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        Cultural Barriers in International Trade and the Protection and Promotion of Culture

        ( Jaeok Park ) 한국경제학회 2015 The Korean Economic Review Vol.31 No.2

        I present a model of international trade with cultural barriers and cultural learning. There are two countries that can produce a manufacturing good and cultural goods and can trade with each other. Due to cultural difference, consumers in a country have difficulty in appreciating cultural goods produced in the other country, which creates cultural barriers, and consumers can overcome these barriers by investing in cultural learning. I first study trade equilibrium given cultural barriers in the two countries, and then I analyze decisions on cultural learning under three different scenarios and compare them. Based on the analysis, I provide economic explanations for countries’ policies to protect and promote their own cultures at home and abroad.

      • KCI등재

        Potential Games with Change Cost

        ( Jaeok Park ) 서강대학교 시장경제연구소(구 서강대학교 경제연구소) 2015 시장경제연구 Vol.44 No.2

        We study strategic games where each player has a reference action and incurs a change cost when s/he chooses an action different from his/her reference action. We propose a generalization of exact potential games, called weak potential games, in which the net payoff gain of a deviating player does not exceed the differential of a potential function. We show that a maximizer of a weak potential function is an equilibrium and characterize weak potential games by using a cycle condition. Lastly, we study the property of weak potential maximizers in 2×2 coordination games.

      • KCI등재

        출신대학 블라인드 채용: 선별과 편견

        박재옥(Jaeok Park) 한국경제연구학회 2021 한국경제연구 Vol.39 No.2

        본 연구에서는 최근 공공부문을 중심으로 확산되고 있는 출신대학 블라인드 채용 제도의 효과를 이론적으로 분석한다. 노동시장에서 구직자의 출신대학은 선별 기능을 갖는 한편 편견 요소로 작용하기도 한다. 이를 반영하기 위하여 본 연구의 모형에서는 기관이 입사자의 능력과 학벌을 모두 고려하는 것으로 가정한다. 모형의 분석을 통해 블라인드 채용의 도입이 출신대학에 따른 선별과 편견을 모두 차단하여 기관의 성과 측면에서 상반된 효과를 가질 수 있고 기관의 학벌주의의 정도에 따라 그 효과의 크기가 달라질 수 있음을 보인다. 또한 블라인드 채용의 도입은 명문대 출신 구직자가 누리는 우위를 약화시켜 명문대 출신에게 불리하게 작용함을 보인다. In this paper, we study the effects of university-blind recruitment. which recently became mandatory for public institutions in South Korea. In the labor market, an employer can infer job applicants’ abilities from their universities, and at the same time an employer may favor applicants from top universities. In order to reflect these two roles of universities in the labor market, we assume that an institution cares about an employee’s ability as well as her university’s prestige. We show that the introduction of university-blind recruitment can have opposite effects on the output of an institution by blocking both screening and bias according to applicants’ universities, and the magnitude of these effects may vary depending on the degree of an institution’s favoritism toward top universities. We also show that the introduction of university-blind recruitment works against job seekers from top universities by weakening their advantages in the job market.

      • KCI우수등재

        절기에 따른 생태유아교육 활동이 자연친화적 태도와 정서지능에 미치는 효과

        박재옥(Jaeok Park),정혜진(Hyejin Jung) 한국아동학회 2016 아동학회지 Vol.37 No.5

        Objective: This study aimed to investigate how the eco-centered early childhood education by seasonal divisions influences the child`s nature-friendly attitude and emotional intelligence. Methods: Forty 5-year-olds from 2 preschools in Gyeonggi were selected through convenience sampling and were divided into the experimental group (21) and the comparative group (19). The experimental group received eco-centered childhood education by seasonal divisions 2 or 3 times a week (33 in total). Pre-post data were collected on both groups and analyzed via t-test and ANCOVAs. Results: The key result was as follows: eco-centered childhood education by seasonal divisions influenced positively the nature-friendly attitude and emotional intelligence of children. Conclusion: Based on the result, it is recommended that eco-centered early childhood education be applied in childhood education and that relevant program be developed. Eco-centered education by seasonal divisions is meaningful in early childhood so that children can be harmonious with the nature. Furthermore, the study should be continued for the development of qualified eco-centered education.

      • KCI등재

        경쟁과 뉴스편향

        박재옥 ( Jaeok Park ) 한국산업조직학회 2016 産業組織硏究 Vol.24 No.3

        We present a model of demand-driven news bias and study the effect of competition on news bias. In our model, readers have beliefs, and they want to hear news consistent with their beliefs. We study a Hotelling model, covering the cases of monopoly and duopoly as well as the cases of homogeneous and heterogeneous reader beliefs. When readers are homogeneous, both a monopolist and duopolists choose the socially optimal news, which is slanted toward readers’ common belief. The entire surplus accrues to the firm in the case of monopoly, while it goes to readers in the case of duopoly. When readers hold heterogeneous beliefs, a monopolist slants news toward the marginal reader’s belief, while duopolists report accurate news in the presence of a not so small operation cost. This result shows that, contrary to previous findings, competition may enhance news accuracy even when readers have confirmatory preferences.

      • KCI등재

        중대재해처벌법은 재해를 감소할 수 있는가?

