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      • Klebsiella 균혈증에 대한 임상적 고찰

        이병욱,박병헌,오혜림,이호종,김수영,민선기,황유철,김경진,서환조 대한화학요법학회 2000 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        1988년 1월부터 1997년 12월까지 10년간 경희의료원에 입원했던 환자 중, 세균학적 검사로 확진된 157예의 Klebsiella 균혈증에 대한 임상적 관찰을 하여 다음과 같은 결과을 얻었다. 1) Klebsiella 균혈증의 발생빈도는 입원환자 1000명 3당, 0.79건이었다. 2) 성별로는 남자가 88(56%)명이었고, 여자가 69(44%)명이었으며, 연령별로는 신생아가 19명, 1세에서 39세 사이가 28명, 40세에서 59세 사이가 53명, 60세 이상은 57명이었고 평균 나이는 47.6세였다. 3) 분리빈도는 K. pneumoniae(146명 ; 94%), K. oxytoca(10명 ; 6.4%), K. ozaenae(1명 ; 0.6%)순이었고, 다균주가 배양된 경우는 8예(5.1%)에서 있었다. 4) 원외감염은 87명(55.4%)이었고, 원외감염은 70명(44.6%)이었다. 5) 원발병소는 비뇨기계(35명;22.3%), 간담도계(33명;21%), 호흡기계(27명;17.2%), 복막(6명;3.8%), 정막카데터(5명;3.2%), 기타(3명;1.9%) 순이었고, 원발병소가 밝혀지지 않은 경우는 48명(30.6%)이었다. 6) 기저질환으로는 당뇨병, 고형암, 뇌혈관질환, 담석증, 간경변, 미숙아, 혈액암, 알콜중독증, 만성신부전 등의 순으로 많았다. 7) 가장 흔한 임상양상은 발열(129명;82.2%)이었고, 백혈구 증다증은 117(74.5%)명에서 나타났으며, 범발성혈관내응고증, 패혈성쇽, 급성신부전은 각각 18.5%, 17.8%, 14.6%에서 나타났다. 8) 항균제 감수성 검사에서 β-lactam계열의 ampicillin, carbenicillin, cephlothin에는 각각 87.9%, 91.7%, 27.6%의 내성률을 나타냈고, aminoglycoside계통의 getamicin, tobramycin, kanamycin, amikacin에는 각각 22.3%, 22.9%, 17.4%, 1.3%의 내성률을 나타낸 반면, quinolone 계통의 ciprofloxacin과 ofloxacin에는 각각 3.6%, 0.9%의 내성을 보였으며 imipenem에 대해서는 모든 균주가 감수성을 보였다. 9) Klebsiella 균혈증의 사망률은 22.3%이었다. 10) 원발병소가 호흡기계와 복막인 경우, 부적절한 항균제 치료를 한 경우, 치료 도중 범발성혈관내응고증, 패혈성쇽, 급성신부전이 발생한 경우는 높은 사망률을 보였다. 11) 본 연구기간의 후반기에는 전반기보다 중증감염의 빈도가 많았다. 결론 : 이상의 결과에서 Klebsiella 균혈증은 신생아와 여러 가지 기저질환이 있는 성인환자에서 주로 발생하였고, 최근 들어 다약제 내성 균주의 급속한 출현에 의한 중증 감염이 증가하는 양상을 보이고 있으므로, 감수성 검사에 의한 적절한 항균제 선택이 환자의 치료 및 예후에 중요할 뿐만 아니라 내성 균주의 출현을 줄이는데 기여할 것이다. A clinical review on 158 patients with Klebsiella bacteremia among the patients who admitted to Kyunghee University Hospital from January 1988 to December 1997 was done. The incidence of Klebsiella bacteremia was 0.79 cases per 1000 admitted patients. The disease was community acquired in 55.4%. nosocomically acquired in 44.6%. 146 cases were caused by Klebsiella pneumoniae, 10 cases by Klebsiella oxytoca, one case by Klebsiella ozaenae, and 8 episodes were a part of a polymicrobial bacteremia. Portals of entry were urinary tract (22.3%), hepatobiliary tract (21%), pulmonary tract (17.2%), peritoneum (3.8%), intravenous tract (3.2%), and others (1.9%) in decreasing order of frequency. In 30.6% of patients, site of origin of the bacteremia could not be identified. Underlying diseases frequently encountered were diabetes, solid cancers, cerebrovascular accident and cholelithiasis. The most frequent clinical finding was fever (15 patients) , and the second was leukocytosis (117 patients). Disseminated intravascular coagulation septic shock and acute renal failure occurred in 18.5%. 17.8%. and 14.6% respectively. The isolated strains were resistant to ampicillin in 87.9% and to gentamicin in 22.3%, and all the isolates were sensitive imipenem. The overall mortality was 22.3%. THe higher mortality was shown in cases that patients received inappropriate antibiotic treatment, and disseminated intravascular coagulation, septic shock, and acute renal failure occurred during the disease courses, and portals of entry were pulmonary tract and peritoneum. In conclusion, Klebsiella bacteremia commonly occurred in neonates and adult patients with underlying diseases. Recently, the incidence of severe infections caused by multi-drug resistant strains is increasing. Appropriate antibiotic therapy is important in the prognosis and may reduce the appearance of resistant strains.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        방사선 조사 당귀( Angelica gigas)의 면역활성 안정성

