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      • 한우의 간이물질 대사효소의 활성도

        이관복,박승춘,한경오,윤호인 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 1994 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.1 No.-

        It is important to study the activity of drug biotransformation enzymes, because from a pharmacological and therapeutic point of view these enzymes are resposible for eliminating most drugs. Their level is ciritical when deciding the dose regimen. (From a toxicological perspective, the role of these enzymes varies, with some of them being directly responsible for activation of certain chemicals to reactive intermediates with deleterious consequence to the animal.) Experiments were designed to measure in vitro, the activity of drug metabolizing enzymes in liver of Korean native cattle. The microsomal monooxygenase activities were evaluated utilizing specific substrates. The activities of BPDM and TST 6β-hydroxylase were seemed to be high level relatively to other monooxygenzses such as ECOD, EROD and AH. Interestingly, TST 16α-hydroxylase which is a maker enzyme for CYP ⅠLA was not detected in Korean native cattle. These results sugest that Korean native cattle have high contents of CYP IIB1 and CYP IIIA.

      • 영광원자력발전소 주변의 식생과 식물현존량 추정

        이호준,양효식,전영문,정흥락,강재구,방제용 建國大學校基礎科學硏究所 1996 理學論集 Vol.21 No.-

        영광원자력발전소 주변의 식생에 대한 식물사회학적 조사를 실시하였으며, 순 1차 생산량과 식물현존량을 추정하였다. 또한 상관에 의해 현존식생도 및 녹지자연도를 작성하였다(1:50,000). Z-M 방식에 의한 삼림식생은 소나무군락과 곰솔군락으로 구분되었다. 전체적으로 교목층에 소나무와 곰솔, 아교목층에 졸참나무와 곰솔, 관목층에 털진달래와 신갈나무, 초본층에 털대사초와 그늘사초 등의 피복지수가 우세하게 나타났다. 토양의 pH는 4.65∼4.67, 유기물 함량은 7.28∼7.53%의 범위였다. 현존식생도에 의한 분포비율은 경작지(67%), 소나무(21.9%) 및 곰솔군락(9.1%)의 순으로 나타났으며, 녹지자연도는 등급 2가 67%(경작지), 7등급(이차림(A))과 6등급(조림지)이 각각 29.2%와 1.8%로 나타났다. Montreal model에의한 소나무림과 곰솔림의 식물현존량은 657,817.2와 177,367.0ton으로 각각 산정되었다. The forest vegetation and estimation of phytomass and net primary production in the vicinity of Yonggwang Atomic Power Plant were analyzed on the basis of the phytosociological data. Depending on physiognomy, the actual vegetation map and the degree of green naturality(DGN) were also drawn in the scale of 1:50,000. According to Z-M method, the forest vegetation was classified into two communities; Pinus densiflora and Pinus thunbergii communities. It was generally shown that Pinus densiflora and Pirus thunbergii in tree-1 layer, Quercus serrata and Pinus thunbergii in tree-2 layer, Rhododendron mucronulatum var. ciliatum and Quercus serrata in shrub layer, and Carex ciliato-marginata and Carex lanceolata in herb layer had high coverage index. The pHs and contents of organic matter of the forest soils collected in each sites were in the 4.64 to 4.67 and 7.28% to 7.53% in average, respectively. The distribution area of each vegetationindex. The pHs and contents of organic matter of the forest soils collected in each sites were in the 4.64 to 4.67 and 7.28% to 7.53% in average, respectively. The distribution area of each vegetation type in the actual vegetation map was 67% cultivated land, 21.9% in Pinus densiflora community and 9.1% in pinus thunbergii community. The distribution of the degree of green naturality(DGN) was 67% in the second-grade (cultivated land), 29.2% in 7th grade (second forest(A)) and 1.8% in 6th grade (plantation). It was estimated that phytomass of Pinus densiflora and Pinus thunbergii in the study sites, which was calculated by Montreal model, was 657,817.2 and 177,367.0 ton, respectively.

