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      • KCI등재

        한강시민공원의 이용자 활동 특성 분석 및 개선방안 연구

        송지연(Song, Ji-Yeon),박진아(Park, Jin-A) 한국도시설계학회 2013 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        본 연구는 한강시민공원을 이용하는 시민들의 특성 및 이용행태를 분석하고 초기 조성방향과 실질적인 이용행태 간의 차이를 확인하여 향후 공원계획과 관리에 대한 시사점을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 둔다. 대상지별 분석 결과를 정리하면 첫째, 여의도한강공원은 주변 지역에 업무, 상업지구가 분포하고 문화 및 축제 프로그램이 많다는 특성을 가지고 있다. 그러나 이와 상관없이 인근 주민이나 업무, 상업 지구에 종사하는 사람들이 휴식이나 산책, 가벼운 운동 등을 위해 한강시민공원을 일상적으로 이용하는 것으로 분석되었다. 둘째, 반포한강공원은 주변이 주거지역이라는 특성을 가지고 있으며 한강르네상스 사업으로 시설이 조성되어있다. 그러나 시설 이용을 목적으로 하기보다 자전거 이용 중에 휴식을 취하기 위해 공원을 찾거나 휴식 및 산책 또는 가벼운 운동을 하는 행태가 나타났다. 본 연구는 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 한강시민공원의 실질적인 이용행태를 알 수 있으며 생활권 공원으로서의 한강공원의 활용도가 높았음을 확인하였다는 측면에서 의의를 가질 수 있다. Han-Gang Park, Seoul?s representative and iconic public places is dedicated to the role of the theme park. The purpose of this study is to compared the current user behavior and purpose of the composition in past, and derived the implications for planning and management for Han-Gang Park. The results of analysis target area shows that, firstly, Yeoido Han-Gang Park is surrounded by commercial and business district. That area has the many cultural, festival programs. But, without specific purpose, Yeoido Han-Gang Park has been used for resting or walking, and light exercise. And vicinity residents, office worker, or commercial area worker were using regularly. In case of Banpo, environs have a property of residential area and Banpos ? facilities were made by Han-Gang Renaissance Project. But most people use the park to take a rest in the way riding a bicycle rather than use facilities. On these results, we can recognize the practical usage behavior. And this study has significance that Han-Gang Park appeared to show higher utilization level of the citizens as a neighborhood space.

      • Development of a Mobile Application, "Wild Flowers of Bukhansan National Park (version 1.0)", for Identification of Plants in Bukhansan National Park

        Kim, Sang-Tae,Lee, Seung-Yeon,Kim, Seung-Chul,Byun, Hye-Won,Lee, Sang-Tae,Kim, Mu-Yeal,Hong, Seok-Pyo,Chung, Young-Jae,Park, Ki-Ryong,Lee, Chung-Hee,Lee, Joong-Ku,Heo, Kyeong-In,Lee, Ji-Ye,Lee, Eun-Je National Science Museum of Korea 2011 Journal of Korean nature Vol.4 No.3

        We developed the educational purpose mobile application, named "Wild Flowers of Bukhansan National Park (version 1.0)", aiming for easy identification of wild flowers for students and visitors in the park. When visitors find a flower or part of plant in the park, visitors can search for its name utilizing the pictures and characters provided in their own smartphone mobile devices or tablet PCs. The application provides pictures of wild flowers in the park and character-based searching system based on 12 diagnostic features (e.g., growth form, leaf arrangement, flower symmetry, petal color, petal number, sepal number, etc). We adopted the complete floristic survey of Chung and Lee (1962) and added species that we confirmed their distribution in the park during the development of this application. In summary, number of vascular plants in this park was estimated to be 428 taxa including 100 families, 280 genera, 327 species, 1 subspecies, 50 varieties, and 5 formas. We provided a total of 588 pictures representing 358 taxa and each taxon includes multiple pictures in many cases. Included identification quizzes can be an efficient educational tool as well as fun activity for students and visitors who are learning plant species in Korea. Our next step will include GPS function in the application for indicating visitor's location and for providing previously reported sites of the species that we interested in the map of the park. The future application which includes GPS function will be a valuable tool for the monitoring of rare plants, plant researches related to the climate changes, etc. We currently provide Korean iPhone version only, and English version and both of android versions will be serviced soon.

