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        Trend of Fire Outbreaks in Ghana and Ways to Prevent These Incidents

        Addai, Emmanuel K.,Tulashie, Samuel K.,Annan, Joe-Steve,Yeboah, Isaac Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute 2016 Safety and health at work Vol.7 No.4

        Background: In Ghana, fire incidents have become a regular occurrence, with thousands of lives and millions of dollars lost every year. Hardly a day passes without news of a fire outbreak in some part of Ghana, causing fear and panic among the people. This generates much discussion centering on rumors relating to politics, sabotage, misfortune, religious differences, etc. This article seeks to discuss the trend of fire incidents occurring in Ghana from 2000 to 2013 and the different ways to prevent these incidents. Methods: The pattern of fire incidence in Ghana as a whole as well as in each region is discussed. The study took into consideration the causes, mechanisms, as well as preventive measures against the fire menace. Data were obtained from the head office of Ghana's national fire service. Results: It was noticed that in general the rate of fire incidence increased each year. This increase was attributed to several factors: rate of population growth and industrialization, unstable electricity, urbanization, negligence, illegal electrical connection, etc. The cause of fire was categorized into domestic, industrial, vehicular, institutional, electrical, commercial, bush, and others. Among these causes, domestic fire accounted for 41% of the total number of fire incidents in the country. Conclusion: Finally, this study presents several recommendations to help prevent and mitigate fire incidents in Ghana.

      • KCI등재후보

        Rheology of flocculated kaolinite dispersions

        J. Addai-Mensah,A.J. McFarlane,K. Bremmell 한국유변학회 2005 Korea-Australia rheology journal Vol.17 No.4

        Rheological characterisation of flocculated kaolinite pulps has been undertaken to elucidate particle interactions underpinning the dewatering behaviour induced by flocculation with polyethylene oxide (PEO), anionic polyacrylamide (PAM A) and their blends. Shear yield stress (y) analysis indicated that polymer mediated particle interactions were markedly amplified upon shear of PEO based pulps. In contrast, PAM A based pulps showed a significant decrease in yield values upon shear. Steady stress measurements analysed using a modified Ellis model indicated subtle differences between the respective linear viscoelastic plateaus of the pulps. Furthermore, modified shear thinning behaviour was evident in PEO based pulps. Estimation of elastic and viscous moduli (G', G'') was made using dynamic stress analysis for comparison with values determined from vane measurements. Despite a noticeable difference in the magnitude of G' between the two methods, similar trends indicating sheared PEO-based pulps to be more elastic than PAM based pulps, were observed. Floc microstructural observations obtained in support of rheological properties indicate that PEO flocculant induces significantly more compact particle aggregation within the clay pulps under shear consistent with the yield stress data, in contrast to PAM A, or indeed unsheared PEO based pulps. Consequentially, sheared PEO based pulps show significantly improved dewatering behaviour. The implications of the results, potential benefits and drawbacks of flocculation with PEO and PAM A are discussed with respect to improvements in current dewatering processes used in the minerals industry.

      • KCI등재

        Trend of Fire Outbreaks in Ghana and Ways to Prevent These Incidents

        Emmanuel K. Addai,Samuel K. Tulashie,Joe-Steve Annan,Isaac Yeboah 한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원 2016 Safety and health at work Vol.7 No.4

        Background: In Ghana, fire incidents have become a regular occurrence, with thousands of lives and millions of dollars lost every year. Hardly a day passes without news of a fire outbreak in some part of Ghana, causing fear and panic among the people. This generates much discussion centering on rumors relating to politics, sabotage, misfortune, religious differences, etc. This article seeks to discuss the trend of fire incidents occurring in Ghana from 2000 to 2013 and the different ways to prevent these incidents. Methods: The pattern of fire incidence in Ghana as a whole as well as in each region is discussed. The study took into consideration the causes, mechanisms, as well as preventive measures against the fire menace. Data were obtained from the head office of Ghana’s national fire service. Results: It was noticed that in general the rate of fire incidence increased each year. This increase was attributed to several factors: rate of population growth and industrialization, unstable electricity, urbanization, negligence, illegal electrical connection, etc. The cause of fire was categorized into domestic, industrial, vehicular, institutional, electrical, commercial, bush, and others. Among these causes, domestic fire accounted for 41% of the total number of fire incidents in the country. Conclusion: Finally, this study presents several recommendations to help prevent and mitigate fire incidents in Ghana.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A Call for Action to Improve Occupational Health and Safety in Ghana and a Critical Look at the Existing Legal Requirement and Legislation

        Annan, Joe-Steve,Addai, Emmanuel K.,Tulashie, Samuel K. Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute 2015 Safety and health at work Vol.6 No.2

        Occupational health and safety (OHS) is a broad field of professional practice, which involves specialists from different disciplines including but not limited to engineers, occupational health physicians, physical and biological scientists, economists, and statisticians. The preventive systems required to ensure workers are protected from injuries and illnesses dwell heavily on engineers; however, the extent to which the engineer can go regarding planning and implementing preventive measures is dependent on specific legal requirements, leadership commitment from the company, organization, and nation. The objective of this paper is to identify the areas of opportunities for improvements in OHS management in Ghana with regard to the nation's legal requirements, commitment of the Ghana government, and Ghanaian leadership as well as appropriate structuring of Ghanaian institutions responsible for monitoring and managing OHS in Ghana. This paper identified Ghana's fragmented legal requirements concerning OHS, which are under different jurisdictions with unclear responsibilities and accountabilities. The paper also highlights the training needs of Ghanaian academic institutions regarding OHS. Among other recommendations made including structuring of Ghanaian institutions to manage OHS in line with the ILO-OSH 2001, this paper aligns the recommendations with the articles and elements of International Labour Organization convention number 155 and OHSAS 18001 elements.


