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      • KCI등재

        Proposal for an Analysis to Illustrate Research Trends on National Parks in Korea

        Ko, Byung June,Eo, Soo Hyung Institute of Forest Science 2018 Journal of Forest Science Vol.34 No.2

        National parks are designated and managed for the purpose of preserving natural ecosystems, nature and cultural scenery, and promoting sustainable utilization in Korea. Since we designated Jirisan as the first Korean national park in 1967, we have now designated and managed 22 national parks. Because these national parks are the core protected areas of the nation and the ecological recreation center for the people, the interests of researchers related to national parks and citizens have steadily increased over the last 50 years. Especially, various natural science researches and social studies on national parks have been conducted with the launch of the Korea National Park Service in 1987, which is dedicated to national park management. However, we still lack research on national park research trends in Korea in spite of the increase in scientific research and public interest. It is important to know who and what institutes are leading national parks research, what research topics have been conducted, what kinds of researches are important in each national park, and how these researches relate to national park management policies. We propose a study to review the national parks related studies that have been carried out so far and identify the research trends. In the pilot study, we collected about 700 research papers on national parks published between 2002 and 2016 through the Korea Citation Index of Korean journals. We are analyzing the number of papers published, research institutes and research topics related to national parks. Analysis of these national park research trends will be necessary for efficient national park management and policy making for future generations.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Comparison of the Clinical Manifestations, Brain MRI and Prognosis between NeuroBehcet`s Disease and Neuropsychiatric Lupus

        ( Byung Sik Cho ),( Hyun Sook Kim ),( Su Jin Oh ),( Hyeok Jae Ko ),( Chong Hyun Yoon ),( So Lyung Jung ),( Do June Min ),( Wan Uk Kim ) 대한내과학회 2007 The Korean Journal of Internal Medicine Vol.22 No.2

        Background: Neuropsychiatric systemic lupus erythematosus (NPSLE) shows some similarities to neuroBehcet`s disease (NBD) in that both conditions have some analogous clinical features and they are both pathologically associated cerebral vasculopathy. This study compared the clinical manifestations, brain MRI findings and prognosis of NPSLE and NBD patients. Methods: Forty three patients with NPSLE (n = 25) or NBD (n = 18), who were monitored at a single center, were enrolled in this study. We retrospectively analyzed the clinical and brain MRI data. The neuropsychiatric manifestations were classified in both groups according to the new American College of Rheumatology nomenclature for NPSLE. Results: The diffuse symptoms that included mood disorders, psychosis, confusion, cognitive dysfunctions, generalized seizures and headaches other than migraine or cluster headaches were more commonly observed in the NPSLE patients, while the frequency of focal diseases such as cranial neuropathy tended to be higher in the NBD patients. The brain MRI revealed that the NBD patients had more abnormalities in the brain stem than did the NPSLE patients. Most of the patients improved, at least partially, after being treated with glucocorticoid and/or immune suppressants. However, the disease course differed significantly between the two groups. There were more episodic cases in the NPSLE group of patients, while there were more remittent cases in the NBD group of patients. Conclusion: NPSLE had a tendency to cause diffuse neuropsychiatric manifestations, and it has a different predilection of brain lesions compared with NBD. The NBD patients showed a poorer outcome than did the NPSLE patients, suggesting that different therapeutic strategies for the two diseases need to be considered.

      • KCI등재

        슬와낭종과 슬관절내 병변의 관계

        송준영(June Young Song),정병오(Byung Oh Chung),안용철(Yong Chul Ahn),고승희(Seung Hee Ko) 대한슬관절학회 2001 대한슬관절학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        Purpose: To evaluate the clinical symptoms and the associated intra-articular disorders of the polpliteal cyst. Materials and Methods: We studied 56 patients, 60 cases of the popliteal cysts which. Had been treated with excision of the cyst after arthroscopy between May 1991 and February 2000. Arthroscopic findings and clinical results of the patients who had popliteal cyst were evaluated. Results: Forty nine patients of the sixty patients of who had popliteal cyst showed intra-articular disorders. Tear of the meniscus and patello-femoral arthrosis with cartilage lesions were the most frequent intra-articular lesions. In 4 cases, recurrence of the popliteal cyst was noted. Two patients had tear of the meniscus and two had no intra-articular disorders. Conclusion: This study revealed that popliteal cysts frequently combined with intra-articular disorders. Arthroscopy of the knee joint seems worthwhile method for the patients who had popliteal cyst

      • KCI등재

        이마앞겉질을 제거시킨 흰쥐 앞뇌의 바닥핵무리에서 변성축삭종말의 미세구조연구

        안병준,고정식,안의태,Ahn, Byung-June,Ko, Jeong-Sik,Ahn, E-Tay 한국현미경학회 2005 Applied microscopy Vol.35 No.3

