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      • KCI등재

        흰쥐에 사염화탄소 투여시 간 Xanthine Oxidase 활성에 미치는 Allopurinol의 영향

        윤종국,이혜자,이상일 THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR BIOMEDICAL LABORATORY SCINE 1995 Journal of biomedical laboratory sciences Vol.1 No.1

        사염화탄소에의한 간손상시 CCl₄대사에 xanthine oxidase(XO)가 관련되는지를 규명하기 위한 일환으로 allopurinol을 흰쥐 체중 Kg당 50mg을 전처치한다음 CCl₄를 투여한후 처치하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. CCl₄투여로 인한 간조직의 postmitochondria 분획의 XO활성은 allopurinol을 전처치하므로서 현저히 감소되었으나 투석한 겨울에는 오히려 증가되었으며 type D로부터 type O로의 전환율은 감소되었다. 또한, 투석한 간조직의 XO를 반응속도적인 측면에서 관찰해볼 때 allopurinol을 전처치후 CCl₄투여군이 CCl₄단독투여군보다 Vmax가 크게 나타났다. CCl₄투여로 인한 체중당 간무게의 증가율과 혈청 alanine aminotransferase활성증가율은 allopurinol을 전처치하므로서 저하되었다. 한편 CCl₄투여로인한 간조직중 aniline hydroxylase 및 glucose 6 phosphatase활성감소율은 allopurinol을 전처치하므로서 저하되었다. 이상의 실험결과를 종합하여 볼 때 실험동물에 CCl₄와 allopurinol을 병행투여시 allopurinol이 사염화탄소에의한 간손상을 억제시키는 현상은 XO와 사염화탄소대사간에 관련성이 있음을 시사해주고 있다. To evaluate an effect of xanthine oxidase(XO) reaction system on the carbon tetrachloride(CCl₄) metabolism, CCl₄was given twice at O.1ml/10g body wt. at intervals of 18 hour to the mts and those pretreated with allopurinol (50mg/kg. body wt.). The influence of XO on the metabolism of CCl₄ was focused on the degree of liver damage and the activities of a CCl₄metabolizing marker enzyme, glucose-6-phosphatase. The increasing rate of liver weight per body weight and the levels of serum alanine aminotransferase to the control group were more decreased in allopurinol-pretreated rats than in those treated with CCl₄ alone. The liver XO activities were more increased in CC1₄-treated rats than the control group and the CC1₄-treated rats pretreated with allopurinol showed a decreased activities of XO compared to the CC1₄-treated rats. The type conversion (type D --> type O) rate was more decreased tendency in allopurinol pretreated rats than those treated CCl₄alone. In dialyzed liver enzyme preparations, all of the xanthine oxidase activities: CC1₄-treated, allopurinol and CC1₄-treated rats pretreated with allopurinol showed the more increased Vmax value than the control group, but similar Km value. Moreover, CC1₄-treated rats pretreated with allopurinol showed the more increased Vmax value than the group treated with CCl₄alone. In conclusion, it can not be negate the possibility of metabolism of CCl₄by the xanthine oxidase enzyme system.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of p-Phenylenediamine Application to Rat Skin on the Liver Oxygen Free Radical Systems

        윤종국,--,-- THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR BIOMEDICAL LABORATORY SCIEN 2003 Journal of biomedical laboratory sciences Vol.9 No.2

        To evaluate the influence of hepatic oxygen free radical systems on liver injury by topical p-phenylenediamine (PPD) application on rat skin. PPD (25mg/16.5㎠) was topically applied to the abdominal region 5 times every other day and sacrificed. By PPD treatment, increasing rate of liver weight/body weight(%), serum activities of alanine aminotransferase and aspartate aminotransferase and decreasing rate of microsomal glucose-6-phosphatase activity were higher in the rats fed tungstate supplemented diet than those fed a standard diet. These findings indicate that group fed tungstate supplemented diet have more severe liver injury compared with group fed standard diet on topical PPD application. However, the activities of oxygen free radical generating enzymes such as xanthine oxidase (XO) and cytochrome P450 dependent aniline hydroxylase and those of oxygen free radical scavenging enzymes were not found to be different between these two animal groups. In the present study, a novel monitoring method to detect the generating of oxygen free radicals in liver extract was devised. Throughout this method, the oxidized PPD produced by oxygen free radicals was determined colorimetrically. The increasing rate of PPD oxidation by liver homogenate was higher in tungstate fed animals than in standard diet fed ones. Among the fractionations of liver extract, the mitochondria1 and postmitochondrial fractions in the liver extract of tungstate fed animals led to a higher availability of PPD oxidation by PPD treatment compared with standard diet fed ones. In conclusion, these results suggest that an enhanced liver injury in tungstate fed animals treated with PPD may be due to oxygen free radicals produced in other systems except oxygen free radicals generating from cytosolic XO system. Especially, oxidative availability by PPD can be used for oxygen free radical detection in some tissue.

