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      • 구강균에 대한 각종 한약제의 증식 억제

        정영건,지원대,김성영,곽동주,서수교,백경연 한국위생과학회 1997 한국위생과학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        The effect of oriental medicines an the growth of oral bacteria(B. pumilus JU4, B. coagulans JU6, B. subtilis var globigii JU7 and B. subtilis var. globigii JU9) which were isolated from teeth, gums and tongues of patients was investigated. lt was shown that the water extracts of Glycyrrhiza glabra L. var. glandulifera Regel et Zucc., Schizandrae Fructus and Coptidis Rhizoma have the strong antimicrobial activity against every test organism. Especially, the water extract of Schizandrae Fructus has the most antimicrobial activity against all test bacteria of which MIC were the same as 0.25%. The growth of oral bacteria B. pumilus JU4 was inhibited by addition of the water extracts of Glycyrrhizae Radix, Schizandrae Fructus and Coptidis Rhizoma in the concentration of 0.9%, 0.2% and 0.1% respectively. It was tested that specific growth rates of B. pumilus JU4 in each concentration of the water extracts of Glycyrrhizae Radix, Schizandrae Fructus and Coptidis Rhizoma. From the results, the test showed that mean of specific growth rates of B. pumilus JU4 decreased 102%, 186% and 210% in 3% concentration of the water extracts of Glycyrrhizae Radix, Schizandrae Fructus and Coptidis Rhizoma more than those in control respectively.

      • WMS의 HEC-1 모형을 이용한 용담댐 유역의 유입량 예측에 관한 연구

        김경수,이주영 국립7개대학공동논문집간행위원회 2004 공업기술연구 Vol.4 No.-

        When it has been rained, forecasting flow at basin is difficult methods, for it is strongly nonlinear elements since old time hydrologists have tried to analyze flow. As a results, a number of methods have been developed existing models base on topographical map, drawing map, or observation data are solved by hand and simple calculation. However, these methods require many time and effort, and the results are in accurate. This study on it is simulates rainfall-inflow to use hydrologic models at Yongdam Dam basin area and evaluate HEC-1 Model in WMS(Watershed Modeling System). When synthetic unit hydrograph compared real date using HEC-1 in WMS, Clark & SCS methods are good accuracy, where as Snyder method is bad accuracy.

      • Z-Score를 利用한 生活의 質 評價에 관한 硏究

        권준오,최경주 조선대학교 국토개발연구소 1995 국토개발연구 Vol.15 No.1

        City is a place where various ways of life exist and therefore the demend for urban environment extends order various dimensions. The purpose of dissertation is as follows; First, dimensions of urban environments are classified into several categories, secondly, indicators are selected for each category, thirdly, measurements are carried for each indicator, fourthly, indicators are summarized according to the classification done before. In conclusion, the level on disparity of urban living environment among city in cheon-nam region is very large. Cheon-nam region should have effective housing system and administrative system so as to maintain the high level of urban life and increase the quality of life.