        중추신경계통에서도 최고중추인 이마앞겉질 (prefrontal cortex)은 거의 모든 대뇌겉질과 연결되어 있어서 대뇌겉질 각 부분에 저장된 감각, 운동, 언어... 등 모든 정보를 받을 뿐만 아니라, 앞뇌의 바닥핵들 (basal forebrain nuclei)을 비롯한 많은 신경핵들과도 연결되어 있어서 생체 내부환경과 본능에 관한 정보도 받아드린다. 이들 연결을 통해서 이마앞겉질은 변연계통의 본능, 감정, 기억, 학습기능과 줄무늬체계통의 적절한 표현, 대응, 절차기억, 운동조절기능들을 연계하고 조정한다. 앞뇌의 바닥핵들(꼬리핵 caudate nucleus, 줄무늬체바닥핵 fundus striati nucleus, 중격옆핵 accumbens septi nucleus, 중격핵 septal nucleus)도 역시 변연계통과 줄무늬체계통 사이에서 해부학적으로나 기능적으로도 교차기능이 있는 것으로 알려져 있다. 이 실험은 흰쥐의 이마앞겉질은 제거한 다음, 앞쪽 앞뇌의 바닥핵들에서 변성종말들이 있는지 여부와 그 미세구조를 관찰하려고 시행했다. $250{\sim}300g$된 흰쥐를 실험동물로 이용하였으며, 흰쥐들을 정상군, 대조군, 수술군으로 구분하였다. 수술군은 마취시킨 다음, 뇌수술장치에 고정시키고, 머리피부를 절개한 다음, 이마뼈에 구멍을 만들고, 이 구멍을 통해 이마앞겉질을 흡인하여 제거했다. 대조군은 이마뼈에 구멍을 만드는 과정까지만 실행하였고, 정상군은 아무조치도 취하지 않았다. 수술 후 2일 경과 후에 전자현미경 관찰을 위해 1% glutaraldehyde-1% paraldehyde 혼합액 (pH 7.4)에 1차 고정하였고, 뇌를 적출하여 고정액에 냉장시켰다가, 다음날 해당 신경핵을 적출하여 2차 고정액 (2% osmium tetroxide액)에 고정하였다. Araldite 혼합액에 포매하여 ultratome-V로 자른 절편은 4% uranyl acetate와 2.7% lead citrate로 염색하여 JEM 100CX-II 전자현미경으로 관찰하였다. 관찰결과 네 신경핵에서 모두 변성 축삭종말이 관찰되었는데, 출현비율은 상당한 차이를 보여서 가장 변성이 심한 신경핵은 꼬리핵 이었고, 다음은 줄무늬체바닥핵, 중격옆핵, 중격핵의 순서였다. 변성축삭종말이 각 부위에서 연접하는 모양을 비교한 결과 꼬리핵과 줄무늬체바닥핵에서는 모두 가지돌기가시(dendritic spine)에 연접하였으나, 중격옆핵과 중격핵에서는 가지돌기 (dendrite)에 연접하는 것과 가지돌기가시에 연접하는 것이 혼재하였다. 이들 두 신경핵 무리는 이마앞겉질에서 기원하는 축삭종말의 연접차이로 볼 때 서로 다른 회로계통에 속할 것으로 생각되며, 문헌고찰을 통해서 꼬리핵과 줄무늬체바닥핵은 줄무늬체회로 (striatal circuit)에 속하고 중격옆핵과 중격핵은 변연계통회로(limbic circuit)에 속할 것으로 판정했다. 이마앞겉질은 생리적, 약리적, 신경학적 및 형태학적 근거들로 보아 바닥핵들을 통해 변연계통과 대뇌겉질 전체에 영향을 미칠 것으로 여겨지는데, 본 실험에서는 네 종류의 바닥핵들, 즉 꼬리핵, 줄무늬체바닥핵, 중격옆핵 및 중격핵과 관련된 신경연접들을 관찰하였으며, 그 결과를 문헌 고찰한 결과 변연계통과 줄무늬체계통이 앞뇌의 바닥에 있는 신경핵들에서 형태학적 교차연결을 통해 정서와 마음의 상태를 행동과 대응으로 표현하는 중요한 신경회로가 존재함을 제안하였다. Prefrontal cortex is a psychological and metaphysical cortex, which deals with feeling, memory, planning, attention, personality, etc. And it also integrates above-mentioned events with motor control and locomotor activities. Prefrontal cortex works as a highest CNS center, since the above mentioned functions are very important for one's successful life, and further more they are upgraded every moments through memory and learning. Many of these highest functions are supposed to be generated via forebrain basal nuclei (caudate nucleus, fundus striati nucleus, accumbens septi nucleus, septal nucleus, etc.). In this experiment, prefrontal efferent terminals within basal forebrain nuclei were ultrastructurally studied. Spraque Dawley rats, weighing $250{\sim}300g$ each, were anesthetized and their heads were fixed on the stereotaxic apparatus (experimental model, David Kopf Co.). Rats were incised their scalp, perforated a 3mm-wide hole on the right side of skull at the 11mm anterior point from the frontal O point (Ref. 13, Fig. 1), suctioned out the prefrontal cortex including cortex of the frontal pole, with suction instrument. Two days following the operations, small tissue blocks of basal forebrain nuclei were punched out, fixed in 1% glutaraldehyde-1% paraformaldehyde solution followed by 2% osmium tetroxide solutions. Ultrathin sections were stained with 1% borax-toluidin blue solution, and the stained sections were obserbed with an electron microscope. Degenerating axon terminals were found within all the basal forbrain nuclei. Numbers of degenerated terminals were largest in the caudate nucleus, next in order, in the fundus striati nucleus, in the accumbens septi nucleus, and the least in the septal nucleus. Only axospinous terminals were degenerated within the caudate nucleus and the fundus striati nucleus, and they showed the characters of striatal motor control system. Axodendritic and axospinous terminals were degenerated within the accumbens septi nucleus and the lateral septal nucleus, and they showed the characters of visceral limbic system. Prefrontal role in integrating the limbic system with the striatal system, en route basal forebrain nuclei, was discussed.

