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        근대 사직공원의 형성과 변천

        김서린 ( Seo Lin Kim ),김해경 ( Hai Gyoung Kim ),박미현 ( Mi Hyun Park ) 한국전통조경학회 2014 한국전통조경학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        조선 개국 시 영조된 사직단은 일제강점기를 거치면서 사직공원으로 고착화되었고, 최근 복원에 대한 노력이 진행되고 있다. 통시적으로 분석된 사직단의 변화 내용은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 한 나라의 중요 국가제사를 지내던 장소로의 입지를 확보하고 강화되었던 조선시대 태조에서 일제강점기 이전까지의 시기이다. 태조대에 인왕산 자락에 축조했으며 임진왜란 시 소실된 후 영조 대에 제례시설이 완비되었다. 그러나 1908년 일제의 간섭이본격화되자 공간 멸실과 제사가 폐지되었다. 둘째, 일제에 의해 공원화가 진행되어 고착화된 1910년부터 1944년까지이다. 공원 관련 시설과 경계부에 이질적인 건축물이 들어섰고, 단 영역·재실·사직단문이 고적과 보물로 지정되기도 하였다. 셋째, 해방 이후 1984년까지 이질적 성격의 동상과 기념비, 건축물이 축조되어 혼재된 장소성을 지니게 된 시기이다. 사직터널의 개설로 사직단 문이 2번에 걸쳐서 이축되기도 하였다. 넷째, 사직단의 역사성과 상징성을 회복하기 위한 노력이 진행되고 있는 1985년부터 현재까지이다. 사직단 권역의 복원 계획이 진행되고 있으나 주민에 대한 반발로 난항을 겪고 있는 시기이기도 하다. 향후, 사직단의 원형 회복을 위한 복원을 위해서는 발굴조사를 통한 면밀한 고증과 주민의 이해가 함께 진행되어야 한다. Sajikdan(a sort of national shrine in Korea) built at the time of foundation of Joseon was entrenched into Sajik Park going through Japanese colonial era and recently the efforts to restore it is in progress. The details of change in Sajikdan in terms of diachronic analysis are as follows: Firstly, the first period refers to one prior to Japanese colonial era from the first king (also named as Taejo in Korean) of the Joseon Dynasty, during which it secured and strengthened the presence as a place for performing important national rites in a nation. It was built on the foot of Inwangsan Mt. at the time of the first king in Joseon Dynasty at first, was destroyed fully by fire during a Japanese Invasion period to Korea(1592-98) and afterward its ancestral ritual facilities were completed under the regime of Youngjo. However, as Japanese intervention coming to the fore, its place was destroyed and then ancestral rites were also abolished in 1908. Secondly, next period falls on 1910 to 1944 when it was transformed and entrenched into a park by the Japanese Empire. While facilities related to a park and an heterogeneous building around the part of boundary were set up, the area of altar, a ritual house and d door of Sajikdan were also designated as historical remains and treasures. Thirdly, this period refers to one from Korea`s liberation year from Japanese colony(1945) to the year of 1984 when it had a mixed placeness with the statues, monuments and buildings with heterogeneous nature built. Furthermore, a door of Sajikdan was removed and reconstructed over twice due to opening of Sajik Tunnel. Fourthly, a final period falls on 1985 to the present when efforts are in progress to restore the historicity and symbolism of Sajikdan. A plan for restoration is promoted but now is a difficult time suffering from troubles caused by residents` resistance. Scrutinized historical researches through excavation investigation and residents` understanding are required altogether for restoration of Sajikdan.

      • KCI등재

        잠재성 유두상 갑상선암에서 원발종양의 크기에 따른 공격성 정도 분석

        박해린(Hai-Lin Park),곽진영(Jin Young Kwak),강석선(Seok Seon Kang),김도연(Do Youn Kim),강형곤(Hyung Gon Kang),심정연(Jung Yeon Shim),김유리(Yoori Kim),박원근(Won Kun Park),최영길(Young Gil Choi) 대한외과학회 2007 Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research(ASRT) Vol.73 No.6

