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      • 糞尿와 都市 廢棄物과의 混合處理에 대한 硏究 (Ⅰ) : 肥料化를 中心으로한 實驗室的 考察 Experimental study for the fertilization

        金熙鐘,金相烈,金秀生,孫晋彦,金燦國,成周慶,吳英敏 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1977 硏究報告 Vol.1 No.1

        우리나라에 있어서 都市廢棄物의 主인 糞尿와 固形廢棄物의 太宗인 無煙炭재를 同時에 效果的으로 處理할 수 있고 또한 堆肥化시킬 수 있는 好氣性 酸化方式의 最適條件을 얻기 위하여 生糞尿 및 煉炭재의 理化學的 및 生物學的 數値를 測定하고 이를 基礎로하여 上記 兩者를 混合處理 할수 있는 消化條件(溫度, 糞尿와 煉炭재의 配合比, 기타 固形物의 添加量, 注入되는 空氣量의 變化)에 따른 C.O.D., B.O.D.의 變化, 水分 및 電氣傳導度의 變化, 熱灼減量, N量의 變化 等을 硏究하였으며 이들 사이의 相關關係를 檢討하여 다음과 같은 結論을 얻었다. 1. 生糞尿에 固形廢棄物인 煉炭재나 紙類를 配合시켜 消化시키므로서 케이크속의 질소成分의 量을 增加 시킬수 있다. 2. 煉炭재의 配合은 糞尿의 消化速度를 增加 시킨다. 3. 糞尿의 處理를 위한 反應槽의 溫度는 50℃보다 60℃로 維持 시킬때 消化速度가 크다. 4. 反應槽의 溫度를 一定하게 했을때 空氣의 注入速度는 初期 反應時는 적게하고 後期 反應時는 크게 함이 效果的 이다. For the effective treatment and usable disposal of urban wastes in the area of Busan city, the composition of the nightsoil and anthracite bulky ash which is the main munic ipal solid wastes have been studied on the digestion of the compositive mixtures with the variable conditions that are ratio of compounding between nightsoil and ash, amount of solid additives and volume of air for the effective airation at 50, 65℃. The digestion has been detected by the physico-chemical and biological data; pH, specific gravity, content of moisture, C.O.D., B.O.D., electroconductance of the solution of the results, decrease of nition, and volume of total free nitrogen etc. The results are obtained as follows. 1) The characteristics of domestic nightsoil are different to the foreign data as table 5, but the data of anthracite ash almost are same except the composition of Fe₂O₃ and Al₂O₃. 2) Amount of total free nitrogen are increased by the digestion with the addition of solid waste, as effective absorption, to the nightsoil. 3) The digestion are accelerated by the compounding of ash, but the adding of sulfuric acid to fix the free ammonia reduced reaction. 4) The airation have to proceed slowly at initial step, and then endure enough volume of air at the later step.

      • 인체 대장암 및 자궁경부암에서 PCR-SSCP법을 이용한 Ki-ras 암유전자의 점돌연변이에 관한 연구

        박영홍,백낙환,김현찬,김상효,홍관희,김기태,이기영 인제대학교 1994 仁濟醫學 Vol.15 No.2

        인체 대장암 20례와 자궁경부암 10례의 암조직을 대상으로 c-Ki-ras 유전자 codon 12와 13에서의 점돌연변이를 알아보고자 polymerase chain reaction(PCR)과 single-strand conformation polymorphism(SSCP) 검사법을 시행하였다. 대장암의 경우 20례중 9례(45%)에서, 자궁경부암의 경우 10례중 1례(10%)에서 양성으로 나왔다. 대장암에서는 codon 12에서 GGT가 TGT로의 치환이 4례로서 가장 많았으며, AGT, CGT로의 치환이 각 1례였고 codon 13에서는 GGC가 GAC로의 치환이 2례, TGC로의 치환이 1례인 것으로 나타났다. 자궁경부암의 경우 codon 12에서 GGT가 AGT로의 치환이 1례인 것으로 나타났다. In an attempt to clarify the role of genetic alteration in the genesis of human colorectal and cervical cancers, tissue specimens from 20 patients with colorectal cancer and 10 patients with cervical cancer were examined for the presence of point mutation in K-ras2 exon 1 by single strand conformation polymorphism analysis of PCR product. Exon I of c-Ki-ras2 was amplified by polymerase chain reaction(PCR) and comparison was made between the normal and mutated genes by nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis(PAGE) of PCR product and nucleotide sequence analysis using asymmetric PCR with direct sequencing. Genomic DNA from white blood cells were used as normal control and those from A427 cell line were used as mutated control. 1.PCR product from A427 cell line showed a distinct migration shift pattern compared to the normal control in PAGE and the direct sequencing indicated that nucleotide sequence of codon 12 was mutated from GGT to GAT. In addition, there was a loss of normal allele in A427 cell line. 2.PCR product from 9 cases(45%) out of a 20 colon cancer patients showed migration shifts in PAGE, and all of these 9 patients invariably demonstrated mutation of ras gene, either in codon 12(6 cases:30%) or 13(3 cases:15%). The base substitutions in codon 12 were: from GGT to AGT(1), CGT(1), or TGT(4). Base changes in codon 13 were from GGC to TGC(1) or GAC(2). 3.PCR product from 1 cases(10%) out of a 10 cervical cancer patients showed migration shrifts in PAGE, Invariably demonstrated mutation of ras gene in codon 12. The base substitutions was from GGT to AGT(1) TQE incidence of point mutation of c-Ki-ras in colon cancer was high, however, it was low in cervical cancer, which showed the relation of ruts gene mutation with colon cancer. PCR -SSCP analysis is a simple, rapid and efficient method of detection of point mutation, especially when dealing with multiple samples.

