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      • 순천대학교 농과대학 개편 방안

        임행진,배인휴,임준택,배영환 순천대학교 1996 大學發展硏究論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        1. 대학 명칭 변경 농과대학을 생명자원 과학대학으로 개편 2. 학부제 운영 방안 1) 제1차안에 따른 6개 학부로 개편하되 추가적인 여론 수렴이 반드시 요망됨. 2) 학부 운영시 정원 감축 요망 현행 395명 → 300명 (24% 감축) 3) 학부 구성시 전공의 세분화는 지양하되 통합을 위한 새로운 분야는 인정한다. 3. 교과과정의 운영 1) 교양과목―외국어 및 전산 교육 강화 2) 전공과목 ① 강의 책임시수를 하향 조정하여 강의 내실화 도모 ② 유사과목 중복 개설 지양 ③ 복수전공제 도입 ④ Team teacing, 동일 과목 분반제 등의 도입으로 전문성 제고 3) 교과과정의 개편 절차 (1) 농대에 교과과정 개편위원회를 설치하여 자체 의견을 수렴 (2) 교과과정 개편위원회에서 ① 교양과목 이수 학점 조정 ② 학부(전공)간 중복 및 유사 교과목 조정 ③ 공통 과목 담당 교수진과 강의분담 방법 결정 ④ 복수전공 허용 범위 및 시행 방안 조정 4. 대학 발전 방안 1) 농과대학 특성화 시설원예 분야로의 특성화유도 2) 대 농민 기술지원 센타 설립을통한 현장애오 해결 연구부, 교육부, 지도부, 농업정보부, 식물병원 등 설치 3) 대학의 자립 능력 배양 ① 농대 발전기금 조성, 농대 부석기관의 자체 수익사업 운영 ② 부속기관의 수익을 재투자할 수 있도록 제도 개선 4) 연구 여건 개선 ① 연구 전담 교수제 확대 시행 ② 공동기기동 설치 및 전공별 공동기기실 운영 The problems that College of Agriculture in Korea are confronted with consist of a few number of faculty members in very department, and hence too many lecture hours per prefessor, departments with similar speciality, duplicated subjects, and hence duplicated lectures in similar subjects, poor experimental equipments, poor extension system, and a small amount of budget. It would be necessary to reorganize the system of College of Agriculture to solve these problems. The objective of the study is to construct the direction of reorganization of College of Agriculture in Sunchon National University. For the objective, survey composed of all professors in the Agricultural College and discussions among committee members were adopted. Survey data was collected and analysed. Through the study, reorganization strategies were built as the point of change of college name, administration of school system by unifying departments with similar major area, basic directions in reconstructing the curriculum for the school system, and strategies for the growth of the College. 1) Name of College of Agriculture will be changed to College of Life and Resource Science. 2) College of Agriculture can be reorganized into six schools based on survey, and for more concrete reorganization, additional opinions must be gathered. Number of incoming student can be reduced for school system from 395 at present to 300 (24% reduction). Finely specialized major should be prohibited, but addition of departments or speciality of new research area can be allowed for the establishment of administration of school system. 3) In management of curriculum, foreign language and computer science should be reinforced as general course in the school system. Obligated lecture hours of professor should be reduced, which would enhance the quality of lecture, and offerring lectures with similar subjects should be restricted. Dual major system is going to be allowed. Team teaching and class separation for the same subject should be allowed for the enhancement of lecture quality. In curriculum revision process, committee of curriculum revision in College of Agriculture must be set up and gather opinios for better revision. The committee regulate the credits for the general course, control overlapping or similar subjects among the schools(majors), select lectures for team teaching and the way of class separation in the same subject. They also provide permitted limits of and the way of conducting dual major system. 4) For further growth of the college, the following items should be satisfied. With the limited number of faculties, concentrating facilities and research capability of the college into specialized area is needed to enhance the competitive power of the college. In this study, the committee agreed to select horticultural area in greenhouse as the specialized area. This will be achieved gradually by employing new faculty members with major in this area and conducting cooperative research among faculty members. An extension system to train farmers for the newly developed technologies in agriculture should be established. In this facility, farmers can exchange their experiences among them, and farmers and the university faculty members can conduct experiments to solve problems occurred in farming practices. The extension system consists of division of reasearch, education, advise, information in agricultural area, and diagnosis of pest and diseases. Annual budget of the college largely depends upon the budget from the Ministry of Education. With the limited budget, it is almost impossible for the college to invest into the area where college faculty members intend to for the farmers. Collection of a fund for the growth of the college is needed. This fund can be gathered either from the alumni, faculty members and students or by reinvesting the profit from experimental farm of the college. The system for the reinvestment of the profit from appendges of the college should be established. The condition of research should be improved. This can be achieved by employing full-time researchers as faculty members and reducing lecture load of professors. Building for the center of cooperative research and systematic installation of experimental facility and equipments might also be needed for the improvement.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        도서지역의 우수집수 시스템 개발 : 제주지역을 중심으로 Focus in Cheju Island

