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      • 한국 사법부의 성적 소수자에 대한 통념 비판 : 군형법상 추행죄 합헌결정을 중심으로

        송지은 이화여자대학교 법학전문대학원 2014 Ewha Law Review Vol.4 No.1

        Last year (2013) was an important turning point for sexual minorities across the globe. The U.S. Supreme Court declared that ‘Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA)’, which defines marriage as a union of one man and one woman, is unconstitutional. This ruling means that recognizing only heterosexual marriages violates the equal rights of homosexuals. Also, same-sex marriage was institutionalized in France, New Zealand, Brazil and Uruguay. On the other hand, in Korea, Kim-Jo Kwangsu, a film director, held a public wedding with his gay partner. Their gay wedding became a national topic of conversation. The couple expressed their intent to file a constitutional appeal against the current law which does not recognize gay marriage. Furthermore, in March 2013, Seoul Western District Court permitted transsexuals who had not undergone genital surgery to change their genders on the resident registry. In this way we can expect more diverse social changes in the future, especially with rising social concerns about sexual minorities – whether they be positive or negative concerns. Above all, until now many legislations and policies have been made without any regard to individuals’ sexual orientation and gender identity. Moreover, the courts have ruled based on social prejudice against sexual minorities, resulting in discrimination. This paper analyzes the constitutional decision of the Constitutional Court of Korea regarding Article 92-5 of Military Criminal Law. In addition it looks into some other court decisions on sexual minorities, so as to clarify the level of awareness and prejudice of the Korean judiciary. 지난 2013년 한 해 동안 전 세계에서 성적 소수자와 관련한 중요한 이슈가 몇 가지 있었다. 미국 연방대법원이 혼인을 남녀의 결합으로 규정한 ‘결혼보호법’이 위헌이라고 선고하여 동성애자의 평등권을 침해한다는 취지의 판결을 내렸다. 뿐만 아니라 프랑스, 뉴질랜드, 브라질, 우루과이 등의 나라에서도 동성혼이 제도화되었다. 한편 한국에서도 영화감독 김조광수가 동성연인과 공개 결혼식을 올린 것이 큰 화제가 되었고, 이들은 혼인신고 후 동성혼을 인정하고 있지 않은 현행법에 대하여 헌법소원을 제기할 의사를 밝혔다. 또한 서울서부지방법원에서는 2013년 3월에 성기성형을 하지 않은 성전환 남성 다섯 명에 대해 성별정정을 허가하는 결정을 내리기도 하였다. 한편으로는 차별금지사유로 ‘성적지향’이 들어갔다는 이유로 차별금지법 제정이 무산되었다. 이처럼 긍정적이든 부정적이든 성적 소수자에 대한 높아진 사회적 관심도와 맞물려 앞으로의 다양한 사회적 변화가 예상된다. 무엇보다 지금까지는 개인의 성적 지향에 대한 어떠한 고려도 없이 만들어지고 적용되었던 법률과 각종 정책, 그리고 그에 기반을 두고 있다고 밖에 볼 수 없었던 사법부의 판단 등에도 새로운 고려와 변화가 요구되어야 한다. 그러나 지금까지 우리나라 사법부에서 성적지향 또는 성별정체성 등을 고려하여 내린 판결은 매우 드물며, 특히 ‘동성애자의 평등권 침해여부’에 대해서 헌법재판소가 심사한 것은 지난 2011. 3. 31. 자 2008헌가21 결정이 유일하다. 게다가 헌법재판소는 군형법상 추행죄의 위헌 여부가 문제된 본 판결에서 성적 소수자에 대한 사법부의 인식과 이해가 부족한 현실을 여실히 드러내며 이를 합헌이라고 판시하였다. 따라서 이 글에서는 먼저 많은 비판이 가해지고 있는 「군형법」 제92조의5 위헌제청에 대한 헌법재판소의 합헌결정을 중심으로 결정의 요지와 근거들을 분석하였다. 나아가 군형법 외에 한국에서 법적으로 문제되어 사법부의 판단을 거쳤던 성적 소수자 관련 판결을 정리하였다. 이를 통해 우리나라 사법기관이 가지고 있는 성적 소수자에 대한 인식 수준과 통념을 밝히고자 한다.

