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        Predictors of Successful Smoking Cessation after Inpatient Intervention for Stroke Patients

        Eugene Ha,Jun-Yong Jo,Ah-Leum Ahn,Eun-Jung Oh,최재경,Dong-Yung Cho,Hyuk-Jung Kweon 대한가정의학회 2016 Korean Journal of Family Medicine Vol.37 No.2

        Background: Smoking is a well-known risk factor of cancer, chronic disease, and cerebrovascular disease. Hospitaladmission is a good time to quit smoking but patients have little opportunity to take part in an intensive smokingcessation intervention. The purpose of this study was to identify the factors of successful smoking cessation amongstroke patients who undergo an intensive cessation intervention during the hospitalization period. Methods: Thirty-nine male smokers who were admitted with stroke were enrolled in the study. They participatedin a smoking cessation intervention during hospitalization. Smoking status was followed up by telephone 3 monthslater. Nicotine dependence, sociodemographic factors, and other clinical characteristics were assessed. Results: After 3 months post-intervention, the number of patients who stopped smoking was 27 (69.2%). In addition,there was no significant difference in nicotine dependence, sociodemographic factors, and clinical characteristics. Only the stages of readiness for smoking cessation were a significant predictor (odds ratio, 18.86; 95% confidenceinterval, 1.59–223.22). Conclusion: This study shows that a patient’s willingness to quit is the most significant predictor of stopping smokingafter Inpatient cessation Intervention for stroke Patients.

      • KCI등재

        중국 초기불교의 법신(法身)에 대한 이해

        하유진 ( Ha Eugene ) 서강대학교 철학연구소 2018 철학논집 Vol.55 No.-

        법신의 문제는 부처의 인격에 대한 신앙과 法, 즉 절대적 진리에 대한 신앙을 하나로 통일시키는 불교 교리상의 중요한 고리이며 이를 통해 불교이론은 성불이라는 실천의 문제로 연결된다. 법신사상은 여래의 편만성을 설명하는 용어인데 여래가 세계에 두루 미치지 않는 곳이 없다는 점에 있어서는 중생 역시 예외가 아니다. 중생에게도 여래의 성질이 편만하여 있다는 사실은 중생의 불성으로 연결된다. 이런 의미에서 중국에 불교가 도입되던 무렵 활발하게 이루어진 법신의 문제에 대한 토론은 당시 불교학자들 사이에 반야학에서 불성학으로 주요 관심사가 변모해 가는 과정에서 실상과 불성론을 연결짓는 논리적 필연성의 일부로 작용하였다고 할 수 있다. 도생의 법신관은 대지도론의 반야사상에 근거한 구마라집의 법신관과 중국 전통 철학을 기반으로 하는 왕필의 체용론을 결합한 것으로 파악될 수 있으며, 이는 동시대 다른 불교사상가들과는 구별되는 독특한 점이다. There are some monographic studies on the idea of Dharma-body and Dharma-nature by Hui-yuan and Daosheng in present academic circle. In the correspondence with Kumarajiva, Huiyuan’s special thought of Dharma-body was displayed, and the view which differed from Kumarajiva’s was also demonstrated in the discussion of stage of practice and the theory of interaction between Buddha and human being. All of the above-mentioned thought, was able to represent the comprehension of Buddhism at that time. A research on the shift of the idea from Dharma-body to Buddha-nature during Jin and Song Dynasties, not only help us to comprehend Daosheng’s special ideas more clearly, but also assists to examine the development of Buddhist thought in this period more correctly. In more specific terms, this transformation is manifested in the connection between Kumarajiva and Daosheng’s thoughts of Dharma-body, stages of practice and the theory of interaction between Buddha and human being. Therefore, a comparative study on the development of idea from Dharma-body to Buddha-nature is beneficial and meaningful to reinvestigate the history of Chinese Buddhism in the primary period.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        『열반경(涅槃經)』의 불성 개념에 대한 영성적 이해 -열반사(涅槃師)의 일천제성불(一闡提成佛)에 대한 논의를 중심으로-