        전인배,허창환,지홍기 대한상하수도학회 2002 상하수도학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        This study aims at the development of rainwater harvesting system in an island where rainwater used to supply domestic water. To accomplish this purpose, Cheju island was chosen as the study area and designed the roof area. The storage tank size of the rainwater harvesting system was based on the results of frequency analysis with actual rainfall and domestic water data. The theory of frequency was used in this analysis to design a stable rainwater harvesting system. It found that Generalized Logistic (GLO) distribution was suitable in the result of frequency analysis. Security rates (80, 90, 99%) used to remedy a defect of designed rainwater harvesting system according to return period was solved the water deficiency. Therefore, developed rainwater harvesting system in this study can be provided the solution which is reduced surface runoff in wet period and supplied water in dry period. This system is effective way of water management in islands.

      • 직업성 경견완장애 진단시 생화학적 지표의 이용가능성

        이용환,배강우,황인철,박강원,김영기 高神大學校保健科學硏究所 1998 보건과학연구소보 Vol.8 No.-

        The increased incidence of occupational cervicobrachial disorder appears to be due to new technology, such as advanced automation and mechanization. That requested for worker's repetitive movements, which were limited to use upper extremities of body. Consequently, increased rate of work concentrated locally on an individual's musculoskeletal system that results in occupational cervicobrachial disorder. Though the occupational cervicobrachial disorders have been diagnosed by evaluating questionnares from the workers, objective and clear diagnostic criteria were not established. We tried to develope biochemical indicators that can be used in the dignosis and screening test of the occupational cervicobrachial disorders. The subjects who engaged in the shoemaker factory were divided into 3 groups by their workload; heavy(58 persons), repetitive(55 persons), and control workers(60 persons). The questionnare test was followed by biochemical examinations analyzing blood sample of the subjects. The biochemical indicators used were creatine kinase(CK), aspartate aminotransferase(AST), potassium, lactate, ammonia, uric acid, hypoxanthine, and malondialdehyde(MDA). The concentration of plasma MDA was highest in the heavy workers and there was statistically significant differences in the scores of the questionnare between the workers having concentrations within normal range and above normal range. Also, the levels of serum lactate, plasma uric acid and hypoxanthine were higher in heavy and repetitive workers than control, but, there were not any significant relationships among the groups in questionnare study. We concluded that these results would be applicable after more study on the standardized method in the analysis of the biochemical indicators and related other clinical tests.

      • 비만증 환자에서 한약제에 의한 체중 감소효과

        Oh, Seung-Joon,Jeong, In-Kyung,Kim, Young-Seol,Choi, Young-Kil,Paeng, Jeong-Ryung,Bae, Jung-Hwan,Shin, Hyun-Dae 경희대학교 동서의학연구소 1999 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON EAST-WEST MEDICINE Vol.1999 No.1

