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        알코올이 흰쥐 소뇌피질의 복합당질에 미치는 영향에 관한 조직화학적 연구

        조지은,정길남,조운복 부산대학교 과학교육연구소 2006 교사교육연구 Vol.45 No.-

        This study was performed to investigate the effects of 10% alcohol on the changes of histological structure and glycoconjugates in rats cerebellar cortex. Sprague-Dawley rats weighing about 200~250 g were divided into control and 10% alcohol treated groups. The treated group with 10% alcohol was divided into 4 subgroups; 1, 2, 4 and 6 weeks alcohol treatment. To investigate the distribution and change of glycoconjugates, nine biotinylated lectins (DBA, SBA, PNA, BSL-1, RCA-1, sWGA, UEA-1, LCA and Con A) were applied according to the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex methods. The morphological changes in the cerebellar cortex of the 10% alcohol groups were significant compared with the control group. In 10% alcohol groups for 2 and 4 weeks, molecular layer of cerebellar cortex was separated, and number of cells in molecular layer and Purkinje layer decreased. Purkinje cell layer and granular layer were separated. There were extended separation between molecular layer and granular layer matrix, abnormal multiplication and extention of layers. Especially, nerve cells showed histopathological lesions, such as lysis, depression and crush. Because of cerebellar Purkinje cell degeneration, Purkinje cell was fallen apart or got buried in granular layer. In 10% alcohol groups for 6 weeks, size of cerebellar cortex decreased and number and size of cells were also decreased. The change in RCA-1 binding was similar to both drinking and control groups. sWGA binding compared with the control group was decreased 2 and 4 weeks alcohol drinking groups, but showed tendency to increase in 6 weeks group. All lectins binding except sWGA and RCA-1 appeared tendency to increase in drinking groups, especially, LCA binding was notably increased in 6 weeks alcohol drinking group. In conclusion, the present study suggests that alcohol induce significant changes in the morphological structures and glycoconjugates in the rat cerebellar cortex. 흰쥐 소뇌피질의 형태적 구조와 복합당질에 알코올이 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위해 체중 200~250g의 Sprague-Dawley계 흰쥐를 대조군과 알코올음용군으로 나누고 알코올음용군은 10% 알코올을 계속 음용시켜 1주군, 2주군, 4주군, 6주군으로 나누어 연구하였다. 소뇌 피질의 복합당질의 양상을 9종의 biotinylated lectin(DBA, SBA, PNA, RCA-1, sWGA, UEA-1, LCA, Con A, BSL-1)으로 관찰하였다. 알코올음용군에서 소뇌피질의 형태적인 변화를 관찰한 결과 음용기간에 따라 현저한 변화가 나타났다. 알코올음용 1주군에서 대조군과 유의미한 변화가 나타나지 않았으나, 알코올음용 2주 및 4주군의 소뇌피질의 분자층 세포들과 조롱박세포의 수가 크게 줄어들었으며 조롱박층이 과립층과 분리되는 경향이 나타났고 분자층과 과립층 기질이 나누어지며 비정상적인 증식 및 층의 확장 경향이 나타났다. 특히 신경세포들이 용해되거나 신경세포의 모양이 찌그러지고 함몰되는 현상이 나타났으며, 소뇌 조롱박세포의 변성으로 조롱박 세포가 탈락되어지거나, 과립층에 묻혀 구분되지 않는 현상도 나타났다. 알코올음용 6주군에서는 전체적인 소뇌피질의 크기 감소와 더불어 신경세포의 수와 크기가 크게 감소하며 조롱박세포의 함몰, 찌그러짐, 용해현상이 심하게 나타나며 신경세포 이상증식에 의한 다층화가 나타났다. 알코올음용군 흰쥐 소뇌피질의 세포들의 복합당질에 대한 렉틴결합양상은 RCA-1의 경우 대조군에 비해 변화가 없었으나, sWGA는 알코올음용 2주군, 4주군에서 대조군에 비해 감소되었다가 알코올음용 6주군에서 회복되는 경향을 보였다. 그 외 렉틴반응은 증가하는 경향을 나타내었으며 특히 LCA는 알코올음용 6주군에서 많이 증가하였다. 이상의 결과로 보아 알코올섭취는 소뇌피질의 신경세포의 형태적 변화 그리고 복합당질 대사에 심한 영향을 미치는 것으로 사료된다.

