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      • 홧병 경험군과 홧병 비경험군간의 홧병의 질병개념에 대한 비교연구

        홍진표,김창윤,이창화,김성윤,박인호,이철,한오수 울산대학교 의과대학 1995 울산의대학술지 Vol.4 No.2

        Objective The concept of Hwa-byung in terms of illness entity remains vague. In order to clarify such illness entity, this study was conducted to find out differences and similarities in subjects who experienced Hwa-byung and those who did not experienced Hwa-byung from a wide distribution within the general population. Method (1) Test Material The questionnaires were made up with reference to previously published articles on Hwa-byung, to SCL-90-R and to diagnostic criteria of DSM-Ⅲ-R. The questionnaires included the subject's demographic variables, their awareness of Hwa-byung, their experience of Hwa-byung, and also their opinions about its possible causes, precipitating factors, symptomatology, effective treatment modalities, course and prognosis of Hwa-byung. Such questionnaires were given to 50 subjects, all of whom are psychiatric out-patients at Asan Medical Center, for determining its validity and reliability before selecting 27 questionnaires. (2) Subject Subjects were recruited from among patients and their family members who visited the out-patient clinics of seven different departments at Asan Medical Center in Seoul a large metropolis (N=334), the out-patient clinics of seven different departments of Hae Sung General Hospital in the industrial city of Ulsan, Korea (N=299) and the seven branches of the public health center of Yeonchun county, Korea (N=262), a rural area. From these 895 subjects, 67 subjects who don't know about Hwa-byung and 34 subjects who didn't answered to the question on experience were eliminated from study subjects. The final number of study subjects was 794. (3) Methods of analysis The subjects were divided into the Hwa-byung experienced group and the Hwa-byung inexperienced group. The demographic data and the concepts of Hwa-byung were statistically analyzed by the student t-test or the chi-sq test. Results and Discussion The mean age of the Hwa-byung experienced group is significantly higher than that of the Hwa-byung inexperienced group. MOre women experienced Hwa-byung than men and lesser educated subjects experienced significantly more Hwa-byung. The place of residence, the place of upbringing and socioeconomic status have no significant difference statistically between the two groups. Both groups considered the primary cause of Hwa-byung as being psychological origin. However in the Hwa-byung experienced group, more subjects considered that the supernatural factor was the primary cause of Hwa-byung. One of the primary precipitating events causing Hwa-byung in both groups is conflict in interpersonal relationships ; however, the Hwa-byung inexperienced group exhibited more experiences in the realm of economical losses such as "failure of business" or "loss of capital" as precipitating factors causing Hwa-byung. Both groups consider that the symptoms of Hwa-byung are a combination of multiple physical and mental symptoms. With particular respect to in mental symptoms, such as depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms and hostility are thought to be prominent features. As effective treatment modalities, subjects in both groups consider that both himself and his family members should make effort to resolve intrafamilial conflicts. But in contrast with the Hwa-byung inexperienced group, the Hwa-byung experienced group requires more concrete and more attention-giving modalities as important treatment strategies. The Hwa-byung experienced group considers its prognosis more grave than the Hwa-byung inexperienced group.