        Purpose: Occult papillary thyroid carcinomas (OPC) are defined as tumors measuring <15 ㎜. These tumors are believed to be a less aggressive subset of papillary cancers. They generally behave more like benign lesions and are often more conservatively treated. However, it is unclear if a cancer 1.0 to 1.5 ㎝ in diameter will have a similar favorable clinical behavior as tumors <1.0 ㎝ (micropapillary thyroid carcinoma). Therefore, a retrospective chart review study of patients with OPC in order was carried out in order to answer this question and characterize the biology and optimal treatment for OPCs. Methods: From October 2001 to January 2007, Among the impalpable thyroid nodules detected incidentally during screening examinations, 260 patients underwent surgery for occult papillary thyroid cancer (OPC) at Kangnam Cha University hospital. The data from these patients was analyzed retrospectively. The mean follow up period was 25.6 ± 14.5 (max:63, min:1) months. Results: The mean age of these patients was 42.8 years, and 233 (89.5%) were female. 46.2% of patients underwent a total or neartotal thyroidectomy, and 54.6% underwent a central lymph node dissection. Of the 260 patients, 55 (21.2%) had lymph node metastases. The OPC presented with signs of aggressiveness including multifocality (34.2%), bilaterality (17.7%), capsular invasion (52.7%), and lymph node metastases (21.2%). A progressively increasing frequency of the signs of tumor aggressiveness was observed with increasing tumor size at presentation. LN metastases were associated with the tumor size (P=0.0063), extracapsular invasion (P=0.0015) and multfocallity (P=0.0020). However, there was no association with age and gender. With a follow-up of up to 63 months, 3 patients had a local recurrence (0.014%). No patients currently have active disease and no patients with OPC died during this period. Conclusion: In OPC patients, there is a progressively increasing frequency of the signs of tumor aggressiveness with increasing tumor size. Moreover, a small size itself cannot guarantee low risk and low recurrence rate. The prevalence of LN metastases and extracapsular invasion were higher in those with a tumor size >0.5 ㎝. A near-total or total thyroidectomy with a central lymph node dissection is the preferred treatment. The early detection and treatment of OPC might be warranted through the routine use of thyroid USG and USG-guided FNA.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국내에서 분리된 다제 내성 결핵균의 katG 와 inhA 변이 다양성 및 그 빈도

        림해화 ( Hai Hua Lin ),김희연 ( Hee Youn Kim ),윤여준 ( Yeo Jun Yun ),박찬근 ( Chan Geun Park ),김범준 ( Bum Joon Kim ),박영길 ( Young Gil Park ),국윤호 ( Yoon Hoh Kook ) 대한결핵 및 호흡기학회 2007 Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Vol.63 No.2

