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      • 血淸 CEA値에 關한 臨床的 硏究

        裵振善,尹必逵 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1982 충남의대잡지 Vol.9 No.2

        The serum carcinoernbryonic antigen (CEA) values as an indicator of colorectal carcinoma has been accepted, however the CEA value is increased not only in colorectal cancer but in many other conditions, such as chronic pulmonary disease, heavy smoker, inflammatory bowel disease, pancreatitis, liver diseases, biliary tract disease, breast disease, ovarian disease, uterine disease, cervix disease etc. Although it may not be suitable to screening test, nevertheless its serial check is very valuable for early detection of recurrence after removal of tumor by the increase of serum CEA value during postoperative follow-up. Serum CEA values were checked by the patients of peptic ulcer, injury and other non-malignant disease, stomach cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer treated from March 1982 to October 1982 in the Department of General Surgery, Chungnam National University Hospital. The following results were obtained; 1. The level in control was 2.5±1.9 ng/ml. 2. By the patients of stomach cancer, the preoperative level being 39.7±74.1 ng/ml, the postoperative level was 31.4±62.8 ng/ml. 3. By the patients of breast cancer, the preoperative level being 13.3±7.8 ng/ml, the postoperative level was 11.0±8.3 ng/ml. 4. By the patients of colorectal cancer, the preoperative level being 39.0±61.8 ng/ml, whereby the postoperative level was 21.3±35.5 ng/ml.

      • C6 glia 세포에서 유도성 Nitric Oxide Synthase 유전자 발현조절에 관한 연구

        배진영,허강민,배소현,박지선,이충재,이재흔,석정호 충남대학교 의과대학 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.1

        To investigate transcriptional regulation of iNOS gene by LPS and cytokines, the production of NO, expression of iNOS mRNA and protein, binding activity of nuclear factor-kappa B(NF-kB), and promoter activity of iNOS gene were examined in rat C6 glial cells. LPS, interferon-gamma(IFN-γ), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) stimulated the production of NO, which was increased synergistically by co-treatment. By the treatment of LPS, iNOS mRNA expression was initiated at 1 h, markedly increased by 3 h, and decreased gradually afterward. iNOS mRNA expression was markedly enhanced by mixture of LPS, IFN-γ and TNF-α. iNOS protein synthesis was increased by the treatment of mixture LPS and cytokine mixture. Treatment of LPS stimulated NF-kB activation, and the activation reached to the maximum level at 30 min, and the treatment of mixture of LPS and cytokines increased the activation. To determine the effect of NF-kB binding activity on iNOS promoter activation, CAT assay was performed. iNOS promoter activity was increased by the treatment with LPS for 5.5 h, and further increased by the combined treatment with LPS and cytokines. These results suggest that NF-kB activation by LPS and cytokines may play a significant role in the induction of the iNOS gene.

      • 식물을 활용한 탐구활동이 초등학생의 과학탐구능력과 과학적 태도 및 관찰능력에 미치는 영향

        배진호,김진수,윤봉희 부산교육대학교 과학교육연구소 2005 科學敎育硏究 Vol.30 No.-

        In this study, I researched how the inquiry activity through plants results in scientific process skills, science attitude and observation skills for the elementary school students. For that, a comparative group and a experimental group are chosen. After inquiry activity through plants. I compared scientific process skills, science attitude and observation skills of experimental group with those of comparative group. This study showed the followings. 1. inquiry activity through plants is effective in scientific process skills in observation and classification. 2. inquiry activity through plants is successful in the attitude about science in understanding and interest for science. 3. inquiry activity through plants is also effective in scientific attitude in safety, straightforwardness and objectivity of scientific attitudes. 4. inquiry activity through plants is meaningful in observation skills in finding eifferent pictures.

