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      • KCI등재

        Voice Mismatch Meets Neurolinguistics

        Gui-Sun Moon,Sun-Woong Kim,Jeong-Ah Shin,Hae-Kyung Wee,Jong Un Park,Myung-Kwan Park,Wonil Chung 현대문법학회 2018 현대문법연구 Vol.99 No.-

        Gui-Sun Moon, Sun-Woong Kim, Jeong-Ah Shin, Hae-Kyung Wee, Jong Un Park, Myung-Kwan Park, and Wonil Chung. 2018. Voice Mismatch Meets Neurolinguistics. Studies in Modern Grammar 99, 85-115. This paper aims to investigate Korean advanced L2 English learners’ strategies for ellipsis resolution during sentence processing. Ellipsis resolution is known to involve several stages of information processing from the initial step of detecting an ellipsis-licensing element by the parser to the final stage of integrating the ellipsis site with the information retrieved from the antecedent of the ellipsis site. In examining these steps, we have manipulated three factors: (i) TP vs. VP-ellipsis; (ii) two types of discourse coherence relations (resemblance(-contrast) vs. cause-effect relations); (iii) voice match vs. mismatch. We found through the ERP recordings that voice mismatch in TP ellipsis elicited N400, followed by P600, irrespective of discourse coherence relations. In contrast, voice mismatch in VP-ellipsis registered N400 only in resemblance(-contrast) relation, but not in cause-effect relation. These findings lead us to conclude that Korean advanced L2 learners of English seem to undergo the full sequence of processing stages required for ellipsis resolution.

      • A survey of knowledge and behavior regarding skin cancer.

        ( Young Bin Shin ),( Jeong Won Jo ),( Hae Bong Jeong ),( Yun Sun Moon ),( Do Seon Jeong ),( Chi Yeon Kim ),( Tae Jin Yoon ) 대한피부과학회 2017 대한피부과학회 학술발표대회집 Vol.69 No.2

        Background: The recognition of prevention and early detection of skin cancer has been increased more than before. Although skin cancer is not rare, most patients are little known about general awareness of skin cancer. Objectives: In this study, we survey the awareness and knowledge of skin cancer and sun protection behavior among South-Gyeongnam province. Methods: We reviewed a written questionnaire and patients’ self-checked records including patients’ basic medical information and knowledge of skin cancer protective modalities. Results: In total 284 subjects (94.7%(284/300), 67%(190/284) females, mean age 57.4 years) completed the survey. Most people (77.5%, 220/284) knew that the sun was most dangerous for their skin but relatively large portion of them (42.7%, 94/220) had no action to protective attitude like sun screen, large hat and gloves. Conclusion: The results show that many participants had known necessity of skin cancer prevention and importance of early detection, but didn’t have had any protective action. Therefore, a more effective skin cancer education and prevention program is needed. We suggest that the measurement of effects of a multimodal educational intervention on knowledge of sun protection practices and engagement in self sun-protection behaviors also need to be check.

      • KCI등재후보

        2003년 국내 중증급성호흡기증후군 진료 현황 및 문제점 분석

        이진수,김은실,정문현,백제중,정선화,안주희,최영화,이선희,고철우,김성범,김민자,박승철,기현균,송재훈,최상호,김양수,이상오,조용균,박영훈,정숙인,김연숙,이흥범,손창희,장성희,정희진,김우주 대한감염학회 2004 감염과 화학요법 Vol.36 No.3