        연구배경: INH 내성은 katG 와 inhA(ORF와 promoter)의 변이에 의한 것으로 알려져 있다. 유전자 변이는 지역적으로 종류와 빈도가 다르게 나타날 수 있는데 기존 국내의 연구보고들은 흔하다고 알려진 katG의 463 코돈만을 추적한 것들이었다. 따라서 본 연구는 국내에서 분리된 INH 내성균들의 두 유전자에서 나타날 수 있는 변이의 종류와 빈도를 확인하고자 하였다. 연구방법: 대한결핵협회 결핵연구원에서 MDR-TB로 판명된 INH 내성 결핵균 29주로부터 bead beater-phenol법으로 DNA를 추출하여 katG(2,223 bp), inhA ORF(-77∼897, 975 bp) 및 inhA promoter(-168∼80, 248 bp) 염기서열 결정 및 분석은 ABI PRISM 3730 XL Analyzer 및 MegAlign package를 사용하였다. 결과: 모든 균주들은 분석 표적으로 사용한 세 유전자 부위 중에서 적어도 한 개 이상의 유전자 부위에 변이가 있었다. INH 내성균은 거의 대부분(>93%) katG의 변이를 갖고 inhA 유전자 변이만 있는 경우는 드물어 INH 내성을 결정하는 중요한 요인은 katG의 변이 인 것을 확인할 수 있었다. katG 부위에서 Arg463Leu 변이와 Ser315Thr 변이가 높은 빈도(62.1% 및 55.2%)로 발견되었고, katG 완전결실과 inhA promoter-15(C→T) 변이도 일정한 빈도로 나타남을 볼 수 있었다. 그 외 inhA ORF 변이도 1주에서 1종류의 변이가 발견되었다. 결론: 기존 연구결과에서는 보고되지 않고 본 연구에서 처음으로 확인된 변이들도 14 종류나 있어서, INH 내성은 주로 katG 혹은 일부 inhA 특정 부위의 변이가 주도하지만 이들 외에도 다양한 변이가 존재한다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이들 새로이 확인된 변이들은 염기서열 분석에 의한 INH 내성 여부 판단 시, 기존 알려진 변이 외에 보조 자료로 사용할 수 있을 것으로 생각한다. Backgrounds: Mutations of katG and inhA (ORF and promoter) are known to be related to isoniazid (INH) resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Because reports on these mutations in Korean isolates are limited (i.e. only the frequency of katG codon 463 was evaluated.), we tried to know the kinds of mutations of two genes and their frequencies in INH resistant Korean M. tuberculosis strains. Methods: PCR was performed to amplify katG (2,223 bp), inhA ORF (-77~897, 975 bp), and inhA promoter (-168~80, 248 bp) from 29 multidrug resistant M. tuberculosis (MDR-TB) DNAs prepared by bead beater-phenol method. Their sequences were determined and analyzed by ABI PRISM 3730 XL Analyzer and MegAlign package program, respectively. Results: All of the isolates had more than one mutation in katG or inhA gene. Twenty seven (93%) of 29 tested strains had katG mutations, which suggests that katG is a critical gene determining INH resistance of M. tuberculosis. Amino acid substitutions, such as Arg463Leu and Ser315Thr, due to point mutations of the katG were the most frequent (62.1% and 55.2%) mutations. In addition, deletion of the katG gene was frequently observed (17.2%). Analyzed Korean MDR-TB isolates also had variable inhA mutations. Point mutation of inhA promoter region, such as -15 (C→T) was frequently found. Substitution of amino acid (Lsy8Asn) due to point mutation (AAA→AAC) of inhA ORF was found in 1 isolate. Interestingly, 14 point mutated types that were not previously reported were newly found. While four types resulted in amino acid change, the others were silent mutations. Conclusions: Although it is not clear that the relationship of these newly found mutations with INH resistance, they show marked diversity in Korean MDR-TB strains. It also suggests their feasibility as a molecular target to supplement determining the INH resistance of clinical isolates because of the possible existence of low-level INH resistant strains. (Tuberc Respir Dis 2007; 63: 128-138)

      • KCI등재

        선별검사 후 수술로 확진된 무증상의 잠재성 유두상 갑상선암 214예에 대한 분석

        박해린(Hai-Lin Park),곽진영(Jin Young Kwak),유필문(Pil Mun Yu),조윤덕(Yun Duk Cho) 대한외과학회 2007 Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research(ASRT) Vol.72 No.3

        Purpose: Occult papillary thyroid carcinomas (OPC) are defined as tumors measuring ≤15 ㎜ in size. They are believed to be a less aggressive subset of papillary cancers, which behave more like benign lesions, and are often treated more conservatively. However, some groups have reported a high incidence of metastases from papillary microcarcinomas and favor an aggressive surgical resection followed by radioiodine therapy. We review our experience in an attempt to characterize the biology and optimal treatment for OPCs. Methods: From October 2001 to March 2006, among impalpable thyroid nodules detected incidentally during screening exams, 214 patients underwent surgery for occult papillary thyroid cancer (OPC) at Kangnam Cha University hospital. The data from these patients were analyzed retrospectively. The mean follow up period was 19.9±11.7 (max:53, min:1) months. Results: The mean age of these patients was 41.4 year, and 188 (87.7%) were female. 41% of the patients underwent a total or neartotal thyroidectomy, 42% had a central lymph node dissection and 41% had radioiodine ablation therapy after surgery. Of the 214 patients, 40 (18.7%) had lymph node metastases. The LN metastases were associated with the tumor size (P=0.0007), extracapsular invasion (P=0.0268) and multifocality (P=0.0024), but there was no association with age and gender. The incidence of the LN metastases (20%) and extracapsular invasion (59.1%) were higher in the tumors between 0.5∼1.0 ㎝ in size. With a follow-up up to 53 months, 3 patients had a local recurrence (0.014%) but no patients currently has active disease. No patients with OPC died died during this period. Conclusion: In OPC patients, a progressively increasing frequency of signs of tumor aggressiveness with increasing tumor size was observed but a small size itself could not guarantee a low risk or low recurrence rate. The prevalence of LN metastases and extracapsular invasion were higher in tumors >0.5 ㎝ in size. Therefore, we prefer near-total or total thyroidectomy with central lymph node dissection. Early detection and treatment of OPC might be warranted by the routine use of thyroid USG and USG-guided FNA.

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