      • KCI등재

        The influence of obesity on pediatric conscious sedation

        Park, Ki-Tae,Kim, Ji-Yeon,Park, Sung-Dong 大韓小兒齒科學會 2006 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.33 No.1

        Objective: This study was conducted to investigate as to whether obesity have any effects on conscious sedation outcomes. Methods: Forty children (mean age 30.5 months, mean height and weight were 91.3 cm, 14.3 kg respectively) were sedated with chloral hydrate (60 mg/kg) and hydroxyzine (25 mg). The relative obesity rate of the patients was obtained by the proportion of height to weight and the tonsil size of the patients was classified by Brodsky's scale. The overall sedation outcomes were evaluated by Houpt's scale. The pulse and respiratory rates during sedation were also evaluated. Results: The obesity of the patients had no statistically significant effects on movement, crying during sedation. However, an increase in obesity had negative effects on the overall conscious sedation outcomes. Conclusion: This investigation demonstrated that increased obesity may cause detrimental effects on pediatric conscious sedation outcomes. 본 연구의 목적은 소아의 비만도가 진정요법의 효과에 미치는 영향을 알아보는 것이다. 삼성서울병원 소아치과에 내원한 환자 중 ASA Ⅰ또는Ⅱ에 해당하는 40명의 환아 (평균연령 30.5개월, 평균신장 91.3cm, 평균체중 14.3kg)를 대상으로 chloral hydrate(60mg/kg) 및 hydroxyzine(25mg)을 사용하여 진정요법을 시행하였다. 환아의 체중과 신장을 이용하여 환아 각각의 비만도를 계산하였고 Broadsky's scale을 이용하여 편도선의 크기를 측정하였다. 진정요법에 대한 결과는 Houpt's scale(수면, 움직임, 울음, 전반적인 행동지수)을 이용하여 평가하였다. 환아의 비만도는 진정효과중 움직임과 울음에 대하여는 통계학적으로 유의한 차이를 만들지 않았으나 비만도가 증가 할수록 전반적인 행동지수가 유의하게 나빠지는 결과를 보였다.

      • KCI등재

        Production and Characterization of Enzymes Involved in Chitin Catabolic Cascade from a Bacterial Strain Isolated from Soil

        ( Ji Hyun Lee ),( Jeong In Lee ),( So Yeon Park ),( Yoo Kyeong Jang ),( You Bin Lim ),( Hye Yoon Lee ),( Young Min Jung ),( Hae Chang Lee ),( Jong Hwa Lee ),( Shaheen Amna ),( Jae Kweon Park ) 한국키틴키토산학회 2019 한국키틴키토산학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        The present study was aimed to isolate the bacteria producing chitinolytic enzymes including chitin deacetylase (CDA) from soil origin. About 24 bacteria were screened for their chitinolytic enzymes producing ability on the basis of colloidal chitin. Amongst one of the most potent isolates designated to JI-02 was further selected as the most prominent chitinolytic and CDAlike enzyme (CDA-X) producer based on the ability of deacetylation of an artificial substrate pNP-acetamilide. The maximum production of CDA-X in crude enzyme from JI-02 was observed in the presence of 1% colloidal chitin at 37°C and pH 6.4 after 120 h of incubation. Potent enzyme activity of CDA-X was determined toward pNP-acetamilide, demonstrating that optimal pH, temperature and ionic strength of the CDA-X were assessed to be 7.0, 52°C and 125 mM, respectively. Unexpectedly, Nacetylglucosamine (GlcNAc) was not fully converted by the action of CDA-X to glucosamine (GlcN) under the established conditions. Further study on enzyme activity toward chitin-oligosaccharides consisting of multi-N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc)n, n=2-5 may be necessary to elucidate the mode of action which requires the minimum size of (GlcNAc)n. However, our data suggest that CDA-X can convert chitin to chitosan with the maximum yield of approximately 0.08g/L during the fermentation of the strain in the presence of chitin. Furthermore, we found that crude enzyme showed the significant chitosanolytic activity. Taken together, our data suggest that the strain JI-02 may be a potential candidate as a particular strain for better understating of chitin catabolic pathway.