      • 농촌지역 노인들의 우울증상에 관련된 요인들의 특성

        송미숙,전기홍,송현종,김정은,박승구,신상건,이동훈,정성현,최연주,최완철,최민규,황재철,홍지만 아주대학교 1997 아주의학 Vol.2 No.2

        This study was performed to identify risk factors for depression among the elderly in a rural area. A survey was done for the elderly living in Gosam-myenn, Ansung-kun during the period of July 28, 1997 and July 30, 1997. Demographic and sodoeconornic characteristics, and functional and health Status were assessed using a structured questionnaire, and the level of depression was measured by GDS score. The data obtained were analyzed by frequencies, percentage, t-test, ANOVA, and multiple regression, and the results were as follows: 1. The total sample consisted of 133 elderly. Of them, 47 elderly (35.4%) showed significant depressive Symptoms. 2. The GDS score was the highest for the group over 85 years of age (p < 0.05). Those living alone or widowed showed lower GDS score than those living with someone or married (p < 0.05). 3. The GDS score was the highest in the absolutely dependent group, followed by the partially dependent group, and the independent group (p < 0.01). The elderly who perceived their health Status as excellent showed the lowest GDS score. In contrast, those who had more than five chronic diseases showed the highest GDS score. 4. The elderly receiving financial and emotional support from their family or friends showed lower GDS score compared to those without any support. 5. The economically dependent group showed higher GDS score than that of independent group. 6. The elderly who involved in leisure activities showed lower GDS score than those without any involvement. 7. In terms of risk factors for depression, we found that perceived health Status, subjective economic Status, leisure activities, living arrangement and financial support were inversely associated with GDS score, whereas labor support was positively associated with GDS score. Based upon the above findings, this study suggests that these risk factors for depression in the elderly should be taken into consideration for a comprehensive mental health program for the elderly living in the rural area.

      • KCI등재

        고대러시아어 텍스트에서의 문체변이(Stylistic Variation)

