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      • Carbon reduction and planning strategies for urban parks in Seoul

        Jo, Hyun-Kil,Kim, Jin-Young,Park, Hye-Mi Elsevier 2019 Urban forestry & urban greening Vol.41 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>This study quantified carbon storage and uptake for urban parks in Seoul, the capital of the Republic of Korea. A total of 38 study parks were selected using a systematic random sampling method and all the trees in the parks were field-inventoried. Carbon storage and uptake by the park trees were estimated applying a quantitative model for urban open-grown trees of each species. Mean carbon storage per unit of park area, basal area, and crown cover by the trees was 38.5 ± 3.0 t/ha, 27.3 ± 0.8 kg/100 cm<SUP>2</SUP>, and 7.4 ± 0.4 kg/m<SUP>2</SUP>, respectively. Annual carbon uptake per unit area and cover by the trees averaged 3.5 ± 0.2 t/ha/yr, 2.5 ± 0.1 kg/100 cm<SUP>2</SUP>/yr, and 0.7 ± 0.0 kg/m<SUP>2</SUP>/yr, respectively. The major determinants of the levels of carbon storage and uptake were species, density, sizes, and layering structures of the planted trees. The trees across all urban parks in Seoul were estimated to store 222.3 kt of carbon and to annually sequester 20.2 kt of carbon. The trees in these parks played an important role in annually offsetting carbon emissions from gasoline consumption by approximately 2.3% of the total population of the city. The economic value of the annual carbon uptake, which was $7.1million/yr, equaled 15.1% of the annual maintenance budget of the parks in the city. However, the role of study parks as a source of carbon uptake was limited due to the distribution of large grass and impervious areas, the single-layered structures, and the dominance of small trees. Planning strategies were explored to enhance carbon reduction effects of the parks. They included the expansion of tree planting spaces through the minimization of unnecessary grass and paving areas, the active tree planting in the potential planting spaces, the multi-layered planting grouped with larger trees, and the planting of tree species having satisfactory growth rates. This study puts an emphasis on finding out the present carbon offset levels of urban parks on which information is limited and suggesting a future direction of park planning based on a detailed actual survey.</P>

      • KCI우수등재

        민간공원특례사업의 추진에 따른 사업특성에 관한 연구

        권영달,박현빈,김동필,Gweon, Young-Dal,Park, Hyun-Bin,Kim, Dong-Pil 한국조경학회 2021 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.49 No.5