      • KCI등재

        이강의 독립운동과 안중근의거

        이명화(Myung-Hwa Lee) 한국인물사연구소 2009 한국인물사연구 Vol.11 No.-

        안중근의거가 일어나게 되는 직접적 배경에는 大東共報社와 그 주필이었던 李剛의 활약이 있었다. 이강과 안중근의 관계는 공공연하게 알려졌으나 이에 대한 연구는 전무하다. 안중근의거는 한국독립운동 사상 가장 큰 영향을 끼친 사건으로 기록되고 있으며 계획단계로부터 실행과정, 그리고 사건이 마무리되기까지 애초부터 철저하게 짜여진시나리오대로 진행되었다. 이 같은 안중근 의거가 계획되고 실행되기까지 이강은 결정적 역할을 담당하였다. 이강의 조국 광복에 대한 강렬한 신념이 있었기에 안중근 의거는 준비되었고 이강과 더불어 의거를 지원했던 공립협회·국민회 원동지회원들의 활약이 없었다면 아마도 의거의 실행은 불가능했을 것이다. 안중근의사는 형사 및 재판 訊問 과정에서 일제의 집요한 신문에도 불구하고 시종일관 伊藤博文 처단이 자신의 단독 결행임을 주장했으며 의거에 참여한 이들에게 후환을 끼치거나 혐의가 미치지 않도록 치밀하게 진술함으로써 이강을 비롯한 관련자들이 일제의 검거망을 피할 수 있었다. 그러다 보니 올해로 의거 100주년이 되었으나 자세한 진상은 아직도 밝혀지지 않고 있다. 한편 이강은 안중근의사 사후에 재러한인사회에서 안중근기념사업을 추진하면서, 유족들을 보호하고 책임지고자 했으며 안중근의사의 애국정신과 희생정신을 국외 한인 동포사회로 확산시켜 그의 의로운 의거가 우리 민족에게 잊혀지지 않고 살아있는 민족정신으로 자리할 수 있도록 전력하였다. 1923년에 러시아를 떠난 이후에는 상하이 대한민국임시정부에서 활약했으며 해방이 되기까지 한 순간도 독립운동을 멈추지 않았다. 이강은 임시정부의 업무를 수행하느라 해방된 지 이듬해인 1946년 8월에야 고국으로 돌아왔다. 그는 국내에서 한국독립당 고문을 맡고 교육 사업에 투신했으며 흥사단과 안창호기념사업에 종사하였다. 정부는 1962년 3월 1일 일생을 독립운동에 헌신한 그의 공로를 인정하여 건국공로훈장을 수여하였다. Daedong-gongbo and Kang Lee, who had been Daedong-gongbo editorial were a direct background of Jung-Geun Ahn's deed. The relationship between Kang Lee and Jung-Gean Ahn are well known. But entirely there is not research which relates with this. Jung-Geun Ahn's deed was advanced scenarios as from the planning stage and run progress to the event was over. And it is recorded the most affecting as the history of Korean Independence Movement. Kang Lee was to playa decisive role in Jung-Geun Ahn's deed until it's planning and even running. Jung-Geun Ahn's deed had been prepared and able to succeed, because for Kang Lee's strong belief in Fatherland Liberation. If not the United Korean Association and the Korean National Association of the Main Division in Siberia was supported, planning and execution of a deed would had been impossible. Martyr Jung-Geun Ahn said that decision of Ito hirobumi was the sole execution in the process of the criminal and the trial, despite of the investigators and the judge was questioned persistently, and that he made statement for them participated in a deed not to give damage. Therefore a deed's truth has not been still fully revealed. But the action of Kang Lee and his colleagues is revealed another facts of a deed. In addition, Kang Lee was to be responsible to protect his families by promoting Ahn's memorial project after the death of Jung-Geun Ahn. And he was giving the power to spread the spirit of patriotism and sacrifice in outside of the Korean community. Kang Lee was giving the power that Jung-Geun Ahn's righeous deed did not forgotten to our nation as alive to the national spirit. Kang Lee was active in the Korean Provitional Government of Shanghai after leaving Russia in 1923 and did not stop the Independence Movement until liberation. He was returned homeland after working the task of the Korean Provisinal Government in August 1946. The Korean Government awarded him the order of Merit's founding by recognizing his achievement in March 1st, 1962.