      • KCI등재

        흰쥐 성장기간에 따른 Xylene의 독성에 관한 연구

        이혜자,이상희,전태원,이상일,윤종국 대한의생명과학회 2000 Journal of biomedical laboratory sciences Vol.6 No.3

        실험동물에 있어서 연령 차이에 따라서 xylene 독성이 어떠한 차이가 있는지를 검토하는 일환으로 5주령 및 12주령 흰쥐에 50% m-xylene을 체중 100 g 당 0.25 ml씩 1회 투여한 다음 24시간 후에 처치하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. Xylene 투여로 인한 요 중 methylhippuric acid 함량은 5주령군이 12주령군에 비해 현저하게 높게 나타났다. 그리고 간조직 중 cytochroms P-450 함량은 대조군에 있어서 5주령군이 12주령군 보다 약 50% 정도 낮게 나타났으나 xylene 투여로 인한 cytochrome P-450 함량 증가율은 12주령군 보다 5주령군에서 높게 나타났다. 간 alcohol dehydrogenase 활성치도 대조군에 있어서는 5주령군이 12주령 보다 약 35% 정도 낮게 나타났으나 xylene 투여로 인한 본 효소의 활성 증가율은 5주령군에서 오히려 높게 나타났다. 그러나 간 aldehyde dehydrogenase 활성치는 대조군 및 xylene 투여군 모두 5주령과 12주령간에 유의한 차이를 나타내지 않았다. 한편 xylene 투여시 체중 당 간무게, 간조직 malondialdehyde 함량 및 혈청 ALT 활성 변동을 통하여 간손상 정도를 상호 비교 관찰하였을 때, 12주령군이 5주령 실험동물 보다 간손상이 다소 심하게 나타남을 알 수가 있었다. 이상 실험결과는 연령에 따라 xylene에 의한 간손상의 차이는 이물질의 생체내 대사율이 달리 나타나기 때문일 것으로 생각된다. To evaluate an effect of aging on the xylene toxicity, 50% m-xylene in olive oil (0.25 ml/100 g body wt.) was administered to 5 week and 12 week-old rats one times intraperitoneally and sacrificed at 24 hrs afterwards. The increasing rate of urinary H-methylhippuric acid concentration was higher in 12 week-old rats than 5 week-old rats by the treatment of m-xylene. On the liver function findings, i.e., liver weight/body weight (%), serum levels of ALT activity and hepatic malondialdehyde content, 12 week-old rats showed more severe liver injury than 5 weeks those in xylene-treated rats. And the hepatic cytochrome P-450 contents was higher in 12 weeks rats than those of in 5 week-old rats, but the increasing rate of that was lower in 12 week-old rats. Hepatic alcohol dehydrogenase activity was also higher in 12 week-old rats than in 5 week-old rats whereas the increasing rate of that was higher in 5 week-old than those in 12 week-old rats by the xylene treatment. Furthermore, the hepatic aldehyde dehydrogenase activities were no differences between the 5 and 12 week-old rats both in the control and xylene-treated group, In conclusion, age may influences upon the hepatotoxicity with xylene and it may be responsible for xylene metabolism in rats.

