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      • 스포츠 에어로빅스 선수들의 시합 전 경쟁 불안 상태에 관한 연구

        鄭行道 명지대학교 예체능연구소 2000 藝體能論集 Vol.11 No.-

        This study made a research to 117 high school aerobics competitors at participating the 6th National Sport Aerobics Championship sponsored by Korea Gymnastics Association to examine the level of competitiveness state and a questionnaire survey by giving out the questionnaire surveys to measure the level of uneasiness at warming up time before the compe tition at the venue and directed them respond to the questions by self-assessment entry method collecting the completed question papers and analyzed the differences of uneasiness of competitive state by event, sex and ability and obtained the following conclusion. It was indicated that the differences in the items related to the uneasiness of cognitive state by event was not significant at the 0.05 significance level, and at those in the items related to uneasiness of physical state, in items of ‘having confidence in facing the competition’ and ‘having spiritual leisure’, the rate of group competitors was higher than that of individual competitors, and in those of ‘being struck with awe', that of group competitors was a little higher than that of individual competitors. It was indicated that at the differences in the items related to uneasiness of cognitive state by sex, and at items of 'feeling stuffed due to stress' and 'being afraid I may not compete', the rate of female competitors were higher than that of male competitors. It was indicated that the differences in the items related to physical uneasiness, in items of 'having confidence in facing the competition' and ‘having confidence as imaging the achievement of goal', 'spiritual leisure', the rate of female comlpetitors was higher than that of male competitors, and at the differences in items related confidence, at items of 'feeling uneasy' and 'feeling stiff', the rate of male competitors was that of Individual competitors. It was indicated that at the differences in the items related to uneasiness of cognitive state, in items of 'being anxious about this competition' and 'being afraid I may not concentrate on the competition', the rate of non-prize winning competitors was higher than that of prize winning competitors, and at the items of ‘feeling stuffed due to stress' and 'Worrying about the achievement of my goal', the rate of prize winning competitors was higher than that of non-prize winning competitors. It was Indicated that at the differences in the items related to uneasiness of physical state, in items of ‘feeling fresh' and 'having confidence as imaging the achievement of goat', 'having confidence in enduring physical stress', the rate of prize-winning competitors was higher than that of non-prize winning competitors, and at the differences in the items related to confidence in state, in items of 'feeling nervous' and 'feeling strained' the rate of prize-winning competitors was higher than that of non-prize winning competitors, and the items of ‘feeling awkward', the rate of non-prize winning competitors was higher than that of prize winning competitors.

      • 체육수업이 유아 행동에 미치는 영향

        정행도 명지대학교 예체능연구소 1998 藝體能論集 Vol.9 No.-

        This study is single subject research design that is applied by task analysis which can understand the subject behavior of object person to check the variation behavior of identical twins during processing the physical education programs. After video taping the object person who was behavior at the physical education played the video tape and observed by frequency avant sampling. Here is conclusion that analyze the change of variation behavior which processing the physical education class. Results of the study are as following First of all, it was decreased frequency of playful behavior while processing the physical education class. When they warm up, the changes are variety as differently reacted because adaptation grade (health condition, feeling etc) of object person. During main exercise, the changing range of tool exercise is variously reacted playful behavior as interest & attainment about exercise of object person. Second of all, it was decreased behavior like walking around during warming up, main exercise (rhythm gymnastics) and arrangement exercise. In the main exercise, tool exercise is prepared tools as lesson contents therefore there are lots of useless time like time delay and waiting after done, that's why may different kind of behavior was reacted. The change is variably in the warm up time is reacted differently because of the position of the object person and teacher the rate that teacher observe the abject person. In addition, it reacted that there is difference of adaptability of concentration. Finally the rate of making a noise have a tenancy to decrease but is reacted as order of warming up main exercise (rhythm gymnastics tool exercise) arrangement exercise when it compare with another problem behavior it comes out lower rate, and ability language of younger brother B was behind than A so it checked lower rate.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        방사선사진용 디지탈 영상시스템의 정량적 평가에 관한 실험적 연구

        조형희,김은경 大韓口腔顎顔面 放射線學會 1994 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.24 No.1

        A digital imaging system using Machintosh Ⅱ ci computer, high resolution Sony XC-77 CCD camera, Quickcapture Frame Grabber Board was evaluated for quantitative analysis of standardized periapical film with aluminum step wedge. The results were as follows: 1. Correlation between Al thickness and gray level was high-positively associated(r²=0.00. p<0.001). 2. Correlation between measured weight of experimental lesion and estimated relative lesion volume by digital subtracted radiography was also high-positively associated(r²=0.98, p<0.001). 3. As exposure time was increased, mean gray level was decreased(p<0.01) and slope of regression line between Al thickness and gray level was also decreased(p<0.01). And when the exposure time was shorter than 0.2 second, the value of r²was relatively low. On the basis of the above results, it is considered that this digital imaging system using a Macintosh Ⅱ ci computer & a high resolution CCD monochrome camera will be useful in evaluating digitized image from standardized periapical film quantitatively.