      • 메스암페타민 사용 환자의 정신과적 증상에 영향을 미치는 요인

        이춘우,권성민,조성남,권도훈,임효덕,이성국 대한생물치료정신의학회 2004 생물치료정신의학 Vol.10 No.1

        목 적 : 본 연구는 메스암페타민 남용 또는 의존 환자의 사회인구학적 특성과 이에 따른 동반된 정신장애를 알아보고, 메스암페타민 사용이 정신과적 증상에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위함이다. 방 법 : 2002년 7월부터 2003년 7월까지 국립부곡병원 약물중독진료소에 입원한 환자 중 DSM-Ⅳ 진단 기준에 의하여 메스암페타민 남용 또는 의존으로 진단된 44명의 남자 환자를 대상으로 사회인구학적 변인과 물질 의존의 병력, SCL-90-R, BPRS, HRSD, YMRS, Impulsive scale 등을 측정하였다. 결 과 : 메스암페타민 사용 환자들의 93.2%가 우울하였으며, 59.1%는 치료가 필요한 정도의 우울증을 가지고 있었다. 20대 연령층에서는 대인예민성, 적대감 및 공포증에서 유의하게 높았고, 중졸 이하의 교육 수준에서는 대인예민성, 충동성에서 유의하게 높았으며, 무직인 경우는 강박증, 불만, 적대감 및 조중 척도에서 유의하게 높았다. 처음 사용한 연령은 사용 횟수, 유병 기간과 유의한 상관 관계를 보였으나, 수감 횟수와는 낮은 상관 관계를 보였다. 사용 횟수와 적대감, 공포증, 편집증은 서로 유의한 정상관을 보였다. 우울증 척도와 정신병 척도 및 충동성 척도는 서로 유의한 정상관을 보였다. 100회 미만보다 500회 이상 사용했을 경우에 불안, 적대감, 공포증 및 편집증에서 유의하게 높았다. 결 론 : 메스암페타민 남용 또는 의존 환자에서 우울증 유병률이 매우 높게 나타났고, 20대 연령층과 중졸 이하의 교육 수준 그리고 무직인 경우 정신과적 증상이 많이 동반되었으며, 사용 횟수에 따라 불안, 적대감, 공포증, 편집증에서 유의한 차이를 보였다. 그러므로 모든 메스암페타민 사용자에 대해 적절한 정신과적 평가가 필요할 것으로 생각한다. Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine the sociodemographic characteristics and the comorbid psychiatric disorders and the effect of methamphetamine use on psychiatric symptoms in methamphetamine abuse or dependent patients. Methods : The study subjects were 44 hospitalized male patients who met the DSM-Ⅳ criteria for methamphetamine abuse or dependence. The study included items assessing the sociodemographic profiles, history of substance use, and psychiatric symptomatology. Psychiatric assessments were based on SCL-90-R, BPRS, HRSD, YMRS and Impulsive scale. Results : In methamphetamine use patients, 93.2% were depressed and 59% had moderate to severe depression There were significant differences in interpersonal- sensitivity, hostility and phobia in the 3rd decade age group, interpersonal-sensitivity and impulsive scale in .under the middle school education group, and obsession-compulsion, anxiety, hostility and. YMRS in no-job group, respectively compared to the other groups. Age of the first use was correlated with the frequency of use, and also with the duration of illness, but not with the number of incarceration. There were positive correlations among HRSD, BPRS and impulsive scale. In the above 500 times used group there were significant differences in anxiety, hostility, phobia and paranoia compared to the below 100 times used group. Conclusion : In methamphetamine abuse or dependent patients, the incidence rate of comorbid depression was 93.2%. In the 3rd decade age group, under the middle school education group and no-job group showed higher diverse psychiatric symptoms compared to the other groups. Frequency of use was positively correlated with the symptoms such as anxiety, hostility, phobia and paranoia. We suggest that relevant psychiatric evaluations are needed for all methamphetamine users.

