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      • KCI등재

        고관절 전치환술에서 하지 길이의 변화(수술전 예상 측정치와 수술후 실제 측정치 사이의 차이에 대하여)

        원중희 ( Choong Hee Won ),장관환 ( Kwan Whan Chang ),신건 ( Geon Shin ),전경철 ( Kyung Chul Jeon ) 대한고관절학회 1994 Hip and Pelvis Vol.6 No.2

        We reviewed 40 cases of cementless primary total hip arthroplasty (THA) to see the leg length changes after THA and analysed the factors that could affect the discrepancies of preoperative estimation and postoperative measurement. The cases with severe preoperative leg length discrepancy such as untreated CDH were not included in our series. Inserted femoral components were CLS(Protek) or Omnifit(Osteonics) stems. All the acetabular cups were HG g (Zimmer) cups. Preoperatively the acetabular template was mounted on the film and the center of the acetabular cup was marked with pencil. Femoral template was also mounted on the femoral side and the center of the femoral head was marked. The distaoce between the two centers was a basis for preoperative estimation. Postoperatively the leg length change was measured by the change of the distance from interteardrop line to the greater trochanter tip. Leg length change estimated by preoperative templating was 5mm lengthening in average. Postoperative leg length change was 10mm lengthening in average. The discrepancies of pre and postoperative measurement were attributed to following factors. Standardization of taking the X-ray views was an important factor. Magnification, center of X-ray beam and the accurate position of the hip should be considered in taking preoperative X-rays. Templating technique was another factor. Postoperative acetabular center shifted frequently compared with preoperative estimation. Templating does not always tell accurate postoperative leg length change. To minimize the discrepancy of pre and postoperative measurement above factors should be considered in preoperative estimation.

      • KCI등재

        한국현대시의 프란츠 카프카 수용

        조창환(Cho Chang-whan) 한국시학회 2011 한국시학연구 Vol.- No.31

        The purpose of this study is verifying the reception of Franz Kafka, one of the most outstanding writer of existentialism in 20th century, in Modern Korean literature. It is deeply influenced by the works of the writer which concerned about alienation and anxiety of the existence of human being, absurdity of the fate of man, dialect of desperation and hope, problem of solitude and horror. Literary style of Kafka which has the characteristics of fable description and fantastic stories has been greatly stimulated to the techniques in creative writing into modern Korean literary works. There are some Korean poets who wrote their poems motivated from Kafka’s works. Lee, Chul-bum and Kim, Kwang-kyu described the desperation in front of sanctity or absolute power, Kim, Seung-hee and Kim, Jin-Kyung expressed the horror, anxiety and pent-up feelings in their poems which motivated from the “Castle”, “Metamorphosis” and “The Judgement” by Kafka. On the other hand, Lee, Kun-chung and Cho, Chang-whan dealt with the solidarity and self-conflict which is the characteristic theme of Kafka by parodying “Fasting clown” in their works. Also, we can find some poems that recited the name of Kafka or the image of him. O Kyu-won satirized self-ridiculously criticizes the appearance of modern life in extreme commercialism and fetishism in his poem. Jang, Suk-ju tried to find hope in desperation by describing that the desperation comes like ‘K in Kafka’ in his poem. Park, Ju-taek figured grotesque fantasy which influenced by works of Kafka. We can discover the influence of Kafka into Korean literature not only by the examples that recited or parodied from his work but also the way of recognition of the world and human being. It is obvious that his work has been deeply influenced to Korean modern literature by stimulating them and widening amplitude of imagination.