        본 연구는 도시공원 일몰의 대응수단으로 추진 중인 전국의 민간공원특례사업을 대상으로 지자체 및 공원현황, 사업특성과 시행 등에 관련된 내용을 세부적으로 분류 후 비교·분석하여 제도시행 후 진행되어진 지자체별 사업을 점검하고, 그 가운데 제도의 의미와 보완점을 구축하고자 실시하였다. 분석결과로서 첫째, 전국에서 시행 중인 민간공원특례사업은 주로 인구 10만명 이상의 도시에서 시행되어 군 지역이나 지방소도시의 적용에는 한계성이 있었다. 이에 특례제도를 일괄적으로 적용하기보다 지자체의 특성과 규모를 고려한 제도 적용의 유연성이 필요할 것으로 판단되어졌다. 둘째, 공원조성 기부채납 방식에 의한 현재의 특례사업은 공동주택 위주의 단조로운 개발유형을 나타내고 있어, 이의 개선을 위해 공원부지만 매입하여 기부 채납하는 공원 보전형 방식 등을 도입하여 개발의 다양화를 도모할 필요가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 공원의 유형과 면적이 한정되어 사업대상에 한계를 보이고 있어, 대도시 도심지내 이용도가 높고 접근성이 좋은 공원들까지 포함할 수 있도록 면적기준을 5만m<sup>2</sup> 이하까지 완화할 필요가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 특례사업의 대상지가 대부분 산지형 공원으로 자연지형 및 스카이라인의 훼손 우려가 있어 공원별 입지특성을 고려한 건폐율과 용적률을 별도 조례를 설정하여 적용하는 것과 비공원시설 유형별 건축 가이드라인을 세부적으로 설정하여 공원과 공존할 수 있는 개발접근이 이루어져야 할 것이다. 향후 과제로는 첫째, 전국의 민간공원특례사업이 완료된 후, 각 사업별 수익률을 데이터화 하여 향후 유사사업의 적정수익률에 대한 기준을 설정하고, 초과이익분의 환수 등 제도적 기준을 마련하며, 둘째, 사업기간의 단축을 위해 지자체별 TF팀 구성, 통합심의 전환, 제안단계에서 환경성 검토 도입 등이 검토되어야 할 것이다. 셋째, 지자체는 민간협의체를 구성을 제도화하여 협치시스템을 통한 사업의 효율적 관리를 도모하고, 넷째, 특례공원의 기부채납 이후 유지관리에 대한 로드맵을 수립하여, 시민이 함께 하는 시민 참여형 공원 운영·관리방안 모델의 도입을 검토하여야 할 것으로 나타났다. This study was conducted to examine and analyze local governments, park status, project characteristics, and the implementation in detail for private park special projects across the country as a means of responding to the sunsetting of urban parks. As a result of the analysis, first, the private park special project, was found to be mainly implemented in cities with a population of more than 100,000, so there was a limit to the application on military installations or in local small cities. Therefore, rather than applying the special system collectively, it was judged that institutional flexibility, considering the characteristics and size of local government, was needed. Second, the current special projects by the park creation donation collection method shows monotonous development centered on apartment houses, so it is necessary to diversify the development by introducing a park preservation method that purchases and donates park sites. Third, it was found that the area standard needs to be eased to less than 50,000m<sup>2</sup> to include parks with high utilization and good accessibility in urban areas of large cities, as the type and area of parks are limited. Fourth, most special projects are mountain parks, which are feared to damage the natural terrain and skyline, so separate ordinances should be established and applied, and development approaches should be made to allow nature and parks to coexist with the setting of detailed building guidelines for each type of facility. The guidelines should include, first, after the nationwide private park special projects are completed, standards for appropriate returns for similar projects should be established, institutional standards such as the recovery of excess profits should be established, and environmental reviews should be conducted. Second, it was found that local governments should institutionalize the composition of private consultations to promote the efficient management of projects through a cooperative system, and third, a roadmap for maintenance after the donation of special parks should be established.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 1920년대 초기 『조선일보』 「문예란」 연구 -발굴과 위상의 구명

        박현수 ( Hyun Soo Park ),홍현영 ( Hyun Young Hong ) 민족문학사학회·민족문학사연구소 2015 민족문학사연구 Vol.57 No.-