      • 敎會 禮拜空間의 採光部에 關한 調査硏究 : 全南 東部圈 敎會를 中心으로 Focused on churches in chonnam eastern region

        李碩配,金幸範 순천대학교 공업기술연구소 1998 工業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        We perceive the space through physical sense organs, among them, it is very much and precise to get information through optical sense. The most of visual perception is composed of information obtained by light. Light has important meaning in the architectural space. It sometimes helps to define the space and change the character of space and make the space flexible. Also the light in church architecture represents reciprocal image between goodness and badness, truth and falsehood. The symbol which light has shows that light is a very important element in church architecture and it relates very closely to faithful behavior. Also a good light environment should be equipped for audience to arise an absolute piety to God. To obtain the adoption method of effective light which influences worship behavior, this paper field surveys the elements of light through the adoption case of light in already established church architecture. Also this paper aims to provide basic data for architectural design based on improved light environment.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        정상 해부학적 구조물에 대한 X선 영상의 비교 연구

        김재덕,최의환,최향희 大韓口腔顎顔面 放射線學會 1999 Imaging Science in Dentistry Vol.29 No.1

        Purpose: To compare radiographic images of Digora system and Ektaspeed Plus film obtained from normal adults. Materials and methods: Storage phosphor plate(SPP) was placed in a film holder behind Ektaspeed Plus film package without lead foil. The effect of film on SPP was studied in a separate in vitro experiment. Forty-seven sets of images were prepared for the evaluation. The regions of interest(ROI) for evaluation were designated at seven sites including normal anatomical structures. The image quality for each ROI was evaluated on enhanced and unenhanced storage phosphor(SP) images and Ektaspeed Plus film. Results: Two film-SPP configurations showed significantly different gray levels at each step of the aluminum step wedge(p<0.05). The contrasts were comparable. Enhanced SP images were significantly superior to unenhaned images and film in all anatomical structures(p<0.01). The differences between unenhanced SP images and film were significant(p<0.05) except root canal and cortical bone on alveolar crest. For anatomical items, there were statistically significant difference among five observers(p<0.05). Conclusions: The image quality of enhanced SP images were superior to Ektaspeed Plus film, and Digora system is potentially applicable to clinical diagnosis.(J Korean Oral Maxillofac Radiol 1999:29:281-295)

      • 무첨가 및 첨가제 윤활유에 따른 마멸입자 형태해석

        서영백,옥철호,김동호,박흥식,전태옥 동아대학교 공과대학부설 생산기술연구소 1998 生産技術硏究所硏究論文集 Vol.3 No.2

        This paper was undertaken to do morphological analysis of wear debris on no additive and additive lubricating oil. The lubricating wear test was performed under different experimental conditions using the wear test device was made in our laboratory and wear specimens of the pin on disk type was rubbed in paraffine series base oil by materials, varying applied load, sliding distance, oil additives such as stearine acid, DBDS, TCP. Morphologic character of wear debris is easily distinguished by four shape parameter(50% volumetric diameter, aspect, roundness and reflectivity). As the applied load sliding distance increase, size and shape of wear debris was complexed, but reflectivity was decreased, a large wear debris was apt to be oxidezed.

      • 梧桐島 植物相에 關한 硏究(Ⅱ) : 草本分布調査 및 生態學的 考察 Distritution and Ecological study of Herbs

        張錫模,金琮鴻,林行鎭 順天大學校 1983 論文集 Vol.2 No.1

        1982年 4月부터 1983年 8月까지 梧桐島의 植物相을 調査한 結果 草本은 總 56 科 156屬, 176種 26變種 1品種으로 Plant form은 Perennial herbs가 81種으로 가장 많고 evergreen herbs도 8種이나 調査 되었으나 大部分 路傍植物들이었다. 地被植物로서 常綠性草本은 Sphenomeris chusana, Cheileanthes chusana, Cyrtomium falcatum Cyrtomium caryotideum var. koreanum, Rumohra amabilis, Lastrea glanduligera, Asplenium sarellii等이고 Liriope spicata와 Liriope platyphylla도 常綠으로서 越冬하고 있었다. Climbing herbs인 Dioscorea batatas, Diascorea tokolo, Dioscorea nipponica, Humulus japonicus, Pleuropterus multiforus, Persicaria perfoliata, Cayratia japonica, Trichosanthes kirilowii等이 常綠闊葉樹의 林冠을 덮어 상당한 被害를 주고 있었다. 本島의 自然植生의 毁損과 破壞는 人間千涉에 依한 것이므로 觀光客의 覺醒이 촉구될 뿐이다. Investigating the aspects of the vegetation of Ohdong-Do island from April, 1982 to August, 1983, the author found out that the kinds of the plants growing in the island amounts to 56 families, 156 genuses, 26 varieties, and one breed and that as for plant form, perennial herbs, 81 species, were of a largest number and evergreen herbs, 8 species discovered, were for the greater part roadside plants. There discovered cover evergreen herbs like Sphenomeis, chusana, Cheileantes, chusand, Cyrtomium falactum, Cyrtomium carytideumvar. koreanum, Rumohra amabilis, Lastrea glanduligera, Asplenium sarellii ect., and also found out wintering evergreen herbs like Liriope spicaia and Liriope platyphylla. Dioscorea batatas, Dioscorea tokolo, Dioscorea nipponica, Humulus japonicus, Peuropterus multiflorus, Persicaria perfoliata, Cayratia japonica and Trichosanthes kirilouii etc., which are in climbing herbs, were covering the canopies of broad leaves trees and causing damages to them. Since the damages and destructions of the natural vegetation of the island were brout about from human intervention, the spiritual awakening of tourists are vitally needed.

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