        목적 : 2002년 말 중국에서 SARS가 발생한 이후 국내에서도 2003년 10월까지 총 3명의 추정환자, 17명의 의심환자가 보고되었다. 향후 추가적인 SARS의 유행이 우려되는 상황에서, 그간의 SARS 환자 진료에 있어서의 실질적인 준비사항, 진료 현황 등에 대한 조사를 통해 문제점을 파악하여, 향후 더 나은 대비가 될 수 있도록 개선점을 제시하고자 하였다. 재료 및 방법 : SARS로 의심되는 환자를 진료 경험이 있는 병원의료진을 대상으로 2003년 10월에 설문조사를 실시하였다. 설문에는 SARS 환자 진료 시의 실질적인 조치, 진료 현황, 병실, 응급실 및 외래에서의 격리 시설과 준비사항, 보건당국의 관리와 지원에 관한 사항을 포함하였다. 결과 : 대상이 되는 22개 병원 중 17개(17/22, 77.2%) 병원이 설문에 응하였다. SARS 환자를 위한 격리실은 응급실, 외래, 일반병실 및 중환자실에서 각각 9개(9/17, 52.9%), 5개(5/17, 29.4%), 15개(15/16, 93.7%), 4개(4/16, 25%) 병원에서 음압처리가 되어있지 않은 일인실 혹은 다인실이 사용되었고, 1개(1/16, 6.3%) 병원에서만 일반병실에서 음압격리실이 운영되었다. 입원환자의 진찰 시 개인보호구의 착용은 거의 모든 의료기관에서 이루어졌다. 보건당국에서 SARS지정병원의 시설 등을 사전에 확인한 곳은 1곳(1/12, 8.3%)이였고, 14개 병원(14/15, 93.3%)에서는 보건당국에 의뢰한 검사결과를 통하 받지 못하였다. 결론 : 의료기관에서 SARS 환자용 격리실뿐만 아니라 기존의 격리실 설비 등이 미흡하였으며, 특히 중환자실 및 외래의 준비가 더욱 부족하였다. 보건당국의 의료기관에 대한 종합적인 지원이 부족하였고, 병원과의 원활한 연계가 잘 이루어지지 않았다. SARS 만이 아닌 격리를 필요로 하는 질환의 적절한 진료를 위해 향후 병원 시설의 정비와 정부차원에서의 보다 구체적이고 실질적인 대책마련이 필요하다. Background : There was an worldwide outbreak of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) originated from China in late 2002. During that period three cases of suspected SARS and 17 cases of probable SARS were reported in Korea. With the concerns about the reemergence of SARS-coV transmission, it is important to be prepared for any possibility. So, this study is aimed to analysis the past measures in managing SARS and propose the amendatory plans to improve the preparedness. Materials & Methods : Questionnaires were collected among clinicians with any experience in managing the probable or suspected SARS cases in Oct. 2003. 17 out of 22 hospitals responded to the questionnaire. The contents in the questionnaire were practical activities, personal equipments, response plans, isolation facilities in emergency centers, outpatient clinics, general wards and intensive care units, and relationship with the public health department. Results : The dedicated isolation rooms in emergency centers, outpatient clinics, general wards, and intensive care units were prepared in 9 (9/17, 52.9%), 5 (5/17, 29.4%), 15 (15/16, 93.7%), and 4 (4/16, 25.0%) hospitals, respectively. Except for one hospital that newly made negative pressure room for SARS, single or multi-bed rooms without airborne infection control were used in all the other hospitals. The personal precaution principles were kept quite well in general wards. Before the designation of SARS hospital by the public health department prior evalution to see if the hospital was suitable for managing SARS was conducted in only 1 (1/12, 8.3%) hospital. The results of laboratory diagnosis were reported back in 1 (1/15, 6.6%) hospital. Conclusions : The isolation facilities which can control airborne infection were almost deficient not only for SARS but also for other respiratory transmissible diseases. For the infection control of transmissible diseases including SARS, more investment is needed on medical facilities and comprehensive support from the public health department required.

      • KCI등재후보

        The level of urinary aflatoxin M1 in Korean adults

        Yong-Dae Kim1, Hyojin Kwon, Sun-In Moon, Sang-Yong Eom, Jung-Duk Park, Byung-Sun Choi, Seok-Joon Sohn, Young-Seoub Hong, Ho Kim, Ho-Jang Kwon, Ji-Ae Lim, Hae-Jung Yoon, Gwang-Jin Kim, Heon Kim 충북대학교 동물의학연구소 2012 Journal of Biomedical and Translational Research Vol.13 No.3

        Competitive ELISA methods were used to measure the level of aflatoxin M1 (AFM1) from urine in 1008 Korean adults. Subjects were selected by random sampling in all areas of Korea, except Cheju-do. The recovery rate of AFM1 using this method was 105% (73-124%). The geometric mean of urinary AFM1 in all subjects was 3.43 pg/mL (3.67 ng/g creatinine). The level of AFM1 in males was statistically higher, compared with female subjects. However, the levels of AFM1 did not differ according to age. Subjects in Chungbuk-do showed the highest urinary AFM1 concentration, whereas subjects in Kyeongnam-do showed the lowest concentration. Assuming an excretion rate of 5%, this AFM1 excretion corresponds to approximately 0.1 microgram/day in Korean adults.