      • KCI등재
      • 컴퓨터 작업 시 의자 등받이 위치가 근육 활성도에 미치는 영향

        김민우,변승진,이경은,정소영,조주영,최원자,최찬양,김경 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2011 再活科學硏究 Vol.29 No.1

        이 연구는 컴퓨터 작업시 의자 등받이 위치가 근육활성도에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위해 36명의 근골격에 문제가 없는 성인 남녀가 참가하였으며 대상자들은 등받이가 뒤에 있는 의자와 등받이가 없는 의자, 등받이가 앞에 있는 우리들 의자를 무작위로 배정하고 동일한 컴퓨터 작업을 실시하게 하였다. 실험 중, 표면근전도기를 사용하여 의자에 따른 위등세모근, 머리널판근 그리고 척주세움근의 근활성도 변화를 측정하였다. 이 연구의 결과를 종합해보면 등받이가 앞에 있는 의자는 허리 근육의 부담을 줄이지만 목근육에 부담이 늘어나고 등받이가 뒤에 있는 의자와 없는 의자는 허리근육에는 다소 무리가 가지만 목근육에는 부담이 덜하다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 이러한 결과로 환자의 증상에 다라 컴퓨터 작업을 하는 동안 의자 등받이의 위치를 조절하여 치료에 도움이 될 수 있다고 생각되어진다. Objective : In this study, we checked and observed people's change of body muscle and muscle activity who do computer work on different chairs. We set three kind of chairs which one is a stool and another one is the back is fixed, and the other one is the back is fixed in front of chair. Subject : Accounting for 36 health men and women, we divided these people to 3 groups and put them on the three cases(position 1, position 2, position 3). We measured muscle activity of upper trapezius, Splenius Cervics, Erector Spinae from the groups by using surface electromyogram system. Methods : The standard of the electromyogram was 'reference voluntary contraction', and we carried out 'one way anova' to compare muscle activity of three groups. Results : In position 1, reference voluntary contraction of upper trapezius muscle activity was 123.2821%, Splenius Cervics was 141.7526%, and Erector Spinae was 254.5233%. In position 2, reference voluntary contraction of upper trapezius muscle activity was 132.9395%, Splenius Cervics was 141.7526%, and Erector Spinae was 246.6540%. In position 3, reference voluntary contraction of upper trapezius muscle activity was 190.6487%, Splenius Cervics was 270.2332%, and Erector Spinae was 182.1021%. Both upper trapezius and Splenius Cervics muscle activity of position 3 group was higher than the others groups. In position 1 group, Erector Spinae muscle activity was hight than the other groups. And either was position 2 group's(p<0.05). Conclusion : Therefore the chair which is the back is fixed in front is more comfortable for waist muscle but it's not good for neck. And the other chairs are better in waist muscle but not in neck muscle. So far, when we do a computer work, it's prefer to sit on the group 1&2's chairs to reduce neck muscle's stress and sit on group 3's chair to reduce waist muscle's stress.

