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        MicroRNA-362 Inhibits Cell Proliferation and Invasion by Directly Targeting SIX1 in Colorectal Cancer

        Jin’e Wan,Jian Yang,Cuixia Qiao,Xiaomei Sun,Aiting Di,Lize Zhang,Dandan Wang,Gang Zhao 연세대학교의과대학 2019 Yonsei medical journal Vol.60 No.5

        Purpose: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer in China and poses high morbidity and mortality. In recentyears, increasing evidence has indicated that microRNAs played important functions in the occurrence and development of tumors. The purpose of this study was to identify the biological mechanisms of miR-362 in CRC. Materials and Methods: Quantitative real-time PCR was carried out to assess the expression of miR-362 and SIX1. The Kaplan-Meier method was employed to evaluate the 5-year overall survival of CRC patients. The proliferative and invasive abilities of CRCcells were assessed by MTT and transwell assays. Results: miR-362 was significantly decreased in CRC tissues and cell lines, compared to the normal tissues and normal cells. Asignificant connection was confirmed between the overall survival of 53 CRC patients and low expression of miR-362. Downregulationof miR-362 inhibited the proliferation and invasion through binding to the 3'-UTR of SIX1 mRNA in CRC. Additionally, wediscovered that SIX1 was a direct target gene of miR-362 and that the expression of miR-362 had a negative connection with SIX1expression in CRC. SIX1 could reverse partial functions in the proliferation and invasion in CRC cells. Conclusion: miR-362 may be a prognostic marker in CRC and suppress CRC cell proliferation and invasion in part through targetingthe 3'-UTR of SIX1 mRNA. The newly identified miR-362/SIX1 axis provides insight into the progression of CRC.

      • KCI등재후보

        주의력결핍 과잉행동장애 아동의 지적수준에 따른 정신병리와 실행기능의 차이

        천은진,서완석,이종범,김진성,구본훈,송창진,성형모,배준용,배대석 大韓神經精神醫學會 2005 신경정신의학 Vol.44 No.4

        To investigate psychopathoIogy and executive functions of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) children according to intelligence level, this study included 197 ADHD children who visited the outpatient department of neuropsychiatry of YeungNam University Medical Center, from July 2000 to June 2002. The children were divided into groups based on their intelligence levels. They were compared by the Personality Inventory for Children (PIC), Conncers' Continuous Performence Test (CPT), and Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). There were significant differences in PIC, on the subscales of verbal development, socialization and autism. In the CPT, there was no significant difference. In the WCST, there were significant differences in the total number of errors, the number of perseverative errors, the number of completed categories and the number of trials needed to complete the first category. Considering these results, the intelligence level of ADHD children is related to their disabilities and behavioral symptoms.Executive functions such as abstract thinking, categorization, working memory and flexibility had significant relationship to the intelligence levels of ADHD children. Therefore, the intelligence level of children with ADHD influences the higher executive functions of regulating attention and information processing rather than attentional functions and capacity alone.

      • 급성충수돌기염으로 발현된 방선균증 2예

        조진원,송진영,김창억,민영훈,최창순,우흥정,현인규,김종현,유기철,채승완,손진희 대한화학요법학회 2001 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.19 No.1

        The Actinomyces species are normal flora of oral cavity and upper intestine characterized as gram-positive, non-spore-forming anaerobic or mjcroaerophilic rods. Actinomycosis is a chronic suppurative and granulomatous disease characterized by abscess, sinus, abundant granulation and mass. The appendix is the commonly involved site among abdominal actinomycosis. Abdominal actinomycosis is often difficult to diagnose before operation because of no reliable clinical features and infrequency of the disease. We report two cases of abdominal actinomycosis which were manifested as acute appendicitis. Those were detected Incidentally tv the pathologist after routine appendectomy. Both patients were successfully treated with appendectomy followed by proper antibiotics use.

      • 중국거주 조선족 여성의 영적 안녕정도가 정신건강에 미치는 영향

        정성덕,이종범,김진성,서완석,배대석,박순재,주열,염형욱,김승원,김구묘,안영록,황대홍,표미자,조창열,정태길 영남대학교 의과대학 2004 Yeungnam University Journal of Medicine Vol.21 No.2