        하유진 ( Eugene Ha ) 인도철학회 2014 印度哲學 Vol.0 No.41

        서구의 전통적 영성 개념은 인간의 외부에 절대존재를 상정하여 인격적 하느님의 초월성을 강조함과 아울러 개인이 그러한 절대자에게 복속하는 것을 기본적 구도로 삼는다. 따라서 서구영성의 종교체험은 인간 영혼과 하느님과의 완벽한 일치 보다는 관계적 일치를 추구하며, 인간 영혼이 끝까지 개체성을 상실하지 않고 하느님과 사랑으로 하나가 되는 경험을 강조한다. 그러나 불교에서는 인간 외부에 별도의 절대적 존재를 인정하지 않는다는 점에서 종교체험에 있어서 서구의 영성관과 다른 길을 모색한다. 현대사회에서 영성이란 일상을 넘어서는 초월적, 종교적 체험 또는 그러한 체험을 하는 주체를 가리키는 일반적인 용어로 광범위하게 사용된다. 영성이 궁극적 가치를 향한 자기초월의 능력 또는 자기초월을 위한 노력의 체험이라고 할 때, 불교에서 영성에 대응되는 것이 불성 개념이다. 중생에게 불성이 있다고 하는 것은 중생의 실천을 격려하여 모든 중생들이 해탈하기를 기원하는 일종의 방편이다. 열반경에 나타난 불성 개념은 일천제성불설과 관련지어 살펴볼 때 미래라는 시간 개념이 결합되는 모습으로 나타난다. 열반에 대한 형이상학적 논의만으로는 성불이라는 사건이 완성될 수 없으며, 반드시 행위자에 의한 선업을 쌓는 행위가 뒷받침되어야 만이 열반에 도달할 수 있다. 수행의 누적과 직접적으로 관련된 불성개념은 연인불성이다. 이렇게 볼 때 일천제란 단지 과거의 행적의 결과에 따라서 붙여진 호칭일 뿐 미래에까지 적용되는 개념은 아니다. 그리고 미래의 결과는 현재에 어떠한 마음가짐으로 어느 정도의 선을 행하느냐에 따라 달려 있는 것이다. Christian spirituality depends on God`s grace, and desires the unity with God through the spiritual relationship with the Holy Spirit. The purpose of Christian spirituality is pursuing the unity with God, not by human`s effort but by God`s grace. Therefore, Christian spirituality has the clear difference with Buddhism, which is pursuing their self-salvation. Speech affirming the aboriginal existence of Buddha-nature is a method that will encourage practice and thus contribute to the great end of liberating all sentient beings. No matter what condition one is in, one always has within oneself the possibility of turning around one`s condition by cultivating Buddhahood. Thus the tathagata- garbha is a metaphor for the ability of all sentient beings to attain Buddhahood. The tathagata-garbha teaching is introduced as a metaphor for soteriological purposes. In Chinese Buddhism, before the translation of northern Nirvana Sutra, Dao-sheng(道生) brought up an idea that the icchantika has Buddha-nature, and they also can become Buddha, which promote the spread and study of Nirvana Sutra in China. He also argued that Buddha-nature is a pri ori possession or future possession, which is the important idea in his theory of Buddha-nature.

      • KCI등재

        In vivo 3-dimensional Kinematics of Cubitus Valgus after Non-united Lateral Humeral Condyle Fracture

        Eugene Kim,Se-Jin Park,Ho-Seok Lee,Jai-Hyung Park,Jong Kuen Park,Sang Hoon Ha,Tsuyoshi Murase,Kazuomi Sugamoto 대한견주관절의학회 2018 대한견주관절학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        Background: Nonunion of lateral humeral condyle fracture causes cubitus valgus deformity. Although corrective osteotomy or osteosynthesis can be considered, there are controversies regarding its treatment. To evaluate elbow joint biomechanics in non-united lateral humeral condyle fractures, we analyzed the motion of elbow joint and pseudo-joint via in vivo three-dimensional (3D) kinematics, using 3D images obtained by computed tomography (CT) scan. Methods: Eight non-united lateral humeral condyle fractures with cubitus valgus and 8 normal elbows were evaluated in this study. CT scan was performed at 3 different elbow positions (full flexion, 90° flexion and full extension). With bone surface model, 3D elbow motion was reconstructed. We calculated the axis of rotation in both the normal and non-united joints, as well as the rotational movement of the ulno-humeral joint and pseudo-joint of non-united lateral condyle in 3D space from full extension to full flexion. Results: Ulno-humeral joint moved to the varus on the coronal plane during flexion, 25.45° in the non-united cubitus valgus group and -2.03° in normal group, with statistically significant difference. Moreover, it moved to rotate externally on the axial plane -26.75° in the non-united cubitus valgus group and -3.09° in the normal group, with statistical significance. Movement of the pseudo-joint of fragment of lateral condyle showed irregular pattern. Conclusions: The non-united cubitus valgus group moved to the varus with external rotation during elbow flexion. The pseudo-joint showed a diverse and irregular motion. In vivo 3D motion analysis for the non-united cubitus valgus could be helpful to evaluate its kinematics.


