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      • 공립유치원 고경력 교사가 인식한 교직갈등의 요인 및 갈등정도

        류해경,황해익 부산대학교 보육종합센터 영유아보육연구소 2008 영유아보육연구 Vol.14 No.-

        This study sets out to examine the conflicts experienced by teachers in public kindergartens while doing their jobs, with seven primary factors, namely; the teacher herself, the relations between teacher and child, relations with co-workers, relations with parents, administrative and financial support, social recognition and the early childhood education system. The research questions were set as follows: First, each of the primary factors were assigned specific questions ranked in degree of conflict perceived by highly experienced teachers in public kindergartens. The predominant factors were as follows; with regard to the teacher herself, the main concern was 'how long do I work as a kindergarten teacher,` In relations between the teacher and child the most common complaint was, 'I had some physical symptoms during the time period when we had to attract and enroll new students, that gave me a lot of stress.' In relations with co-workers, stress arose from, 'elementary teachers looking down on kindergarten teachers, because they don't fully understand the importance of early childhood education.' In the relations with parents, teachers felt stressed 'when parents complained about safety problems occurring with children.' Second, with regards to the schools' administrative and financial support problems arose due to 'the many different official documents, which made it hard to work efficiently.' In the section on social recognition the problem was that 'there is a popular opinion which holds that older teachers are not suited to teaching kindergarten.' In the early childhood education system it was 'the inconsistencies in financial support for children in early childhood education, with public kindergarten, Private kindergarten and day care center receiving different degrees of financial support.'

      • 시각장애학교 중등부 학생의 음악과 수업에 관한 인식

        이경희,이해균 大邱大學校 師範大學 附設 敎育硏究所 2010 學校敎育硏究 Vol.6 No.1

        이 연구의 목적은 시각장애학교 중등부 학생의 음악과 수업에 관한 인식을 연구하여 현행 시각장애 학교 중등부 학생의 효율적인 음악교육방안을 모색하고, 올바른 음악과 수업의 활성화를 위한 기초 자료를 제시하는데 있다. 이를 위해 전국 시각장애학교 중등부 학생 160명을 대상으로 성별, 학교급별, 시력 정도별, 시각장애 발생시기별 등의 배경 변인별로 음악과 수업에 관한 인식을 음악교육과정 5문항, 음악교사의 교육방법 8문항, 음악교육내용 11문항, 음악교육환경 5문항 등 총 29문항의 설문지로 구성하여 현장 조사하였다. 연구결과 음악과 교육과정에 대한 만족도는 후천성 시각장애학생이 선천성 시각장애학생보다 높게 나타났으며, 음악교사의 수업방법 중 점자악보 교육은 맹학생이 저시력학생보다 중학생이 고등학생보다 높게 나타났다. 음악과 수업에 대한 관심은 여학생이 남학생보다 높게 나타났으며 음악기자재 및 악기 활용은 저시력학생이 맹학생보다 높게 나타났다. 이와 같은 결과를 토대로 후속에 필요한 사항들을 제 언에 제시하였다. The object of this study was to survey the recognition of music classes in the secondary schools for the visually impaired students and find out efficient music method of present secondary schools for the visually impaired students, and to suggest basic materials with a view to activating right classes. Accordingly, The results, which are in the course of investigating and analyzing according to the respective variations of background and the respective factors, are as follows. First, in the areas of the recognition on the music class, the satisfaction on the music education curriculums, students with acquired visual impairments are higher than those with congenital visual impairments. In the area of the understanding on the braille musical note, blind students are higher than those with low vision and in the area of recognition on the braille or music note materials low vision students are higher than blind ones. Second, in the area of the recognition music teacher's education method, the variation of music class, low vision students are higher than blind students in the area of the effort of creativity female students are higher than male students. On the education of braille note, middle school students are higher and blind students are higher than low vision students. Third, in the area of the recognition of music class, interests on the music class, female students are higher than male students. On the understanding of the basic conception of music, female students are higher than male students, blind students are higher than low vision students, On the understanding of music class, female students are higher than male students, middle school students are higher than senior high school students, and blind students are higher than low vision students. On the satisfaction of music class, female students are higher than male students, students with acquired visually impaired are higher than students with congenitally visually impaired Fourth, in the area of the recognition of music education circumstances, on the level of musical materials and on the degree of the usage of musical instruments, low vision students are higher than blind students.

