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        류마티스관절염 환자의 인슐린 저항성 결정인자

        이정욱 ( Joung Wook Lee ),박영은 ( Young Eun Park ),조미라 ( Mi Ra Cho ),백승훈 ( Seung Hoon Baek ),김근태 ( Geun Tae Kim ),이준희 ( Jun Hee Lee ),김성일 ( Sung Il Kim ) 대한류마티스학회 2009 대한류마티스학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        Objective: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is associated with an increased cardiovascular events. These may be related to insulin resistance (IR). We evaluated status of IR and analyzed the relationship between IR and clinical and laboratory characteristics in patients with RA. Methods: We examined 52 RA patients (43 females) and 52 age and sex matched healthy controls. We measured Homeostasis model assessment (HOMA) IR, calculated according to fasting serum glucose and insulin. Results: In patients, age was 50.8±10.2 years old, disease duration was 42.1±30.9 months. In controls, HOMA IR was 0.62±0.30 and in patients, it was 1.28±0.50. This difference was highly significant (p<0.001). Patients with early RA (disease duration is less than 36 months) were 28, and established RA (more than 36 months) were 24. HOMA IR was significantly higher in patients with established RA (1.42±0.45) than those with early RA (1.16±0.45) (p=0.03), and significantly correlated with disease duration (r=0.36, p=0.01), BMI (r=0.36, p<0.001), total cumulative prednisolon dose (r=0.34, p=0.01). Disease duration and BMI were independent predictors for HOMA IR (p<0.01, p=0.03). Conclusion: In patients with RA, IR measured by HOMA IR was more significantly increased than that of healthy control and significantly correlated with disease duration, BMI, and total cumulative prednisolon dose; however, the determinants of HOMA IR in RA patients were disease duration and BMI.


        3′‐Sialyllactose as an inhibitor of p65 phosphorylation ameliorates the progression of experimental rheumatoid arthritis

        Kang, Li‐,Jung,Kwon, Eun‐,Soo,Lee, Kwang Min,Cho, Chanmi,Lee, Jae‐,In,Ryu, Young Bae,Youm, Tae Hyun,Jeon, Jimin,Cho, Mi Ra,Jeong, Seon‐,Yong,Lee, Sang‐,Rae,Kim, Wook,Yang John Wiley and Sons Inc. 2018 British journal of pharmacology Vol.175 No.23

        <P><B>Background and Purpose</B></P><P>3′‐Sialyllactose (3′‐SL) is a safe compound that is present in high levels in human milk. Although it has anti‐inflammatory properties and supports immune homeostasis, its effect on collagen‐induced arthritis (CIA) is unknown. In this study, we investigated the prophylactic and therapeutic effect of 3′‐SL on the progression of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in <I>in vitro</I> and <I>in vivo</I> models.</P><P><B>Experimental Approach</B></P><P>The anti‐arthritic effect of 3′‐SL was analysed with fibroblast‐like synoviocytes <I>in vitro</I> and an <I>in vivo</I> mouse model of CIA. RT‐PCR, Western blotting and ELISA were performed to evaluate its effects <I>in vitro</I>. Histological analysis of ankle and knee joints of mice with CIA was performed using immunohistochemistry, as well as safranin‐O and haematoxylin staining.</P><P><B>Key Results</B></P><P>3′‐SL markedly alleviated the severity of CIA in the mice by reducing paw swelling, clinical scores, incidence rate, serum levels of inflammatory cytokines and autoantibody production. Moreover, 3′‐SL reduced synovitis and pannus formation and suppressed cartilage destruction by blocking secretion of chemokines, pro‐inflammatory cytokines, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrix_metalloproteinases and osteoclastogenesis <I>via</I> NF‐κB signalling. Notably, phosphorylation of p65, which is a key protein in the NF‐κB signalling pathway, was totally blocked by 3′‐SL in the RA models.</P><P><B>Conclusions and Implications</B></P><P>3′‐SL ameliorated pathogenesis of CIA by suppressing catabolic factor expression, proliferation of inflammatory immune cells and osteoclastogenesis. These effects were mediated <I>via</I> blockade of the NF‐κB signalling pathway. Therefore, 3′‐SL exerted prophylactic and therapeutic effects and could be a novel therapeutic agent for the treatment of RA.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        애니메이션에 나타난 이방인의 타자성 연구 : <별별 이야기>, <페르세폴리스>, <아주르와 아스마르>를 중심으로