        자아초월 정신의학이 체계화되면서 영성(spirituality)은 인성의 한 부분이라는 이론이 대두되었는데 이 영성은 정신건강에 큰 영향을 미친다고 했다. 인간의 성향 중 영적 안녕 정도를 파악하여 그 정도가 정신건강 중 허위성 경향, 정신병적 경향 및 불안과 우울 경향 등에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 조사하고저 본 연구를 실시하였다. 대상은 중국의 연변 조선족 자치구에 거주하는 여성 400명을 대상으로 하여 한국판 영적 안녕척도를 사용하여 영적 안녕정도를 파악하였다. 영적 안녕척도의 총점과 이 척도의 2개 하위 척도인 종교적 안녕과 실존적 안녕 척도 양자로 평가한 성적이 불안-우울통합척도와 정신분열증 척도 및 허위성 척도로 평가한 성적에 미치는 영향을 검증하기 위하여 상관관계분석 및 회기분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 영적 안녕척도로 평가한 조선족 여성의 총점은 68.29로 한국의 기독교 여성이 평가한 100.65보다 훨씬 낮은 점수였다. 2) 불안·우울통합척도로 평가한 총점은 44.88로 연변노인이 평가한 점수와 일개지역의 한국농촌주민이 평가한 점수와 비슷한 결과였다. 3) 허위성 척도로 평가한 성적은 평균 74.57로 70점 이상이 86%(344명)이었으나 영적 안녕 성적과 허위성 성적 간에는 유의한 상관이 없었다. 4) 영적 안녕총점은 정신분열증 척도로 평가한 정신병적 경향에 유의한 영향을 미치지 않았으나 종교적 안녕하위척도의 성적은 정신병적 경향을 높여준데 비하여 실존적 안녕하위척도의 성적은 정신병적 경향을 낮게 해주었다. 5) 영적 안녕척도의 총점 및 두 하위척도인종교적 안녕과 실존적 안녕은 불안과 우울에유의한 상관을 보였는데 영적 안녕총점이 높을수록 불안·우울 총점이 다소 낮아지는 경향을 보였다. 6) 종교적 안녕 하위척도와 불안과 우울과의 관계는 종교적 안녕점수가 높을수록 불안과 우울을 각각 다소 유의하게 높여주었으며 이에 비하여 실존적 안녕하위척도와 불안과 우울과의 관계는 실존적 안녕정도가 높을수록 불안 및 우울점수는 유의하게 낮아졌다. 이와 같은 성적을 미루어볼 때 연변에 거주하는 조선족 여성이 평가한 영적 안녕정도는 정신병적 경향과 불안 및 우울에 유의한 상관을 보였으면 이 척도의 하위 척도인 종교적 안녕정도는 정신건강에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 반면 실존적 안녕정도는 정신건강에 긍정적 영향을 미친 결과로 평가되었다. 이러한 결과는 공산주의 사회에서 실존적 안녕은 긍정적인 가치관으로 평가되는 반면 종교적 안녕은 정신건강에 부정적으로 작용한 것을 입증해 주었다고 하겠다. Background: Spirituality has been an important part of Transpersonal Psychology and is believed to have a large effect on the mental health because it has been systematized. The aim of this study was to determine the level of spiritual disposition on human beings along with its effects on one's mental health. Materials and Methods: The study targeted 400 women residing in Youn-Gil city of JiLin Prov., which is a district of the Cho-Sun tribe in China. Their spiritual well-being was studied using the Spiritual Well-being Scale-Korean Version. The spiritual well-being scale consists of 2 sub-scales of religious well-being and existential well-being. The study was evaluated using a lie scale, psychotic trend, and a combined anxiety-depression scale. The results were considered to be factors of one's mental health. The correlation between the spiritual well-being and each tendency was analyzed by regression analysis. Results: The total score of the Cho-Sun tribal women according to the spiritual well-being scale was 68.29 which was much less than the 100.65 of Korean Christian women. There was no significant correlation between the spiritual well-being and the Lie trend. However, it was found that 86%(344) of Cho-Sun tribal women scored above 70 in the Lie trend with a mean score of 74.57 which is higher than normal populations. Regarding the correlation between the spiritual well-being and psychotic trend, the psychotic trend became significantly higher when the religious well-being was at a high level. On the other hand, the psychotic trend became significantly lower when the existential well-being was at a high level. Regarding the correlation between the spiritual well-being and anxiety, the anxiety was significantly higher when the religious well-being was at a high level. However, the anxiety level was significantly low when the existential well-being was at a high level. Regarding the correlation between the spiritual well-being and depression, the depression level was somewhat significantly high when the religious well-being was at a high level. However, the depression level was significantly low when the existential well-being was at a high level. Conclusion: This study evaluated the effects of spiritual well-being on a person's mental health among Cho-Sun tribal women in Youn-Gil city of JiLIn Prov., P.R. of China. The results found that the religious well-being, which is a sub-scale of spiritual well-being, had negative effects while the existential well-being had positive effects on the mental health. These results proved that a person's religious disposition had negative effects on their mental health in a communitarian society.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • 8주간의 걷기운동과 맨발걷기가 중년여성의 혈중 세로토닌, 코티졸, 에피네프린 그리고 노르에피네프린에 미치는 영향