        『조선일보』의 「문예란」은 1921년 7월 4일부터 같은 해 8월 27일까지 『조선일보』1면에 개설되었다. 이 글의 목적은 『조선일보』 「문예란」에 실린 작품들을 발굴, 소개하고, 그 위상을 구명하는 것이다. 「문예란」이 개설되었던 때는 『조선일보』가 23회에 이르는 발매반포금지와 2차례의 정간을 겪고 점차 운영에서 정상을 찾아가던 즈음이었다. 「문예란」은 총 38회 개설되었는데, 시가 21편, 평론이 3편, 기행문이 1편, 수필이 1편 등 모두 26편의 작품이 실렸다. 「문예란」에 글을 수록한 작가는 변영로, 남궁벽, 김억, 박종화, 오상순, 오천석, 김찬영, 현진건 등이다. 변영로는 「문예란」에서 가장 활발한 작품 활동을 했으며 필자들의 교류에서도 중심에 있었다. 그는 진리가 확정된 세계에서 벗어나 불확실성에 투신하는 자세를 새롭게 창출될 문학의 핵심이라고 주장했다. 이 글은 남궁벽이 스스로 ``∼다``체로 번역해 발표한 「별의압흠」, 「말」 등을 소개하는 것을 통해 정본 확정의 문제를 제기했다. 또 작가의 과작을 고려할 때 새롭게 발굴, 소개하는 남궁벽의 시 5편이 지니는 무게 역시 가볍지 않다. 박종화의 시 가운데 「廢園에누어셔」는 「黑房秘曲」에 실린 시와 달리 3장으로 되어 있다. 특히 3장이 당시 박종화의 지우였던 정백, 홍사용 등의 갈등과 관련되어 주목을 필요로 한다. 이 글에서 소개하는 오상순의 두 시 역시 처음 발굴, 소개하는 시들이다. 이들은 어린 시절의 상상력이 깃든 언어를 가장 본질적인 것으로 파악하는 당시 오상순의 문학관을 드러내고 있다. 「문예란」의 필자들은 이미 문단의 승인을 받은 존재들이었다는 점에서 작품들 역시 문학청년 시기의 습작이나 투고작과는 다르다. 또 「문예란」의 필자는 각각의 동인지에 얽매이지 않는 문인들의 네트워크와 문학 활동을 파악할 수 있는 대상이기도 하다. 「문예란」이 지닌 가장 두드러진 의미는 『조선일보』를 비롯해 『동아일보』 『매일일보』 등 당시 신문 미디어에 같은 성격의 지면이 존재하지 않았다는 점에 있다. Literary section in Chosun Ilbo was first open on July 4, 1921 and lasted until on August 27 in the same year. The section was reported on the first page of Chosun Ilbo. The purpose of this article was to discover and introduce the pieces of literary work reported in Chosun Ilbo, and to bring light on the status of its literary section. The time when literary section was established was the moment Chosun Ilbo was returning to normal condition of running business after having twenty three times of prohibition of release and two times of suspension. The number of reported literary section was thirty eight, which included twenty one pieces of poem, three pieces of critique, one piece of travel essay, and one piece of essay. Thus, the total number of reported literary work was twenty six. Writers who participated in the section were as followed : Young-Roh Byun, Byuk Namgung, Uk Kim, Jong-Hwa Park, Sang-Soon Oh, Chun-Seok Oh, Chan-Young Kim and Jin-Gun Hyun. Among them, Young-Roh Byun was the most active writer in the literary section and was in the center of mutual exchange of opinion among the writers. He sought the core of literature in the attitude that was devoted to the uncertainty, which was off the world of concrete truth. This article supposed a question on determination of the formal copies by discovering and introducing the Byul-eui-ap-hem(별의압흠), and Mal(말) which were reported by Byuk. He translated these pieces for himself using style of writing, "∼ da". Moreover, as Namgung was not a prolific writer, the importance of five pieces of poem by Byuk Namgung should not be overlooked. Park`s poem, Lying in the closed garden(廢 園에누어셔), consisted of three chapters compared to that of his, which were issued in Secret songs in a black room(黑房秘曲). Especially, the third chapter of it was related to conflict among his companions, Baek Jung and Sah-Yong Hong. Therefore, it needs to be focused on that chapter. Two pieces of poem by Sang-Soon Oh were introduced for the first time. These represented Oh`s literary view at the moment, which the writer understood the language with childhood imagination as the most essential one. Writers of the literary section had already been approve by the literary circle. For this reason, the pieces reported in the literary section had a different character from their studies or submission before starting their literature career. In addition, the writers were the subject of the network and career activities among the writers who were not bound by literary coterie magazines. The most significant meaning of literary section was that the section with the same character did not exist in Dong-A Ilbo, Maeil Shinbo, or Chosun Ilbo itself. To prove this point, relation between news media and literature in early 1920s was discussed.

      • Comparison of trophic factors changes in the hippocampal CA1 region between the young and adult gerbil induced by transient cerebral ischemia.