        조미라 영상예술학회 2009 영상예술연구 Vol.15 No.-

        애니메이션은 단순함 속에서도 풍부한 이미지와 상상력으로 영화와는 다른 감동을 전달한다. 소박하고 단순한 흑백 이미지만으로도 이란을 바라보는 서방의 낯선 시선을 자연스럽게 그려낸 <페르세폴리스>, 미셀 오슬로의 <아주르와 아스마르>, <프린스 앤 프린세스> 그리고 <별별 이야기1, 2>와 같은 작품들은 지구 곳곳에서 벌어지는 일상들을 외면하지 않고, 애니메이션만이 가진 차별화된 표현방식으로 관객에게 효과적인 메시지를 전달한다. 이들 작품은 다소의 차이가 있지만, 현실에 구체적으로 존재하는 ‘타자’, 그 중에서도 낯선 자로 살아가는 이주민 혹은 이민자들을 소재로 동서양 문화의 소통, 차이와 다름에 대한 성찰을 이야기하고 있다. 이에 본고에서는 그동안 인간을 전체의 한 부분으로 보는 철학에 대하여 인간의 존엄성과 책임의 이름으로 ‘타자’의 위상을 새롭게 정립한 레비나스의 철학의 중심으로 살펴보았다. <별별 이야기>에서는 타자와의 문제가 언어, 문화, 민족성의 차이나 이질감에서 오는 것이 아니라 타자를 내 안으로 끌고 들어와 그 ‘타자성’을 제거하고 자신과 동일화하려는 욕망에서 기인하고 있음을 지적하고 있다. 또한 정치적 이데올로기로 인해 인권이 유리되고, 무고한 사람을 죽이는 전쟁의 원인은 무엇이고, 그 책임은 누구에게 있느냐를 질문하는 <페르세폴리스>는 그 책임이 현실을 살아가는 구체적인 존재, ‘나’와 ‘너’에게 있음을 단호하게 말하고 있다. 그리고 미셀 오슬로의 <프린스 앤 프린세스>와 <아주르와 아스마르>에서는 그동안 타자의 자리를 배제시킨 ‘주체’에 대한 사유를 비판하고, 사랑의 의미를 타자성 그 자체로 받아들이는 신비의 관계로 승화시키고 있다. Animations, with the plentiful images in its simpleness, deliver unique sensations that are different from movies. Persepolis that conveys the life of an Iranian girl who had to live as a foreigner in black and color images, Azur and Asmar and Princes and Princesses by Michel Ocelot that express various stories by silhouette and 3D method, and Odd Stories 1 and Odd Stories 2 in Omnibus structure deliver sensational messages to the audiences by differentiated methods. These works are telling about the introspection on the differences and distinctions of ‘the others’ who are definitely existing in the reality, especially the immigrants who are living as foreigners. This study, based on the dignity and responsibility of human, looked into the relationships to the others appeared in animations focusing on the ‘otherness’ by E. Levinas who had reestablished the position of ‘the others’. Also, the study aimed to criticize the reasons from ‘the subjects’ who have excluded the positions of the others so far, and provide the healthy otherness.

      • 콘크리트 구조물 비파괴 평가를 위한 수정 충격반향 기법의 제안

        조미라,김기봉,조성호 중앙대학교 건설환경연구소 2001 環境科學硏究 Vol.12 No.1

        The techniques to make assessment of the structural integrity of concrete structures include infrared thermagraphy, GPR using the reflection of the electromagnetic wave, ultrasonic test, seismic methods using the propagation of elastic wave, and etc. These method alone is not enough to evaluate parameters required for the assessment. In this study, a new seismic method was proposed to improve the existing methods and to provide and additional information like stiffness of concrete. The proposed method comes from the improvement of the impact echo test, and is called the modified impact echo method (ModIE). To verify the validity of the proposed method, a large scale model of a tunnel concrete liner was built and the proposed method was applied to the center of the model and also to the corner of the model which has several distinct reflection boundaries.