        Seung-Joon Oh, In-Kyung Jeong, Young-Seol Kim, Young-Kil Choi, Jeong-Ryung Paeng¹, Jung-Hwan Bae and Hyun-Dae Shin²Department of internal Medicine, College Medicine, Endocrine Research Institute¹. Department of Rehabilitation, College of Oriental Medicine², Seoul, korea. Bady Fat Reduction Effects of Red Ginseng Compound Preparation on the Patients with Obesity. Proceedings of International Symposium on East-West Medicine, Seoul. 244-254, 1999.-Obesity can be defined as a metabolic disease due to an increased state of fat tissues caused by an imbalance of calorie intake and use. Recently, in Korea by improvement and westernization of food intake, along with decrease in exercise activities, the prevalence of obesity has increased greatly. Our objectives were to study stability and effects of decrease in body fat by administering red ginseng compound preparation (known to have body fat decreasing effects in laboratory animals) to obesity patients on low calorie diets. Changes in weight and body fat were measured while carrying out calorie-restricted diets on patients for 4 weeks, then administering red ginseng compound preparation for another 4 weeks. The patients were 20 people whose BMI were 25kg/㎡ or over and whose percent body fat was also 30% or over when tested by bioelectrical conductivity. 1. Changes in weight were from 70.04kg(base line) to 67.43kg(after taking red ginseng compound preparation). 2. In similar sense, BMI decreased from 27.12kg/㎡(base line) to 26.56kg/㎡(after dieting), and further to 26.01kg/㎡ (after taking red ginseng compound preparation). The BMI seemed to decrease significantly compared to the baseline after the use of red ginseng compound. 3. Waist hip ratio was changed from 0.8858(base line) to 0.8728, but it was statistically insignificant. 4. The percent body fat was 35,16%(base line), 33.87%(after dieting), and 31.68%(after taking red ginseng compound preparation). 5. Complete blood cell count and blood chemisrty remained unaffected by the administration. 6. In concern to endocrinologic studies, T3 decreased from 118.7 to 98.2ng/dL, and T4 increased from 8.8 to 9.2㎕/ dL. Epinephrine showed a tendency to decreased from 0.27 to 0.25 ng/mL, and norepinephrine increased from 0.39 to 0.44ng/mL. 7. Leptin was not changed. 8. Some patients complained adverse effects; constipation(5 patients, may be due to diet therapy), fatigue (2 patients), pruritus(2 patients), flushing(s patients), dizziness(3 patients) and epigastric discomfort(2 patients). However their symptoms were mild, so medication did not stopped. In conclusion, loss of weight without significant side effects was observed during low calorie diet and red ginseng compound preparation administration. This is thought to be in relation to sympathetic nerve system rather than adrenal gland. Also, further long0term studies should be required, since the observed results were based on short-term changes in weight.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        류마티스 관절염 환자의 T세포 수용체 Vβ 유전자 레퍼토리 분석

        정성수 ( Sung Soo Jung ),황관표 ( Kwan Pyo Hong ),김동욱 ( Dong Yook Kim ),김태환 ( Tae Hwan Kim ),이인홍 ( In Hong Lee ),전재범 ( Jae Bum Jun ),배상철 ( Sang Cheol Bae ),유대현 ( Dae Hyun Yoo ),김성윤 ( Seong Yoon Kim ),이은영 ( 대한류마티스학회 1996 대한류마티스학회지 Vol.3 No.1

        Objectives: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology was eamine synovial fluid and peripheral T cells in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) to determine the preferential usage of the T cell receptor(TCR) variable region (V) gene. Methods: Oligonucleotide primers specific for individual TCR Vβ gene families were used to amplify the TCR gene products in a semiquantitative assay of their relative utilization in unselected T cell populations. Results: The result of Vβ utilization was generally heterogenous, similar with previous reports. However, the mean expression of Vβ16 and Vβ18 in RA was more preferentially utilized compared to normal donors. The usage of Vβ in peripheral blood from 3 patients with RA demonstrated restrictions in Vβ16, Vβ20 and Vβ18 genes, respectively. Analyses of synovial fluid resulted in restriction in β12, Vβ20 and Vβ20, respectively. Although there was no significant pattern of skewed Vβ gene mean usage when comparing the synovial fluids with the peripheral blood T cells from RA patients, there were significant biased Vβ genes, Vβ12, Vβl and Vβ20, each 3 patients. As the HLA type is a determining factor in shaping TCR repertoire of peripheral T cells, we compared the Vβ utilization in HLA-DR4 expressing groups that have susceptibility and gene dosage effect in disease progression. It was a little different that comparing the pattern of Vβ usage in peripheral blood and synovial fluid from RA patients between HLA-DR4 positive and negative group. Conclusion: The results were consistent with the conclusion that the increased Vβ family T cells infiltrate synovium and are dependent on each patient and may be involved in inducing and maintaining the synovitis that characterizes RA The different outcome of each patient may be due to the difference in disease duration, genetic background and geographic region. A more important factor may be the stage of disease, because epitope induced immune reaction may change over time. Therefore, selecting patients early in the course of disease may be important and may facilitate the need for more in-depth TCR analysis in the future.

