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        Fishes associating with the echinoids Diadema setosum and Echinothrix calamaris (Diadematoida: Diadematidae) in the Phi Phi Islands of southwestern Thailand

        Floyd E. Hayes,Madeline E. Eastman,John C. Duncan 국립중앙과학관 2023 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Vol.16 No.3

        Many fish species are known to associate with echinoids. We studied the frequency of fishes associatingwith the diadematid Black Longspine Urchin Diadema setosum and Banded Sea Urchin Echinothrix cal amaris in the Phi Phi Islands of southwestern Thailand during July 17e20, 2022. A total of 1373 fishindividuals of 20 species associated with 1157 D. setosum, and 11 fish individuals of seven speciesassociated with 76 E. calamaris. The proportion of fish individuals per echinoid host was 8.2 times higherfor longer-spined D. setosum (1.19) than for E. calamaris (0.14), and the proportion of echinoids hostingone or more fish was 2.5 times higher for D. setosum (22.9%) than for E. calamaris (9.2%), supporting thehypothesis that fishes prefer to associate with echinoid species with the longest spines, which potentiallyprovide more protection against predators. All fishes associating with echinoids were small (<10 cm);most were adults, but for some species, all were juveniles. All fishes were facultative associates ofechinoids. Only three fish species had been previously reported associating with D. setosum and nonewith E. calamaris; the remaining fish species represent new records of association, including 17 forD. setosum and seven for E. calamaris.

      • KCI등재

        Ectosymbionts of the Sea Anemone Stichodactyla gigantea at Kosrae, Micronesia

        Floyd E. Hayes,Brandon J. Painter 한국동물분류학회 2016 Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity Vol.32 No.2

        We studied the ectosymbionts associating with the sea anemone Stichodactyla gigantea at Kosrae, Micronesia. Ectosymbionts of seven species associated with 60.7% of S. gigantea (n=28), with a mean of 2.4 per anemone and 3.9 per occupied anemone. Anemones hosting one or more ectosymbionts did not differ significantly in size from anemones lacking ectosymbionts and there was no significant correlation between anemone size and the number of ectosymbionts. Of 67 ectosymbionts observed, the sea cucumber Stichopus vastus comprised 23.9%, followed by the shrimp Thor amboinensis (20.9%), unidentified hermit crabs (Paguroidea; 20.9%), the cardinalfish Ostorhinchus novemfasciatus (20.9%), the shrimp Periclimenes brevicarpalis (9.0%), the sea cucumber Holothuria hilla (3.0%), and an unidentified brachyuran crab (1.5%). This study documents the first records of S. vastus, H. hilla, and O. novemfasciatus associating with S. gigantea, and the first locality records of S. gigantea, T. amboinensis, P. brevicarpalis, and S. vastus for Kosrae. Because humans often harvest S. gigantea for food at Kosrae, we recommend protecting the symbiotic assemblage of S. gigantea by establishing a sustainable system of harvesting.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Historic and recent status of the Kosrae flying fox (Pteropus ualanus) (Chiroptera: Pteropidae) on Kosrae, Micronesia

        Floyd E. Hayes,John Engbring 국립중앙과학관 2020 Journal of Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Vol.13 No.2

        Seven species of flying foxes of the genus Pteropus have been described from the Caroline Islands andMariana Islands of Micronesia. Among the five extant species, P. ualanus of Kosrae is the least studied.Wereview the history of research on P. ualanus and summarize data from recent surveys. Early historicalaccounts suggest that P. ualanus was abundant until a severe population bottleneck, attributed to aninfectious disease, allegedly reduced the population to two individuals during 1926e1927. During 1982and 1983, we found three colonies and a minimum of 600e700 bats in the mountains. Subsequently twonew colonies became established in coastal localities by 1994 and 2002 and currently represent thelargest colonies. During 2013 and 2014, Hayes visited four confirmed and two possible colonies (three inthe mountains, three along the coast) ranging in size from two to 1038 individuals and counted aminimum of 1765 individuals. Long-term changes occurred in the size of colonies. Because not all individualswere counted and at least one other colony likely exists, the population probably exceeds 2000and may exceed 3000 individuals. The population may not have reached its carrying capacity and maystill be increasing. Potential existential threats include infectious disease, typhoons, overhunting, andhabitat loss.