        Yan, Bing Chun,Park, Joon Ha,Kim, Sung Koo,Choi, Jung Hoon,Lee, Choong Hyun,Yoo, Ki-Yeon,Kwon, Young-Geun,Kim, Young-Myeong,Kim, Jong-Dai,Won, Moo-Ho Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers 2012 Cellular and molecular neurobiology Vol.32 No.8

        <P>In the present study, we investigated neuronal death/damage in the gerbil hippocampal CA1 region (CA1) and compared changes in some trophic factors, such as brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), in the CA1 between the adult and young gerbils after 5 min of transient cerebral ischemia. Most of pyramidal neurons (89%) were damaged 4 days after ischemia-reperfusion (I-R) in the adult; however, in the young, about 59% of pyramidal neurons were damaged 7 days after I-R. The immunoreactivity and levels of BDNF and VEGF, not GDNF, in the CA1 of the normal young were lower than those in the normal adult. Four days after I-R in the adult group, the immunoreactivity and levels of BDNF and VEGF were distinctively decreased, and the immunoreactivity and level of GDNF were increased. However, in the young group, all of their immunoreactivities and levels were much higher than those in the normal young group. From 7 days after I-R, all the immunoreactivities and levels were apparently decreased compared to those of the normal adult and young. In brief, we confirmed our recent finding: more delayed and less neuronal death occurred in the young following I-R, and we newly found that the immunoreactivities of trophic factors, such as BDNF, GDNF, and VEGF, in the stratum pyramidale of the CA1 in the young gerbil were much higher than those in the adult gerbil 4 days after transient cerebral ischemia.</P>

      • KCI등재

        푸른길 공원의 대기 환경 특성에 관한 연구

        민경우,이경석,박옥현,윤관주,김도술,박세일,정원삼,이대행,조영관,Min, Kyoung-Woo,Lee, Kyoung-Soek,Park, Ok-Hyun,Yoon, Kwan-Ju,Kim, Do-Sool,Park, Se-Il,Jeung, Won-Sam,Lee, Dae-Hang,Cho, Young-Gwan 한국환경보건학회 2015 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.41 No.3

        Objectives: This study aimed to survey the characteristics of air quality and meteorological conditions in a greenway park. Methods: We measured meteorological and health related factors, including noise, particulate matter ($PM_{10}$) and selected gaseous air pollutants at three locations in a greenway park and on a general roadside as comparison. The measurements were repeated four times from April to October 2014. Results: The average air temperature in the greenway park was $20.7^{\circ}C$ which was $1-2^{\circ}C$ lower than on the general roadside. The average $PM_{10}$ concentration in the greenway park was $85.0{\mu}g/m^3$, a level 2-3 times lower than that at the roadside. The noise level at the greenway site was 4.4 dB(A)- 23.0 dB(A) lower than at the roadside. The average CO, $CO_2$, $SO_2$ and NOx concentrations in the greenway park were lower than at the roadside. The average phytoncide and anions concentrations in the greenway park were higher than at the roadside. Conclusions: The urban forest of the greenway park may have some impact on air quality and meteorological conditions.

      • 八公山 自然公園의 利用者 滿足에 關한 因果模型 硏究 : Case Study of Palgong Natural Park in Taegu

        朴贊龍,玄重英 영남대학교 자원문제연구소 1993 資源問題硏究 Vol.12 No.-

        This research suggests a causal model to investigate factors and variables which significant effects on user satisfaction with natural park recreational facilities in Palgong Natural Park in Daegu, and thereby identifing implications for planning and development of urban natural parks and provincial parks. For this study data were gathered by self- administered question-nares from 933 households selected by the multi - stage probability sampling method. The analysis of the data consists of two phases. The first involves exploratory factor analysis of the draw meaningful factors from the data. Four factors were identified. The second phase test the casual model of this research employing LISREL methodology. On the base of the analysis results. important implication for planning urban natural park and provincial park are recommended.



