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      • KCI등재

        Studies on the Surface Charge Characteristics and Some Physico-Chemical Properties of two Synthetic Iron Hydrous Oxides and one Aluminum Hydroxide Minerals

        임수길,Lim, Sookil H. 한국토양비료학회 1984 한국토양비료학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        수산화철 및 알루미늄 광물을 함유하는 토양의 물리화학적 및 표면 전하의 특성을 보다 정확히 이해하기 위하여 $FeCl_3$와 $AlCl_3$ 용액으로부터 두 종류의 수산화철광물(A와 B) 및 수산화알루미늄 광물을 합성하였다. X-ray 회절분석에 의하여 수산화철 A광물은 무정형, B광물은 다량의 무정형과 함께 goethite광물이 존재하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. $105^{\circ}C$에서 건조한 결과 A광물은 소량의 무정형과 함께 akaganeite 광물, B광물은 순수 goethite로 변하였다. 한편 합성된 수산화알루미늄 광물은 gibbsite와 bayerite 광물이 약 7:3의 비율로 혼합된 것으로 밝혀졌다. 유리 또는 무정형의 철과 알루미늄을 선택적으로 용출하는 것으로 알려진 dithionite와 oxalate용액을 이용하여 이들 수산화물을 세척한 결과 dithionite가 철 용출력은 가장 강했으나 oxalate에 의한 알루미늄 용출만이 수산화알루미늄 광물중의 무정형 광물 함량을 감소하고 결정성 광물의 결정도를 높였다. 타 광물과 달리 수산화철 A광물에서 dithioite에 의한 철의 용출이 가장 많았으나 냉동건조를 제외한 건조($105^{\circ}C$의 열건조 및 $P_2O_5$ 건조)에 의하며 그 용출량이 급격히 감소하였다. 수산화철 A광물의 표면적이 가장 컸으며 역시 냉동 건조를 제외한 건조처리에 의하여 그 표면적이 현저히 감소하였고, 이들 광물중의 점토($2{\mu}m$이하)함량도 표면적의 변하와 같은 경향을 보였다. 또한 표면 전하의 절대량 발달도 수산화철 A광물이 가장 컸으며 이들 광물들의 등전점은 각각 수산화철 A광물이 8.0-8.5사이, B광물이 7.5-8.0사이로써 높았고 수산화알루미늄 광물이 5.5-6.0 사이로써 낮았다. Two Fe-hydrous oxide A,B and one Al-hydroxide minerals were synthesized precipitating Fe $Cl_3$ and $AlCl_3$ with alkali solution(NaOH) at pH 6.0, 12.0 and 4.5 respectively, for precise understanding of physico-chemical and surface charge characteristics of soils in which these minerals are dominant. Identification of these final products, effect of free and amorphous materials on X-ray diffraction analysis, particle size distribution and surface change characterics of these minerals were performed. Fe-hydroxide A and B were identified as great deal of X-ray amorphous material and as goethite with large amount of X-ray amorphous material, respectively. Dehydration by oven at $105^{\circ}C$ of these minerals exhibited akaganeite peaks with low X-ray amorphous hump and pure goethite peaks for Fe-hydroxide A and B, respectively. Both minerals, however, turned into hematite upon firing at $550^{\circ}C$. On the other hand, Al-hydroxide identified as mixture of gibbsite and bayerite of around 7:3 ratio. Application of sodium dithionite and ammonium oxalate solutions for removal of free or amorphous Fe and Al from these minerals revealed that only peak intensities of Al-hydroxide system were enhanced upon Al-extraction by oxalate solution even though dithionite solution was much powerful to extract Fe from Fe-hydrous oxide systems. Original(wet) Fe-hydrous oxide A has the highest specific surface and surface charge development(negative and positive), and the greatest amount of less than $2{\mu}m$ sized particles. Specific surface and clay sized particles(less than $2{\mu}m$) of Fe-hydrous oxide A, however, were drastically reduced upon dehydration($P_2O_5$ and oven drying) compare to the rest minerals. The Z.P.C. of these synthetic minerals were 8.0-8.5, 7.5-8.0 and 5.5-6.0 for Fe-hydrous oxide A, B and Al-hydroxide, respectively.

      • Arrhenius 이론을 이용한 여러 반응계의 활성화에너지의 측정과 화학실험지도에의 적용

        김기융,임수길 仁川敎育大學校 1988 論文集 Vol.22 No.2

        Temperature dependence of rate constant for various reaction species has been investigated. Applying it to the Arrhenius equation, I measured activation energy. Reaction species which appeared clear in color change are selected. The reaction with high activation energy is more greatly dependent upon temperature than low one. The concentration of 0.025M NaHSO₃ and 0.010M KIO₃ is considered as appropriate one to the student experiment.