        조성기(Sung-Kee Jo),박혜란(Hae-Ran Park),유영법(Young-Beob Yu),송병철(Byoung-Chul Song),이성태(Sung-Tae Yee) 한국식품영양과학회 2000 한국식품영양과학회지 Vol.29 No.1

        감마선 조사 당귀의 면역활성 안정성을 평가하기 위하여 시험관내에서 림프구 증식 효과와 생체내에서 항체생 성능 증강효과 및 동종이계 림프구간의 반응증대효과를 비조사 당귀의 효과와 비교 검토하였다. 건조식품류의 오염유기체 완전 구제 선량인 10 kGy의 감마선을 조사한 당귀의 물추출물은 시험관내에서 LPS, PHA와 같은 수준의 림프구 증식 효과를 보였으며, 비조사 당귀 추출물과 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 마우스에 투여하였을 때에도 감마선 조사 당귀추출물은 SRBC에 대한 항체를 생성하는 림프구의 수를 증가시켰고, 동종이계 림프구간의 반응(GVH 반응)도 증가시키는 효과를 보였으며, 비조사 당귀 추출물과 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았다. 이 결과로 보아, 생약재 당귀의 저장ㆍ유통을 위하여 오염 유기체완전 구제 선량인 10 kGy의 감마선을 조사한 후에도 면역활성 효과는 그대로 유지된다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 앞으로, 감마선 조사 당귀의 여러 가지 생리활성의 안정성, 유효성분의 화학적 안정성, 유전독성학적 안전성 등이 검증된다면, 감마선 조사 기술을 이용한 위생화 기술이 실용화될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. Angelica gigas Nakai (danggui) is a popular herb which has been used as a blood-building decoction for recovery from weakness in the Chinese medicine. Its demand increased in functional foods and pharmaceutical industries. For its hygiene, fumigation has been used, but the use of fumigants are going to be prohibited for food processing. In order to investigate gamma irradiation technique for hygiene of danggui, the immunomodulation activity of danggui after irradiation was examined. The water extract of irradiated danggui showed a strong mitogenic effect on splenocytes in vitro to the same level of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and phytohemagglutinin (PHA). The effect was not different from that of non- danggui. It was tested whether there was any difference between irradiated and non-irradiated danggui in effects on the secretion of antibodies and graft versus host reaction in vivo. It turned out that intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration of the extract of irradiated danggui for 4 days remarkably increased the number of antibody-secreting cells in mice injected with sheep red blood cells (SRBC). Splenomegaly, due to graft versus host reaction, was also increased after 7 days i.p. administration of the extract of danggui in mice injected with allogeneic splenocytes. In these two in vivo test, the effects were not different from those of non-irradiated danggui. These results indicated that immunomodulation activity of danggui might be preserved after irradiation. In the other experiments (data not shown), the irradiated danggui was stable in active component analysis and safe in genetic toxicity test. In further research, the stability in other physiological activity of irradiated danggui will have to be proved before practical application of irra- diation for hygiene.

      • KCI등재

        A PROMISING NEW ANTI-WRINKLE INGREDIENT : Pericarpium castaneae extracts

        ( Beom-jun Kim ),( Byoung-kee Jo ),( Jeong-ha Kim ) 대한화장품학회 1999 대한화장품학회지 Vol.25 No.4

        Pericarpium castaneae extracts have variously potent activities, such as anti- oxidative activity and free radical scavenging activity, in vivo and in vitro studies both indicate that pericarpium castaneae extracts acts as a free radical scavenger (IC<sub>50</sub>: 7.6(μg/ml) stronger than gallic acid(IC<sub>50</sub>: 12.5μg/ml) and ellagic acid(IC<sub>50</sub>:15μg/ml) which could prevent cutaneous UV damages and skin aging. The extracts showed a good effect as a anti-oxidant (lC<sub>50</sub>:50μg/ml). It was shown that the appearance of wrinkle in human skin was reduced by topical application of pericarpium castaneae extracts. And the treatment of human skin with the extracts increased the elasticity and moisture of the skin. We investigated the effect of the pericarpium castaneae extracts on production of extracellular matrix using cultured A431 fibroblast cells. The results indicated that the extracts had no detectable effect on collagen synthesis. But synthesis of cell adhesion protein was increased by the extracts. The results suggest that increase of cell adhesion protein synthesis by pericarpium castaneae extracts has closely related to reduction of wrinkle in skin.