      • KCI등재

        Ectosymbionts of the Sea Anemone Stichodactyla gigantea at Kosrae, Micronesia

        Hayes, Floyd E.,Painter, Brandon J. The Korean Society of Systematic Zoology 2016 Animal Systematics, Evolution and Diversity Vol.32 No.2

        We studied the ectosymbionts associating with the sea anemone Stichodactyla gigantea at Kosrae, Micronesia. Ectosymbionts of seven species associated with 60.7% of S. gigantea (n=28), with a mean of 2.4 per anemone and 3.9 per occupied anemone. Anemones hosting one or more ectosymbionts did not differ significantly in size from anemones lacking ectosymbionts and there was no significant correlation between anemone size and the number of ectosymbionts. Of 67 ectosymbionts observed, the sea cucumber Stichopus vastus comprised 23.9%, followed by the shrimp Thor amboinensis (20.9%), unidentified hermit crabs (Paguroidea; 20.9%), the cardinalfish Ostorhinchus novemfasciatus (20.9%), the shrimp Periclimenes brevicarpalis (9.0%), the sea cucumber Holothuria hilla (3.0%), and an unidentified brachyuran crab (1.5%). This study documents the first records of S. vastus, H. hilla, and O. novemfasciatus associating with S. gigantea, and the first locality records of S. gigantea, T. amboinensis, P. brevicarpalis, and S. vastus for Kosrae. Because humans often harvest S. gigantea for food at Kosrae, we recommend protecting the symbiotic assemblage of S. gigantea by establishing a sustainable system of harvesting.

      • KCI등재

        Resilience: Myanmar students’ experiences of overcoming eLearning challenges during COVID 19 and political instability

        Gomersall, Steve,Floyd, Alan 서울대학교 교육연구소 2023 Asia Pacific Education Review Vol.24 No.3

        In 2020, COVID-19 forced global education online. Especially in developing countries, this change presented a challenge for those with limited access to devices and reliable electricity and Internet. Whilst some students struggled to adapt, others thrived with eLearning. This paper explores the experiences of one group of students who succeeded in overcoming not only the restrictions of COVID-19, but also significant political instability. The group has a mix of 1st year and 2nd year students in a pre-university program. The 2nd-year students in particular are noteworthy as despite the adversity faced, they have now successfully transitioned to university studies. Drawing on Bronfenbrenner’s (The ecology of human development: experiments by nature and design, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, 1979) socio-ecological framework, the data from twelve semi-structured interviews was analysed and inductively coded. The findings outline how personal goal orientation, coping mechanisms acquired in previous adverse situations, and a desire to serve their communities combine with external influences from families and communities and basic need fulfilment to enable the students to persevere and thrive. The implication is that as students draw on previous experiences, these five core concepts should be incorporated into general education to build the students’ capacity for resilience.

      • KCI등재

        Innate host defenses against Cryptococcus neoformans

        Camaron Hole,Floyd L. Wormley Jr. 한국미생물학회 2016 The journal of microbiology Vol.54 No.3

        Cryptococcus neoformans, the predominant etiological agent of cryptococcosis, can cause life-threatening infections of the central nervous system in immunocompromised and immunocompetent individuals. Cryptococcal meningoencephalitis is the most common disseminated fungal infection in AIDS patients, and remains the third most common invasive fungal infection among organ transplant recipients. The administration of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has resulted in a decrease in the number of cases of AIDS-related cryptococcosis in developed countries, but in developing countries where HAART is not readily available, Cryptococcus is still a major concern. Therefore, there is an urgent need for the development of novel therapies and/or vaccines to combat cryptococcosis. Understanding the protective immune responses against Cryptococcus is critical for development of vaccines and immunotherapies to combat cryptococcosis. Consequently, this review focuses on our current knowledge of protective immune responses to C. neoformans, with an emphasis on innate immune responses.