      • 장기입원환자 관리 방해요인

        이경석,윤석만,권희,이호,김혜경,조미자,한규남,김명성 순천향의학연구소 2003 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.9 No.1

        Background: Recently the health insurance review agency tried to cut off the cost of unnecessary hospital stay. It is important to reduce the prolonged occupation of the hospital beds. However, there are some obstacles of the management for the prolonged bed occupation. We report our experiences and the problems of bed-control. Methods: To increase the rate of effective bed-usage, a task force was made. This team was consisted of 4 dctors, 2 nurses and 2 personnel of the administrative department. From December 20th 2001 to May 17th 2002, the task force analysed the rate, number and causes of the prolonged (more than 60 days, regardless of the disease entities) bed occupation. We announced and explained the necessity of bed-control and actively pressed to reduce the prolonged bed occupation. Results: The number of the prolonged bed occupation was 71 at the beginning of the management. It was reduced to 46 at best, then turned back to 65 at the end. It seems to be impossible to reduce the prolonged bed occupation until there are sufficient numbers of long-term care facilities. Aggressive bed control makes the sick patients to move every two or three months, it is never desirable. Conclusion: We cannot expect any Quality Improvements without improvement of the wrong system. Prior to the management for the prolonged bed occupation, it is necessary to build a sufficient number of long-term care facilities.

      • KCI등재후보

        통역교육과 한국어 스피치 훈련

        박혜경 한국국제회의통역학회 2003 통역과 번역 Vol.5 No.1

        Once an interpreter begins to interpret source languages into Korean, the interpreter becomes the speaker for the Koran audience. Therefore, the ability for the interpreter to render a speech in Korean is as important as the ability to understand the speakers's message. However, graduate schools and training institutions of interpretation in Korea do not provide students with a structured Korean speech training. Rather, they tend to focus on training student with their foreign language ability. In this study, it surveys claims of scholars and instructors who teach interpretation that the ability to give a speech in A language can be the key to successful interpretation in the interpretation market. It emphasizes that Korean interpreters are expected to be equipped with perfect Korean language ability and speech delivery skills. By analyzing common features between speech and interpretation, this paper also shows that the interpreter becomes the speaker when an interpreter begins to deliver the message before audience. Finally, it is suggested that more structured curriculum for Korean speech training must be developed and offered in teaching interpretation.

      • 【영아보육프로그램】자료 개발 연구

        황해익,임재택,김정신,송연숙,이경화,김남희 부산대학교 영유아보육연구소 1998 영유아보육연구 Vol.4 No.-

        This study aimed to develop Materials for (The Infant Educare Program) (Dept. of Health & Welfare, 1996). Infant educare Materials were developed through following procedures: 1) analysis of reference and other educare materials 2) content analysis of (The Infant Educare Program) 3) developing materials and 4)testing and revising materials by professionals. Infant educare Materials that developed in this study were constituted of 12 kinds in 5 areas - Materials for management of daycare center, the nursery stories for infants, musical materials for infants, play things for infants, and educational materials for parents. First, materials for management of daycare center were considered various conditions whithin daycare centers and were compased of 2 kinds - diary for educare plan and diskettes for documents. Second, the nursery stories for infants were compased of materials for 3 stages-the weaning stage, the toddling stage, and the independent stage. Similarly, musical materials for infants were composed of 3 stages. And play things for infants were composed of 2 kinds - play things to be easily founded and easily making play things. Finally, educational materials for parents were composed of 2 kinds - guide book for parents education and diskettes for communication with parents. It is needed that persistent attention from professionals in developing and testing materials for infant educare. Also, further educational implications were discussed