      • KCI등재


        ( Hong-geun Ji ),( Byoung-kee Jo ) 대한화장품학회 2000 대한화장품학회지 Vol.26 No.1

        The raw materials requiring new technology have been introduced to the market as highly functional cosmetics have been popularized recently. The doublesphere which is the new capsulation is thus bom. The doublesphere is double-layered capsulation of which the primary film is the nanocapsulation of liposome and the secondaiy film is the visible capsulation. The main component of the primary film is lecithin and that of the secondary film is algin/carrageenans/agar/cellulose. The doublesphere is characterized by that it is possible to keep active beautifying components stable and to improve the moisturizing effect, penetration power into the skin, roughness of the skin, etc. in view of its efficacy and effects since it is double-layered capsulation. The doublesphere-retinol is made in order to measure the stability, efficacy, and effects in the present study.

      • KCI등재


        ( Seung-ji Lee ),( Byoung-kee Jo ),( Young-jin Lee ),( Chang-suk Ryu ),( Beom-jun Kim ),( Chang-hyun Suk ) 대한화장품학회 1998 대한화장품학회지 Vol.24 No.3

        It is well known that all-trans-retinol is not only very unstable in heat, light, air, and water, but also skin- irritant despite a good anti-wrinkle effect. Therefore, it is very difficult to stabilize retinol and make the safe retinol containing cosmetics by using a certain concentration of retinol with real effect. In order to dissolve these problems and apply retinol for skin care cream, firstly retinol is to be encapsulated in the vesicle called Liposphere (pseudo-liposome) which is made by homogenizing under high pressure the mixtures of lecithin, retinol, caprylic/capric triglyceride, and hydroalcoholic solution; and then this retinol containing Liposphere is to be intercalated in lamellar liquid crystal layer which is prepared by emulsifying in an optimal ratio the mixtures composed of non-ionic emulsifier (cetearyl glucoside, sorbitan stearate & sucrose cocoate etc), cetearyl alcohol, stearic acid, cholesterol, and ceramide. In addition, the stability of the retinol containing oil in water cream by adding the polymeric emulsifier such as acrylate /C10-30 alkyl alkylate crosspolymer is to be ensured even at 55 C. Retinol containing oil in water cream prepared through above procedure could be very stable at 45 C for at least 50 days. The structure identification of lamellar liquid crystal was determined using polarized light microscope and electron microscope. Conclusively, we could make the very stable retinol containing oil in water cream by triple procedure, that is, encapsulation of retinol in Liposphere, intercalation of retinol in lamellar liquid crystal layer, and assurance of the high temperature stability of cream even at 55 C

      • KCI등재후보

        Induction of Extracellular Matrix Synthesis in Normal Human Fibroblasts by Anthraquinone Isolated from Morinda citrifolia (Noni) Fruit

        황용일,Sung-Woo Kim,Byoung-Kee Jo,Ji-Hean Jeong,최선욱 한국식품영양과학회 2005 Journal of medicinal food Vol.8 No.4

        In previous studies we found that Morinda citrifolia (Noni) fruit extract up-regulated biosynthesis of type Icollagen and glycosaminoglycans in primary cultures of normal human fibroblasts. The objective of this study was to iden-tify the active ingredients in Noni fruit extract. An active single compound having a type I collagen-stimulating effect wasisolated and identified as 1,4-dihydroxy-2-methoxy-7-methylanthraquinone by nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared, and massanalysis. It was revealed that anthraquinone showed significantly increased elaboration of procollagen type I C-terminal pep-tide and glycosaminoglycans and reduced expression of the collagenase matrix metalloproteinase-1 dose-dependently in hu-man dermal fibroblasts. Furthermore, in a clinical trial, a nano-emulsion containing anthraquinone predominantly increasedthe dermal type I procollagen in nude mouse skin. These results suggest that anthraquinone derived from Noni extract is agood candidate for use as a new anti-wrinkle agent due to its strong induction of biosynthetic activity of extracellular matrixcomponents.