        송은지 서울대학교 러시아연구소 2000 러시아연구 Vol.10 No.1

        본 논문에서 살펴본 17세기 후반의 아바꿈성자전의 문체변이 양상은 기존의 문체규정 방식 및 문체변이에 대한 접근을 재고하는 계기를 마련했다. 우선 필자는 문체의 개념을 객관적이고 절대적이라 보다 주관적이고 상대적인 것으로서 계열측면-언어요소 선택-과 통합측면-주변 담화와의 연결-에서의 비교와 대조를 통해 분석되어야 하는 것임을 주장하였다. 교회슬라이브어체-순수 러시아어체의 상호배타적인 이분법적 접근은 이 두 언어체계의 발생적 측면과 공존의 역사, 언증의 의식 및 언어사용현실을 고려할 때 현실적이지 않으며, 문체혼합이나 변이는 이 시대에 와서는 보다 무표적인 언어사용의 현실이었을 것이다. 따라서 필자는 본 논문에서 문체변이에 대한 연구가 두 문체 각각에 속하는 언어자질들의 절대적인 수량적 비교보다는 텍스트내의 그 상대적 분포의 변화에 초점을 맞추는 것이 보다 적절한 접근임을 보이고자 했다. 기존의 문체 변이에 대한 연구가 주제나 장르와 문체와의 일대일 조옹이란 측면에서 텍스트의 문제로 귀속시켰다면 본 연구는 비슷한 주제나 하나의 장르 내에 나타나는 역동적 문체변이에 주목하여 저자가 입지나 프래임의 역동적인 전환을 무체전환을 통해 능동적으로 표시할 수 있다는 점을 보이고자 시도했다. 이 같은 접근방식은 기존의 주제나 장르가 문체를 결정한다는 견해에서 보이는 수동적 입장의 화자관을 보다 능동적이고 역동적이 화장관으로 바꿀 수 있고 이로써 문체변이를 주체성이나 자아의 효과적 표현수단의 하나로 해석할 수 있음을 시사한다. 이 같은 해석은 또한 이 작품이 쓰여진 시기가 작가의 개성이 높아지고 독자층과 문학 장르가 다양해지기 시작한 시점이란 점을 감안할 때 언어변화가 사회문화적, 문학사적 맥락의 변화와 무관하지 않음을 말한다. 주체성의 표현으로서의 문체변이는 문체의 기능적 사용으로부터 좀 더 자유로와짐을 의미하며 궁극적으로 문학어 형성과정에 필수적 단계를 제공하는데 기여했다 볼 수 있다. 또한 본 논문에서는 저자의 의도에 따라 전략적이고 변별적으로 사용되는 언어요소들에 주목해 봄으로써 문체적 기능부담량이라는 개념의 필요성을 주장했고, 이와 함께 객관적 수량 위주의 문체 분석에서 한 걸음 더 나아가 저자에 의해 의도된 언어요소의 주관적, 문체적 이용의 측면도 간과하지 말아야 함을 보이고자 했다. The purpose of the study is to revisit the existing interpretations on stylistic variations widely attested in Old Russian texts and the concept of style(or register) inself. For the former, genre and discourse topic were believed to be te main factors triggering code shift. For the latter, an objective approach based on quantification of linguistic elements in opposition from each style has prevailed. Although it is true, to some extent, that Church Slavonic and Old Russian dictate different thematic matters and literary genres, the stylistic variation or mixing of different languages in late seventeenth century is very extensive and dynamic, and the correlation between subject matter or genre on one hand and style on the other is much more opaque and complex. The binary division of Church Slavonic and Russian is not sophisticated enough to be implemented to explore stylistic identity of texts in this period. The study attempts to provide a new perspective on the concept of style and stylistic variations based on the late seventeenth-century Life of Avvakum. In this text even without any obvious thematic changes or discourse genre, stylistic variations are very dynamic and subtle. The study attempts to approach this kind of stylistic shift from more subjectivity - or agency - oriented perspective. Thus, I argued that the code-switching may reflect the author's dynamic shifting in his 'Footing' and 'Framing'. The author aims at different layers of audience, from close interlocutor to old believers or more broad and general readers. Furter, he has different agendas in writing his life he wants to tell his stories of personal experience and at the same time he wants to present himself as a living Old Believer saint. The stylistic variations in the Life also suggest that authors dynamic and subjective shifting in his footing and framing represents the new authorship, broader readership, and new leterary situations. This study also attempts to show some linguistic elements can be exploited by the author's subjective stylistic agenda. The relatively marked distribution of some style markers suggest that linguistic elements may have distinctive 'Stylistic Loads' dictated by the author's stylistic strategy.

      • 수정진동자를 이용한 2가이온의 전기화학적 특성 분석

        송성훈,김종민,박지선,손진언,김영한,장상목 동아대학교 공과대학부설 생산기술연구소 1998 生産技術硏究所硏究論文集 Vol.3 No.2

        This paper shows eletrochemical extraction property changes of dyed cations by the various eletrochemical conditions using quartz crystal technique. The quantitative and qualitative changes of electrode surface was monitored measuring oscillation parameters of quartz crystal. The results suggest that the eletrochemical extraction of cation is influenced by the various factors such as ionic size, ionic intensity and tendency of ionization.