      • 발달장애유아의 언어행동발달 연구

        김춘희,변찬석,서경희,유은정,이효신,전헌선,최성규 大邱大學校 特殊敎育·再活科學硏究所 2000 特殊敎育硏究 Vol.23 No.1

        본 논문은 발달장애유아 언어행동발달 컨텐츠 개발에 요구되는 기초연구로써 연구의 이론적 바탕을 확립하고자 하였다. 연구에 사용된 방법은 문헌조사 방법 및 현장 인터뷰기법을 병행하였다. 본 연구의 주된 목적은 크게 3가지로 구분된다. 첫째, 발달장애유아의 가정 내 교육 욕구를 분석하고자 하였다. 둘째, 발달장애유아의 언어발달 양상을 검토하고자 하였다. 세 번째 목적은 유아의 언어행동발달 컨텐츠 구성의 주요 지침을 설정하고자 하였다. 이상의 연구목적에 따른 연구결과를 요약하면 다음 몇 가지로 제시된다. 1.가정 내 부모-유아간 관계형성이 우선 고려 되어야하고, 이에 따른 상호작용은 발달적 애착형성이 가능한 방향으로 정립되어야한다. 2.발달장애유아의 언어행동발달양상을 검토한 결과에 따르면, Piaget는 언어행동발달에 있어 감각운동기적 환경탐색 기능을 강조하고 있고, 이는 현재까지 중요한 유아 발달의 기저로 정착되었다. 따라서, 발달장애유아의 언어행동발달을 위한 컨텐츠 개발 내용에 있어서도 이러한 기저에 충실함이 합리적이다. 3.발달장애유아들에게는 언어행동 양상의 갈래가 크게 운동장애 및 감각결함으로 나누어질 수 있으므로, 이 두 가지 갈래의 각기 다른 특성이 컨텐츠 구성에서 충분히 고려되어야한다. 4.자폐성과 같은 중증 전반적 발달장애 유아를 위한 언어행동발달 컨텐츠 구성에서 특히 고려해야 할 두 가지 요소는 모방행동기능과 반복단순훈련기능 향상으로 결론지을 수 있다. This article planed to establish the theoretical foundations of the research as a basic study needed for developing the contents of verbal(language) behavior development for the infants with developmental disabilities. The methods used in the study was previous literature researches and interviews with subjects. The purposes of the study were divided into three parts. First, it was to analyze the educational needs of the infants with developmental disabilities in home settings. Second, it was to review and discover the language patterns of the infants with developmental disabilities. The third purpose was to devise the major guidelines of their language development's contents. The results of the study were described as the followings. 1.The relationships between the infants with developmental disabilities and their parents and their interactions should move to build the developmental attachments between them. 2.According to the literature findings of their language development patterns, Piaget concentrated on the functions of sensory motor environmental exploring in the language behavior development. The functions have been settled down into the important foundation for the infants' development. Thus, it was resonable that the content's development of the language behaviors for the infants with developmental disabilities should based on the function addressed by Piaget. 3.The language behaviors' patterns of the infants with developmental disabilities generally were classified into motor disabilities and sensory defect(deficiency). Therefore, the two factors should be considered for the constructions of the contents. 4.Constructing the contents of the language behavior developments for the infants with severely pervasive developmental disabilities such as autism, the improvements of two functions, imitative behavior and repetitive simple training should be considered.