      • 경주 남리사지에 사용된 석재의 암석학적 특성과 원산지 해석

        이찬희,정연삼,정민호,이명성,김영택 공주대학교 문화재보존과학연구소 2004 문화재과학기술 Vol.3 No.1

        이 연구는 경주 남리사지에 이용된 석재를 대상으로 암석의 성인적 분류, 광물 및 지구화학적 특성을 검토하여 석재의 기원지 추정과 고고지질학적 의미를 해석한 것이다. 남리사지에서 출토된 암석은 5종의 화강암질암 (알카리 화강암, 흑운모 화강암, 미문상 화강암, 등립질 화강암, 홍장석 화강암), 세립질 퇴적암 (셰일, 미사암), 호온펠스, 옹회암질암, 염기성 맥암 등이 있다. 이 중에서 서탑에 이용된 암석은 유백색의 중립질 알카리 화강암과 담홍색의 흑운모 화강암이 주류를 이룬다. 각 석재들의 대자율 값은 흑운모 화강암이 4.94~7.59 (평균 6.47)로서 제일 높았으며 미문상 화강암이 0.86~1.54 (평균 1.13)로 제일 낮았다. 알카리 화강암은 3.51, 홍장석 화강암이 5.88, 등립질 화강암이 4.89로서 분화경로와 산출상태에 따라 조금씩 다른 값을 보였다. 이 화강암류는 화학조성으로 볼 때, 거의 동일한 마그마 기원의 칼크-알카리 계열 화강암 영역에 해당된다. 이 석재의 화학적 풍화지수와 풍화 잠재지수는 각각 49.87~61.64와 4.12~8.46 범위로서, 현재 암석이 화학적 풍화작용이 왕성하게 발생하는 정도는 아니나 풍화잠재력은 매우 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이 화강암질암의 암석학적 및 지구화학적 특징으로 볼 때, 이들의 성인적 유형은 남산 일대에 분포하는 화강암과 동일하다. 따라서 남리사지의 석조문화재 건축에 사용된 석재는 현지에서 재료를 구하고 현장에서 제작한 자급자족형 석재와 수계의 상류지역에서 도입된 외래형 석재가 공준하고 있는 것으로 해석된다. 자급형 석재가 현지의 원료를 이용한 것은 확실하나 어느 지역에서 채석하여 어디서 가공을 하였는지는 불분명하다. Rock properties around the Namri temple site was studied source area and archaeogeological interpretations based on petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry. Excavated rocks from the area composed of granitic rocks (alkali granite, biotite granite, micrographic granite, eqigranular granite, pink feldspar granite), fine grained sedimentary rocks (shale and siltstone), hornfels, tuffaceous and basic dyke rocks. Almost rock materials of the west pagoda made of white medium grained alkali granite and biotite granite. As the magnetic susceptibility (MS), biotite granite ranges from 4.94 to 7.59 (mean 6.47), and micrographic granite is lowest value of 0.86 to 1.54 (mean 1.13). The mean MS values revealed that alkali granite = 3.51, pink feldspar granite = 5.88, eqigranular granite = 4.89, which are little variatins because of differentiation process and field occurrences. In the geochemical data, the granitic rocks represent a comagmatic calc-alkali series granite. The values of WPI and CIA for rock properties from the Namri temple site range from 49.87 to 61.64 and 4.12 to 8.46, respectively, which values don't going active weathering right now, but weathering potential represents very high. On the basis of petrology and geochemistry of the rock properties from the Namri temple site, the genetic types are the similar as those of the Namsan granite. Therefore, the using rocks of the Namri temple site suggested that domestic type rock properties getting material in the actual place and making in situ, and foreign type rock properties getting from the upstream area are coexisted. Domestic types are sure of making the actual place material, but unclear where is a quarry and working.

      • KCI등재후보

        변색 실활치에 대한 carbamide peroxide gel의 표백효과

        박선아,김선호,황윤찬,오병주,윤창,박영준,정선와,황인남,오원만 大韓齒科保存學會 2002 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.27 No.4

        The bleaching of discolored nonvital teeth is conservative treatement that satisfy the cosmetic desire. The most common method for this treatement, walking bleaching, is using 30% hydrogen peroxide and sodium perborate. Many alternatives are suggested for preventing the external cervical root resorption that is the common complication of the nonvital teeth bleaching with 30% hydrogen peroxide. The same extent of oxidation reactions as that resulted by the bleaching with the application of 30% hydrogen peroxide and sodium perborate can also be acquired more safely by materials that contain 10% carbamide peroxide, used primarily for the bleaching of vital teeth. Therefore, this study was performed to evaluate the efficacy of 10% and 15% carbamide peroxide bleaching gel in nonvatal teeth bleaching. The internal bleaching of intentionally discolored teeth was performed in vitro with 10% carbamide peroxide (Group 1), 15% carbamide peroxide (Group 2), mixture of distilled water and sodium perborate (Group 3), and mixture of 30% hydrogen peroxide and sodium perborate (Group 4). The bleaching materials were refreshed following 3, 6, 9 and 12 days. To evaluate the bleaching effect, the color change of the crowns was measured at 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 15 days of bleaching using the colorimeter. The results were as follows : 1. L^* and ΔE^* values were increased with time in all bleaching agents(p<0.01). 2. There was no significant difference in L^* and ΔE^* value among bleaching agents. 3. Δ^* value higher than 3 was shown after 3 days of bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide gel, 1 day with 15% carbamide peroxide gel, 4 days with mixture sodium perborate and distilled water and 4 days with mixture sodium perborate and 30% hydrogen peroxide, respectively. These results revealed that the use of 10% and 15% carbamide peroxide bleaching gel in non-vital teeth bleaching is as effective as mixture of distilled water and sodium perborate and mixture of 30% hydrogen peroxide and sodium perborate. Accordingly, carbamide peroxide could be used clinically to bleach discolored non-vital teeth.