      • Vitamin E가 酸素中毒耐性에 미치는 影響에 關한 實驗的 硏究

        李宇爀,車喆煥,李元暢 고려대학교 의과대학 1975 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.12 No.3

        In order to study the preventive measure of an oxygen toxicity under higher oxygen pressure, rats were given vitamin E and then exposed to at 2 atmospheres of 100% oxygen. Comparison group which was not administered with vitamin E was also exposed to at 2 atmospheres of 100% oxygen. Time required to evoke convulsion, correlation between treated dosage of vitamin E and time required to evoke convulsion, half-lethal time and its mean, correlation between treated dosage of vitamin E and fatal time, ratio of lung weight to body weight, and histo-pathological findings of the lungs were carefully examined. Some interesting results acquired through this study were thus: 1) Average time required to evoke convulsion of rats exposed to at 2 atmospheres of 100% oxygen was 103.7±2.5 min in comparison group and 179.0±9.5 min. or 202.1±2.7 min. in experimental groups administered with 25㎎ or 35㎎ of vitamin E per day respectively. Time required to evoke convulsion in experimental groups administered with vitamin E was longer than in comparison group. Higher correlation between time required to evoke convulsion and treated dosage of vitamin E was shown as r=+0.998 (p<0.01). 2) Average half-lethal times were 210 min. in comparison group and 325 min., 335 min. in groups administered with 25㎎, 35㎎ of vitamin E per day respectively. Statistically high correlation between treated dosage of vitamin E and half-lethal time was reported as r=+0.852(p<0.01). 3) Weight ratio of lung to body was significantly higher in experimental group exposed to high oxygen tension than control group not exposed to high oxygen tension, but there was no significant difference among experimental groups. 4) Lung damage was more severe in half-lethal group than in servival group during experiment. Histological changes of the lungs were that of vascular congestion, hemorrhage, pulmonary edema and emphysematous change. And the degree of changes was rather marked in experimental group than in comparison group. There was no difference in the degree of changes by the doses of vitamin E administered in experimental groups. 5) Vitamin E would be an effective agent for the prevention of oxygen poisoning under the high oxygen pressure. Effect of vitamin E administration before exposing to hyperbaric oxygen tension must be pondered to utilize in the "hyperbaric medicine".