      • KCI등재후보

        Hybridizing Genres and Cultural Ambivalence in Chang-rae Lee`s Native Speaker

        이정화 ( Jung Hwa Lee ) 한국영미문화학회 2009 영미문화 Vol.9 No.3

        This essay examines the thematic continuum between Chang-rae Lee`s reworking of generic conventions of the bildungsroman and the spy novel in Native Speaker. Reading Native Speaker as a novel not only about Asian American inclusion but also about Asian American authoring, I posit that Lee courts the mainstream American reading public by tactfully mixing conventions of the bildungsroman and the spy novel. Appropriating the two genres, Lee enacts a literary equivalent of John Kwang`s political project that privileges heterogeneity and hybridity. The bildungsroman, a representative Asian American literary expression, has tended to articulate Asian American integration into the nation, often subscribing to the `model minority` myth. Native Speaker uses a major staple of the bildungsroman by following how Henry makes sense of his childhood to construct a public identity. Unlike conventional bildungsromans, however, Lee presents Henry`s coming-to-terms with society as something to be undone rather than something to be accomplished by the end of the novel. Native Speaker problematizes successful cultural bildung by describing Henry`s spying as a function of his successful American education. Lee exploits the familiar trope of the inscrutable Asian spy by casting a Korean American spy as his protagonist, but he complicates the old association between the Asian spy and the `yellow peril`; Distinguishing Henry from stereotypical Asian agents as well as conventional spies, Lee opposes the logic behind the `yellow peril` in favor of a principle of hybridity. Appropriating as well as disrupting cultural expectations of Asian Americans and the literary conventions that code such expectations, Lee suggests a double articulation (in the Bhabhaian sense) as a viable strategy for Asian American authorship.

      • KCI등재

        수학자 이상설이 소개한 근대자연과학: <식물학(植物學)>

        박영민 ( Young Min Park ),김채식 ( Chae Sik Kim ),이상구 ( Sang Gu Lee ),이재화 ( Jae Hwa Lee ) 한국수학교육학회 2011 수학교육논문집 Vol.25 No.2

        본 원고는 2004년 과학사학자 박성래 교수가 독립 운동가이자 한국 근대 수학교육의 아버지로 부르기 시작한 보재 이상설(李相卨, 1870-1917)이 자연과학에 기여한 내용을 다루고 있다. 한국수학사학회지 2009년 11월 호에 자세히 소개된 〈數理〉를 쓴 시기를 전후하여, 같은 시기에 이상설이 붓으로 쓴 것으로 여겨지는 〈植物學>(이상설, 1899)은 총 4면의 초록 필사본이며, 그 대본(臺本)은 〈植物學啓蒙〉 (Edkins, 1886)으로 영국의 Joseph Edkins(艾約瑟, 1823-1905)가 번역하여 1886년에 간행한 〈西學啓蒙〉 16종 가운데 하나이다. 이상설의 〈植物學>은 이 〈植物學啓蒙〉을 읽으면서 그 책의 내용 중 당시의 조 선 학자가 모르고 있던 새로운 내용을 중심으로 메모를 한 것으로 여겨진다. 본 연구에서는 전통산학과 근대서양수학을 연결하는 〈數理〉를 저술했으며. 우리나라의 정규 교과과정에 수학과 과학을 필수과목으로 지정하고, 첫 번째 수학교과서 〈산術新書〉를 발간함으로 당대 최고의 수학자로 평가된 이상설이 쓴 〈植物學〉을 발굴하여 그 내용과 의미를 최초로 분석한다, 이를 통하여 당시 조선의 서양 과학, 특히 식물학에 대한 이해 수준을 분석하고 〈植物學〉의 원전인 〈植物學啓蒙〉 과 <西學啓蒙〉의 저자에 대하여 알아본다. 이는 당시 수학교육자가 자연과학분야에 행한 교육적 기여를 이해 하는데 필수적인 연구이다. This paper deals with contents that Sang-Seol Lee contributed to the natural science in the 19th century Korea. Prof. Sung-Rae Park, the science historian, called Sang-Seol Lee Father of the Modern Mathematics education of Korea. Sang-Seol Lee wrote a manuscript Botany with a brush in late 19th century. Botany was transcribed from Science Primers: Botany (written by J. D. Hooker), which is translated into Chinese by Joseph Edkins in 1886. The existence of Sang-Seol Lee`s book Botany was not known to Korean scientists before. In this paper, we study the contents of Botany and its original text. Also we analyze people`s level of understanding Western sciences, especially botany at that time. In addition, we study authors of 16 Primers for Western Knowledge. We study the contribution of mathematician Sang-Seol Lee to science education in the 19th century Korea.

