 한국의 국가이미지 및 국가정체성에 변화의 가능성을 시사한다는 점에 착안해, 코로나19 한국대응관련 외국보도 인용기사가 한국의 이미지 및 정체성을 어떻게 나타냈는가를 살펴보는 것이다. 이러한 연구 목적을 달성하기 위해 〈조선일보〉, 〈중앙일보〉, 〈동아일보〉, 〈경향신문〉, 〈한겨레〉 등 국내 5개 신문사 기사를 대상으로 한국의 국가이미지와 국가정체성이 어떻게 나타났는지 신문사 성향별로, 그리고 시기별로 내용분석을 진행했다. 연구 결과, 국내 보수언론과 진보언론은 인용한 외국기사에서 각각 ‘정부비판’과 ‘정부신뢰’ 국가이미지를 반영하였고, 전체 기사에서 각각 ‘사회시스템-부정’과 ‘미래성장력-부정’을, ‘사회시스템-긍정’과 ‘미래성장력-긍정’의 국가정체성을 대조적으로 보이고 있었다. 또한, 시기에 따라서, 보수언론의 경우, 2시기에서 3시기 사이 ‘정부비판’ 국가이미지는 감소하고 ‘인프라’ 국가이미지가 증가했으며, ‘사회시스템-부정’ 국가정체성은 감소하고, ‘글로벌리더십-긍정’과 ‘미래성장력-긍정’ 국가정체성은 증가한 것으로 나타났다. 결론적으로, 코로나19 한국대응관련 외국보도를 인용한 국내 5개 신문사의 보도양태, 국가이미지, 국가정체성은 신문사성향별, 시기별로 다르게 나타났지만, 전반적으로 국가이미지와 국가정체성은 크게 고양된 것을 확인하였다. The aim of this research is to analyze how Korean newspaper articles which quoted foreign news reports about Korea’s response to COVID-19 reflected an enhanced Korea’s national image and identity with increasing foreign news complimenting Korea as an exemplary nation. To fulfill the purpose of this study, we implemented the content analysis on the five major Korean newspapers which are The Chosun Ilbo, The Joongang Daily News, The Dong-A Daily News, Kyunghyang Shinmun, and Hankyoreh based upon their political orientation and key periods, period one being outbreak, period two being the government briefing with English translation, and period three being government global briefing. The results clearly show that conservative newspapers have reflected ‘criticisms toward the government’ and progressive newspapers have reflected ‘trust toward the government’ in terms of national image. Also, from period two to period three, frequencies of quoting by conservative newspapers depict an overall decrease in ‘government-critical’ articles and an increase in the ‘health infrastructure’ within national image articles, moreover, a decrease in negative ‘Korea’s political and socio-economic environment’ articles and an increase in positive ‘global leadership’ and ‘future national growth’ within national identity articles. To conclude, although there clearly is a gap between conservative newspapers and progressive newspapers in terms of the foreign news articles that they quoted about Korea’s response to COVID-19, it is evident that overall, they increasingly highlighted Korea’s enhanced national image and identity.

      • KCI등재

        예비유아교사의 놀이에 대한 인식 탐색

        한지원(Jiwon Han),곽은복(Eunbok Kwak) 한국영유아교육과정학회 2023 영유아교육과정연구 Vol.13 No.1

        본 연구에서는 개념도 분석 방법을 활용하여 예비유아교사가 인식하는 놀이의 개념을 알아보았다. 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 다차원 척도분석과 계층적 군집분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과, 첫째, 예비유아교사의 놀이에 대한 인식으로 47개의 진술문이 최종 생성되었으며, ‘놀이의 본질-놀이 지원’, ‘놀이의 교육적 의의-놀이의 발달적 중요성’의 차원으로 분류되었다. 또한 진술문은 ‘놀이의 다양성’, ‘놀이의 양상’, ‘교사의 역할’, ‘유아기 놀이의 필요성’, ‘놀이의 가치’ 5개의 군집으로 분류되었다. 본 연구결과는 놀이에 대한 바른 인식 형성을 위해 예비유아교사에게 필요한 지원사항 또는 교원양성과정의 교육방향 등에 대한 시사점을 제공할 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study is to examine early childhood preservice teacher’s perception on play using the concept mapping analysis. Multidimentional scale analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis were performed. The results of this study can be summarized as follows. 47 final statements were finally generated based on the perception on play, and were classified into two dimensions of “the essence of play-play support” and “the educational significance of play-the developmental importance of play”. In addition, the statements were classified into five clusters: ‘diversity of play’, ‘aspects of play’, ‘role of teacher’, ‘necessity of play in young children’, and ‘value of play’. This study provides implication for support necessary for early childhood preservice teachers or the direction of early childhood teacher education course to form the desirable perception on play.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS
      • KCI등재