      • KCI등재

        셀레나이트로 유도되는 백내장에서 선삼 성분에 따른 백내장 억제효과의 비교 분석

        이상목,정문선,정진호,김미금,위원량,박정일,이진학,Sang Mok Lee,MD,Jung Moon Sun,MD,Jin Ho Jeong,MD,Mee Kum Kim,MD,Won Ryang Wee,MD,Jeong Hill Park,PhD,Jin Hak Lee,MD 대한안과학회 2010 대한안과학회지 Vol.51 No.5

        Purpose: To compare the protective effects of saponin and non-saponin Sun-ginseng extract fractions in a selenite-induced rat cataract model. Methods: A total of 101 Sprague-Dawley rat pups were divided into four groups by treatment: Sun-ginseng, saponin fraction, non-saponin fraction, and control. For induction of cataracts, sodium selenite 15 nmol/g was injected subcutaneously in 13 day-old rat pups. Sun-ginseng extract 100 μg/g (Group I, Ginseng Science, Seoul, Korea), saponin fraction 100 μg/g (Group II), non-saponin fraction 100 μg/g (Group III), and phosphate buffered saline (Control group) were injected intraperitoneally every two days for a total of seven injections. The rats were sacrified and their lenses were dissected and photographed at day 7 and 14, and the cataracts were graded according to the ratio of the cataract area to the total lens area. The blind method was used for the evaluation of the cataract area. Results: At day 14, cataract formation rates (CFR) were 33.3% in group I, 76.4% in group II, 41.2% in group III, and 77.7% in the control group. The mean cataract area (MCA) was 13.4±20.8% in group I, 14.4±11.7% in group II, 5.7±7.7% in group III, and 15.8±12.1% in the control group. Group III showed statistically significant results compared with those of control group (CFR p=0.001, MCA p=0.001). We observed significantly lower incidence and smaller mean cataract area in Group I and Group III at day 7 compared with the control group (Group I, CFR p=0.018; Group III, CFR p=0.032, MCA p=0.005). Conclusions: The protective effects of Sun-ginseng extract are caused by the components in the non-saponin fraction, not by those in the saponin fraction, in a selenite-induced cataract rat model. J Korean Ophthalmol Soc 2010;51(5):733-739

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        백서에서 Depulpin®과 Formocresol에 대한 치수와 치근단 조직의 반응

        문형인,김선호,황윤찬,오병주,황인남,김선헌,정선와,윤창,오원만 大韓齒科保存學會 2002 Restorative Dentistry & Endodontics Vol.27 No.4

        One fifth dilution of formocresol is usually for pulpotomy of the primary teeth and emergency pulpotomy of the permanent teeth. However, the use of formaldehyde has been subjected to criticism because it may be absorbed into the blood stream and become distributed systemically, it may also alter the pulp tissue rendering it immumologically active, and have carcinogenic potential. Recently Depulpin®(VoCo., Germany) gains popularity as a devitalizing agent during root canal therapy in spite of high concentration of 49% paraformaldehyde because it facilitate devitalization of pulp and make root canal therapy easier. But there have been not enough publications about the reaction of pulp and periapical tissue caused by Depulpin. This study was performed to evaluate the histological changes in pulp and periapical tissue of rats after pulpotomy using formocresol and Depulpin and to elucidate the toxic effects of these agents. Thirty six Sprague-Dawley rats were anesthetized by intraperitoneal injection of ketamine. Maxillary first molar teeth were used for pulpotomy with formocresol and Depulpin. Rats were sacrificed after 2 days, 4 days, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks and 4 weeks respectively. Specimens were histologically observed by light microscope changes in pulp and periapical tissue. The obtained results were as follows. 1. Formocresol group A zone of fixed tissue, in which odontoblasts could clearly be defined, was present directly underneath the pulpotomy dressing in almost all teeth of this group. This was followed by an area of necrotic tissue which resembled dried out fibrous tissue with no cellular detail except some pyknotic nuclei. In the specimens of after 2 days, 4 days, 1 week, 2 weeks in which vital tissue was present. it was separated from the fibrous area by a zone of inflammation. In the specimens of after 3 weeks and after 4 weeks, inflammatory infiltrate was in the periodontal ligament adjacent to the apical foramina of the teeth. 2. Depulpin® group The area of necrotic tissue which had no cells and fibers , was present adjacent to the dressing. This was followed by dried out fibrous tissue with no cellular details except some pyknotic nucleli. A short stump of vital pulp with odontoblasts was present at the end of the canal after 2 days. Inflammatory infiltrate was in the periodontal ligament after 4 days and after 1week. Severe root resorption and necrosis of periapical tissue opposite the root resorption site were defined after 2 weeks and after 3 weeks. Periapical lesion which consist of necrotic tissue surrounded by a fibrous connective wall. was found after 4 weeks. The results indicated that Depulpin can cause more adverse reaction to the dental pulp and periapical tissue than formocresol, and further studies are needed for its clinical use with safety.