      • KCI등재후보

        애니메이션의 서술자 연구

        조미라 영상예술학회 2010 영상예술연구 Vol.16 No.-

        Animation is a genre which is able to freely deliver new forms and expressions with post-human eyes and senses, unlike realistic novels or movies that recreate the world objectively. This characteristic ultimately leads to the introduction of various animation narrators including the non-human narrator, the narrator in childhood, and the unconscious narrator. Therefore, this paper looked into the role and characteristics of the narrator of animation, and studied changes according to the discursive practices of a narrator. With this aim, the study analyzed certain types and characteristics by which each narrator works within a narrative by classifying animation narrators largely into the non-human narrator, the narrator in childhood, and the unconscious narrator. The analyzed results include the following. First, the non-human narrator separates the narrative world from the rational, reasonable reality, and invites people into the space of the story. Second, the narrator in childhood features itself as a target (object) by escaping from the context of the social and reasonable system. Third, the unconscious narrator expands the role of the narrator into the world of unconsciousness by restoring even a ‘surrealistic and desultory memory’. 애니메이션은 세계를 객관적으로 재현하고자 하는 리얼리즘 계열의 소설이나 영화와 달리 탈인간적 시선과 감각으로 새로운 형식과 표현을 전달하는 데 자유로운 장르이다. 이러한 특성은 비-인간(非-人間) 서술자, 유년 서술자, 무의식의 서술자 등 다양한 애니메이션 서술자로까지 이어진다. 이에 본고에서는 애니메이션 서술자의 역할과 특징을 살펴보고, 서술자의 담론 행위에 따른 변화들을 연구하였다. 이를 위해 애니메이션 서술자를 크게 비-인간 서술자, 유년 서술자, 무의식의 서술자로 구분하여 각 서술자가 내러티브 안에서 작용되는 방식과 특성들을 분석하였다. 분석의 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 비-인간 서술자는 서사적 세계를 이성적이고 합리적인 현실로부터 분리시켜 놓고 사람들을 이야기의 공간으로 초대하는 역할을 한다. 둘째, 유년 서술자는 사회적, 합리적 제도의 컨텍스트에서 벗어나 대상(사물) 자체가 되는 특징을 갖는다. 셋째, 무의식의 서술자는 ‘초현실적이면서 종잡을 수 없는 기억’까지 복원함으로써 서술자의 역할을 무의식의 세계로까지 확장시킨다.

      • 파동전파에 대한 감진기 위치의 영향 및 3-D 효과

        조미라,김기봉 中央大學校 建設環境硏究所 2002 環境科學硏究 Vol.13 No.1

        본 연구에서는 뛰어난 현장 적용성으로 구조물의 비파괴 건전도 평가 방법으로 주목받고 있는 충격반향기법의 신뢰성 향상과 정확도 개선을 위하여 콘크리트 구조물에서 전파되는 탄성파의 전파특성을 연구하였다. 본 연구에서는 일반적으로 충격반향실험시 선택되는 감진기의 위치 7.5 cm 에 대한 이론적인 타당성을 평가하고자, 충격반향실험에 대한 유한요소해석을 수행하여 여러 위치에서의 탄성파 응답특성을 비교 하였다. 충격반향이론이 형상계수를 이용하여 수정되어야 하는 이유가 3-D 효과 때문인지를 확인하기 위하여, 유한요소해석을 3-D 축대칭 요소 해석, 2-D 평면요소 해석, 2-D 평면응력 해석을 수행하여 각 결과를 비교하였다. 이를 바탕으로 충격반향기법의 실험자료 분석 및 해석에 있어서 보다 신뢰성 있는 결과를 도출 할 수 있었다. The propagation of the elastic waves transmitting concrete structures was investigated to improve the reliability of the impact echo test, which is recognized as an excellent nondestructive method for the assessment of structural integrity. The finite element analysis was employed to evaluate the validity of the receiver location of 7.5 cm, which is usually recommended. In the finite element analysis, the particle displacements were calculated at several locations of receivers. The analysis has the objective to Check if the Shape factor Should be used in the Impact-Echo theory vainly due to the 3-D condition of the measurements. This research enabled the impact echo test to be more reliable in the interpretation and analysis of the measurements.