      • 수냉쿨러의 냉각 효율 향상을 위한 플레이트 부품의 형상에 관한 연구

        성윤호,김형찬,김선민,윤석영,이영웅,이상욱 순천향대학교 부설 산업기술연구소 2021 순천향 산업기술연구소논문집 Vol.27 No.2

        This study investigates changes in cooling efficiency for heat sink plate width, perforated width, and chamfer angle as part of a parameter study to maximize cooling efficiency of heat sink by setting various variables on plates. The width of the plate is set to 16, 20, 24, 28 mm, perforated width 1.5, 2.0, 2.5 mm, chamfer angles 5, 10, 15 and 20°. By conducting a computational study with Ansys Fluent, the sink plate with plate width of 16mm, perforated width of 3mm and chamfer angle of 10° is shown to be the best cooling efficiency.

      • 흙의 파괴시 체적변화 효과

        정진섭,권영언,김찬기,이종천 圓光大學校 1993 論文集 Vol.27 No.2

        본 연구는 흙이 파괴할 때 전단에 의하여 발생 하는 채적변화에 의한 응력을 보정하는 세개의 방정식을 유도하여 문헌상에서 얻은 시험결과에 적응하여 본 결과 Bishop의 에너지를 고려한 보정방법이 가장 합리적인 것으로 생각되어 Bishop의 방법을 선택하여, 흙이 항복 및 파괴 할 때에 채적변화에 대한 응력보정의 효과를 Poorooshasb모델과 Lade모델에서 검토하였다. 그 결과 전단할 때 채적변화에 대한 응력보정은 흙의 파괴상태를 합리적으로 나타내지 못한다는 사실을 알았다. The effect of volume change at failure and equations worked out to aollow for their contribution to the stresses. Two models for the failure and yield of soil are discussed in this paper and the effects of the corrections are considered in these models. The corrections for volume change do not produce a reasonable change in the stresses. They do not make the task of modeling the soil any simpler, and so not nessecery for consideration. The best method developed so far, describing the failure of the soil is Lade`s model. It describes the failure of the soil very well without volume correction. In fact when volume corrections are applied, the model no longer describes the failure. Poorooshasb`s model, though base on much consideration does not describe the true failure of the soil.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        수도관의 생물막 형성에 미치는 잔류염소와 파이프 재질의 영향

        박세근,박재우,성권식,최성찬,김영관 江原大學校 産業技術硏究所 2001 産業技術硏究 Vol.21 No.B

        This laboratory study examined the impact of free chlorine residual and pipe material on the formation of biofilm in drinking water distribution pipe surfaces. Result of heterotrophic plate counts(HPC) of the biofilm in the tap water- supplied reactor averaged 2.17×105CFU/cm2 on PVC and 2.43×105CFU/cm2 on STS 316, respectively. HPCs on the surface exposed to the tap water containing 0.2mg/L of free chlorinne residual averaged 4.24×104CFU/cm2 on PVC and 6.54×104CFU/cm2 on STS 316, respectively Average of HPC/Total direct counts in the tap water-supplied reactor ranged from 1.08%(PVC) to 1.26%(STS 316) and from 0.38%(PVC) to 0.65%(STS 316) in the reactor supplemented with disinfectant, resfectively. No correlation was observed between disinfectant addition and biofilm density. With regard to the biofilm formation, little difference existed between PVC and STS 316. Yellow and red pigmented bacteria were the dominant expressions in bulk fluid, whereas non-pigmented bacteria were found dominant in the biofilm. Pink/red pigmented bacteria were found to be facultative anaerobic, while yellow pigmented bacteria and non-pigmented bacteria were found to be obligate aerobic.

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