      • 서울의 PPNG 발생 빈도(1991-1992)

        김재홍,윤기범,박평원,김영진,전경민,김영태,김중환,곽호,구상완,송민석,유옥,지혜구,김동원,문상은,박영립,정승호,성범진,성순제,엄주용,황정열,이기홍,이주협,전태진 대한화학요법학회 1994 대한화학요법학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        The prevalence of PPNG among pretreated gonorrhea cases isolated at the STD clinic of Choong-Ku Public Health Center in Seoul has been studied and reported annually since 1981. In 1991, 123 strains of N.gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 58(47.1%) were PPNG. In 1992, 98 starains of N.gonorrhoeae were isolated, among which 51(52.0%) were PPNG. In all, 109(49.3%) strains were found to be PPNG among 221 strains isolated between 1991-1992. The prevalence of PPNG in Seoul showed increased tendency till 1989, thereafter, it has been stationary or slightly decreasing.

      • 간세포암과 감별이 어려웠던 악성중피종 치험 1예

        김선문,허원석,채경훈,강윤세,정재훈,김연수,박기오,문희석,이엄석,김석현,성재규,이병석,이헌영,신경숙,조준식,송인상,강대영 충남대학교 의학연구소 2003 충남의대잡지 Vol.30 No.2

        Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma is a rare neoplasm that arises from the mesothelium of a serosal cavity and is a rapidly fatal disease with a median survival of 4 to 12 months for untreated cases. Recently, we experienced a case with malignant peritoneal mesothelioma who was suspected hepatocelluar carcioma by abdominal CT scan and was confirmed by biopsy including immunohistochemical stain(calretinin) after surgery. We performed tumor excisions and wedge resection of the liver(segment Ⅷ)and inserted Tencoff catheter in abdominal cavity at 25th day of post-operation. We treated with intraperitoneal paclitaxel(25mg/m^(2)/day for 5 days) six courses monthly. She was well tolerable and is still living without any evidence of recurrence for 14th month of post-operation.

      • 랫드에서 인체 재조합 적혈구 조혈인자, rHuEPO의 13주 정맥투여 아만성독성에 관한 연구

        김형식,곽승준,천선아,박현선,한하수,임소영,안미영,김원배,김병문,안병옥,홍성렬,이병무 성균관대학교 약학연구소 1998 成均藥硏論文集 Vol.10 No.1

        A recombinant human erythropoietin (rHuEPO) was administered intravenously at dosage levels of 0, 100, 500, and 2500 IU/㎏/day for a period of 13 weeks. There were no observed clinical signs and deaths related to treatment in all groups tested. Decreases in body weight gain and food consumption were observed only in males of 2,500 IU/㎏ group after 2 weeks. In hematological parameters, erythrocyte content, hematocrit values and hemoglobin concentration were dose-dependently increased in rHuEPO treated groups. The ratio between kidney weight and whole body weight was significantly increased in females of 500 and 2,500 IU/㎏ groups. The spleen weight was also increased in both sexes of 500 and 2,500 IU/㎏ groups. However, the absolute weight change of other organs was not observed. In histopathological examinations, the renal tubular basophilia was observed only in males and females of 2,500 IU/㎏ groups. From these results, it is concluded that the no-observed adverse effect level(NOAEL) of rHuEPO is 100 IU/㎏ in rats in the present study.

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