      • 토끼에서 근육주사시 입자 크기에 따른 amoxicillin의 비교 약물동태학

        박승춘,윤효인,오태광,장범수,배순이,조준형,정상희,이내경,김민규 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 1998 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.6 No.-

        To investigate the pharmacokinetic difference between the two amoxicillin (AMX) particles in rabbits after intramuscular injection (i.m.), both of AMX-S (particle size: 10 ㎍) and AMX-L (particle size: 100 ㎍) were injected into New Zealand White rabbits (1.2±0.3 ㎏) at a dose rate of 10 ㎎/㎏ of body weight. In this study, serum AMX concentrations were detected by microbiological assay with E. coli BE 1186 which shows high antibiotic sensitivity. After i.m. administration, AMX-S and AMX-L were best fitted as 1-compartment model with the absorption and elimination phase. The biological half-life (T_1/2, _k10) of AMX-S is 4.06±1.09 h and that of AMX-L 4.76±0.69 h. The serum maximal concentration time (T_max) of AMX-S and AMX-L were 0.88±0.17 h and 0.77±0.11 h, respectively. Maximal AMX concentration (C_max) (AMX-S: 5.71±0.62 ㎍/㎖, AMX-L: 5.04±0.25 ㎍/㎖) in serum showed a significant difference (p<0.05). In terms of bioequivalance, however, there was no difference between the two AMX's after i.m. injection in the basis of C_max and AUC.

      • Fosfomycin의 항균효과 및 capillary electrophoresis에 의한 측정법에 관한 연구

        윤효인,박승춘,이규승,권진욱,조준형,신광순,김무열,허강준,조명행 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 1996 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.4 No.-

        Fosfomycin, a low molecular antibiotic, is to be easily synthesized, therefore to be possibly used in veterinary sectors due to econimic reasons. In this study, we determined the antibacterial activities of fosfomycin against some domestic animal-origin pathogens, and its combined effects with some important antibacterials available. We also compared detection methods of fosfomycin from various measuring instruments. The results obtained through this experiment were as follows: 1. Antibacterial activities of fosfomycin against the pathogens used in this experiment were appeared fairly low. We found the antobacterial activities depanded on the kinds of media and the addition of some material thereins, which suggests the importance of appropriate medium so as to judge the antibacterial activity of fosfomycin. 2. Fosfomycin showed varying antibacterial effects in combination with other antibacterials, which should be taken into consideration when combining other antobacterials especially in the clinical settings. Of the combined antivacterials, fosfomycin had synergistic effects in combination with amoxicillin but antagonistic effects with oxytetracyline. 3. Conventional detection methods using HPLC, GC and spectrophotometer were not appropriate to measure fosfomycin. Capillary electrophoresis by the way of the indirect ultraviolet detection method was good enough to detect fosfomycin in the range of expected concentration in tissues, with the limit of quantitation (LOQ) of 1.25 ㎍/㎖. We recommend the eletrophoresis method could be used to detect fosfomycin, thereby being able to set the optimal dosage for animals and providing the measures in relation with the residual concentration in the meat.

      • 돼지에서 정맥, 근육 그리고 경구 투여시의 enrofloxacin의 약물동태학

        윤효인,김무열,박승춘,조준형,박병권,이내경,노상석,장범수,신광순,조명행 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 1996 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.4 No.-

        In order to characterize pharmacokinetic profiles according to route of a new enrofloxacin salt form (Enrotil®), it was given to 4 healthy pigs via oral (p.o.), intramuscular (i.m.) or intravenous (i.v.) administrations at a dose rate of 5 ㎎/㎏ body weight. Enrofloxacin (ENFX) in serum was detected by bioassay using E. coli BE1186 as a test organism. The biological elimination half-lives (t_1/2(β)) of ENFX were 6.76±0.99 h (i.v.), 7.16±2.30 h (i.m.) and 11.45±3.90 h (p.o.), Volume of distribution (Vd) of enrofloxacin was 2.20±0.31 L/㎏ (i.v.), 2.52±0.60 L/㎏ (i.m.) and 1.88±0.33 L/㎏ (i.m.). Mean residence time (MRT) was 8.77±1.26 h after i.v. injection and the maximal concentration time (Tmax) following p.o. and i.m. administration was 0.76±0.09 h and 0.60±0.12 h, indicating a rapid absorption from these routes. Bioavailibility (F) was calculated as 64.1% for p.o. administration and 59.71% for i.m. injections. In summary, the newly formulated enrofloxacin salt form has shown a high water solubility, rapid absorption and large tissue distribution, suggesting a potential antibacterials for oral application on a large scale in veterinary sectors.