      • KCI등재

        The Application of Nanoliposome Composed of Ceramide as an Anti-irritant in Cosmetics

        조병기,안기웅,신봉수,정지헌,박해룡,황용일,Jo Byoung Kee,Ahn Gi Woong,Shin Bong Soo,Jeong Ji Hean,Park Hae-Ryong,Hwang Yong-Il Korean Society of Life Science 2005 생명과학회지 Vol.15 No.2

        본 연구는 화장품에서 사용되는 다양한 자극원에 대한 자극완화제로서의 세라마이드를 구성성분으로 하는 나노리포좀의 잠재적 가능성을 알아보고자 하였다. 세라마이드는 인체로부터 수분 손실을 막고, 외부의 물리적, 화학적, 그리고 미생물에 의한 손상으로부터 신체를 보호함으로써 인간의 생리작용에 있어 중요한 부분을 담당하는 것으로 알려진 표피 투과 장벽의 주요한 구조적 구성 성분이다. 본 연구 결과에 의하면 피부 장벽 기능 강화와 자극완화 효과가 제형 내에 단순히 분산된 세라마이드보다 세라마이드를 구성성분으로 하는 나노리포좀을 함유하는 경우 보다 우수하게 나타났다. 그리고, 자극원으로서 제형 내 함유되어 있는 젖산의 피부 투과도에 있어서 세라마이드를 구성성분으로 하는 나노리포좀의 영향을 평가하기 위해 무모 생쥐에서 얻어낸 피부 막으로 horizontal franz diffusion cells을 이용한 in vitro 피부 투과 시험을 수행해 보았다. 시험 결과, 세라마이드로 구성되 나노리포좀의 항자극 효과는 자극원의 피부 투과도를 감소시키는 것으로 확인하였다. 결론적으로, 본 연구에서는 새로운 자극완화 시스템의 개발이 가능하였고 이러한 세라마이드를 구성성분으로 하는 나노리포좀을 화장품에 적용 가능하였다. The objective of this study is to suggest the potentialities of nanoliposome composed of ceramide as an anti-irritant against various irritants used in cosmetics. Ceramides are major structural components of the epidermal permeability barrier, which is known to play an essential part in human physiology by not only preventing the loss of water from the body but also protecting the body from external physical, chemical, and microbial insults. According to the results, better effects on reinforcement of skin barrier function and anti-irritation were obtained with nanoliposome composed of ceramide than with dispersed ceramide. And, we performed in vitro skin penetration test using horizontal Franz diffusion cells with skin membrane prepared from hairless mouse to evaluate the influence of nanoliposome composed of ceramide on the skin penetration of lactic acid in formulations. From the results, we found that the anti-irritation effects of nanoliposome containing ceramide were due to reduced penetration rate of irritants. Conclusively, we could develop a new anti-irritation system and apply this nanoliposome composed of ceramide to the final cosmetic products successfully.


        Analysis of Genetic and Pathogenic Diversity of Ralstonia solanacearum Causing Potato Bacterial Wilt in Korea

        Cho, Heejung,Song, Eun-Sung,Lee, Young Kee,Lee, Seungdon,Lee, Seon-Woo,Jo, Ara,Lee, Byoung-Moo,Kim, Jeong-Gu,Hwang, Ingyu The Korean Society of Plant Pathology 2018 Plant Pathology Journal Vol.34 No.1

        The Ralstonia solanacearum species complex (RSSC) can be divided into four phylotypes, and includes phenotypically diverse bacterial strains that cause bacterial wilt on various host plants. This study used 93 RSSC isolates responsible for potato bacterial wilt in Korea, and investigated their phylogenetic relatedness based on the analysis of phylotype, biovar, and host range. Of the 93 isolates, twenty-two were identified as biovar 2, eight as biovar 3, and sixty-three as biovar 4. Applied to the phylotype scheme, biovar 3 and 4 isolates belonged to phylotype I, and biovar 2 isolates belonged to phylotype IV. This classification was consistent with phylogenetic trees based on 16S rRNA and egl gene sequences, in which biovar 3 and 4 isolates clustered to phylotype I, and biovar 2 isolates clustered to phylotype IV. Korean biovar 2 isolates were distinct from biovar 3 and 4 isolates pathologically as well as genetically - all biovar 2 isolates were nonpathogenic to peppers. Additionally, in host-determining assays, we found uncommon strains among biovar 2 of phylotype IV, which were the tomato-nonpathogenic strains. Since tomatoes are known to be highly susceptible to RSSC, to the best of our knowledge this is the first report of tomato-nonpathogenic potato strains. These results imply the potential prevalence of greater RSSC diversity in terms of host range than would be predicted based on phylogenetic analysis.


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