        Choi, Young-Chul,Yoon, Doo-Byung,Park, Jin-Ho,Kwon, Hyun-Sang Korean Nuclear Society 2009 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.41 No.3

        Elastic wave is one of the most useful tools for non-destructive tests in nuclear power plants. Since the elastic properties are indispensable for analyzing the behaviors of elastic waves, they should be predetermined within an acceptable accuracy. Nuclear power plants are exposed to harsh environmental conditions and hence the structures are degraded. It means that the Young's modulus becomes unreliable and in-situ measurement of Young's modulus is required from an engineering point of view. Young's modulus is estimated from the group velocity of propagating waves. Because the flexural wave of a plate is inherently dispersive, the group velocity is not clearly evaluated in temporal signal analysis. In order to overcome such ambiguity in estimation of group velocity, Wigner-Ville distribution as the time-frequency analysis technique was proposed and utilized. To verify the proposed method, experiments for steel and acryl plates were performed with accelerometers. The results show good estimation of the Young's modulus of two plates.

      • KCI우수등재

        소득계층요인에 따른 자연녹지와 도시공원의 접근성 분석

        임유라(Lim Yu-Ra),추장민(Chu Jang-Min),신지영(Shin Ji-Young),배현주(Bae Hyun-Joo),박창석(Park Chang-Seok) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2009 國土計劃 Vol.44 No.4

        Natural greenspace and urban parks provide places for people to experience nature and engage in physical activity. For these reasons, greenspace and urban parks can be an index of environmental benefits. An equity mapping analysis was used to evaluate the area and the accessibility to the greenspace and urban parks by socioeconomic status. This study analyzed the accessibility of greenspace and urban parks in Seongnam-si, according to their locations using a Geographic Information System (GIS). In Seongnam-si, we found patterns of inequity in the distribution of urban parks and greenspace. This inequity can cause environmental inequity due to the lack of opportunity to use the greenspace and urban parks. The study shows how a GIS-based buffer analysis in conjunction with statistical analysis of socioeconomic data can be used to analyse the equity of access to community greenspace and urban parks. The results can be used to inform the local planning process and the GIS approach can be expanded into other local authority domains.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        청소년 인터넷 중독 검사 방법의 통계적 고찰 및 개선 -Young의 척도를 중심으로

        박찬정 ( Chan Jung Park ),김형철 ( Hyung Chul Kim ),고영민 ( Young Min Ko ),현정석 ( Jung Suk Hyun ),김철민 ( Cheol Min Kim ) 한국컴퓨터교육학회 2010 컴퓨터교육학회 논문지 Vol.13 No.4

        국내외에서 이루어진 기존의 인터넷 중독 검사에 대한 연구는 다양하며 방대하지만, 대부분의 연구가 중독도 검사를 위한 항목추출이거나 항목들을 이용한 중독도 분석이었지 항목간의 분석을 통한 차별화는 이루어지지 않았다. 본 논문에서는 리즈렐과 데이터마이닝 기법을 이용하여 Young의 인터넷 중독 검사방법을 고찰하고 문제점을 지적한 후, 검사 방법에 대한 대안을 제안한다. 이를 위해 Young의 척도를 이용하여 청소년 440명을 대상으로 설문을 실시하고, 요인분석을 통해 Young 척도의 문제점을 분석한다. 또한, 데이터 마이닝 알고리즘인 J48 및 PART를 이용하여 설문문항들 중에서 인터넷 중독도를 구분 지을 수 있는 항목들을 선별하고 이를 기반으로 인터넷 중독 학생들을 진단하고 처방하는데 활용하는 방법을 제안한다. So far, the researches about the Internet addiction testing are diverse and enormous. However, since the testing factors have the same importance, there is no discrimination among the factors. In our paper, we analyze the problems of the existing researches by using Lisrel and data mining algorithms. Next, we propose an alternative for the Internet addiction testing. In order to accomplish these, we make an questionnaire consisted of Young`s test and then, we asked to 440 primary and secondary school students. In addition, we analyzed the problems of Young`s test with factor analysis and then, we distinguish more important items from others with J48 and PART. Finally, based on this analysis, we propose a method to diagnose addicted students and prescribe them.

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