      • 李箱 小說의 文體 硏究

        李鍾和 全北大學校 大學院 國語文學硏究會 1983 國語文學硏究 Vol.- No.13

        The difficulty understanding Lee-Sang's world of literature is not in his queer life, but in the peculiar uses of words in his works. It may be reasonable in theses on him that everyone should search for the secrecy of writing hinted by his literary style. But there are few theses that have dealt with the style of Lee-Sang as a leading topic. And most of theses on him have had a tendency to remain within the line of superficial observations till now. Under these conditions, I analysed Lee-Sang's short stories in the method of semantic stylistics and of statistics for the scientific objectivity. I selected 10 works from Lee-Sang's short stories, and 2 works from each writers such as Kim- Yu Jeoung, Kim-Dong In, Lee-Hyo Seuk, Chai- Man Sik, and compared them with each other. The main subject of this thesis consists of two chapters. In chapter one, I analysed the vocabulary of the work, especially put emphasis upon the analysis of a part of speech, meaning, and colour words. In chapter two, I analysed the kinds of the metaphor and its functions and the imagery made by metaphor. And then, I synthesized the minor conclusions to excavate the consciousness of Lee-Sang and his writing habits. By the use of the above-mentioned methods, I could reach the following conclusion. 1. The common motif of his literature is the conflict of SELF and the exploration of proper form of existence of SELF, between morality of 19th century and material civilization of 20th century as an efferminate intellectual. 2. After all, he failed in finding out the proper form of existence of SELF, and he wrote his works in compensation for the despair. As the result of this compensation, he concealed his true character and revealed disguised one in his works, and arranged several literary devices(for instances, his excessive norminal style, sentences consisted mainly of narratives, miscellaneous overtones, metaphors and images) to disguise his disguised character. 3. It is appropriate for naming the process mentioned above as "the double paradox" and "The Law of Diminishing Returns" applied to most of his short stories weaken the expressiveness of his literary

      • KCI등재

        이중섭의 군동화(群童畵)를 응용한 의상디자인 연구

        이미화 ( Mi Hwa Lee ),이미량 ( Mi Ryang Lee ) 한국패션디자인학회 2008 한국패션디자인학회지 Vol.8 No.1

        Fashion constantly exchanges influences with other art genres, attempting new design. Fashion does more than just covering the human body. It does meet the needs of modern people as an artistic work, which is much significant in itself. Clothes also use colors and forms to create visual images. Introducing paintings into fashion design as motives can reflect the artist`s intentions hidden in the paintings and increase the value of the design. Thus this study after analyzing Lee`s works and the formative characteristics of his paintings of children, the composition features and line expressions observed in the paintings of children were used to create total eight design works. The theoretical study and design marking led to the following conclusions: First, the fashion design works were original in material arrangements and alive in line images by applying the formative features of the lines and composition characteristics from Lee`s paintings of children, the motives, to the process of material development and design. Second, the composition characteristics of the paintings of children were altered to fit the silhouettes of the clothes. Since the design was considered in the arrangements within the scope of not disturbing the major flows of the paintings, creative artistic clothes were created. Third, a range of background paper of nuno felting was used for the effective expressions of the motives, and changes were made to the thickness of felt to give the clothes a feel of texture. As a result, the clothes boasted beautiful silhouettes and natural feels with no needlework on the hems.

      • Light-extraction efficiency control in AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet flip-chip light-emitting diodes: a comparison to InGaN-based visible flip-chip light-emitting diodes.

        Lee, Keon Hwa,Park, Hyun Jung,Kim, Seung Hwan,Asadirad, Mojtaba,Moon, Yong-Tae,Kwak, Joon Seop,Ryou, Jae-Hyun Optical Society of America 2015 Optics express Vol.23 No.16