        정진숙,김병완,김창환 대전대학교 기초과학연구소 2019 自然科學 Vol.30 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to inspect effects of regular walking and barefoot walking, which is the easiest way for middle-aged women to exercise in daily life, on serotonin, cortisol, epinephrine and norepinephrine in blood and probe the differences of hormonal changes between two groups. Both of two programs were performed three times a week and each program lasted for more than 30 minutes. The group of regular walking was set at 40-60%(HRmax) and the group of walking barefoot was set at level 10-12(RPE). This research is for reducing middle-aged women's stress and helping to promote their health. All the data is processed by using the arithmetical mean and standard deviation and two-way ANOVA is used to verify differences between groups and durations. In case that there is interaction, independent t-test is used for group comparison and dependent t-test is used for duration comparison to inspect details. Degree of hypothesis acceptance is set at p<.05, p<.01, p<.00l. Firstly, the serotonin rate is reduced in both groups after conducting the programs. Significant main effect of serotonin has differences related to durations at F(1.18)=8.281, p=.01 but there's no differences between groups at F(1.18)=.289, p=.597. There is no differences in interaction as well at F(1.18)=.432, p=.520. Secondly, significant main effect of the cortisol rate in both groups after conducting the programs has no differences related to durations at F(1,18)=.292, p=.595 and there's no differences between groups at F(1.18)=.121, p=.732. There is no differences in interaction as well at F(1.18)=.899, p=.356. Thirdly, the result of paired t-test shows that epinephrine rate of the group performing regular walking is reduced more than one of those who walk barefoot at t=2.326, df=9, p=.045 and there is a difference in interaction at F(1.18)=5.815, p=.027. Lastly, the norepinephrine rate of those who take usual walks shows a meaningful difference related to durations at F(1.18)=24.505, p=.00l which is more noticeable than one of the other. However, there is no difference between groups at F(1.18)=.175, p=.680 and there is also no difference in interaction at F(1.18)=.902, p=.355. The result says that both of the programs, regular walking and walking barefoot, don't influence the amount of middle-aged women's stress positively, which is against the previous studies. It is because this research exclude other factors which can influence hormone secretion of middle-aged women such as weather, time, diet and mental state in middle age. It can be deduced that future researches to promote middle-aged women's health and decrease the symptoms of depression should include changes caused by temperature, time to exercise, exercise intensity and subject's psychological state in middle age.

      • 토끼 정세포의 Manchette α-Tubulin과 항 생쥐 IgG-금 입자(10mm)의 면역 반응

        김호진,김완종,신길상 순천향대학교 기초과학연구소 1999 순천향자연과학연구 논문집 Vol.5 No.1

        The spermatids of rabbit are investigated to identify α-tubulin of axoneme microtubules using mouse monoclonal anti-α-tubulin as the first antibody(Ab) and gold(10nm) conjugated goat anti-mouse IgG as the Ad marker. The Ag-Ab reaction analyzed the localization of α-tubulin and the gold particles incorporated with the proximal and distal centrioles, manchette microtubules and flagellum. However, much more gold particles are incorporated with the spermatid nucleus rather than flagellum and centrioles, especially at the near of vacuoles or ring of spermatid nucleus. This was unexpected because it is already well known that the α-tubulin is one of quantitative dimeric substance of flagellum. The results reveal immunologically the α-tubulin is one of composition of manchette microtubules, which are involved in nuclear morphogenesis in rabbit spermatid. The spermatids at the stage are at a final morphogenic stage with a long conical form of nucleus(500×5000nm). The relation of length to width of nuclear proximal base is about 10 : 1 and acrosome is already formed. The less incorporation of gold particles in number to the flagellum is char-acteristic and discussed.

      • 植物凝集素 Dolichos labab L. 및 토끼赤血球에 의한 사람血淸型에 關한 硏究

        崔完錫,文國鎭 고려대학교 의과대학 1985 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.22 No.1

        Since the introduction of phytohemagglutinin (PHA) by Stillmark in 1888, PHA contributed to medicolegal field with new classification of blood type by their agglutination activities to human red blood cells, and some of them have been used as lectins instead of antisera. But the majority of studies concerned to PHA confined to typespecific ones in classifying new types of red blood cells. For the purpose of new classification cf human serum, the author used Dolichos lablab L. extract, which act as panphytagglutin to rabbit red bloood cells, by use of inhibition property of human sera, serum stains, and whole blood stains to PHA and compared the results with various blood types. This study could be concluded a s follows. 1. There were two groups of human sera by their inhibition property on agglutination activity of Dolichos lablab L. extract to rabbit RBC. One had certain inhibiting substance and the other hadn't. 2. The frequency of former was 3%, and the latter was 97%. 3. Agglutination inhibition phenomenon of human sera on Dolichos lablab L. extract to rabbit RBC had to no relation with various blood and serum types, such as DL, DLI, ABO, Cl, H, ab.C. CCI, and haptoglobin. 4. This new classification of human sera is considered to be available for the classification of blood stain.

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