      • KCI등재

        도상적 메타포를 통한 ДУшА의 개념화에 대한 연구 : СЕРДЦЕ,ум과의 비교를 통하여

        송은지 서울대학교 러시아연구소 2006 러시아연구 Vol.16 No.2

        The Russian word dusha is known as one of the crucial keywords in understanding Russian culture and Russian national character. This study attempts to clarify the distinctive semantic characteristics of dusha by exploring its metaphorization. Through paradigmatic comparison with other key mental lexicon referring to cognition and emotion, and its syntagmatic collocational features, I attempted to identify the semantic value of dusha. In contrast with other comparable words, such as serdce and um, the concept of dusha is comprehensive and integrating: it encompasses human cognition and emotion, subjectivity and objectivity, spirituality and morality. Thus dusha is a superordinate term overarching such hyponyms as um and serdce. Dusha and serdce are often construed as synonyms in human emotional dimension and as often interchangeable in collocations and idioms, but I argued that dusha is different from serdce in that the former is introspective and transcendental, while the latter is involved in human relationships and is inseparable from the surrounding living conditions. Further, Russian um is a functional concept with materialistic value, which can influence humans in reality, For Russians something surpassing um can reveal real truth under the visible world, which is inscrutable like sud'ba. Dusha, which stems from dux meaning 'breath', can be metaphorized as vaporing substance or liquid substance or solid entity, such as a container. The spatial expansibility represented by versatile metaphorical vehicles of dusha is in iconic relationship with its semantically comprehensive mental dimensions. In addition, this study reveals that emotions demanding evaluations and judgements belong to dusha, whereas the domain of pure spontaneous feelings or emotions is serdce. Further the study shows the objective, outer perspective of dusha and the subjective, inner perspective of serdce, as is proved in their different acceptability in impersonal syntactic construction with dative experiencer. The study substantiates that in contrast with the Anglo-Saxon superordinate concept of 'mind' focusing on human intellect and reason, or Korean counterpart maum focusing on emotion, dusha represents Russians' characteristic conceptualization of human mind as integrated and comprehensive.

      • 리키 버킷 알고리즘을 지원하는 UDP의 설계 및 구현

        송지영,김은기 한밭대학교 정보통신전문대학원 2003 정보통신전문대학원 논문집 Vol.1 No.1

        In this paper, we have implemented the new protocol, LB_UDP, that can be used for multimedia data transmission. The implemented LB_UDP can control a burst multimedia data and regulate traffic having a constant rate at regular intervals. LB_UDP protocol maintains the basic actions of UDP and controls bursty data using the Leaky Bucket algorithm. We have test a implemented LB_UDP in Linux Kernel. When traditional UDP was used, we could find that the data transmission rate changes variably. But when LB_UDP was used, we could find that the change of data transmission rate is a little. The designed LB_UDP can be used to transmit a multimedia data without network congestion.

      • KCI등재

        현대 러시아어에서의 접속사А와 НО : 그 의미적, 화용적 기능의 변별성

        송은지 서울대학교 러시아연구소 2001 러시아연구 Vol.11 No.1

        The study explores semantic and pragmatic functions of the coordinating conjunctions A and Ho in Modern Russian. They have been often considered as interchangeable in the sense of the denial of expectation or contradiction. Previous studies have tried to explain their functional distinctions simply in terms of the degree of contradiction between two conjoined conjuncts or objectivity/subjectivity contrast. The study maintains that the conjunction A betrays Russian national, cultural characteristics, such as non-agency, passive, submissive or emotional attitude towards events or situations. The conjunction A shows dialogic character between two conjuncts, less control and more mobility, and puts equal semantic, pragmatic emphasis on both conjuncts. In contrast, the conjunction Ho shows more monologic character, less mobility and more semantic control or constraint on the relation between the conjoined syntagms and lays heavier stress on the following conjunct: the evaluation shown in that clause can be construed as the overall evaluation of the speaker. In sum, the given study maintains that the essential functional differences between A and Ho lie in the interpersonal and textual functions of these conjunctions which have an identical ideational function: A shows speaker's involved stance toward the narrated event and the hearer, whereas Ho shows more impersonal and detached stance toward these; A shows less semantic constraints and more independent relationship between two conjuncts, whereas HO shows greater semantic control and dependence.