      • 前腕部 經穴 取穴에서 骨度分寸法과 一夫法의 比較 硏究

        박히준,채윤병,차웅석,박종배,이혜정,이향숙,인창식,고형균,김수영,최일환,김강식,문정배,배기태,유경환,육근영,정병주,손인철,임사비나 WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 2004 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2004 No.-

        Background : The cun measurement System, an essential and convenient method in locating acupoints, has been widely used in the practice of acupuncture. However, traditional cun measurement has been criticized for its lack of reliability. Objectives : The purposes of this study are to determine if one cun measured by the directional methods have a consistency with that of proportional methods and to investigate which factors are related with these differences, especially in forearm. Methods : The distance between the elbow crease and the wrist crease of forearm was compared to a reference value of one cun obtained by the directional method. In this method, one cun is one third of the distance between index finger and Small finger of a subject, measured at proximal interphalangeal joint. In addition, to investigate the factors influencing the differences between these two methods, we measured the height and body weight and calculated body mass index (BMI). Finally we analyzed the factors correlated with these lengths by linear regression test. Results : The results showed that one cun obtained by the directional methods were significantly different from one cun by the proportional methods in forearm. It was demonstrated that the length acquired with the directional method was more correlated with body weight and body mass index, while the length obtained by the proportional method was more correlated with the height.

      • 후박 및 은행엽 추출물을 함유한 치약의 임상 및 미생물학적 효과에 관한 연구

        김태일,염혜리,류인철,배기환,정종평 충남대학교 약학대학 의약품개발연구소 1996 藥學論文集 Vol.12 No.-

        Previous studies have shown that Magnoliae cortex and Ginkgo biloba extracts were showed on the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory action, in vitro. The purpose of this study was to evaluate on the effect of antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activity of Magnoliae cortex and Ginkgo biloba extracts containing dentifrice in gingivitis. 70 subjects with gingivitis were divided into an experimental group which performed normal oral hygiene procedure with Magnoliae cortex and Ginkgo biloba extracts containing dentifrice and a control group which also performed normal oral hygiene procedure with the same dentifrice without the natural extracts and completed a double-blind, cross-over study. At baseline and 3 weeks, subjects were assayed for clinical study by plaque index, gingival index, pocket depth, GCF rate, and microbiological study by subgingival dental plaque bacterial morphotypes by phase contrast microscopy, total anaerobes, total aerobes, Black pigmented bacteroides, A-actionomycetemcomitans, A.viscosus, C.rectus, S.sanguis, P.gingivalis, P.intermedia by bacterial culture and immunofluorescence microscopy. After 3 weeks using their respective dentifrices, reductions in the clinical indices of subjects were similar between the experimental dentifrice group and a control dentifrice group except for statistically significant much reductions in PI, GI, and GCF rate in the experimental dentifrice group as compared to control dentifrice group. Also statistically significant reductions in the motile rods and Spirochetes were found in both experimental group to compare with control group, however statistically much reduction in total anaerobes, Black pigmented bacteroides, and P.gingivalis, P.intermedia were found in the experimental dentifrice group as compared to control dentifrice group. This results indicates that Magnoliae cortex and Ginkgo biloba extracts containing dentifrice might be useful for elimination of gingival inflammation.