      • KCI등재

        Flat-Rack 컨테이너 화물에 대한 화물배상책임보험약관상의 갑판적 면책조항의 적용 여부

        Chang Kyung Whan(張敬煥) 한국보험법학회 2009 보험법연구 Vol.3 No.2

        화물배상책임보험약관의 갑판적 면책조항은 "Freight Loaded in bulk on Deck is not Covered unless Freight Owner Consents."라고 규정하고 있다. 그런데, 이 갑판적 면책조항이 flat-rack 컨테이너에 적입된 화물에 대해서도 적용될 수 있는 지가 문제되고 있다. 부정설에 의하면, 이 면책조항의 "Freight Loaded in bulk"는 散積貨物(bulk cargo)을 뜻하고, flat-rack 컨테이너에 적입된 화물은 '컨테이너화된 화물'로서 산적화물에 해당하지 아니하므로 이 면책조항이 적용될 수 없다고 한다. 또 한 이 견해는, 이 면책조항은 그 적용대상을 명확하게 규정하지 아니하였으므로 작성자불이익의 원칙에 의해서도 적용될 수 없다고 한다. 그러나 사견으로는 다음과 같은 이유로 이 면책조항은 flat-rack 컨테이너에 적입된 화물에 대해서도 적용될 수 있다고 생각된다. 첫째, 갑판적 면책조항은, 갑판적에 의한 자연력에의 노출로 인하여 멸실ㆍ훼손의 위험이 (船倉積될 경우에 비해) 현저하게 증가된 화물에 대해서는 보험보호를 배제한다는 취지이다. 육상보험의 경우에는 주관적 위험증가에 대해서 보험자가 그 사실을 안 날부터 1월내에 보험료의 증액을 청구하거나 계약을 해지할 수 있을 뿐, 당연히 면책될 수 있는 것은 아니다(상법 제653조). 그러나 해상위험은 그 특성상 육상위험보다 엄격하게 다루어질 필요가 있고, 또한 화물배상책임보험은 해상보험으로서 전형적인 기업보험이므로 상법 제663조 단서에 의하여 보험계약자 등의 불이익변경금지의 원칙도 적용되지 아니한다. 따라서 상법 제653조를 이유로 이 갑판적 면책조항이 무효라고 할 수 없다. 둘째, 산적화물은 고체화물의 경우에는 대량의 균질물의 특성상 특별한 선박(벌크선)의 船倉에 적재되거나 액체화물의 경우에는 유조선의 탱크에 주입되는 화물로서 갑판적되는 화물이 아니다. 따라서 갑판적 면책조항의 "Freight Loaded in bulk"를 산적화물로 풀이하면, 갑판적되지도 않는 화물에 대해 갑판적 면책조항을 적용한다는 결과가 되어 이 면책조항이 있으나마나한 것이 된다. 이 면책조항이 의미를 지니기 위해서는, 위 문언은 '컨테이너화되지 않은 일반화물(break bulk cargo)'를 뜻하는 것으로 풀이해야 한다. 셋째, 일반화물이 flat-rack 컨테이너에 적입되어 갑판적되는 경우에는, 밀폐형 컨테이너(예컨대, dry 컨테이너)에 적입된 경우와는 달리, 그 화물은 벽이나 천장에 의한 보호를 받지 못하고 바람ㆍ비ㆍ햇빛ㆍ파도ㆍ급격한 온도변화 등의 자연력에 노출된다. 이 점에서 일반화물이 flat-rack 컨테이너에 적입되었다고 하더라도, 이를 컨테이너화된 화물로 보기는 어렵고 컨테이너화되지 않은 화물로서 갑판적 면책조항의 적용대상이 된다고 생각된다. 넷째, 해상사업자인 해운업자나 복합운송주선업자라면, 갑판적 운송은 화물의 자연력에 대한 노출로 인하여 船倉積운송보다 화물의 멸실ㆍ훼손의 위험을 훨씬 더 증가시킨다는 점, 갑판적 면책조항을 보험약관에 두게 된 것은 이러한 갑판적 운송의 위험 때문이라는 점, 실제로 갑판적되는 화물은 산적화물이 아니라 일반화물이라는 점, 일반화물이 flat-rack 컨테이너에 적입되더라도 외부에 노출된다는 점 등은 당연히 알고 있거나 알 수 있는 사항들이다. 따라서 이들이라면, 일반화물이 flat-rack 컨테이너에 적입되어 갑판적되는 경우에도 갑판적 면책조항의 적용가능성을 예상할 수가 있을 것이다. 그렇다면, 이 면책조항이 화물배상책임보험의 보험계약자인 해운업자나 복합운송주선업자에게 작성자불이익의 원칙이 적용되어야 할 정도로 불명확한 것이라고는 할 수 없다고 생각된다. One of the Terms & Conditions in Cargo Liability Insurance Policy stipulates, "Freight Loaded in bulk on Deck is not Covered unless Freight Owner Consents." The applicability of this deck cargo exclusion clause to the cargo loaded on flat-rack container is at issue. [Hereafter, "deck cargo exclusion clause" is referred to as "Deck Clause", "flat-rack container" as "FR container" and "cargo loaded on flat-rack container" as "FR container cargo"]. According to the negative opinion, the phrase "Freight Loaded in bulk" of Deck Clause means a 'bulk cargo', while FR container cargo is a 'containerized cargo' but not a bulk cargo, so that Deck Clause shall not apply to FR container cargo. It is also insisted that Deck Clause is not able to apply to insurants by the contra proferentem rule because it stipulates ambiguously its applicable extent. In my opinion, however, Deck Clause can apply to FR container cargo. The reasons are as follows. Firstly, it is the purpose of Deck Clause to exclude the cargo, the risk of loss or damage to which is obviously increased owing to on-deck stowage, from the insurance protection. In non-marine insurance the insurer can increase premium or cancel contract within one month from the day of knowing the obvious risk increase induced by the insured, but he cannot be immediately exempted from his contractual liability owing to such a risk increase (Korean Commercial Code [hereafter, referred to as "KCC"], Section 653). It is however required to cope more strictly with marine risks, because of their features and characteristics, than with non-marine risks. Also, the principle of unilateral compulsory application of KCC, Part Ⅳ (Insurance) shall not apply to Cargo Liability Insurance because it is, as a sort of marine insurance, typically a business insurance (KCC, the Proviso of Section 663). Deck Clause shall not, therefore, be void in spite of the deviation from KCC, Section 653. Secondly, a bulk cargo is, as bulk homogeneous material, dropped or poured with a spout or a shovel bucket into a bulk carrier's hold (in case of dry bulk cargo) or a tanker's tank (in case of liquid bulk cargo). In other words, a bulk cargo is not loaded on deck. If the phrase "Freight Loaded in bulk" is, therefore, interpreted as a bulk cargo, then Deck Clause shall apply to such a cargo, as is not loaded on deck, so that it will become meaningless. In order that Deck Clause may be meaningful, the phrase should be interpreted as a 'non-containerized break bulk cargo'. Thirdly, when a break bulk cargo, with being loaded on FR container, is loaded on deck, it has no side and top protection, unlike in the case of being loaded in such an enclosed container as a dry container. And, as a result of that, the break bulk cargo is exposed to the elements such as wind, rain, sunshine, waves and sudden temperature change. In this respect, although a break bulk cargo is loaded on FR container, it should fall, like a non-containerized cargo, under the application of Deck Clause. Finally, ocean carriers or multimodal freight forwarders do or can know, as marine businessmen, the following facts: on-deck carriage increases the risks of loss or damage to cargo still more greatly than under-deck carriage, because of the exposure of cargo to the elements; Deck Clause is prepared against such a risk increase of on-deck carriage; what is loaded on deck, is not a bulk cargo but a break bulk cargo; a break bulk cargo is exposed to the elements when it is stowed on deck although it is loaded on FR container. These can, therefore, predict well enough the applicability of Deck Clause to the break bulk cargo loaded on FR container. If so, Deck Clause is not deemed so ambiguous for these, who enter into Cargo Liability Insurance contracts, as to apply the contra proferentem rule.