      • 경주마에서 Naproxen 및 대사산물의 검출

        윤효인,박승춘,이관복,김창식 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 1994 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.1 No.-

        Naproxen(NPX) was administrered to a throrougbred mare in a single oral does. Plasma and urine samples were collected from 1 hour to 144 hours after administration, at varying intervals. The alkali hydrolysis was used for the seperation of glucuronide from the conjugated naproxen and its metabolite in urine. Naproxen and its metabolite desmethylnaproxen (DesNPX) were extracted at pH 4.0 with DCM/ETHETR/HEXAN(1/1/1, v/v/v) and quantitated by HPLC with diode-array-detector. The wavelength of ultraviolet was 235, 254 and 264 nm. The qulification of NPX and DesNPX was performed by gas-chromatograph-mass spectrometry using DB-1 column. Silylation (BSTFA including 1% TMCS) before the analysis of the extracted residue with GC/MSD was carried out for the detection of this drug and its metabolite. The characteristic ions (m/e) of trimethyl Silyated NPX and DesNPX were 73, 185, 302 and 73, 243, 360, respectively.

      • 엔로플록사신 액제의 닭 호흡기 및 소화기 감염증에 대한 예방 및 치료효과

        윤효인,박병권,조준형,정상희,박경환,장범수,김종춘,황윤환,임종환,이내경,박승춘 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 2000 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.8 No.-

        We evaluated the efficacy of the liquid form of enrofloxacin against poultry respiratory and digestive infections, the major problems in the poultry industry, from diverse diagnosis viewpoints. Results obtained through this study were as follows: 1. The liquid form of enrofloxacin showed good acceptability to poultry owing to no abhorrence to the drug by chickens, which indicated its suitability for mixing in drinking water. 2. The application of the enrofloxacin formulation improved the productivity of the chicken farm to a great extent by lowering the death toll of chicken raised in the farm. 3. The use of the drug shortened the days to the market, and increased the body weight at the time of marketing. 4. Preventive and therapeutic effects of the liquid enrofloxacin were observed higher than ampicillin, a major antibiotic used in poultry farming. From above results, the liquid form of enrofloxacin would find its use for the prevention and treatment of digestive and respiratory infections, let alone the growth promotion and feed efficiency, especially in the chicken farming practice.

      • 엔로플록사신 액제의 닭유래 병원세균에 대한 시험관내 항균효과 시험

        윤효인,박병권,조준형,정상희,박경환,장범수,김종춘,황윤환,임종환,이내경,박승춘 충남대학교 수의과대학 동물의과학연구소 2000 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.8 No.-

        In this study the antimicrobial spectrum and sensitivity of a liquid formulation of enrofloxacin against the major six pathogenic bacteria isolated from the diseased poultry in Korea were evaluated in comparison with ciprfloxacin (CFX), gentamicin (GM) and penicillin (PC). A liquid form of enrofloxacin, a test material and ciprofloxacin showed at least 83% antibacterial activity against all of six test pathogenic microorganisms at the fixed concentration of 10 ㎍/㎖. Gentamicin and penicillin revealed much lower antibacterial activity at the same condition. We evaluated the liquid form of enrofloxacin as having widespread antibacterial spectrum against poultry infections. The liquid form of enrofloxacin showed potent antibacterial activity, with the MIC range being 0.12∼2 ㎍/㎖ against Gram positives, 0.06∼2 ㎍/㎖ against Gram negatives and 0.5∼2 ㎍/㎖ against Mycoplasma spp. These values were equivalent to or somewhat higher than those of ciprofloxacin, but much lower than those of gentamicn and penicillin. This new liquid form of enrofloxacin would find its way in application of mixing with drinking water for the prevention and treatment of diverse infections in chickens.

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