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      • KCI우수등재

        객관적 귀속 – 가능성과 한계

        우어스 킨트호이저(Urs Kindhä,user),윤재왕(Yoon, Zai-Wang)(譯),홍영기(Hong, Young-Gi)(譯) 한국형사법학회 2013 刑事法硏究 Vol.25 No.4

        Die Suche nach einem erlaubten Risiko, das gleichermaßen vorsätzlich und fährlässig eingegangen werden dürfe, ohne für eine hieraus resultierende Erfolgsverursachung zuständig zu sein, hat sich weitgehend als ergebnislos herausgestellt. Die Verwirklichung eines objektiven Tatbestands ist nur zu verneinen, wenn das Opfer selbst auf seinen Schutz verzichtet – sei es in Form einer verbotsaufhebenden Einwilligung, sei es in Form einer tatbestandslosen eigenverantwortlichen Selbstgefährdung. Das sog. erlaubte Risiko in Gefahrenbereichen bezieht sich dagegen nur auf Fahrlässigkeitsdelikte. Sozialadäquanz und rollengemäßes Sozialverhalten schließlich sind keine allgemeingültigen Kriterien, die bei allen Delikten die objektive Zurechnung der Tatbestandsverwirklichung hindern könnten.

      • KCI등재후보
      • Effective speckle noise suppression in optical coherence tomography images using nonlocal means denoising filter with double Gaussian anisotropic kernels

        Aum, Jaehong,Kim, Ji-hyun,Jeong, Jichai The Optical Society 2015 Applied optics Vol.54 No.13

        <P>Non-local means (NLM) filter is one of the state-of-the-art denoising filters. It exploits the presence of similar features in an image and averages those similar features to remove noise. However, a conventional NLM filter shows somewhat inferior performance of noise reduction around edges, suffering from low efficiency of collecting similar features to be averaged. In order to overcome this phenomenon, we propose a NLM filter with double Gaussian anisotropic kernels as a substitute for the conventional homogeneous kernel to effectively remove noise from OCT images corrupted by speckle noise. The proposed filter was evaluated by comparing with various denoising filters such as conventional NLM filter, median filter, bilateral filter, and Wiener filter. The fingertip OCT images, which were processed with the different denoising filters, indicated that the proposed NLM filter provides superior denoising performance, among the filters in terms of the contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), the equivalent number of looks (ENL), and the speckle suppression index (SSI). A human retina OCT image was also used to compare and show the performances of noise reduction among different filters. In addition, the denoising performance with the proposed NLM filter was also investigated in the synthetic images for fair comparison among the filters by calculating the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). The proposed NLM filter outperformed the conventional NLM filter as well as the other filters. (C) 2015 Optical Society of America</P>

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Orthodromic Transfer of the Temporalis Muscle in Incomplete Facial Nerve Palsy

        Aum, Jae Ho,Kang, Dong Hee,Oh, Sang Ah,Gu, Ja Hea Korean Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surge 2013 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.40 No.4

        Background Temporalis muscle transfer produces prompt surgical results with a one-stage operation in facial palsy patients. The orthodromic method is surgically simple, and the vector of muscle action is similar to the temporalis muscle action direction. This article describes transferring temporalis muscle insertion to reconstruct incomplete facial nerve palsy patients. Methods Between August 2009 and November 2011, 6 unilateral incomplete facial nerve palsy patients underwent surgery for orthodromic temporalis muscle transfer. A preauricular incision was performed to expose the mandibular coronoid process. Using a saw, the coronoid process was transected. Three strips of the fascia lata were anchored to the muscle of the nasolabial fold through subcutaneous tunneling. The tension of the strips was adjusted by observing the shape of the nasolabial fold. When optimal tension was achieved, the temporalis muscle was sutured to the strips. The surgical results were assessed by comparing pre- and postoperative photographs. Three independent observers evaluated the photographs. Results The symmetry of the mouth corner was improved in the resting state, and movement of the oral commissure was enhanced in facial animation after surgery. Conclusions The orthodromic transfer of temporalis muscle technique can produce prompt results by applying the natural temporalis muscle vector. This technique preserves residual facial nerve function in incomplete facial nerve palsy patients and produces satisfying cosmetic outcomes without malar muscle bulging, which often occurs in the turn-over technique.