      • 내용기반 분류에 의한 비디오 검색 시스템 설계

        배종식,남윤성,양동일,최형진 강원대학교 정보통신연구소 2006 정보통신논문지 Vol.10 No.-

        We suggest how to search news data by dividing structurely, by classifying meaningly, and by itemizing them by contents. The structural division divides the scene using correlative information between frames such as the distribution of the space brightness and the irregularity of brightness, and time relation etc. The meaning classification means to classify the detailed contents of news video as articles comparing special information extracted frame key frame with previous knowledge information. This study classifies the articles as the anchor's scene and the non-anchor's scene using the character that the progress of news is repeated centering around the anchor frames by periods. We get the non-anchor's scene to search the news data itemizing speech scene, interview scene and general scene, and classifying as articles. Also, we use the function of searching for summary by news icons and search the caption by processing the integration of caption, and design them to be able to search the news video quickly classifying news video as contents and indexing them.

      • Smallworld를 이용한 이동 객체 이력 관리 및 위치 예측기

        정영진,배종철,안윤애,류근호 충북대학교 컴퓨터정보통신 연구소 2001 컴퓨터정보통신연구 Vol.9 No.2

        시간에 따라 객체의 위치나 크기 등의 공간 속성이 연속적으로 변하는 특징을 가진 객체를 이동 객체라고 한다. 이와 같은 이동 객체를 일반적인 데이터베이스를 이용하여 관리할 경우, 단순히 이산적인 시간으로 샘플링 된 이동 객체 정보만을 저장하여, 질의를 처리할 때 저장되지 않은 이동 객체의 과거 및 미래에 대한 위치 정보를 전혀 제공하지 못하고 저장된 정보에 대한 단순 질의만을 처리 할 수 있는 단점을 가진다. 따라서, 이 논문에서는 이와 같은 단점을 해결하기 위해 이동 객체 정보를 저장 관리하고 샘플링 되지 않은 객체의 위치는 물론 가까운 미래의 위치를 예측하는 이동 객체 이력 관리 및 위치 예측기를 구현한다. 그리고 이를 위해 보간법과 이동객체의 속도와 방향을 고려한 삼각함수를 사용한다. 구현된 이동 객체 이력 관리 및 위치 예측기는 과거의 이력 질의와 현재의 위치 질의를 제공하고, 저장된 객체의 행위 정보를 시간에 대한 함수에 활용하여 가까운 미래에 대해 대략적인 향후 위치 질의를 제공하는 특징을 가진다. Moving objects are objects that have spatial attributes, such as position and/or extent are changing object data that are sampled with discrete time are stored only, the application has a following problem. When the queries are processed. past and future positions of the moving objects except saved data are not provided and, only simple query for saved data is processed. Therefore, in this paper, we implemented the history manager and location PFedictor of moving objects which are able to save and manacle the moving obiect data, predict positions of moving objects of about near future as well as presume ones which are not sampled. To do this, we use interpolation and trigonometrical function to well as query about historical and current position

      • 식품 기준·규격의 합리적 관리 ·운영에 관한 연구(Ⅰ) : 두부,식용유지, 전분의 분말상 원료에 관하여 Powdered marerials of Tofu, Edible oil, Starch

        김희연,홍진환,박혜경,한상배,박종석,이은주,이정성,송경희,최은희,최영준,소경아,성영제,이주엽 식품의약품안전청 2000 식품의약품안전청 연보 Vol.4 No.-