      • 뇌성마비와 소아마비 환자에서 succinylcholie 사용후 혈중 전해질 농도의 변화

        이강창,이환봉 圓光大學校 醫科學硏究所 1999 圓光醫科學 Vol.15 No.1

        Background: Succinylcholine(Sch)-induced hyperkalemia occurs in patients with burn, severe trauma, uremia and neuromuscular diseases. Cerebral palsy and poliomyelitis are categorized into these neuromuscular diseases. This study was to exam the change of serum electrolyte after the administration of Sch in patients with cerebral palsy and poliomyelitis. Materials and Methods: 60 patients were devided into three groups. Group 1 (n=20) was composed of cerebral palsy patients with age range 1-4years. Group 2 (n=20) was composed of cerebral palsy patients over 4 years. Group 3(n=20) was composed of patients with poliomyelitis. To establish the effect of Sch in patients with cerebral palsy and poliomyelitis, serum potassium, sodium, calcium and chloride were measured prior to administration of Sch, and 2, 5, 10 and 30 minutes after injection of it. Results: Fine fasciculation on the hand (grade 1 by Cullen's grading) occurred 4, 6, 13 in Group 1, 2 and 3, respectively. In Group 3, 2 patients showed minimal contraction of the trunk and extremities. There was no significant increase in the concentrations of potassium after the administration of Sch. Conclusion: Succinylcholine seems to have no relation to hyperkalemia in patients with cerebral palsy and poliomyelitis over 1 year.