      • 인조 합성 테니스 바닥재의 지면 반력 분석

        조승제,정미라,서국웅,박승범,윤양진,이훈식,강영택 釜山大學校 附設 體育科學硏究所 1998 體育科學硏究所 論文集 Vol.14 No.-

        Some authors suggest that certain types of surfaces are the origin of such injuries. A few years after the first medical concerns about surfaces were voiced, publications of biomechanical measurements apperared, describing accleration, force, and impact measurement on different types of surfaces. In many sport activities, surfaces can be under very high dynamic load. This was the reason for the development of various methods for impact simulation, like the development of various methods for impact simulation, like the artificial athlete. Furthermore, it is important to collect information about the hardness of new and already existing surfaces in sport arenas. The idea on which this measuring system is based Is as follows: The stiffness of the material can be computed from the kinematics measurd at touch down of a rigid body onto a material sample. The results show the following The result for the artifical surfaces(Synpave ace) is surprising. It is known that these surfaces are much harder than synpave rebound classic, synpave spring. This finding suggests that it may be possible that the subjective impression is used as one criterion in the selection of landing(or style) strategies. The number of subjects in this experiment is too small to make statistically significant conclusions. It is shown analytically that when an object a deformable surface, the acceleration it experiences is inversely propotional to its mass. In future, it need to stress that the interaction between shoe and surface is important, and this aspect has now become well accepted. Considering biomechanical aspect in player's injury, it request Korean Standards for synthetic playing surfaces in sport like ASTM(America Society for Testing & Materials) standards of America, DIN 18035 standards of Germany, BSI standards of U.K.

      • KCI등재
      • 부산시 학교체육시설과 체육공원시설의 안전도 조사

        서국웅,조원민,윤양진,이훈식,정미라 한국운동역학회 1999 한국운동역학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        본 연구에서는 부산광역시에 소재한 초,중,고등학교 72개교와 체육공원 9개소의 체육시설을 대상으로 현장을 직접 방문하여 안전도 측면에서 체육시설의 상태를 양호, 보통, 불량으로 나누어 20명의 조사자가 객관적인 관점에서 체육시설을 항목별로 구분한 것을 토대로 평가 하였고 또한 체육시설에 대한 실측이 필요로 하는 것은 정확한 측정을 하여 문제점을 분석하였다. 그 결과 학교체육시설은 시설의 설치와 관리상태 그리고 정비에 대한 관심이 안전도 측면에서 학생들이나 일반인들이 이용할 때 최적의 체육시설을 이용할 수 있도록 학교와 교사 그리고 행정기관에서 적극적인 재정지원과 관심이 요구되었고 체육공원시설은 질적인 면만이 아니라 양적으로도 고려가 되어야 하고 무엇보다도 수요자 중심으로 다양한 연령층을 고려하여 사회체육의 저변확대에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 본다. 체육공원시설은 누구나 쉽게 접할 수 있는 배치와 설계가 이루어짐으로서 지역사회의 주민이 체육활동을 할 수 있는 기회를 쉽게 제공하여야 할 것이다. 또한 기존의 공원체육 시설이 안전도 측면에서 양호한 수준으로 되기까지는 행정기관의 적극적인 관심과 경제적인 지원이 지속적으로 이루어져야 할 것으로 본다. 결론적으로 체육시설은 안전도를 고려하여 설계되고 배치되어야 한다. 또한 누구나 안전하게 이용할 수 있도록 고려되어짐으로서 운동으로 인한 안전사고를 최대한 예방할 수 있을 것으로 본다. This study investigates and examines exercise facilities of 72 elementary and secondary school and 9 athletic parks all over the city of Pusan, and estimates their human-engineering aspects according to researcher's subjective standards(low, mid, and high level). It also finds out and analyzes items which needs measurement and estimation in exercise facilities, and concludes as follows: 1) In the case of exercise facilities in schools, more active attention must be given to their erection and control, and their constant checking and repair. Safety accident must also be prevented by providing optimal exercise facilities made in human-engineering way with students and ordinary people using them. Therefore, both school administrator and teachers must pay much mort attention to exercise facilities on schools and more much money must be invested for them. 2) In the case of exercise facilities of athletic parks, their quantity as well as qu must be emphasized, and, above all, safe user-centered exercise facilities must be designed and manufactured on the basis of the safety, and be provided with the people of different ages.

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