      • KCI등재

        반정량 식품섭취빈도조사지를 이용한 한국노인의 영양섭취 실태조사

        이해정,박선주,김정희,김초일,장경자,임경숙,김경원,최혜미 대한지역사회영양학회 2003 대한지역사회영양학회지 Vol.8 No.3

        The aim of this study was to assess the nutrient intakes of the elderly subjects in Korea. Dietary assessment was carried out using a semi-quantitative food frequency questionnaire (SQFFQ) developed by our laboratory, which included 98 commonly consumed food items selected from 1998 National Health and Nutritional Survey for Korean population. Subjects (n = 2,660) aged 50yr and over were recruited in Seoul, 6 metropolitan cities, and 8 mid-size cities. Calcium and riboflavin intakes of the elderly subjects aged 65 yr and over (n = 1,974) were much lower compared with Korean RDA. Nutrient intakes of the three age group (50 - 64 yr, 65 - 74 yr, 75 yr and over) were decreased as age increased in male and female elderly. Nutrient intakes of male elderly, 75 yr and over, were significantly decreased while in female elderly nutrient intakes were gradually decreased as age increased. Over 30% of the elderly subjects did not meet 75% RDA for calcium, iron, vitamin A, and riboflavin. The proportion of the elderly subjects whose intakes were below 75% RDA was much higher than the elderly whose intakes were above 125% RDA, especially among the elderly aged 75 yr and over. This study revealed that the Korean elderly had inadequate intakes for many nutrients. This will cause a serious nutritional problem for the elderly.

      • KCI등재
      • 부부상호간의 커뮤니케이션이 주부의 가정관리능력에 미치는 영향

        이정우,박혜경 숙명여자대학교 생활과학연구소 1992 生活科學硏究誌 Vol.7 No.-

        The purpose of this study is : (1) to identify the overal level of communication between husband and wife, home management ability (2) to investigate the relations between communication and home management ability (3) to examine the factors affecting the home management ability. For the purpose of this study, I selected the samples from the wives living in seoul, who have husband and children. Among a total of 600 respondents, 418 wives were finally selected as a data sources, and the other were discarded. The data were analyzed by the statistical methods such as the frequency, percentile, t-test, F-test, person's correlation, adn stepwise multiple regression analysis. The significant results are as follows: (1) The communication between husband and wife score was 3.22. To refer to subclassfication, the communication time between husband and wife was two hours for a day. The level of communication style was above average and this imply opened style. The communication frequency was under average, communication agreement was above average. And, this communication between husband and wife differs significantly according to the level of education (husband, wife), income. (2) The management ability score was 2.40. In behavior specific, the home management ability score of control coordination and guidence were relatively high, and that of evaluation and planning were relatively low. In object specific, the home management ability score of money was the highest, and that of knowlege and skill were the lowest. This home management ability differes significantly, according to the level of wife's education, number of children, income, husband's occupation. (3) There were positive correlation between the communication and home management ability. (4) The home management ability was independently affected by the following variables in order : communication agreement, the level of wife's education. Based on the above results, I think that the extension of the communication between husband and wife need, and this will promote wife's home management ability. In addition to that, it is nessary to develop a standard instrument to measure the home management ability effectively.

      • KCI우수등재

        가로변 건물 외장 재료의 구성과 이미지에 관한 연구 : 전주시를 중심으로

        한상수,남해경,박한규 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.20 No.12

        This study aims to find out the composition of the architectural materials for the exterior design of the urban buildings and their facade Image. To carry out this study, the field survey for the buildings of the 5 main streets in Chonju area was done And each one of the exterior building materials of the selected 15 buildings were investigated by a specialist group and non-specialist group They were analyzed as their built age, function, story and materials and their image It is concluded as followings 1 The tiles are mostly used as the building facade materials 2 As the built age, the tiles are chiefly used in the buildings that were built from 1970 to 1980, the granite and glass are more widely used in the recent buildings 3 As the function, the tiles are largely used in the kinds of daily life buildings and hospital buildings, and the glasses are in the office buildings 4 As the building story, the tiles are generally used In the lower story buildings, however in the middle story buildings granite and glasses are generally used. And in the higher story buildings, the glass is mostly used The compositional proportion of the buildings, as its used materials, are 70%, 23% and 7% respectively It is shown that the image of cool and modernness is taken with the buildings of glass, steel, timber and aluminum made And the buildings of red brick, tile, dry-bite and concrete have their own Images of warm together with the images of physical properties In the process of architectural design, the design of its exterior materials will be applied as its physical properties and images

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