        1920년대 경무국 위생과 조사보고서를 통해 본 의료민속 연구

        한지원(Han, Jiwon) 한국역사민속학회 2013 역사민속학 Vol.42 No.-

        이 글은 조선총독부가 직접 발행한 유일한 기관지이자, 식민지 전 시기에 걸쳐 발간된 최장수 선전매체인 일문판 『朝鮮』에 게재된 1920년대 각 도 경찰부 위생과에서 조사한 위생 관련 풍습 조사보고서를 중심으로 의료민속학적 관점에서 분석하였다. 일제의 무단적인 헌병경찰통치로 촉발된 3ㆍ1운동의 민족적 저항을 계기로 식민당국은 1920년대 기만적인 문화통치기 체제로 전환하여 동화주의(同化主義)를 내세웠으나 일본 본국과는 다른 이원적 위생행정수립과 강압적인 위생헌병 정치를 시행하였다. 조선총독부는 위생경찰을 검역활동과 청결조사 등을 관장케하여 개인의 의식주와 일상생활 전반을 감시 통제하며 단속과 처벌을 강화하는 한편, 조선 전역에서 행해지는 민속적 치료행위와 의료관습의 총체적인 모습을 식민지적 관점에서 조사하여 선전매체에 기고하였다. 일제는 조선인의 위생과 관련된 미신적인 사고를 계몽하고자 조사보고서를 『朝鮮』에 게재하였다고 밝혔으나, 일본어로 표기되어 있어 이를 해독할 수 있는 조선인은 극소수였다. 『朝鮮』은 총독부의 시정방침을 알리는 기관지로서 조선총독부를 구성하는 각 기관에 배포되어 각급 행정직원들이 의무적으로 강독하였고, 조선 내에 거주하는 내지인과 일본 본국의 공직자 및 민간인에게 식민지 조선사회를 소개하려는 목적이 컸다. 결론적으로 조선인의 위생에 대한 ‘계몽’과 ‘교화’가 목적이 아닌 조선인의 전통 민간의료지식을 ‘불결’하고 ‘미개’한 것으로 규정하여 선전하기 위한 것이었다. 그러나 『朝鮮』의 전면적인 분석과 아울러 한의학 전통의서 및 당시 베스트셀러였던 단방의서(單方醫書), 조선시대 민간 사대부가(家)의 실용백과사전류와 비교한 결과, 1920년대의 의료민속은 제한된 의료환경 내 민중의 자구책으로서 세대를 걸쳐 전승된 구전과 경험방, 문자기록, 한의학적 지식과 민간신앙에 근거한 요법이 다양하게 공존하였고, 식민지 상황에 따른 문명병의 유입으로 새롭게 창출·변형된 민속적 치료행위가 이루어졌음을 알 수 있었다. This text is the only bulletin issued directly from the Japanese Government-General of Korea and analyzed, on a medical folklore perspective, the custom inspection report concerning sanitation of the sanitation division of the police department published in the 1920s in the longest Japanese publicity media 『Chosun(朝鮮)』 before the colonization period. Although the colonization authority, with the nationwide resistance of the ‘March First Independence Movement’ induced by the forced domination of the Japanese Empire by means of military police and police forces as the triggering event, presented the principle of assimilation through conversion into the deceptive era of the so-called cultural governance during the 1920’s, it implemented dualistic hygiene and sanitary administration policies and sanitary police policies that are different from those of the mainland Japan. The sanitary police, who kept surveillance and controlled the general rituals and daily life of individuals in the name of cleanliness and hygiene, strengthen the controls and punishment through quarantine activities and cleanliness inspection. In order to establish the colonial sanitary policy and secure the legitimacy of the colonial administration, the folklore medical treatment done in the overall regions of Chosun and the general form of medical customs was inspected on a colonial perspective and contributed to the media. Although the Japanese Empire announced that investigation report was published in the magazine 『Chosun』 in order to educate the people of Korea on their superstitious beliefs related to hygiene, only a very few Koreans were able to understand the article since it was written in Japanese language. 『Chosun』 was the official magazine used by the Japanese Government General to announce the administration policies, and was distributed to each of the authorities that composed the Japanese Government General in Korea and obligatorily supervised by each of the ranks of the administrative staffs. The magazine served the main purpose of introducing the colonized Korean society to the Japanese expatriates residing in Korea, public officials and civilians in the mainland Japan. Conclusively, it was aimed to stipulate and propagandize that the traditional folk medical knowledge of Koreans as ‘unclean’ and ‘barbarous’ rather than for the purposes of ‘enlightenment’ and ‘edification’ of the knowledge of Koreans on hygiene and sanitation. However, as the result of the overall analysis of 『Chosun』 with the traditional oriental medical texts, Danbang medical book, the bestseller at the time, and the practical encyclopedia frequently referenced by the civilian noble households during the Choseon Dynasty, the folk medical practices of Korea in the 1920’s were the self-rescue measures taken by the public within the given limited medical environment at the time. Such measures were composed diversely with orally handed down knowledge and experiences, documented records, oriental medical knowledge and therapies based on popular beliefs. Therefore, it can be seen that newly devised and modified folk medical treatments were executed to treat disease incidental to civilization introduced to Korea through colonization by Japan.

      • KCI등재

        18세기 초 잉글랜드 지주층의 경제 인식

        한지원(Jiwon Han) 한국서양사연구회 2015 서양사연구 Vol.0 No.52

        This thesis is to examine the economic awareness of the English landed class in the beginning of the eighteenth century. Roger North(1651-1734)’s Gentleman Accomptant(1714), a double-entry bookkeeping manual for nobilities and gentries, is mainly used to investigate the change in the landlords’ economic mentality. The landed have been described rather consistently, although difference in degree, as had accepted the market philosophy but only limitedly so due to their old genteel value which disdained extensive pursue of profit and involvement in the world of everyday labor. However, North’s Gentleman Accomptant suggests a possible adjustment to this widely accepted description of the English landed class. Its contents and context reveal that pecuniary interest was highly regarded in estate management that even some modification of the landlords’ genteel life style could be positively perceived. Double-entry bookkeeping is recommended although it demands the bookkeeper to spend considerable time and effort daily and interfere with trivial operations of his estate. Then double-entry would become an useful skill for landlords to maximize profit and to cope with the fatal threat of financial fraud. Stock-jobbing is particularly criticized because its innate conditions scrutinized are unfavorable to landlords’ economic interests. With the keen understanding of contemporary economic development, application of double-entry bookkeeping to estate management is an example of the landed class’ learning from commercial world for their own economic advantage. The landlords like such clearly displays developed capitalistic mentality in the age of early capitalism.

      • KCI등재

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