      • 六一順氣湯 抽出物이 생쥐의 全腦虛血에 미치는 影響

        정승현,신길조,이원철 동국대학교 한의학연구소 1999 東國韓醫學硏究所論文集 Vol.7 No.2

        생쥐의 全腦虛血 모델에서 potassium cyanide 誘發 昏睡時間 및 生存時間, 減壓性 無酸素 負荷時 生存時間을 測定하여 全腦虛血時 腦循環代謝 改善 效果를 觀察하였다. KCN 誘發 昏睡時間의 短縮, 致死量의 KCN에 대한 生存時間의 延長, 減壓에 의한 無酸素 負荷時 生存時間의 延長 效果가 나타났다. The effect of Yukilsunki-tang extracts on global cerebral ischemia were investigated in this study. The multiple parameters of global cerebral ischemia assessed in mice included the duration of KCN-induced(1.8㎎/㎏ i.v.) coma, the survival time of KCN-induced(3.0㎎/㎏ i,v.) coma the survival time exposed to hypoxia induced by vacuum pump. In the case of global cerebral ischemia International Cancer Research mice were used and divided into two groups at random. Group A, normal control, was treated after oral administration of normal saline. Group B, experimental control, was treated after oral administration of 13.2㎎/20g of Yukilsunki-tang extracts. Each treatment was KCN-induced(1.8㎎/㎏ i.v.) coma, KCN-induced(3.0㎎/㎏ i.v.) coma and exposure to hypoxia induced by vacuum pump. The results were obtained as follows : In global cerebral ischemia, Yukilsunki-tang extracts significantly prolonged the duration of KCN-induced(1.8㎎/㎏ i.v.) coma, the survival time of KCN-induced(3.0㎎/㎏ i.v.) coma and the survival time of exposure to hypoxia induced by vacuum pump in mice. Conclusion Yukilsunki-tang extracts had a significant effect on Global cerebral ischemia.

      • 감꼭지나방(나비목:감꼭지나방과)의 발육생태

        김정화,김길하,조수원,박은철,박형진 충북대학교 첨단원예기술개발연구센터 2000 연구보고서 Vol.5 No.-

        충북 영동의 감나무 가로수에서 감꼭지나방(Stathmopoda masinissa)을 채집하여 온도 25±1℃,광주기 16L:8D, 상대습도 85%의 실내조건에서 이들의 발육생태를 조사하였다. 각 충태별 발육일수는 알기간 7.4일, 유충기간 34.8일, 번데기기간이 15.5일이었다. 1령에서 5령의 영기간은 각각 3.5일, 4.2일, 5.2일, 6.5일, 15.4일이었으며, 유충의 두폭은 각각 0.20, 0.40, 0.65, 0.87, 1.07mm이었다. 용화율과 우화율은 각각 68.0%, 59.9%이었다. 성충 수명은 수컷이 6.2일, 암컷이 10.1일이며, 암컷 한 마리당 평균 산란수는 24.4개였다. Persimmon fruit moth, Sathmopoda masinissa, collected from roadside persimmon trees planted as shade trees in yeongdong area was used to investigate their developmental ecology under laboratory condition; 25±1℃, 16L : 8D and 85% RH. Developmental periods for eggs, larvae, and pupae were 7.4, 34.8 and 15.5 days, respectively. The duration for each larval instar from the 1st to the 5th was 3.5, 4.2, 5.2, 6.5 and 15.4 days, respectively, and the head capsule width of corresponding stage was 0.20, 0.40, 0.65, 0.87 and 1.07mm. Rates of pupation and emergence were 68.0 and 59.9%, respectively. Longevity of adult males was 6.3 days while that of females was 10.1 days. Average fecundity was 25.4 eggs.

      • 감꼭지나방(나비목: 감꼭지나방과) 1세대 유충에 의한 떫은감의 피해양상과 발생소장

        박은철,김길하,김정화,조수원 충북대학교 한국과학재단 지정 첨단원예기술개발 연구센터 2002 연구보고서 Vol.6 No.-

        본 연구는 감꼭지나방 유충의 침입양상에 대하여 조사하였다. 떫은 감의 피해양상, 유충의 재충률, 지역별 피해양상 및 자연낙과율과 유충에 의한 낙과율을 조사하였다. 1세대 유충에 의한 피해양상은 과경이 64.9%와 꽃받침 부분이 35.1%이었다. 과경으로의 피해는 6월 하순경부터 7월 하순경까지 84.6%와 52.2%이었으며, 꽃받침부분으로는 15.4%와 30.5%이었다. 시기별로 감꼭지나방 1세대 유충에 의한 재충률은 6월 하순경부터 7월 하순경까지 59.0%에서 0%이었다. 자연낙과율은 유충에 의한 낙과율보다 피해가 더 크게 나타났다. 감꼭지나방의 발생소장은 연 2회 발생하며 1세대 성충은 5월 하순부터 6월 초순까지로 발생최성기는 6월 초순이었으며, 2세대는 7월 하순부터 8월 초순까지로 발생최성기는 7월 하순이었다. This study was conducted to determine the larval infestation aspect of persimmon fruit moth(PFM) Stathmopoda masinissa Meyrick, and its presence sites in damaged wild persimmon fruit, Diospyros kaki Thunb var domestica Mak, and rate of infested sites with larva, aspect of damaged of persimmon fruit moth in different regions and rate of natural or larval drop in Cheong ju, 2000. Rate of infested sites in wild persimmon fruit damaged by the 1st generation larva of the PFM were 64.9% at the pedicel and 35.1% at the calyx of flower, and from late June to late July the rate was 84.6% to 52.2% at the pedicel and 15.4% to 30.5% at the calyx of flower. At different observed dates the rate of infested site with larva in the wild persimmon fruit damaged by the 1st generation larva was from 59.0% to 0% at from late June to late July. Rate of natural drop damaged higher than rate of larval drop. Seasonal occurrence of S. masinissa was most likely to have to generations a year with first occurrence of adults from late May to early June and second from late July to early August including 2 peaks in early June and late July, respectively.