      • The Oblique Collision of Elastic Sphere

        Aum, Ho-sung 선문대학교·중소기업기술지원연구소 1998 선문공대 연구/기술 논문집 Vol.3 No.1

        평면에 탄성을 가진 구가 비스듬히 충돌했을 경우 구의 운동에 대한 해가 제시되었다. 충돌체의 접촉면에서 생기는 변형을 해석하는데 Hertz이론이 사용되었다. 물체의 충돌시 접촉면에서 발생하는 탄성변형은 충돌체의 크기에 비해 매우 작으나 탄성체의 충돌해석에 중요한 역할을 담당하고 있다. 충돌체가 접촉하고 있는 동안 탄성력과 마찰력의 작용으로 접촉면 사이에서 생기는 미끄러짐(sliding)과 교착(stick)의 복잡한 변화가 발생하였다. 충돌후 구의 궤적은 두변수에 의해 좌우된다. 하나는 입사각이고 다른 하나는 평면과 충돌하는 구 사이의 마찰력이다. A solution is developed for the oblique collision of an elastic sphere on the plane. The Hertz theory is used for the analysis of deformation on the contact point of colliding bodies. Even though the elastic deformations that occur during the impact of colliding bodies is small in comparison to their actual dimensions, they play an important role in the elastic collisions. During the time the colliding bodies are in contact, elasticity and friction combine to produce a complex variation of sliding and stick throughout the contact surface. The trajectory of the sphere depends on the two parameters: one related to the angle of incident and the other to the friction between collidng sphere and flat plane.

      • KCI등재

        Race, Sex, and Black Homosexuality in James Baldwin’s Another Country

        ( Gidong Aum ) 미국소설학회 2020 미국소설 Vol.27 No.3

        James Baldwin’s Another Country (1962) shows the author’s most serious attempt to confront the problems of race and sexuality. Among many themes the novel engages concerning the issues of race, sexuality, homophobia, masculinity, identity, and love, the most significant is Baldwin’s representations of Rufus Scott, the black gay man, whose type has never appeared in his previous novels, nor perhaps in the works written by African American writers before Baldwin. In this essay, my primary concern is with the connection between Rufus and Baldwin, suggesting that Rufus is the figure for Baldwin’s self-representation, the figure for Baldwin’s revelation of his black homosexuality―a revelation which he has not been able to do in his previous novels. Focusing on this connection between the author and the character, I will explore the possibility of Another Country as being Baldwin’s personal declaration of independence―independence from the categories, labels, prejudices, and all sorts of socially constructed norms that have restricted his literary imagination as a black homosexual writer as well as his freedom to express his true individual self.

      • KCI등재

        Moxibustion for cognitive impairment: a systematic review and meta-analysis of animal studies

        Sungmin Aum,Seon Choe,Mudan Cai,정의민,이준환 한국한의학연구원 2021 Integrative Medicine Research Vol.10 No.2

        Background: Cognitive impairment is an age-dependent chronic disorder that exponentially worsens with age; however, its treatment is mostly symptomatic. Moxibustion is widely accepted in East Asia as a treatment for cognitive impairment. This systematic review aimed to verify the efficacy and underlying mechanism of moxibustion in treating cognitive impairment. Methods: Sixteen trials involving 324 animals obtained from MEDLINE (PubMed), EMBASE, the Cochrane library, the Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wan-Fang, Cqvip, the Korean Studies Information Service System, and the Oriental Medicine Advanced Searching Integrated System met the inclusion criteria. We extracted the results of behavioral tests and immunohistochemical biomarkers from the included articles and evaluated the risk of bias and reporting quality. Results: The moxibustion group showed significantly decreased escape latency, increased crossing times, and prolonged dwelling times in the Morris water maze test. There was a significantly enhanced latency period and reduced error time in the step-down test and nerve behavior score. The effects of moxibustion were found to be mediated by suppression of oxidative stress and apoptosis, modulation of inflammation and Aβ genesis activation of vascular endothelial growth factor, and adjustment of metabolites in the tricarboxylic acid cycle and fatty acid metabolism. Conclusion: Our results demonstrated the therapeutic efficacy of moxibustion on cognitive impairment and suggested the putative mechanism. However, considering the small number of included studies, high bias risk, low reporting quality, and the limitations of animal experimentation, our results need to be confirmed by more detailed studies.

