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        미세난관성형술후의 임신율에 관한 고찰

        정운영,이명우,이덕균,남장현,천근수 대한산부인과학회 1990 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.33 No.4

        1987년 6월부터 1989년 11월까지 미세난관성형술을 시행한 86예 중 3개월 이상 추적조사가 가능하였던 62예를 분석하여 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 난관성형술후 전체적 임신율은 61.3%(38/62)이었으며 유형에 따른 임신성공율은 난관복원술이 77.3%(34/44), 체부성형술이 16.7(2/9), 복합시술이 28.6%(2/7)로 미세난관복원술의 경우 매우 높은 성공율을 나타내었다. 2. 미세난관복원술을 시행한 44명의 경우 수술 대상자의 평균연령은 29.2세, 생존 자녀 수는 0.9명, 불임기간은 평균 42.6개월 이었으며, 기왕에 받은 복강경불임술은 전기소작이 54.5%, Ring삽입이 45.6%이었다. 수술의 동기는 심경의 변화가 40.9%, 재혼이 31.8%, 자녀의 사망이 18.2%, 기타 0.9%이었다. 3. 미세난관 복원술시 문합부위는 협부(isthmic)-팽대부(ampullar) 문합이 52.4%, 그 외 협부-협부, 팽대부-팽대부, 각부(cornual)-팽대부의 순이었으며 술 후 난관길이는 6.1cm이상이 21.4%, 4.1~5cm이 21.4%이었고 5.0cm이상 시 3예를 제외하고 32예 중 29예가 임신 되었다. 전기소작의 경우에 복원된 난관길이는 평균 5.4cm, Ring의 경우에는 평균 6.2cm 이었다. 4. 미세난관 복원 수술 후 임신이 된 34예 중 정상만삭분만이 21예, 자궁외임신이 2예, 나머지 11예는 현재 산전진찰중이다. 임신이 된 경우에서 평균연령은 28.2세, 평균불임기간은 37.5개월, 복원된 난관길이는 평균 5.9cm, 수술 후 임신까지의 기간은 2.1개월이었다. 전기소작술후 난관 복원 시 임신율은 70.8%, Ring에 의한 것은 85%이었고 수술시 증식기와 분필기에 따른 임신율은 각각 73.1%와 83.3%이었다. 부위에 따른 임신율은 협부-팽대부가 77.3%, 협부-협부가 87.5%, 각부-팽대부가 100%, 팽대부-팽대부가 0% 이었다. 불임기간에 따른 임신율은 24개월 이하가 85%, 25~48개월이 78.6%, 49개월 이상이 60%이었다. During 2.6 year period from June 1987 through November 1989, 86 patients underwent microsurgical tuboplasties and 62 cases of them were followed up 3~33 months postoperatively in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital attached to Hallym University. Four distinct tuboplasties had been performed for them; tubal ananstomosis, fimbrioplasty, combination and adhesiolysis. We reviewed and analyzed the pregnancy rates and outcomes of each procedure, especially tubal anastomosis. The results were as follows: 1. The overall pregnancy rate after tuboplasty was 61.3 % (38/62) and each pregnancy rate was 77.3 % (34/44) for those who underwent tubal anastomosis, 16.7 % (2/9) among the fimbrioplasty group, 28.6 % (2/7) among the combined procedure group. 2. Forty-four women who sterilized by cautery or ring techniques underwent tubal anastomosis. The mean age of candidates was 29.2 years and 54.5 % of them had been sterilized by laparoscopic cauterization. Average duration of sterilization was 42.6 months and the reason of reversal were change of mind 40.9 %, remarriage 31.8 %, loss of children 18.2 % respectively. 3. The distributions of the sites of tubal anastomosis were isthmic-ampulla 52.4 %, isthmic-isthmic 38.1 %, ampulla-ampulla 4.8 % and cornual-ampulla 4.8 %. The postoperative tubal lengths in the order of frequency were 6.1-7.0 cm (42.9 %), 7.1 cm or more (21.4 %), 4.1-5 cm (21.4 %). The mean length of reconstructed tube was 5.4 cm in cauterized tubes and 6.2 cm in tubes with rings. 4. Thirty-four of 44 women who underwent microsurgical tubal anastomosis conceived postoperatively; 21 term delivery, 2 ectopic pregnancy, others not delivered yet,. The mean age of pregnant women was 28.2 years and average length of reconstructed tubes was 5.9 cm. The mean interval from operation to conception was 2.1 months and mean sterilization period was 37.5 months. The pregnancy rates were isthmic-ampulla 77.3 %, isthmic-isthmic 87.5 %, cornual-ampulla 100%, ampulla-ampulla none. Pregnancy occured in 70.8% in the previousy cauterized group and 85% in the group of sterilization by rign. The pregnancy rate was 73.1% in women who had operation at proliferative phase in menstrual cycle adnd 83.8% at seretory phase.Pregnancy rate according to the sterility periods were 85% ub kess tgab 24 nibtgsm78.6% in 25~48 months, 6% in more than 49 months.

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