      • KCI등재

        Applicability of Industrial Sisal Fiber Waste Derived Activated Carbon for the Adsorption of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

        Melike Dizbay-Onat,Evan Floyd,Uday K. Vaidya,Claudiu T. Lungu 한국섬유공학회 2018 Fibers and polymers Vol.19 No.4

        Agricultural waste produced by the industry is a huge threat for the global environment. Utilization of agricultural waste is necessary and there is an urgent need to develop new techniques to solve this important problem. The main objective of this research was to evaluate the applicability of the activated carbon (AC) derived from industrial sisal fiber waste as passive samplers in monitoring toluene by comparing them to industry standard wafer and granular activated carbon (GAC). Carbonization time and ball milling effect on sisal fiber derived AC sample adsorption properties were investigated. Toluene adsorption isotherms were used to predict toluene adsorption capacities. Surface characteristics including surface area and pore volume were used to determine the relationships between them and adsorption capacity. Even though prepared AC samples have mesoporous structure, commercial samples have microporous structure. Surface area from 1245 m2/g to 1297 m2/g and toluene adsorption capacity from 21.4 % to 26.6 % was improved by increasing carbonization time from 1 h to 3 h at 650 oC carbonization temperature and 94.4 ml/min flow rate. Conversely, ball milling technique had negative effect by decreasing the surface area (674 m2/g) and the adsorption capacity of toluene (12.27 %). It is concluded that industrial sisal fiber waste have great potential as a precursor of AC for application in passive monitoring against toluene, particularly the produced mesoporous AC with 3 h carbonization time performs higher adsorption capacity (26.6 %) than commercially available microporous passive sampler (24.1 %) and GAC (22.8 %).


        Major Groove Derivatization of an Unnatural Base Pair

        Seo, Young Jun,Romesberg, Floyd E. WILEY-VCH Verlag 2009 Chembiochem Vol.10 No.14

        <P>An unnatural base pair that is replicated and transcribed with good efficiency would lay the foundation for the long term goal of creating a semisynthetic organism, but also would have immediate in vitro applications, such as the enzymatic synthesis of site-specifically modified DNA and/or RNA. One of the most promising of the unnatural base pairs that we have identified is formed between d5SICS and dMMO2. The ortho substituents of these nucleotides are included to facilitate unnatural base pair extension, presumably by forming a hydrogen-bond with the polymerase, but the synthesis of the unnatural base pair still requires optimization. Recently, we have shown that meta and/or para substituents within the dMMO2 scaffold can facilitate unnatural base pair synthesis, although the mechanism remains unclear. To explore this issue, we synthesized and evaluated several dMMO2 derivatives with meta-chlorine, -bromine, -iodine, -methyl, or -propinyl substituents. Complete characterization of unnatural base pair and mispair synthesis and extension reveal that the modifications have large effects only on the efficiency of unnatural base pair synthesis and that the effects likely result from a combination of changes in steric interactions, polarity, and polarizability. The results also suggest that functionalized versions of the propinyl moiety of d5PrM should serve as suitable linkers to site-specifically incorporate other chemical functionalities into DNA. Similar modifications of d5SICS should allow labeling of DNA with two different functionalities, and the previously demonstrated efficient transcription of the unnatural base pair suggests that derivatives might similarly enable site-specific labeling of RNA.</P> <B>Graphic Abstract</B> <P>It's unnatural: To optimize the d5SICS: dMMO2 unnatural base pair, five dMMO2 derivatives with different substituents at the position meta to the glycosidic linkage have been synthesized and analyzed. During replication, only triphosphate insertion is sensitive to derivatization; this reflects changes in sterics, dipole moment, and polarizability. These results should help optimize the unnatural base pair and identify strategies to site-specifically label DNA and RNA. <img src='wiley_img/14394227-2009-10-14-CBIC200900413-content.gif' alt='wiley_img/14394227-2009-10-14-CBIC200900413-content'> </P>

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