      • KCI등재

        Organizational Structure and Unethical Behaviors of Employees

        Gyung Ju Jun(전경주) 한국산업경제학회 2019 산업경제연구 Vol.32 No.5

        기업이 사회의 책임 있는 일원으로서 행동하기 위하여 조직의 어떤 구조적인 특성과 업무환경이 윤리적인 혹은 비윤리적인 문화 환경을 조성하는데에 영향을 주는지 이해를 하여야 한다. 조직의 구조적인 특성으로는 중앙집권화된 의사결정 구조 (centralized structure)와 일방적인 소통방식이 직원들의 비윤리적인 행동에 영향을 주는지 이 논문에서 알아보았다. 본 연구에서 경남지역의 일부 대기업 직원들을 대상으로 자료를 수집하였고, regression analysis 결과를 통하여 cnetralized structure과 directive communication이 직원들의 비윤리적인 행동을 하는데에 영향을 주는 것으로 나왔다. 조직이 너무 경직되어 있고 centralized 되어있는 구조와 의사소통이 양방향으로 아니고 일방적일때에는 직원들은 불만사항이나 윤리적인 부분에 대하여 문제를 느꺼도 잘 표현하지 않을 수 있다. 본 연구의 시사점은 경영자들은 조직의 구조적인 부분도 직원들의 비윤리적인 행동 부분에 영향을 줄 수 있다는 점을 인지하여야 하고, 더 유연한 구조와 소통방식을 고려하여야 한다. Knowing some of the characteristics and work conditions related to creating more ethical atmosphere is critical for organizations aiming to be socially responsible corporate citizen in the society today. To increase our understanding of work environment related to employees" unethical behaviors, this study looks at the effect of organizational structural characteristic and work practice style on employees" decision to behave unethically. Through regression data analysis, it was found that centralized decision-making structure had a significant effect on the likelihood of employees" unethical behaviors with directive communication style at work as a mediating relationship. Implications of the research are considered in the discussion and conclusions.

      • KCI등재

        Coworker Distrust and Employees’ Unethical Behaviors

        Gyung Ju Jun(전경주) 한국산업경제학회 2019 산업경제연구 Vol.32 No.4

        비윤리적인 행동은 한 가지의 원인으로 인하여 일어나지 않고 여러 변수에 의하여 발생한다. 이 연구에서는 조직 내 동료들 사이에 존재하는 높은 불신 및 조직의 소통문화가 직원들의 비윤리적인 행동에 어떠한 영향을 줄 수 있는가에 대하여 알아본다. 본 연구자가 국내 일부 대기업의 자료를 수집하여 분석한 결과 직원들 사이에 서로에 대한 불신이 있고, 조직 내부의 소통이 부족할 경우에는 직원들의 비윤리적인 행동에 직접 영향을 준다는 결론을 얻을 수 있었다. 직원들 사이에 불신이 많을수록 그리고 조직 내의 소통이 부족하다고 느껴질수록 직원들이 비윤리적인 행동을 할 가능성이 상존하고 있다. 따라서 개방적인 소통문화는 조직 내의 내부관계에 있어서 중간의 매개적인 역할을 수행할 수 있다는 점에서 가설의 타당성이 입증된다고 말할 수 있다. Unethical behaviors are not caused by a single factor, but various factors can give rise to such behaviors. In this study, the focus is on coworker distrust among employees as an influence on employee unethical behaviors with organizational communication culture as a mediating variable. Data collected from employees in large global companies in Korea were used to test the hypotheses. The regression results showed that the more there is coworker distrust among employees, the more likely it is for employees to behave unethically. Open communication culture in the organization plays a mediating role in the relationship. Therefore, the hypotheses were supported. Discussion of the results and implications are provided.