      • KCI등재

        흰쥐에 Xylene 반복 투여가 Xylene의 대사에 미치는 영향

        전태원,이혜자,윤종국,이상일,조현국 THE KOREAN SOCIETY FOR BIOMEDICAL LABORATORY SCIEN 1999 Journal of biomedical laboratory sciences Vol.5 No.1

        실험동물에 xylene의 반복 투여가 이물질의 대사에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지를 알아보기 위하여 흰쥐에 m-xylene과 olive oil의 동량혼합액을 체중 100g당 0.25ml씩 2일 간격으로 1, 4, 8, 12 및 16회 복강으로 투여한 다음 마지막 투여 24시간 후에 처치하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 요 중 m-methylhippuric acid 함량은 m-xylene 4회 투여군의 경우 1회 투여군에 비하여 약 56%의 유의한 증가를 보였으며 이후 12회 투여까지 유사한 결과를 나타내었으나 m-xylene 16회 투여시에는 xylene 1회 투여군 치와 유사한 치로 감소되었다. 그리고 간조직의 microsomal aniline hydroxylase와 alcohol dehydrogenase 활성은 m-xylene 12회 투여시 까지는 대체적으로 점진적인 증가를 보였으나 이후 16회 투여시에는 12회 투여군에 비하여 유의한 감소를 보였다. 또한 aldehyde dehydrogenase 활성은 m-xylene 투여 회수에 비례해서 전 실험기간 동안 감소되었으며 특히 16회 투여군에서 본 효소활성의 현저한 감소를 보였다. 한편 본 실험조건에서 투여기간에 따른 진자현미경적 미세구조의 변화는 초기에 활면소포체의 증식이 보이다가 16회 투여군에서는 활면소포체가 감소되고 조면소포체가 증가되었다. 이상 실험결과는 흰쥐에 있어서 xylene 투여 회수에 따라서 요 중 m-methylhippuric acid의 농도 변동이 초래되며 이는 효소단백 유도에 따른 xylene 대사효소 활성 변동에 기인된 결과로 생각된다. To evaluate the effect of repeated treatment of xylene on its metabolism, m-xylene (0.25ml of 50% in olive oil/100 g body weight) has been intraperitoneally given to the rats 1, 4, 8, 12 and 16 times every other day. m-Xylene was once more administered to the animals after 24 hrs since last injection of it. And then the animals were sacrificed after 24 hrs. Four times xylene treated rats showed the significantly elevated urinary m-methylhippuric acid, compared to those treated with the singe dose of m-xylene with the continued similiar high levels of urinary m-methylhippuric acid up to the animals pretreated 12 times and then those treated 16 times defined the significantly decreased urinary m-methylhippuric acid compared to those treated 12 times. On the other hand, hepatic aniline hydroxylase and alcohol dehydrogenase activities demonstrated a gradual increase from the first group to the 12 times xylene-treated animals, but those treated 16 times showed the significantly decreased value compared with the 12 times treated-group. And aldehyde dehydrogenase activities in rats treated with m-xylene 8, 12 or 16 times were significantly decreased compared to those pretreated one or four times. In the early stage of xylene administration, proliferation of SERs were seen whereas SERs were decreased and RERs were clearly increased in xylene-treated rats 16 times. These results indicate that the frequency of xylene injection may influence upon the changes in xylene metabolite, m-methylhippuric acid and it may be due to induction of xylene metabolizing enzymes.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • 폐가전 제품 회수 개선을 위한 TRIZ-AHP 통합 방법론 연구

        윤정혜 ( Chong Hye Yoon ),권혁제 ( Hyeok Je Gwon ),유연우 ( Yen Yoo Yoo ) 한국유통경영학회(구 한국유통정보학회) 2015 유통정보학회지 Vol.18 No.1

        Purpose: This study is focused on integrating TRIZ(Theory of Inventive Problem Solving) and AHP(Analytical Hierarchy Process). AHP is Multi Criteria Decision Making. We want to apply CE-EOL(Consumer Electronic End of Life) Goods collection practices with TRIZ-AHP integrated methodology. TRIZ derives improvement ideas through a contradiction definition, parameter conversion, contradiction matrix and 40 Inventive Principles. Research design, data, and methodology: TRIZ derives improvement of ideas through a contradiction definition, parameter conversion, contradiction matrix and 40 Inventive Principles. Derived the idea was to objectively judge and select the chosen improvement ideas through the AHP methodology. Resource recycling law is enacted as part of the environmental protection in Korea. Results: TRIZ-AHP methodology helps a corporate to practise innovation activities. Thus derived the idea shows the result of applying the actual business case. Conclusions: The idea is derived from the TRIZ to improve CE-EOL(Consumer Electronic End of Life) Goods collection. In order to select the optimum ideas, The AHP is applied to the weight of the idea. TRIZ-AHP methodology helps a corporate to practise innovation activities.

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