        <P>We study light-extraction efficiency (LEE) of AlGaN-based deep-ultraviolet light-emitting diodes (DUV-LEDs) using flip-chip (FC) devices with varied thickness in remaining sapphire substrate by experimental output power measurement and computational methods using 3-dimensional finite-difference time-domain (3D-FDTD) and Monte Carlo ray-tracing simulations. Light-output power of DUV-FCLEDs compared at a current of 20 mA increases with thicker sapphire, showing higher LEE for an LED with 250-관m-thick sapphire by ~39% than that with 100-관m-thick sapphire. In contrast, LEEs of visible FCLEDs show only marginal improvement with increasing sapphire thickness, that is, ~6% improvement for an LED with 250-관m-thick sapphire. 3D-FDTD simulation reveals a mechanism of enhanced light extraction with various sidewall roughness and thickness in sapphire substrates. Ray tracing simulation examines the light propagation behavior of DUV-FCLED structures. The enhanced output power and higher LEE strongly depends on the sidewall roughness of the sapphire substrate rather than thickness itself. The thickness starts playing a role only when the sapphire sidewalls become rough. The roughened surface of sapphire sidewall during chip-separation process is critical for TM-polarized photons from AlGaN quantum wells to escape in lateral directions before they are absorbed by p-GaN and Au-metal. Furthermore, the ray tracing results show a reasonably good agreement with the experimental result of the LEE.</P>

      • KCI등재

        수학자 보재 이상설(李相卨)의 근대자연과학 수용 -『백승호초(百勝胡艸)』를 중심으로-

        이상구 ( Sang Gu Lee ),박종윤 ( Chong Yun Park ),김채식 ( Chae Sik Kim ),이재화 ( Jae Hwa Lee ) 한국수학교육학회 2013 수학교육논문집 Vol.27 No.4

        본 논문은 한국 근대수학교육의 아버지 이상설(李相卨, 1870-1917)이 자연과학―물리학―에 기여한 내용을 다루고있다. 이상설은 ?수리(數理)?를 쓴 시기를 전후하여, 같은 시기에 붓으로 총 8면에 걸쳐 『백승호초(百勝胡艸)』라는이름의 고전물리학 원고를 써서 남겼다. 분석결과 이 책의 원전은 1879년에 동경제대 의학부 교재로 발간된 『물리학(物理學)』이다. 이상설은 『백승호초』에서 먼저 개념을 정의하고, 일상에서 나타난 대표적 현상을 선록하여 한문으로번역하였고, 『물리학』의 전체 분량에서도 특히 ‘통유성(通有性)’에 중점을 두고 설명하였다. 동양에서 서양의 수리과학이 들어와야만 말할 수 있는 ‘질량보존의 법칙’, ‘타성(惰性, 관성)’과 같은 고전물리학의 중요개념을 포함하는 내용이 19세기 말에 이미 이 책에 소개된 것으로 보아 이상설은 당대의 다른 저술에서 보기 힘들 정도로 당시 일반물리학의 최고수준의 원서를 통해 최신 정보를 수용하고 전파하기 위하여 노력하였음을 볼 수 있다. Sang-Seol Lee(1870-1917) wrote a manuscript BaekSeungHoCho(百勝胡艸) in the late 19th century. BaekSeungHo-Cho was transcribed in classical Chinese from the 1879 Japanese book Physics(物理學) by Teizo Ihimori (1851-1916). Sang-Seol Lee, a famous independence activist, is also called Father of the Modern Mathematics Education of Korea,because of his early contribution to the modern mathematics education in the 19th century. In this paper, we introduce contents of his manuscript BaekSeungHoCho for the first time and discuss the significance of this book. Also, we show his constribution on the introduction to modern physics in the late 19th century Korea.

      • KCI등재

        전래동요놀이가 만 2세 영아의 의사소통 및 사회정서발달과 놀이성에 미치는 영향

        이영자(Lee Yeong-Ja),곽경화(Kwak Kyeong-Hwa),최진숙(Choi Jin-Suk) 한국어린이미디어학회 2022 어린이미디어연구 Vol.21 No.2