      • KCI등재

        때까치(Lanius bucephalus)의 비번식기 먹이꽂이 행동에 관한 연구

        박경현(Park, Kyung-hyun),김지연(Kim, Ji-yeon) 한국조류학회II 2020 한국조류학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        2003~2009년 10월부터 다음해 2월까지 길동생태공원에서 때까치의 먹이꽂이 212개를 조사한 결과, 11월 중순부터 먹이꽂이가 급격히 증가하여 추위가 본격화되기 전 먹이를 저장함을 알 수 있었다. 먹이꽂이에 이용된 동물은 메뚜기목과 양서강이 가장 많았고, 그 외 절지, 연체, 환형, 척추동물문의 다양한 먹이를 겨울철 먹이로 이용하였고, 2개월 내에 70%가량이 없어졌다. 먹이꽂이 높이는 평균 131.5cm로, 아까시나무와 버드나무를 주로 이용하였으나, 그 외 다양한 수종도 이용하였다. 수종보다는 먹이를 꽂기 쉬운 높이의 수목 중 DBH 3cm미만인 교목을 선호하였다. 먹이꽂이와 관찰로의 거리를 조사한 결과, 관찰로 주변을 더 선호하였다. 길동생태공원에서 비번식기에 서식하는 때까치의 먹이꽂이 행동에 관한 연구 결과, 도시 비오톱에서 때까치의 비번식기 서식을 위하여 먹이원이 되는 곤충과 양서류 등 종다양성을 높게 유지하는 것이 필요하며, 일정한 거리 내에 습지와 개방된 초지, 산림이 어우러진 수직적 자연경관을 유지해야 함을 알 수 있었다. 2003~2009 from every October to following February(7 years), we have observed 212 impaled preys of Lanius bucephalus in Gildong Ecological Park. As a result, we got to know that the number of impaled preys sharply increased from the middle of November in every year, and the food storage of preys has been completed before severely cold time. The main preys used for its impalement were orthoptera and amphibia. Besides, various preys such as arthropoda, mollusca, annelida and vertebrate were also used as impaled food for winter time. And 70% of its cache of preys disappeared within 2 months. The impalement location on a tree was 131.5cm high of trees on average. And then it mainly used Salix koreensis and Robinia pseudoacacia for impalement but it also used various other trees. It preferred the trees of which DBH(Diameter at Breast Height) is less then 3cm among the trees of easy-to-impale height rather than wood species. According to examining the distance between impalement and observation road, it is recognized that Lanius bucephalus liked the surrounding area of observation road. As a result of this study on impaling behavior of Lanius bucephalus in non-breeding season in Gildong Ecological Park, for the inhabitation of Lanius bucephalus in non-breeding season at the biotop in urban area, we got to know it is required that biodiversity on food source such as insect and amphibian etc. should be kept in a high level, and also within a certain boundary, vertical natural landscape which combines wetlands, open pastures and forest should be maintained.

      • KCI등재후보

        태안해안국립공원 학암포 지역의 조류 현황

        강화연(Hwa-Yeon Kang),서슬기(Seul-Gi Seo),박세영(Se-Yeong Park),이지용(Ji-Yong Lee),권영수(Young-Soo Kwon) 국립공원연구원 2015 국립공원연구지 Vol.6 No.4

        서해안 육상지역을 통과하는 조류의 이동생태를 파악하기 위해, 2014년 7월부터 2015년 6월까지 태안해안국립공원 학암포 지역의 조류상을 조사하였다. 조사 결과 관찰된 조류는 총 14목 30과 88종 23,230개체이며, 평균 조사일당 159.7개체가 관찰되었다. 전체 우점종은 괭이갈매기 Larus crassirostris 21.1%, 되새 Fringilla montifringilla 18.5%, 박새 Parus major 12.7%, 붉은머리오목눈이 Paradoxornis webbianus 8.2%, 노랑턱멧새 Emberiza elegans 5.8% 순이었다. 이동시기인 5월과 10월에는 각각 56종, 조사일당 평균 310.5개체로 가장 많은 종과 개체수가 기록되었다. 종과 개체수가 가장 적은 시기는 여름철인 8월로, 기록된 종 수는 24종이며 조사일당 평균 95개체가 관찰되었다. 종풍부도(R ) 지수는 가장 많은 종이 관찰된 5월에 가장 높았으나, 종다양도(H )와 종균등도(E )는 오히려 이동시기에 낮은 편으로 나타났으며, 이는 일부 상위 우점종의 개체수가 월등히 증가했기 때문인 것으로 판단된다. 환경부, 문화재청, IUCN 등이 지정한 멸종위기 및 법정보호종은 총 9종이 관찰되었다. From July 2014 to Jun 2015, bird survey was conducted in Hakampo, Taeanhaean National Park. A total of 23,230 and 159.7 per day of birds representing 14 orders, 30 families, 88 species were observed. The most abundant species were the Black-tailed Gull Larus crassirostris (21.1%), the Brambling Fringilla montifringilla (18.5%), the Great Tit Parus major (12.7%), the Vinous-throated Parrotbill Paradoxornis webbianus (8.2%), Yellow-throated Bunting Emberiza elegans (5.8%). The number of species and individual was the highest in May and October, respectively, as 56 species and 310.5 individual per day were recorded. According to Korean Ministry of Environment, Cultural Herigage Adinistration of Korea and IUCN Red List, a total of 9 protected species were recorded during the survey.