        본 연구는 분말상 원료(전분, 대두분)의 저장유통시 품질변화를 건전성과 안전성 측면에서 검토하여 식품의 기준 ·규격 설정f.」 합지적으로 반영하고자 하였다. 전분과 패두분의 이물을 검사하고, 2종 대두분(중국산, 미국산)을 ?0일간 IS'c와 30t에 저장하면서 성상, 수분, 산가, 과산화물가, 지방산 조성,아플라톡신 BB의 생성여부를 분석하였다. 중국산 대두분 30'』 저장군에서 50일 이후 곰팡이가 발생한 것 이외에 모든 시료에서 양호한 성상을 나타내었고, 전분과 대두닥 모든 시료에서 이물은 검출되지 않았다. 산가는 중국산과 미국산 시료간에 편차를 보여 증국산 30"C, 50일 저장시료에서 약 10배끙도 증가하였고, 과산화물가는 저장 90일후 15'E 저장군은 약 2.3배, 30'c 저장군은 3배정도 증가하였다. 대두분의 주요 지방산은 linoleic acidf18. 2), oleic acid(18 : 1), palmitic acid(16 : 0)이었으며, 3개월 저장에 따른 지방산 함량의 변화는 미미하였다. 아플라톡신 B₁은 모든 시료에서 검출되지 않았다. The objective of this study was to investigate auality changes of type raw materials(starch, soy flour) during various storage conditions. Starchflour(source of China, U.S.A) were slfred under two temperature(15'C, 30'c) forSensory evaluation, (o.reign material test, moisture content, acid value, peroxide ualue,composition, aflatorin Bi were analyzed. China soy flour(stor·ed 30'f) was contaminated by fungj on 50 days. Except for soy flour contardnated by fungi, sensory characteristics were not changed and foreign mater;als were notdetected. Acid value of China soy flour(stored at 30'C, 90 days) was about 10 times higherlevel before storage and acid value was more influenced by source(China, USA). Peroxide valuewas in proportion with the storage period slightly. The major fatty acid of soy flour waslinoleic acid(18 . 2), an(3 the change of fatty acid composition was not observed. Aflatoxlrl Blwas not detected.

      • 국제스포츠 정보 시스템의 현황 분석

        육조영,윤찬호,김범수,노덕선,이무연,배진희,이승훈 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.6

        Information has become a strategic tool with progress of sports science and sports technology. Demand on sports information is spreading to leisure, recreation, sociology, science of nutrition, psychology, sports medicine, sports therapy, prophylactic medicine, alternative medicine, sports industry and sports nature etc. if on line data base can be manipulated freely then acceleration and quality improvement of the study in this field can be effected and it is possible to gain new insight for receiving latest information But next problem is cost for use. For this reason this author summarized quick and effective on lline search points as follows: 1. Data base should be chosen with clear purpose for its use. Conduct prior investigation on contents and fee system of data base. With the same data base fee system may be differed depending on distributor therefore it is necessary to try different distributors at first as much as possible. 2. Prior to starting on line search prepare search method. If on line is started and then search method is checked than quickly telephone charge will go up. Search method should be prepared in advance by thinking sufficiently of what theme is to be searched. 3. Look for good advisor: lf there is no advisor nearby then the best thing is counselling with the person in charge for the distributor. If the result of search is stored at floppy disk by "downloading" then even after communication line is cut off it will be possible to print out anytime. 4. In this study the author explained about on-line search of lterature data line but recently it is possible to search overseas sports news or information on rate of victory or defeat of prfessional footbali etc. in real time. In Japan it is possible to search feature articles of Nihon Kesai or Asahi (except culture and sports column) by on-line. However in our country there are not many data bases in the field of sports and physical education which can be on-line searched. Our country belongs to up per level in the world in terms of study of sports science and technology and we are attracting attention from countries in Asia and from different parts of the world and the task facing us now is developing independent and unique data base for our country.

      • 국제 스포츠 정보 시스템의 동향 분석

        육조영,임정일,윤찬호,이무연,노덕선,배진희,이승훈 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.6

        As Follow suggested : The purpose of this study was to consider tendency of modern sports information. today Modernst information system had four areas such as collection, clearance, communication and application So, most literuture of America and Europe was collected, cleared, communicated and apilcated in international sports data base. If we utillited communication circuit properly, we could use sports information beneficently at the laboratory and office. In the future and now, one was that special sports institution needed to obtain Education about sports imformation such as information of specialization, and information of knowledge on both soft phase and hard phase of new media. Although korea used date base of foriegn country efficiently, korea had to make effort to create its own information system and wish to avoid friction of economy and fiction of information.

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