      • Proposal for an analysis to illustrate research trends on national parks in Korea

        Soo Hyung Eo,Byung June Ko 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2017 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 학술대회 Vol.2017 No.11

        National parks are designated and managed for the purpose of preserving natural ecosystems, nature and cultural scenery, and promoting sustainable utilization in Korea. Since we designated Jirisan as the first Korean national park in 1967, we have now designated and managed 22 national parks. Because these national parks are the core protected areas of the nation and the ecological recreation center for the people, the interests of researchers related to national parks and citizens have steadily increased over the last 50 years. Especially, various natural science researches and social studies on national parks have been conducted with the launch of the Korea National Park Service in 1987, which is dedicated to national park management. However, we still lack research on national park research trends in Korea in spite of the increase in scientific research and public interest. It is important to know who and what institutes are leading national parks research, what research topics have been conducted, what kinds of researches are important in each national park, and how these researches relate to national park management policies. We propose a study to review the national parks related studies that have been carried out so far and identify the research trends. In the pilot study, we collected about 700 research papers on national parks published between 2002 and 2016 through the Korea Citation Index of Korean journals. We are analyzing the number of papers published, research institutes and research topics related to national parks. Analysis of these national park research trends will be necessary for efficient national park management and policy making for future generations.

      • KCI등재

        Retroperitoneal Mucinous Cystadenoma

        Gyu Yeol Kim(김규열),Dae Hwa Choi(최대화),Young Chul Lim(임영철),Byung Kyun Ko(고병균),Sang June Park(박상준),Yang Won Nah(나양원),Hong Rae Cho(조홍래),Chang Woo Nam(남창우) 대한외과학회 2008 Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research(ASRT) Vol.74 No.1

        일차성 후복막 점액성 낭선종은 흔치 않은 종양으로 여성에게만 발생하며, 수술 전에 정확한 진단을 하기 매우 어렵다. 하지만, 이러한 낭성 종양의 낭액에서의 증가된 암태아성항원의 수치가 일차성 후복막 점액성 낭선종의 유용한 진단 지표가 될 수 도 있다. 완전 절제가 이 종양의 적절한 치료이다. 또한, 수술 중 복강 내 타 장기들을 누르거나 할 필요가 없으며, 소장 및 대장이 손상될 위험을 줄일 수 있다는 측면에서 후복막 접근이 복강 내 접근 보다 유용한 방법일 수 있다. 저자들은 후복막 접근을 통해 성공적으로 절제한 일차성 후복막 점액성 낭선종의 경험을 보고한다. We present a case of a primary retroperitoneal mucinous cystadenoma, which is a relatively rare tumor found exclusively in women. This tumor is difficult to correctly diagnose preoperatively. Although there is little published information regarding the CEA levels in the cystic fluid of cystic tumors arising in the retroperitoneum, a high CEA level in the cystic fluid is a useful diagnostic marker for a primary retroperitoneal mucinous tumor. The appropriate management of retroperitoneal mucinous cystadenomas is the total removal of the cyst. The retroperitoneal approach for retroperitoneal cystic tumors is useful, has a lower risk of traumatizing the bowel than the intra-abdominal approach, and does not require compression of the other organs. We report the successful resection of a retroperitoneal mucinous cystadenoma through the retroperitoneal approach.

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