      • 대기중의 염소이온의 측정 및 교육적인 대기오염 자료개발에 관한 연구

        김기융,임수길 仁川敎育大學校 1990 論文集 Vol.24 No.2

        The aims of this study is to develope a method for the determination of Cl in ambient air utilizing spectrophotometric method and ion chromatography. The absorbing solution was selected 0.001M NaOH aqueous solution. Ambient air was passed to 0.001M NaOH solution through fritted glass bubbler by the flow rate of 0.2ℓ/min for 24 hrs. The determination of Cl was two method, spectrophotometric method and ion chromatography method. The results were reasonably good agreement with those obtained by the two method within a relative error of 3%. This method will be available to the student experiment.

      • KCI등재

        토양중 비소(砒素)의 행동과 수도(水稻)의 비소흡수에 의한 피해 생리 , 생태에 관한 연구 : Ⅰ. 토양중 비소(砒素)의 형태와 현미중 비소함량과의 관계

        임수길,김복영,이민효 한국환경농학회 1986 한국환경농학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        砒素鑛山 및 製鍊所 隣近畓에서 收穫期에 土壤과 正租를 同時에 採取하여 土壤中 砒素를 水容態As, Al態As, Fe態 As, Ca態As, 殘餘態As로 分別分析하고 이들 形態別 As와 土壤特性 및 1N HCl可溶性 As含量과의 關係와 砒素形態別 含量 및 1N HCl可溶性含量과 玄米中 As含量과의 關係를 調査한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 形態別 As分布比는 土壤特性에 따라 次異가 甚하였으며, 無機態 As의 分布는 鑛山 및 製鍊所 두지역 모두 Fe態As>Al態As>Ca態As>水溶性As의 順이었고 殘餘態As(有機態As+不溶態As)는 鑛山地域이 製鍊所地域보다 월등히 높았다. 2. pH가 높은 土壤일수록 두地域 모두 Al態As 및 Fe態As는 減少하나 Ca態As 및 殘餘態As는 增加하는 傾向이며, 有機物 含量과 이들 地域의 形態別 As分布와의 관계는 뚜렷한 傾向이 없었고 C.E.C가 높은 土壤일수록 Al態As는 減少하나 그外 形態의 As는 增加하는 傾向임. 3. 土壤中 活性 알루미늄 및 鐵含量과 置換性 칼슘含量은 土壤中 Al-As, Fe-As, 및 Ca-As分布比와 各各正의 相關을 나타내었으며 이들간의 相關은 鑛山地域이 製鍊所地域보다 높았다. 4. 水溶性 砒素를 除外한 土壤中 砒素形間에는 서로 높은 正의 相關이 있었고 砒素形態와 1N-HCl 浸出法間에도 같은 傾向이었다. 5. 玄米中 砒素含量은 Al態As含量과 가장 높은 相關을 나타내었으며 Fe態As 및 Ca態As와 Total As 및 1N HCl 可溶性 As含量과도 有意性 있는 正의 相關을 나타내었다. This study was carried out to investigate the distribution of arsenic (As) fractions in paddy soils in relation to some soil characteristics and to find out the relationship between As fractions in soil and As content in brown rice. Soils and rice samples were collected from paddy field adjacent to arsenic mining and refinery sites. Sequential extraction procedures were used to fractionate As in soils into the designated forms of water soluble-As, Al-As, Fe-As, Ca-As, and residual-As. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The percent distribution of As fractions in soil showed a wide difference depending on some soil properties. The relative abundance of the extractable inorganic As fractions was in the order of Fe-As>Al-As>Ca-As>Water soluble-As regardless of mining and refinery sites. Residual-As fraction was more abundant in mining site than in refinery site. 2. With increasing soil pH, the percent distribution of Fe-As and Al-As fractions were decreased, but that of Ca-As and Residual-As fractions increased. The percent distribution of Al-As fraction in soil was negatively correlated with soil CEC, but others showed positive relationships. 3. Active A1 and Fe content, and exchangeable Ca content in soil were positively correlated with the percent distribution of Al-As, Fe-As, and Ca-As fractions in soil respectively, and higher correlation between them was shown in mining site than in refinery site. 4. Soil As fractions, except for water soluble-As, showed significant correlation with among each others and also with 1N HCl extration method using as the common soil As extractant

      • 重金屬 이온들에 대한 계통적 간이 정성분석법

        김기융,임수길 仁川敎育大學校 1989 論文集 Vol.23 No.1

        This paper is a qualitative analysis scheme for Hg(Ⅰ), Hg(Ⅱ), Pb(Ⅱ), Cr(Ⅲ), Cu(Ⅱ), Cd(Ⅱ). This procedure can be completed in one laboratory period after the student in familiar with the separations and tests. The tests involve precipitation, evolution of a gas, and complex ion formation. A knowledge of organic chemistry is not required. In recent years qualitative analysis has declined in popularity because other topics are considered to be more important. But experience in solving practical problems as consultants has indicated that some knowledge of qualitative analysis is immensely beneficial. This is an attempt to teach some relevant chemistry, provide some practical knowledge of handling solutions and chemicals, and yet not take up a major portion of an undergraduate laboratory course. The elements involved are all of current environmental concern so student interest is maintained.

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