      • 하이데거에 있어서 사물존재와 역사성

        엄필선 ( Aum Pil-sun ) 한국하이데거학회 2009 존재론 연구 Vol.19 No.-

        하이데거 전 사유과정에 걸쳐 제기된 사물존재에 대한 물음은 인간존재의 시 · 공간성과 존재의 시 · 공간성이 지닌 존재론적 의미와 연관되어 있으며, 이는 각각 인간존재의 역사성과 존재의 역사성으로 규정될 수 있다. 두 역사성에서는 존재론적 동일성과 차이성이 드러나는데, 그 중 동일성은 우리가 두 역사성을 사유함이 가능하도록 하지만, 차이성은 두 역사성을 구분된 가운데 이해하도록, 즉 다른 이해의 접근방식을 취하도록 한다. 하이데거 사유과정의 전개는 바로 이러한 두 역사성의 존재론적 동일성에 근거한 고찰인가 아니면 차이성에 근거한 고찰인가에 기인하고 있으며, 이에 따라 구분된다. 그런데 여기서 주목할 만한 것은, 사물존재에 대한 이해가 두 역사성에 대한 이해뿐 아니라 둘의 존재론적 차이성을 이해하는데 있어서 결정적 역할을 하고 있다는 것이다. 이는 사물존재에 대한 이해가 하이데거 사유의 핵심을 이해함에 있어서도 중요하지만, 사유전개과정을 이해함에 있어서 또한 중요함을 지적하고 있다. 그러나 지금까지 하이데거 사유의 해석 작업에서는 이 둘 모두가 간과되어왔다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 사유의 각 시기 속에서 사물존재가 어떻게 이해되는지, 이러한 이해가 사유의 전개와 어떠한 연관성을 지니는지 살펴봄을 일차적 과제로 삼고 있다. 그리고 사물존재에 대한 이해의 총체적 윤곽제시를 넘어, 이에 대한 이해에 의해 가능한 세계, 그것의 가능성을 조망해 보고자 한다. Die in Heideggers gesamten Denkweg aufgeworfenen Fragen zum Sein des Dings beziehen sich auf die Auslegung des Menschenseins und des Seins selbst in Hinsicht auf den ontologischen Sinn der Zeit- und Raumlichkeit. Diese Fragen gelten je als die Thematisierung der Geschichtlichkeit des Menschenseins und die der Geschichtlichkeit des Seins. Die Frage nach all diesen ist uberhaupt moglich aufgrund ihrer ontologischen Identitat. Dagegen sind die beiden Geschichtlichkeiten aufgrund ihrer ontologischen Differenz im Unterschied zu einander thematisiert zu werden und mit unterschiedlicher Herangehensweise. Die Entwicklungsgestalt von Heideggers Denkweg beruht gerade darauf, ob die Untersuchung auf der ontologischen Identitat dieser beiden Geschichtlichkeiten grundet oder auf ihrer ontologischen Differenz. Es ist bemerkenswert dabei, dass das Verstandnis des Dingseins nicht nur bei der Auffassung von beiden Geschichtlichkeiten uberhaupt, sondem sogar bei der Auffassung der ontologischen Differenz der beiden eine entscheidende Rolle spielt. Der daraus folgende Hinweis zeigt, wie das Verstandnis des Dingseins zum wichtigen Belang wird und welche wichtige Rolle dieses Verstandnis bei der Entwicklung Heideggers Denkwegs spielt. Die bisherige Interpretation vom Sein des Dings bei Heidegger hat allerdings dieses ubersehen. Ein Hauptziel dieser Arbeit besteht daher vor allem darin, das Verstandnis des Dingseins in jeder Denkphase und den Bezug zwischen diesem Verstandnis und der Entwicklung der Denkphasen darzustellen. Daruber hinaus wird aber auch hier ein anderes Ziel ins Auge gefasst, was und wie die Welt ist, und ob diese Welt moglich ware.

      • KCI등재

        탐정전공 교과과정 개선에 관한 연구: 미국 텍사스 사례를 중심으로

        엄유진 ( Aum Yoo Jin ),정재훈 ( Jung Jae Hoon ) 한국경찰학회 2021 한국경찰학회보 Vol.23 No.2

        In March 2020, the amendment of the 「The Use and Protection of Credit Information Act」 legalized the title ‘private investigator’ as well as profitmaking activities conducted under that name. Furthermore, the government and the National Assembly are engaged in an active discussion on legislations concerning the field of private investigation, and institutions for higher education are also offering courses on and major programs in private investigation; all of these are instantiations of the increased public interest in the private investigating profession. Yet, while the field of private investigation is expected to expand dramatically in a foreseeable future, colleges and universities offering and running major programs in private investigation are scarce. Existing programs’ emphases are more often laid on the theoretical rather than the practical, and their course offerings seldom take into consideration the needs and demands of practitioners in the field. In light of this worrying trend, this study introduces courses recognized by incumbent private investigators in Texas(USA) as requisite for a major program in private investigation and proposes measures for curricular revision for colleges and universities in Korea.

      • KCI우수등재SCOPUS

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