      • 상사성을 고려한 배수재 설치 연약점토 지반의 원심모델링

        유남재,홍영길,정길수,조한기 강원대학교 산업기술연구소 2007 産業技術硏究 Vol.27 No.A

        This paper is results of experimental research on the effect of application of similarity related to permeability of soil on the consolidation behavior as centrifuge modeling of consolidation is performed with the centrifuge model facility. In this research, the permeability of soil was controlled by changing the viscosity of porewater as the mixed water with glycerin was used during the centrifuge model experiments. The effect of drainage path on consolidation was investigated by installing the vertical drains. A serise of centrifuge model tests with conditions of single vertical and radial horizontal drainage were carried out. Kaolinite and Jumunjin standard sand were used as soft clay and surcharges respectively during tests. For testing condition of single vertical drainage considering similarity of permeability, it was found that consolidation with mixed porewater with glycerin was delayed in comparisons with test results with water only. For conditions of horizontal drainage with vertical drains, a low permeability by changing the viscosity of pore water resulted in delayed degree of consolidation at an initial stage of consolidation. But, it predicted not much differences in settlement as long as the consolidation time was sufficiently long enough to finish consolidation. Consequently, it was found that similarity in permeability should be considered to be critical for the case of centrifuge model experiments related to consolidation with long drainage path.

      • KCI등재

        A lightweight design approach for an EMU carbody using a material selection method and size optimization

        Jeong Gil Cho,Jeong Seo Koo,Hyun Seung Jung 대한기계학회 2016 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.30 No.2

        This study proposes a weight reduction design approach for urban transit carbody using a material selection method and size optimization. First, the material selection method, which uses specific stiffness and strength indices to predict the weight reduction rate, is set up when the materials of the under-frame and roof structure are substituted. The CFRP was chosen as the best weight reduction material in terms of the material selection method but was not appropriate for application to an urban transit carbody as a thin panel because of outof-plane deformation. Therefore, we applied CFRP-AL honeycomb sandwich composites to the under-frame and roof structures, and the size optimization method was subsequently applied to derive a lightweight composite hybrid carbody design. Finally, the proposed approach was applied to an urban transit carbody, i.e., a Korean electrical multiple units carbody made of aluminum extrusion profiles. The weight of the optimized composite hybrid carbody design was 29.0% lighter than that of the original K-EMU. The resulting composite hybrid carbody design satisfied the design guidelines of the Performance Test Standard for K-EMU according to the corresponding FE simulations.

      • Comparison of Cuticular Hydrocarbons on Developmental Stages of the Bean Bug, Riptortus pedestris

        Jeong-Eun Lee,Sun-Ran Cho,Jeong-Oh Yang,Gil-Hah Kim 한국응용곤충학회 2010 한국응용곤충학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2010 No.05

        Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) were analyzed using GC and GC-MS, and compared with developmental stages of the bean bug, Riptortus pedestris. Carbon numbers on each developmental stages differed from 14-19 in eggs to 4th nymph, 25 in 5th nymph, and over 30 in last nymph that until adult emergence. Carbon numbers are increased to 16-17 carbons over time in newly emerged adults, 18-22 in 1 and 3 days after emergence, respectively; 23-27 in 6 days after emergence; approximately 30 in over 10 days after emergence. Carbon numbers increased as passed days after emergence. Riptortus pedestris consisted of n-nonacosane on almost all developmental stages, and followed by n-hentriacontane and 13,17-;15,19-demethyltritriacontane. Eggs, however, consisted of unknown compounds with high proportion and followed by n-heptacosane, and newly emerged adults also has a high proportion of n-heptacosane. From the above results, CHCs on developmental stages of the bean bug consist of n-alkane with saturated hydrocarbons (36-65 %), followed mono- or di- methylalkanes. However, newly emerged female and male adults mostly consisted of methyl-alkane. The major constituents of CHCs on the developmental stages of Riptortus pedestris is differently proportioned, but hardly showed the difference in their composition.

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