        박재옥 ( Jaeok Park ),한순구 ( Sunku Hahn ) 한국경제학회 2024 한국경제포럼 Vol.16 No.4

        사업장에서의 중대산업재해를 줄이기 위해서 사업주 및 경영책임자의 책임과 처벌을 강화해야 한다는 주장이 있으며, 이러한 주장에 따라 중대재해 처벌 등에 관한 법률 (약칭: 중대재해처벌법)이 제정되어 시행되고 있다. 본 논문은 게임이론적 분석을 통해 단순히 사업주와 경영책임자의 책임을 강화하는 것만으로는 사고가 줄어든다는 보장이 없다는 것을 보이며 중대재해처벌법의 시행이 사고 발생 및 사회적 후생에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위해서는 사업주와 경영책임자의 근로자에 대한 통제력이 함께 고려되어야 한다는 것을 지적한다. It has been argued that in order to reduce serious industrial accidents in the workplace, the responsibility and punishment of employers and management executives need to be strengthened. In accordance with this argument, the Serious Accidents Punishment Act has been enacted and implemented. Using a game-theoretic analysis, this paper shows that simply strengthening the responsibility of employers and management executives does not guarantee a reduction in accidents and that the control that employers and management executives have over workers should be considered to analyze the impact of the Act on the occurrence of accidents and social welfare.

      • SCOPUS

        공공기관 합동채용: 누가 이익을 보고 누가 손해를 보는가?

        박진석(Jin Seok Park),박재옥(Jaeok Park) 한국계량경제학회 2020 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY AND ECONOMETRICS Vol.31 No.1

        본 연구에서는 정부가 추진하고 있는 공공기관 합동채용 정책이 구직자 및 기관에 미치는 영향을 분석한다. 두 기관과 무수히 많은 구직자가 있는 공공기관 채용게임을 분석하여 다음의 결과를 도출한다. 우선, 기관에 대한 구직자들의 선호가 동일하고 두 기관에 대한 선호도의 차이가 클 때, 합동채용이 실시되면 구직자들은 선호도가 낮은 기관의 채용기회를 완전히 활용하지 못하여 선호도가 낮은 기관과 구직자들이 손해를 본다. 이를 통해 선호도가 낮은 기관이 선호도가 높은 기관에 비해 합동채용 참여에 더 소극적이고, 합동채용은 주로 선호도가 비슷한 기관 사이에 실시될 것으로 예상할 수 있다. 한편, 기관에 대한 구직자들의 선호가 대조적일 때, 합동채용이 실시되면 구직자는 자신이 선호하는 기관에 입사할 확률이 높아져서 구직자의 전체 효용이 높아진다. 합동채용이 전반적인 취업 문턱을 낮추는 효과가 있다면, 합동채용은 능력이 낮은 구직자들에게 상대적으로 유리하게 작용한다. 이러한 결과를 바탕으로 합동채용 정책을 평가하고 정책적 재안을 논의한다. Recently, the Korean government is promoting the joint recruitment of public institutions, in which public institutions performing a similar task set a common date of written tests for entry-level employment. In this study, we analyze the effects of this policy on job seekers and institutions. Using a gametheoretic model with two institutions and a continuum of job seekers, we obtain the following results. First, when job seekers’ preferences for the two institutions are identical and one institution is much preferred to the other one, the less preferred institution and job seekers suffer from joint recruitment because job opportunities at the less preferred institution are not fully utilized under joint recruitment. On the other hand, when each institution is preferred by a half of job seekers, joint recruitment improves the overall utility of job seekers by increasing the likelihood that job seekers enter their preferred institutions. If joint recruitment lowers the overall difficulty of getting a job, it benefits job seekers with low ability more than those with high ability. Based on these results, we evaluate the policy of joint recruitment and discuss policy alternatives.


        결정화 거동이 SLS 3-D 프린팅 가공 특성에 미치는 영향

        김재옥(Jaeok Kim),박정빈(Jungbin Park),이동현(Dong Hyun Lee),강호종(Ho-Jong Kang) 한국고분자학회 2017 폴리머 Vol.41 No.5

        나일론과 폴리케톤의 결정화 거동에 따른 열적 특성과 치수안정성 변화가 SLS(selective laser sintering) 3-D 프린팅 가공 특성에 미치는 영향을 살펴보았다. 기핵제 첨가에 의하여 냉 결정화 온도 증가, 결정화도 및 결정 크기감소와 같은 결정화 거동의 변화를 확인하였다. 냉 결정화 온도 증가는 융융 온도와 냉 결정화 온도의 차이로 나타내는 SLS 3-D 프린팅의 가공 윈도우 감소를 초래하나 결정화도 및 결정 크기 감소에 따른 치수안정성을 증가시킨다. 그 결과 SLS 3-D 프린팅 융착 공정에 의하여 만들어지는 성형 층의 균일성을 향상시켜 반복적인 적층을 위한 분말 슬라이싱 공정에 있어서 치수 변형에 따른 문제점을 최소화할 수 있음을 확인하였다. The effect of crystallization behavior, which caused the change of thermal properties and dimensional stability in nylon and polyketone, on the characteristics of SLS (selective laser sintering) 3-D printing process was studied. The increase of cold crystallization temperature and lowering of crystallinity and crystallite size were found by addition of nucleation agent. As a result, the processing window for SLS 3- D printing which was defined by the difference between melting temperature and cold crystallization temperature was narrowed. However, this caused the enhancement of dimensional stability in the layer made by laser sintering process and it was expected that the powder stacking difficulty due to the distortion of layer may be minimized in the repeated slicing process in SLS 3-D printing.

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