      • KCI등재

        뇌심근염 바이러스 접종 마우스에 대한 병리학적 및 면역조직화학적 소견

        신창호 ( Chang Ho Shin ),조성환 ( Sung Whan Cho ) 한국가축위생학회 1994 韓國家畜衛生學會誌 Vol.17 No.1

        8-10 week old ICR mice were infected intracerebrally and intraperitoneally with different encephalomyocarditis virus (K3, K11, ATT-VR 129) to observe histopathological and immunohistochemical change. Results obtained throuh the experiments were summarized as follows: 1. No differences in clinical signs by the virus strains and the inoculation routes were found. Mice infected with EMCV showed clinical signs after 3 days of inoculation. Main clinical signs were tremors, convulsions, circling movement, and uni or bilateral hindleg paralysis followed by death on the 3-8 days. In general, most of the infected animals died or recovered closely on the 8th day of postinoculation. 2. At necropsy, petechial and ecchymotic hemorrhages in lung were observed and no specific findings in other were observed. 3. In histopathological observation, neuroal cell degeneration, perivascular mononucear oell infiltration, gliosis were appeared in central nervous system. Myocarditis with myocardial degeneration and necrosis, calcification were observed along with acinar cell necrosis of exocrine glands in pancreas, severe glomerulonephritis in kidney. Also, focal necrosis of hepatocytes and interstitial pneymonia, hyperemia, hemorrhages in lungs were observed. 4. By immunohistochemical staining using ABCIT method, the positive cells were recognized in intracytoplasm of acinar cell in pancreas and intracytoplasm of neuronal cells in cerebrum.

      • KCI등재

        수질오염물질 감소의 편익 추정 -수질총량제하 가상배출권시장 개념의 적용-

        한택환 ( Tak Whan Han ),이효창 ( Hyo Chang Lee ) 한국환경경제학회·한국자원경제학회(구 한국환경경제학회) 2014 자원·환경경제연구 Vol.23 No.4

        본 연구는 수질오염물질에 대한 가상적 배출권거래시장을 상정하여 균형배출권가격을 도출함으로써 수질개선에 따른 편익을 추정하려고 시도하였다. 우리나라에서는 낙동강수계를 비롯하여 주요 수계에 수질오염물질 총량관리제도가 실시되고 있다. 사회적으로 바람직스러운 배출총량을 결정함으로써 국민과 정부는 암묵적으로 수질오염물질의 경제적 가치를 결정한 것과 같다고 할 수 있다. 각 지자체별로 수질오염물질 배출상의 제약으로 인하여 희생된 경제적 기회비용이 발생할 것이며 이 기회비용의 크기가 수질오염물질의 경제적 가치이기 때문이다. 이 가상적 배출권거래시장에서의 균형가격을 수질 총량제하의 수계전체의 배출총량과 지자체별 할당에 의하여 암묵적으로 결정된 수질오염물질 배출의 단위당 가치라고 해석할 수 있다. 배출량과 편익의 관계로부터 한계순편익함수를 도출하고 지자체별 배출허용총량을 이용하여 개별배출권 초과수요함수를 구성하여 균형배출권가격을 도출하였다. 추정 결과 배출권시장의 균형배출권가격이 1,409.3원/kg·BOD으로 추산되었다. 이는 외국의 사례와 비교하여 적정한 수준이라 평가되며 이러한 배출권가격은 수질 오염물질의 단위당 경제적 가치를 산정하여 수질 변화를 수반하는 사업의 B/C분석에 직접적으로 이용할 수 있을 것으로 기대된다. This study attempts to estimate the value of the water quality improvement by deriving the equilibrium price of the water pollutant emission permit for the imaginary water pollutant emission trading market. It is reasonable to say that there is already an implicit social agreement for the unit value of water pollutant, when the government set the Total Water Pollutant Loading System for the major river basin as a part of the Comprehensive Measures for Water Management, particularly for the Nakdong River Basin. Therefore, we can derive the unit value of water pollutant emission, which is already implied in the pollution allowance for each city or county by the Total Water Pollutant Loading System. Once estimated, it will be useful to the economic assessment of the water quality related projects. An imaginary water pollutant emission trading system for the Nakdong River Basin, where Total Water Pollutant Loading System is already effective, is constructed for the estimation of the equilibrium price of water pollutant permit. By estimating marginal abatement cost curve or each city or county, we can compute the equilibrium price of the permit and then it is regarded as the economic value of the water pollutant. The marginal net benefit function results from the relationship between the emission and the benefit, and then the equilibrium price of permit comes from constructing the excess demand function of the permit by using the total allowable permit of the local government entity. The equilibrium price of the permit would be estimated to be 1,409.3won/kg·BOD. This is within reasonable boundary compared for the permit price compared to foreign example. This permit price would be applied to calculate for the economic value of the water quality pollutants, and also be expected to use directly for the B/C analysis of the business involved with water quality change.