      • KCI등재

        입원치료를 요하는 소아의 급성복증

        배택환,김준식,유인술,조준필,이철주,민영기 大韓應急醫學會 1996 대한응급의학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        The acute abdomen defined as an acute abdominal condition which needs immediate decision for treatment is one of the most common cause for emergency care. One thound six hundreds nine patients were visited to pediatric emergency center due to acute abdomen. To aid in early diagnosis and proper treatment, a clinical review was made on 278 cases of acute abdomen under 15 yrs old which admitted to Pediatrics and General surgery via emergency center from June of 1994 to May of 1995. The results as follows: It was 17.3% of total visiting to pediatric emergency center due to gastrointestinal sysmptoms. The sex ratio(Male: Female) was 2.35:1. Acute gastroenteristis was the most common acute abdominal condition(54%) and followed by acute appendicitis(17.9%), and intussusception(13.9%). The most common chief commplaint was vomiting(58%) and followed by abdominal pain(39.4%), diarrhea(35.8%), and fever(42.1%). One hundred fifty-five patients were visited to pediatric emergency center via local clinic and thirty patients via OPDs. The operations were done in 75 patients. Among them, immediate operation were done in 60 patients and delayed operations were done in 15 patients, but there is no difference in complication.

      • 國內 畜産物加工品의 消費性向과 品質에 關한 硏究

        裵仁烋,吳東煥,趙聖均 順天大學校 1985 論文集 Vol.4 No.1

        國內 畜産物 加工品에 대하여 消費性向과 品質에 관하여 全南 都市地域 1,000名의 主婦들로부터 說問 調査한 結果와 30個 品目의 肉類 製品과 28個 品目의 牛乳製品에 대하여 一般 成分과 肉類 製品의 亞窒酸鹽 含量을 分析한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 1,000名의 主婦들 中 應答한 主婦들은 825名으로 82.5%였으며 應答한 主婦 대부분이 쇠고기와 돼지고기를 주로 購入하고 쇠 고기에 대한 選好度가 높으며 닭고기나 加工肉 製品의 利用度는 매우 낮았다. 2. 加工肉 製品에 대하여 購入하지 않는 理由로서는 맛이 없고, 품질이 나쁘며 製品의 값이 비싸다고 答하였다. 3. 牛乳 및 牛乳製品이 한 營養食品으로 認識되어 가고 消費層도 一般化 되어가는 傾向을 보이고 있었으나 치이즈나 버터 等의 一部 乳製品에 대하여서는 아직 消費와 認識水準이 낮은 傾向을 보였다. 4. 肉類 製品의 蛋白質 含量은 原科 豚肉의 亞窒酸鹽 含量은 規準値보다 훨씬 낮은 水準이었다. 5. 飮料用 牛乳의 乳脂肪 含量과 蛋白質 含量은 原乳의 平均値보다 낮았으며 포장에 포기된 含量値에도 不足하였고 特히 ice cream의 乳脂肪 含量이 더 낮았다. 6. 應答한 주부들 대부분은 政府가 食品에 대해서, 食品의 安定性, 營養 및 品質, 過正價格維持를 하여 주기를 바라는 傾向이었다. 7. 畜産 産業을 發達시키고 畜産物 加工 食品의 消費를 增加시키기 위해서는 製品의 品質과 맛을 改善시키며 消費者들의 食性에 맞는 多樣한 製品을 生産하는 것이 重要한 課題로 提起되었다. The study was conducted to investigate quality and propensity to consume animal processing products in the country. The experimenter asked a guestion of 1,000 homemakers in the chunnam urban area, analysed chemical content and sodium nitrite for 30 meat processing products, and analyzed chemical content for 28 milk products. The results are summarized as follows. Out of 1,000, 825homemakers responded to the guestion and most of them have preferred beef and pork to meat processing products and poultry meat because the momemakers got the meat processing products from high price, poor quality and unsavory. The experimenter thought that the consumption and the recongnition for milk and milk proucts were a genral tendency, except cheese and butter. The protein contents of pork processing products were low compared with raw pork, and the sodium nitrite contents were very low compared with a tolerance limit. The average milk fat and protein contents of market milk were low compared with raw milk, and the milk fat cotents of ice cream were very low. Most of homemakers wish the government will keep the stability, nutrition, quality and reasonable price of animal products. The experimenter thinks the livestock in dustry develops from increase of consumption of animal processing products by improving the guality, taste and developing the various animal processing products.

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