        Rheology of flocculated kaolinite dispersions

        McFarlane A.J.,Addai-Mensah J.,Bremmell K. The Korean Society of Rheology 2005 Korea-Australia rheology journal Vol.17 No.4

        Rheological characterisation of flocculated kaolinite pulps has been undertaken to elucidate particle interactions underpinning the dewatering behaviour induced by flocculation with polyethylene oxide (PEO), anionic polyacrylamide (PAM A) and their blends. Shear yield stress $(\tau_y)$ analysis indicated that polymer mediated particle interactions were markedly amplified upon shear of PEG based pulps. In contrast, PAM A based pulps showed a significant decrease in yield values upon shear. Steady stress measurements analysed using a modified Ellis model indicated subtle differences between the respective linear viscoelastic plateaus of the pulps. Furthermore, modified shear thinning behaviour was evident in PEG based pulps. Estimation of elastic and viscous moduli (G', G') was made using dynamic stress analysis for comparison with values determined from vane measurements. Despite a noticeable difference in the magnitude of G' between the two methods, similar trends indicating sheared PEG-based pulps to be more elastic than PAM based pulps, were observed. Floc microstructural observations obtained in support of rheological properties indicate that PEG flocculant induces significantly more compact particle aggregation within the clay pulps under shear consistent with the yield stress data, in contrast to PAM A, or indeed unsheared PEG based pulps. Consequentially, sheared PEG based pulps show significantly improved dewatering behaviour. The implications of the results, potential benefits and drawbacks of flocculation with PEG and PAM A are discussed with respect to improvements in current dewatering processes used in the minerals industry.

      • KCI등재

        A Call for Action to Improve Occupational Health and Safety in Ghana and a Critical Look at the Existing Legal Requirement and Legislation

        Joe-Steve Annan,Emmanuel K. Addai,Samuel K. Tulashie 한국산업안전보건공단 산업안전보건연구원 2015 Safety and health at work Vol.6 No.2

        Occupational health and safety (OHS) is a broad field of professional practice, which involves specialists from different disciplines including but not limited to engineers, occupational health physicians, physical and biological scientists, economists, and statisticians. The preventive systems required to ensure workers are protected from injuries and illnesses dwell heavily on engineers; however, the extent to which the engineer can go regarding planning and implementing preventive measures is dependent on specific legal requirements, leadership commitment from the company, organization, and nation. The objective of this paper is to identify the areas of opportunities for improvements in OHS management in Ghana with regard to the nation's legal requirements, commitment of the Ghana government, and Ghanaian leadership as well as appropriate structuring of Ghanaian institutions responsible for monitoring and managing OHS in Ghana. This paper identified Ghana's fragmented legal requirements concerning OHS, which are under different jurisdictions with unclear responsibilities and accountabilities. The paper also highlights the training needs of Ghanaian academic institutions regarding OHS. Among other recommendations made including structuring of Ghanaian institutions to manage OHS in line with the ILO-OSH 2001, this paper aligns the recommendations with the articles and elements of International Labour Organization convention number 155 and OHSAS 18001 elements.

      • KCI등재

        In Vitro Activity of Extract and Fractions of Natural Cocoa Powder on Plasmodium falciparum

        Seth K. Amponsah,Kwasi A. Bugyei,Dorcas Osei-Safo,F. Kwaku Addai,George Asare,Emmanuel Aheto Tsegah,Joseph Baah,Michael Ofori,Ben A. Gyan 한국식품영양과학회 2012 Journal of medicinal food Vol.15 No.5

        Several flavonoids isolated from certain plants have demonstrated antiplasmodial activity, after their initial indigenous use in malaria treatment. Cocoa has been found to be a rich food source of flavonoids in comparison with many common foods and beverages. The aim of this work was to investigate the in vitro activity of natural cocoa powder on the growth of Plasmodium falciparum. Prepared crude methanol extract was partitioned successively with petroleum ether, ethyl acetate,chloroform, and butanol. Total flavonoid concentration in the crude methanol extract and fractions was measured by the AlCl3colorimetric assay. Direct inhibitory activity of the natural cocoa powder was assessed by culturing extract and fractions with P. falciparum in vitro. Greater antiplasmodial activity was observed in nonpolar solvent fractions (chloroform, ethyl acetate, and petroleum ether) compared with polar solvents. The chloroform fraction was most active, with mean – SEM 50% and 90%inhibition concentrations of 48.3 – 0.9 and 417 – 7.8 lg/mL, respectively. The study showed a weak association between total flavonoid concentration and antiplasmodial activity. Early trophozoite (ring-stage) synchronized cultures treated with the chloroform fraction of natural cocoa powder showed a decline in growth. Further reduction in parasitemia was also observed for other erythrocytic stages. These results suggest that natural cocoa powder has measurable direct in vitro inhibitory effect on P. falciparum and support the anecdotal reports of its ability to prevent malaria as a result of regular intake as a beverage.

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