      • KCI등재

        점필재 김종직의 政敎와 講學의 서정 -함양군수 시기를 중심으로-

        ( Gyung Ju Jung ) 경상대학교 남명학연구소 2013 남명학연구 Vol.39 No.-

        점필재 김종직은 조선초기 사림의 종사이다. 그가 조선조 도학의 선구자로 일컬어지는 것은 그 자신이 문학과 학문에 있어서 탁월한 성취를 보여주었을 뿐만 아니라, 지방 행정을 통하여 인륜 도덕을 숭상하는 사회 기풍을 일으키는 모범적인 사례를 보여주었고, 그 문하에 도학의 이념을 실천하는데 앞장선 훌륭한 후학들을 양성해내었기 때문이다. 점필재의 도학 이념에 입각한 정치 교화와 교육의 실천 모범은 그가 지방관으로 근무하였던 10년 동안에 가장 잘 나타난다. 이런 관점에서 이 글에서는 점필재가 함양군수로 봉직하였던 5년 동안의 시문 가운데 정사를 임하는 태도와, 풍교의 대책과 강학 및 유상의 정서를 추적하여, 점필재의 평소 학문 사상과 정치 교육의 성과가 조선전기 도학의 선구임을 밝히고자 하였다. 점필재는 함양군수로 부임하면서부터 수시로 관내를 순시하면서 지역의 역사와 물산, 홍수의 재해, 조세와 부역 등, 民生에 대한 깊은 관심과 애정을 보여주었고, 함양읍성 나각을 보수하고 다원을 경영하는 등 조선초기 지방관원으로서 그 유례를 찾아보기 어려울 만큼 고을 주민의 편익을 위한 적극적인 대책을 강구하여 시행하였다. 그는 또한 향교를 보수하고 향교를 중심으로 향음 향사 양로의 의식을 거행하여 인륜 도덕으로 풍속을 순화한다는 風敎의 실현 가능성을 보여주었으며, 한편으로 많은 문생들을 받아들이고, 그 문생들과 고을 주변의 산천을 다니면서 수시로 학문의 중요성을 일깨우고 도학과 심학의 단서를 열어주었다. 점필재는 함양군에서 시행한 시정과 풍교 강학의 규범은 이 시대 학자들에게 도학 정치 실현의 한 가능성을 보여주었고, 그의 문하에서 배출된 인재들은 조정의 관료나 재야의 문인 학자로서 그의 모범과 신념을 널리 확산함으로써 한 시대의 새로운 조류를 형성하였다. 그런 점에서 함양은 점필재 김종직의 학문 사상과 경륜이 구체적인 모습으로 드러나 조선조 도학의 본류를 형성하는 전환처였다고 할 수 있을 것이다. Jeompiljae(占畢齋) Kim-Jongjik(金宗直) was the best pioneering practical confucian scholar, and he was famous for outstanding literature and excellent poet in early Joseon Dynasty. About his academic and literary achievements, a lot of papers had been submitted. In this article, from a slightly different perspective, I summarized the achievement of Jeompiljae in three viewpoint, such as one of the provincial administrators, and as one of the excellent educators, and one of the active cultural planners. Kim-Jongjik was appointed as the Governor of the Hamyang when he was 41 years old. As governor of Hamyang[咸陽郡守], He first closely observed the living conditions of the inhabitants, and he tried to grasp the reality of local agricultural production, and he poured his energy to establish measures to prevent droughts and floods. He was trying to fulfill his responsibilities as a bailiff, to eliminate poverty and hunger of the inhabitants. Among these some corrective policy, people like to say Kim-Jongjik``s most successful achievement by two viewpoint. He constructed the long-tiled roofs[羅閣] that protect the castle built with soil. This plan had reduce the burden of heavy corvee of residents for many years. He planted tea trees and made tea-production farms, and that local authorities were responsible of that management for it. It contributed to reducing the burden on local residents of tribute paid. As a provincial administrators, and as a Confucian scholar he had practiced his political beliefs, and faithfully performed his responsibilities. One of the important achievement of Jeompiljae was to educate people through edification. He had a deep interest in to foster people of the high grade in moral character. So he had been put a lot of effort in to educate the students and to construct schools. As the result of these efforts, in according to his teachings some students had been passed the test for selection of the management. They were selected as the ruler of the dynasty, and more students gathered to ask him to find the correct way for true Confucian. Due to these efforts, some great moralist teachers such as Kim-Koengpil(金宏弼) Jeong-Yeochang(鄭汝昌) who was the good example to the Confucian students of the Joseon, had been appeared here. Because of these several reasons, we can say that was the most vigorous rewarding time of the Kim-Jongjik’s life.

      • KCI등재

        Metamodel-based design optimization of injection molding process variables and gates of an automotive glove box for enhancing its quality

        Gyung-Ju Kang,Chang-Hyun Park,최동훈 대한기계학회 2016 JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Vol.30 No.4

        Injection molding process variables and gates of an automotive glove box were optimally determined to enhance its injection molding quality. We minimized warpage with satisfying constraints on clamp force, weldline, and profiles of filling and packing. Design variables concerning the injection molding process are temperatures of the mold and the resin, ram speeds, and packing pressures and durations;design variables concerning the gates are the shape of the center gate and locations of two side gates. To optimally determine the design variables in an efficient way, we adopted metamodel-based design optimization, sequentially using an optimal Latin hypercube design as a design of experiment, Kriging models as metamodels that replace time-consuming injection molding simulations, and a micro genetic algorithm as an optimization algorithm. In the optimization process, a commercial injection molding analysis software, Moldflow TM , was employed to evaluate the injection molding quality at design points specified. Using the proposed design approach, the warpage was found reduced by 20.5% compared to the initial warpage, while all the design constraints were satisfied, which clearly shows the validity of the proposed design approach.