        본 연구는 전래동요놀이가 만 2세 영아의 의사소통 및 사회정서발달과 놀이성에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 알아보고자 한 것이다. 연구대상은 전라남도 N시에 소재한 A어린이집과 B어린이집에 재원 중인 만 2세 영아 28명을 대상으로 하였다. 본 연구의 프로그램은 1주에 2회씩, 8주간 전래동요놀이 활동을 실시한 실험집단과 표준보육과정에 기초한 음률신체활동을 실시한 비교집단으로 나누어 실시하였다. 연구도구는 영아의 의사소통능력 및 사회정서발달과 놀이성을 측정하기 위해 이영자, 이종수, 신은수, 곽향림, 이정욱(2002)의 ‘1, 2세 영아발달 평가도구’ 중에서 의사소통에 해당하는 부분을 발췌하여 사용하였고, 김호인(2010)의 사회정서발달 척도와, 이화용(2012)의 놀이성 척도를 사용하였다. 수집한 자료는 SPSS 23.0 Windows program을 통해 독립표본 t-검증을 실시하였다. 연구결과 전래동요놀이는 만 2세 영아의 의사소통 및 사회정서발달과 놀이성에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구의 결과는 만 2세 영아의 의사소통, 사회정서발달, 놀이성을 증진시키기 위한 전래동요놀이의 효과를 검증한 연구로서 현장에서 전래동요놀이가 지속적으로 활용되길 기대한다. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of traditional nursery rhymes on communication, social-emotional development and playfulness of 2-year-old children. The subjects of this study were 28 2-year-old children who were enrolled in daycare center A and day care center B located in N city, Jeollanam-do. The study was conducted by dividing the groups into a comparison group where rhythmic physical activities were completed based on the national childcare curriculum and an experimental group where traditional nursery rhyme play were implemented twice a week for 8 weeks. As for research instruments, the part corresponding to communication among the ‘1st and 2nd-year-old children development evaluation tools’ of Lee Young-ja, Lee Jong-su, Shin Eun-su, Kwak Hyang-rim, and Lee Jeong-wook(2002) was extracted and used as a research tool to measure the communication ability of toddlers, and Kim Ho-in(2010) and the playability scale of Lee Hwa-yong(2012) were used. The collected data was subjected to independent sample t-test through SPSS 23.0 Windows program. As a result of the study, it was found that traditional nursery rhymes have a positive effect on communication, social-emotional development and playability of 2-year-old children. This study verified the effects of traditional nursery rhyme play to enhance communication, social emotional development, and playfulness of 2-year-old children, and it is expected that traditional nursery rhyme play can be used continuously in the day care center.

      • KCI등재

        박화성 소설의 탈식민적 페미니즘 연구 : 『벼랑에 피는 꽃』을 중심으로

        이미화(Lee Mi-hwa) 우리문학회 2014 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.42

        박화성의 소설『벼랑에 피는 꽃』은 페미니스트 현석란이 가부장제 사회 속에서 일본 제국주의에 대한 저항을 일생의 목표로 하여 살아온 이야기를 수미상관의 기법으로 전개한 작품이다. 17세부터 36년 동안에 현석란은 ‘우리만의 힘으로 대한의 딸들을 기르리라’는 목표를 실현하기 위해 고군분투하였다. 이런 현석란의 삶은 독립을 목표로 싸운 조선의 36년과 같았다. 즉 근대 초기 여류작가로만 인식되고 있는 박화성은 해방 이후에도 계속적으로 항일저항의식을 간직하는 작품을 집필한 현대적 작가였던 것이다. 본고는 『벼랑에 피는 꽃』에 나타난 언어제국주의 비판과 민족주의적 여성정체성, 이중 억압에 대한 저항으로서의 자매애와 형제애, 식민지 여성의 양면적 섹슈얼리티를 통해 이를 밝히고자 한다. Park Hwa-sung the『Flowers blooming on a cliff』 is a feminist in a patriarchal society hyeonseokran is the resistance to Japanese imperialism, and lived the life story of Sumi aims to do the work of development of the technique. 36 years from 53 years old to 17 years old during the Hyeonseokran is "the power of our own will bring up the daughters" were struggling to achieve the goal. Hyeonseokran goal of this struggle is fought independence of Korea and the like may be 36 years. That is recognized as the only female writer in the early modern Park Hwa-sung anti-Japanese resistance continued even after the liberation thus keeping the ceremony was the work will be written by a modern writer. This paper is a 『Flowers blooming on a cliff』 appears in the language of nationalist criticism and female identity, imperialism, dual sisterhood and brotherhood as the resistance to oppression, colonial ambivalent sexuality of women who were saying it over.

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