      • 건강한 성인에서 발병한 칸디다와 연관된 위궤양 1례

        박지훈,이상혁,김희,이재호,박성재,지삼룡,양성연,박은택,이연재,설상영,정정명,강미선 白中央醫療院 2005 仁濟醫學 Vol.26 No.1

        Fungus such as Candida albicans is a normal flora that is frequently found in the oral cavity, gastrointestinal tract, genitourinary tract, vaginal mucosa in a normal person. However, candida can cause opportunistic infection in an immune compromised host. Candidiasis has broad spectrum of disease from mucocutaneous infection to invasive or disseminated infection. But, it is rarely reported that candida is associaed with gastrointestinal tract disease in a healthy adult. The case of gastric ulcer associated with candida particularly in a health adult is reported with relevant literature.

      • PCR과 SDS-PAGE를 이용한 Bifidobacteria의 동정

        박시홍,송희성,이지연,김해영 경희대학교식량자원개발연구소 2005 硏究論文集 Vol.24 No.-

        SDS-PAGE를 이용한 단백질 패턴의 분석결과, 같은 종의 Bifidobacterium은 동일한 단백질 패턴을 보이며, 다른 종의 Bifidobacterium은 서로 다른 패턴을 보이고 있는 것을 확인하였다. 따라서 SDS-PAGE를 이용한 whole cell protein 패턴 분석으로 Bifidobacterium을 간편하고 빠르게 동정할 수 있는 가능성을 보였다. DNA homology 98% 이상으로 PCR에 의해 동정에 어려움이 많았던 B. catenulatum, B. Pseudocatenulatum group, B. animalis을 SDS-PAGE로 확인한 결과, B. catenulatum과 B. pseudocatenulatum, B. animalis는 뚜렷한 단백질 패턴의 차이를 보임으로써 구별이 가능했다. PCR 수행 시 primer제작은 기존에 보고된 것과 NCBI blast program을 통하여 제작을 하였으며, 그 결과 B. longum, B. bifidum, B. adolescentis 3종류의 종에서만 특이적으로 band가 나타나는 것을 확인할 수가 있었다. 본 실험에서는 SDS-PAGE와 PCR을 이용한 균주 동정법으로 신속하고 정확하게 Bifidobacterium을 탐색할 수 있었으며, 발효유 제조나 의약품 제조 등 산업적으로 이용 될 수 있을 것이다 (Mitsuoka, 1984). Bifidobacterium is a Gram-positive obligate anaerobic bacterium which is able to change cellular shape by nutritional conditions and dominant species in intestinal microflora of human. In order to identify Bifidobacteria spp. in human intestine, PCR and SDS-PAGE of whole cell proteins were used. Species-specific primer sets based on the 16S rRNA, 16S-23S intergenic spacer and heat shock protein genes of three Bifidobacteria spp. were constructed using NCBI blast program (Bifidobacteria adolescentis, B. longum and B. bifidum). PCR products using each primer sets showed the same sizes of expected target genes. From the SDS-PAGE of whole cell proteins in bifidobacteria, profiles of SDS-PAGE between 13 type strains showed distinct differences. These methods will be useful for monitoring and evaluating Bifidobacteria spp. in human intestine microbial population.