        Dietary sodium intake in young Korean adults and its relationship with eating frequency and taste preference

        Eugene Shim,Ha-Jung Ryu,Jinah Hwang,Soo Yeon Kim,Eun-Jung Chung 대한지역사회영양학회 2013 Nutrition Research and Practice Vol.7 No.3

        Dietary sodium intake is considered one of the major causal factors for hypertension. Thus, to control the increase of blood pressure and reduce the risk of hypertension-related clinical complications, a reduction in sodium intake is recommended. The present study aimed at determining the association of dietary sodium intake with meal and snack frequency, snacking time, and taste preference in Korean young adults aged 20-26 years, using a 125-item dish-frequency questionnaire. The mean dietary sodium intakes of men and women were 270.6 mmol/day and 213.1 mmol/day, which were approximately 310% and 245% of the daily sodium intake goal for Korean men and women, respectively. Dietary sodium intake was positively correlated with systolic blood pressure in the total group, and BMI in the total and men-only groups. In the total and men-only groups, those who consumed meals more times per day consumed more dietary sodium, but the number of times they consumed snacks was negatively correlated with dietary sodium intake in the total, men-only, and women-only groups. In addition, those who consumed snacks in the evening consumed more sodium than those who did so in the morning in the men-only group. The sodium intake was also positively associated with preference for salty and sweet taste in the total and women-only groups. Such a high intake of sodium in these young subjects shows that a reduction in sodium intake is important for the prevention of hypertension and related diseases in the future.

      • KCI등재

        Pregabalin as a Neuroprotector after Spinal Cord Injury in Rats: Biochemical Analysis and Effect on Glial Cells

        Ha, Kee-Yong,Carragee, Eugene,Cheng, Ivan,Kwon, Soon-Eok,Kim, Young-Hoon The Korean Academy of Medical Sciences 2011 JOURNAL OF KOREAN MEDICAL SCIENCE Vol.26 No.3

        <P>As one of trials on neuroprotection after spinal cord injury, we used pregabalin. After spinal cord injury (SCI) in rats using contusion model, we observed the effect of pregabalin compared to that of the control and the methylprednisolone treated rats. We observed locomotor improvement of paralyzed hindlimb and body weight changes for clinical evaluation and caspase-3, bcl-2, and p38 MAPK expressions using western blotting. On histopathological analysis, we also evaluated reactive proliferation of glial cells. We were able to observe pregabalin's effectiveness as a neuroprotector after SCI in terms of the clinical indicators and the laboratory findings. The caspase-3 and phosphorylated p38 MAPK expressions of the pregabalin group were lower than those of the control group (statistically significant with caspase-3). Bcl-2 showed no significant difference between the control group and the treated groups. On the histopathological analysis, pregabalin treatment demonstrated less proliferation of the microglia and astrocytes. With this animal study, we were able to demonstrate reproducible results of pregabalin's neuroprotection effect. Diminished production of caspase-3 and phosphorylated p38 MAPK and as well as decreased proliferation of astrocytes were seen with the administration of pregabalin. This influence on spinal cord injury might be a possible approach for achieving neuroprotection following central nervous system trauma including spinal cord injury.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Subclinical sacroiliitis detected by abdominopelvic computed tomography in Korean patients with Crohn’s disease

        ( You-jung Ha ),( Hyo Jin Kim ),( Eugene Lee ),( Ji Hye Park ),( Young Soo Park ),( Yun Jong Lee ),( Yusuhn Kang ),( Hyuk Yoon ) 대한내과학회 2021 The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol.36 No.4

        Background/Aims: Sacroiliitis is a frequent extraintestinal manifestation of inflammatory bowel diseases (IBDs). This study aimed to assess the prevalence of sacroiliitis using a validated screening tool based on abdominopelvic computed tomography (APCT) in Korean patients with Crohn’s disease (CD) and examine potential associations between clinical characteristics and sacroiliitis. Methods: One hundred five patients with CD undergoing APCT for any indication at an IBD clinic were matched 1:1 for age and sex with 105 controls without underlying chronic illnesses. Using a validated APCT screening tool that defines sacroiliitis as either ankylosis or a total erosion score (TES) ≥ 3, all computed tomography scans were assessed by two independent, blinded radiologists. We compared the prevalence of sacroiliitis between CD patients and controls and clinical characteristics between CD patients with and without sacroiliitis. Results: The prevalence of sacroiliitis was significantly higher in CD patients than in controls (13.3% vs. 4.8%, p = 0.030). All subjects with sacroiliitis had a TES ≥ 3, but no ankylosis. The assessment of sacroiliitis in APCT showed excellent interreader reliability (Cohen’s kappa = 0.933 for presence of sacroiliitis). Sacroiliitis in CD patients was bilateral and asymptomatic. There were no significant associations between sacroiliitis and any demographic data or clinical characteristics in these patients. Conclusions: The prevalence of APCT-detected sacroiliitis in CD patients was higher than that in controls, but the condition was asymptomatic. The clinical significance of asymptomatic sacroiliitis in Korean CD patients remains unclear.

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