      • 林土의 有機物의 分解速度와 無機養料의 垂直分布에 關한 考察

        金遵敏,張楠基,鄭玩鎬 서울대학교 교육대학원 학술연구회 1966 論文集 - 서울대학교 교육대학원 Vol.3 No.-

        Kim Choon Min, Chang Nam Kee and Chung Whan Ho: Decomposition rate of plant residue and the vertical distibution of mineral nutrients in the woodland soil. The relationship between decomposition rate of litter and the amount of mineral nutrients dispersed to the soil horizons were studied on the oak and pine forest stand. The results are as follows: 1. Decomposition rate of litter was highest in the F horizon of the oak stand, however in the pine stand it was highest in H horizon. 2. The correlation coefficients between decomposition rate and humus, organic carbon, moisture content, calcium, phosphorus, and nitrogen in the pine stand are; 0.90, 0.98, 0.76, 0.98, and 0.88, in oak stand; 0.97, 0.93, 0.92, 0.97, 0.74 and 0.73. 3. Factors which affect the decomposition rate of litter are humus, organic carbon, moisture content, calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen. 4. Among the variables, PH, moisture content and phosphorus under the oak and pine forest showed significant differences in each horizon. 5. C/N ratio of pine stands is higher than that of oak stands studied. 6. The vertical distribution of mineral nutrients is highly related with the amount of humus accumulated on top soil.

      • Improvement of Thermomechanical Fatigue Life in Nitrogen Alloyed 316 Stainless Steel

        Kim, Dae Whan,Han, Chang Hee,Ryu, Woo Seog Trans Tech Publications, Ltd. 2005 Materials science forum Vol.475 No.-

        <P>Fatigue tests of type 316 and 316LN stainless steel were conducted at RT and 600ı, 0.8~1.5% strain range for low cycle fatigue (LCF), 300~600ı, 0% strain range for thermal fatigue (TF) and 300~600ı, 2% strain range, in-phase or out-of-phase for thermomechanical fatigue (TMF). LCF, TF, and TMF lives were increased but saturation stresses were decreased with the addition of nitrogen. The higher temperature was the lower TF life at a same temperature change. The minimum temperature change for TF failure was more than 100ı. TMF life was higher at inphase condition than at out-of-phase condition. Fracture mode was transgranular for LCF and outof- phase of TMF and almost transgranular and small intergranular for TF and in-phase TMF.</P>

      • KCI등재

        정전처리된 섬유복합재료의 전기 및 여과특성에 환경영향

        박승근,주창환,Park, Seung-Keun,Joo, Chang-Whan 한국섬유공학회 2010 한국섬유공학회지 Vol.47 No.2

        Recently electret filter media are extensively used to improve indoor air quality. However, they are significantly affected on environmental conditions such as humidity, temperature and chemical substance. This study reported the effect of humidity and temperature on the surface electric potential, filtration efficiency and pressure drop of electrically charged fiber (ECF) composites. The surface electric potential and filtration efficiency of ECF composites decreased rapidly, but pressure drop increased slightly with increasing relative humidity (RH) and temperature conditions. Effect of temperature change was more significant than RH change. Relationship between filter efficiency and surface electric potential relationship of ECF composites exhibited a quadratic function.

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