      • KCI등재후보

        1990년대 이후 한국 멜로드라마 영화의 변화 : <접속>에서 <오버 더 레인보우>까지

        박지연 영상예술학회 2004 영상예술연구 Vol.4 No.-

        The purpose of my essay is to discover the tendencies of contemporary Korean melodramas and to understand their meaning by examining modern melodramas since the 1990's. The post-1990's melodramas secede from the tradition of Korean melodrama, separating from the excessive style of emotion and then discovering the meaning of everyday life. That is to speak, these melodramas, severing the linkage with the past, begin to remove the sentimental characteristics and absorb the sensibility of modern city life. For example, besides Contact as the outset, Christmas in August seems to be a momentum. For the description of everyday life became characteristic in the mainstream of contemporary Korean cinema since this movie, even though the following works couldn't compete with the aesthetic of the everyday life in Christmas in August. This tenacious inquiry on the everyday life in the late 1990's movies seems to be related to the socio-economic changes of the 1990's Korean society. While 1980's Korean society confronted the social conflicts around the issues resulted from the rapid modernization, 1990's Korean society settled down the democratic form even in appearances and seemed to be stable economically. In addition, the macroscopic discourse began to give place to microscopic discourse, such as the mode of desire, the economy of consumption, and the new wave of sensibility. As this sort of microscopic arena has occupied the center of discourse, the private life - the everyday life, which was rare seen in the past, had an opportunity to be shown through the cinematic representation. In addition, it is also related to the change of the 1990's Korean society that some of melodramas focused their theme on the individual issue out of family matters. In the traditional Korean melodrama, the sources of the sentimental style were conflicts with families, from the inner relationships of family, and between an individual and a family. While on the other, the post-1990's melodramas seceded from this kind of sentimental style, concentrating on not a family but an individual and his or her everyday life. For example, An Affair and Happy End seem to preserve the heritage which was consistently kept in the Korean melodrama. These movies are distinctive in the post-1990's melodramas in that they present the family issue as a subject matter. However, they also have a linkage with the contemporary melodramas because they concentrate on the daily marriage life. Furthermore, they show the characteristic tendency of the post-1990's melodramas in the endings that expose the hidden anxiety in the patriarchy. Meanwhile, the 2000's Korean melodramas renew the excessive mode of melodrama by varying the time structure or intersecting different time zones. If crossing each other, mismatch, or haphazard coincidence was the typical melodramatic strategy for the audience's sympathy, the contemporary Korean melodramas replace the traditional mode of excess by the transformation of time structure. For example, Failan and Over the Rainbow show the flashback structure that inquiries the unknown or forgotten past by intersecting the present and the past, eventually delivering narrative tension to the audience. Moreover, Ditto, II Mare, and Bungee Jumping of Their Own allow different dimensions of time cross each other through a mediator. As a result, the classical narrative around crossing of lovers becomes more ardent in this unrealistic time structure. While the melodramatic mode of excess appeared from violating the principle of classical realism, these melodramas expand themselves toward a sort of fantasy in the way of intersecting the past and the present beyond the reality. In other hand, the changes of melodrama shown in the late 1990's and the early 2000's seem to be the genre attempt to address the contemporary audience's taste. So to speak, the transformation of melodrama was inevitable for the audience who began to feel bored by Ihe sentimentalism and the cliche of traditional melodrama. Therefore, the contemporary melodramas were willing to dispose the sentimental mode and capture the atmosphere of everyday life. In addition, it seems to be an attempt to go beyond the old convention and appropriate other genre styles that these movies renew the melodramatic excess by building the new time structure. These melodramas present the new time structure in order to show what happened to him or her, how they will meet each other, or what will happen to him or her. In this way, they adopt the narrative of inquiry, just for they provide the tension, so to speak, the melodramatic suspense to the audience.

      • KCI등재

        Apolipoprotein E 다형성에 따른 사업장 근로자의 혈중 지질농도, 영양소 섭취 및 건강관련 생활습관

        박유경,조상운,강지연,백윤미,성숙희,최태인 대한지역사회영양학회 2008 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.13 No.5

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the association among nutrient intakes and health-related lifestyles with cardiovascular disease risk assessed by blood lipid profile according to Apolipoprotein E genotypes. Middle-aged industrial male workers who had completed their annual medical examination were recruited and data of 675 subjects who finished the nutrient survey were used in the analysis. Anthropometric parameters, dietary assessment (FFQ), health-related lifestyles and blood profiles were used for statistical analyses. Apo E genotype groups were classified into the following three genotypes: Apo E2 group (including E2/E2, E2/E3, E2/E4), Apo E3 group (including E3/E3), Apo E4 group (including E3/E4, E4/E4). The frequency of Apo E2, E3, and E4 allele were 13.3%, 75.0% and 11.7% respectively. There were no significant differences in the anthropometric parameters depending on different Apo E genotypes. Also, no significant differences in the nutrient intakes were found according to the genotype groups. The nutrient intakes of all subjects were similar to or higher than the level of KDRIs (Dietary Reference Intakes For Koreans) except for intakes of calcium (67.44% of KDRIs), vitamin A (73.83% of KDRIs) and vitamin B2 (78.02% of KDRIs). Also, there were no significant differences of health-related lifestyles according to Apo E genotype groups. As for the lipid profiles, Apo E4 group had significantly higher total and LDL-cholesterol concentrations than the Apo E2 group (p < 0.05). We confirmed that plasma total and LDL-cholesterol concentrations were greatly influenced by Apo E genotypes. However, nutrient intakes and health-related lifestyles were not associated with Apo E genotypes.

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