      • KCI등재

        Examining Teams Adoption from Institutional Perspective

        Gyung Ju Jun(전경주) 한국인사관리학회 2007 조직과 인사관리연구 Vol.31 No.1

          기업환경이 급변하는 상황에서 기존의 top-down decision making authority 구조보다 더 빨리 그리고 더 유연하게 대처할 수 있는 조직구조의 모습으로 팀제를 외국 기업들이 많이 채택해왔다. 한국기업도 역시 경제위기 이후로 외국기업에서 많이 활용되는 인사관리제도를 도입하는 경우가 많아졌다.<BR>  본 연구에서 한국기업의 팀제도입에 대해 제도화이론을 이용해서 설명하려고 하였다. 도입초기에는 생산성 향상을 위한 기업사례도 있겠지만 그 이후 팀제가 제도화 되었을 때에는 남을 모방하는, 혹은 구조적으로 실제모습과는 다른 외부인만을 위한 조직 구조모습을 유지할 가능성이 많다고 이 연구에서 주장한다. 이런 상황에서는 팀제가 제대로 이루어지지 않았을 것이며 팀제의 모습만 갖추었을 뿐이라고 본 연구에서 주장한다. 한국노동연구원 자료를 토대로 검토한 결과 가설을 대체로 뒷받침해 주고 있다.   A team structure is one of the tools organizations have used to adapt to environmental uncertainty. However, not all organizations adopt teams structure for technical efficiency reasons. Having a team structure requires a major overhaul in management attitude, thinking, and philosophy regarding work and worker’s roles. Some, probably the early adopters, organizations may give much thought over the effect of restructuring on the workers and the work process. They may genuinely attempt to make team structure work. With a new, innovative practice on the horizon, other organizations may be swayed by the rush or trend of adoption by other organizations and may not give much thought and give superficial effort to instituting teams. Thus, I argue that some organizations adopt ceremonially or decouple when they adopt team structure. Results generally give support to hypotheses.

      • KCI등재

        Corporate Social Responsibility Approaches of Korean Companies

        ( Gyung Ju Jun ) 한국인적자원관리학회 2013 인적자원관리연구 Vol.20 No.2

        Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an important priority for companies, and many of them have done much to improve the social and environmental aspects of their operations. Many Korean firms have taken up CSR activities as well in various areas from helping the poor, providing social services, scholarships, environment, and research. Some companies use CSR to embolden their image and reputation as a good corporate citizen, while some companies pursue it as purely charity-oriented by reciprocating to the society. Some companies strategically combine CSR activities with their competitive advantage areas to better match their non-business activities with what they do best. With many companies involved in CSR, it is important to know what CSR approaches are pursued by companies. In this paper it is argued that primarily two CSR approaches are utilized by companies in Korea: long-term, sustainable approach and legitimacy-seeking, decoupling approach. The possible determining factors are firm size, corporate reputation, commitment of top management, and legitimacy. And, it is proposed that they influence the extent of CSR involvement, which results in the two primary forms aforementioned. The larger the firm size, the higher the corporate reputation and commitment of top management, the greater the extent of CSR involvement by companies could be seen. If the need for legitimacy is strong and exceeds the strength of other factors, the likelihood of companies to opt for the latter approach of CSR involvement should be higher. These cases would be more likely to seen among small and medium-size companies. In this paper the factors pertaining to each of the approaches are discussed along with ways to improve some problematic ways with which many Korean firms still approach CSR.

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