      • KCI등재

        현대러시아어의 대조화제와 '화제성'

        송은지 서울대학교러시아연구소 2007 러시아연구 Vol.17 No.2

        This study explores the concept of 'contrastive topicl CT)' in Modern Russian, their linguistic exponents and implications. In view of the fact that every focus element has a certain degree of innate contrastiveness, CT is a heterogeneous concept including focus properties arising from its contrastive semantic feature, as is contrastive focus with its topic properties in terms of informational status as 'given'. CT is a complex notion: it evokes a set of contrast sets consisting of textually or situationally evoked alternatives and it needs to orient or anchor the addressee, which explains its invariant prominent position in Russian word order. Further, topic-focus bipartition, a long tradition in FSP studies, needs to be reexamined. In Russian, other than prosodic features, word order is a main exponent of CT : CT tends to be located in sentence-initial position. CT precedes a continuous topic, and this CT -first ordering is crucial for orienting the addressee in evoking double contrast sets. In colloquial Russian, although CT invariably occupies the same sentence-initial position, contrastive focus or unmarked focus tends to be preposed - to sentence-initial position or leftward. In addition, this study reexamines "imenitel'nyj temy", which has caused confusion due to its misnomer, and this neutralized unmarked case in topic position is for both topic and focus with assumed contrastiveness in colloquial Russian. Thus, regardless of register, 'focushood' or contrastiveness controls sentence-initial position and case neutralization. The position and case reflect its cognitive and discourse function as 'figure' or foregrounding device. Thus Communicative Dynamism alone cannot explicate the communicative significance of the sentence-initial position or leftward movement. In conclusion this study rejects discrete categorial notions of topic and focus based on structural binarism. Instead a continuous notion of 'topichood', consisting of properties on grammatical, semantic, discourse-pragmatic and coding planes, is proposed. CT is a case for that argument.

      • VRSA에 대한 항생물질을 생산하는 방선균의 분리

        이지연,양시용,고은지,이승구,김시관,조왕식,송민동 建國大學校 自然科學硏究所 2002 建國自然科學硏究誌 Vol.13 No.2

        본 연구가 VRSA에 대한 신규 항생물질 생산 균주를 얻기 위하여 실시하였다. 국내외에 채취한 토양시료에서 분리한 방선균 중, 임상분리 VRSA와 돌연변이 유발 VRSA에 대해 항균성을 나타내는 JY-24를 선별하였다. 선발 균주는 원통형의 포자 모양을 갖고 있으며, Bennett's 배지에 배양시 aerial mycelium color는 흰색을 나타냈으며, reverse side color는 대체로 노란색을 나타내었다. 항균물질 생산을 위한 탄소원으로는 fructose, mannose, 질소원으로는 yeast extract가 가장 우수하였으며 glucose의 첨가로 항균 물질 생산성이 증가하는 것으로 나타났다. 최적 초기 pH는 pH 7로 나타났으며, 28 ℃, 37℃, 45 ℃의 온도에서 균이 성장하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 배양기간에 따라 항균물질 생산성을 조사한 결과, 임상분리 균주에 대해 5일 배양 시 가장 높았으나, 3일 배양과 7일 배양 시 동일한 생산성을 나타내 생산속도가 빠르며, 안정한 물질인 것이 파악되었다. 향후 균주동정 및 항균물질 정제에 관한 연구를 수행하고자 한다. An antibiotic substance producing strain JY-24, effective to the VRSA (Vancomycin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), was isolated from soil. The spore chain of JY-24 was cylindrical, and its sulface was smooth. The aerial mass color of the strain was white, and its reverse side color was yellow. The strain did not produce soluble pigment. For the production antibiotics, fructose, mannose and yeast extract were favorable as carbon and nitrogen sources. Optimal initial pH for the production of the antibiotic was pH 7. Accumulation of the antibiotic in the culture broth reached at maximal level after 5 days cultivation in Bennett's medium.

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