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      • KCI등재

        다중 신경망을 이용한 인식단위 결합 기반의 인쇄체 문자인식

        임길택,김호연,남윤석,Lim, Kil-Taek,Kim, Ho-Yon,Nam, Yun-Seok 한국정보처리학회 2003 정보처리학회논문지B Vol.10 No.7

        본 논문에서는 다중 신경망을 이용한 인식단위 결합 기반의 인쇄체 문자인식 방법을 제안한다. 입력 문자영상은 한글 문자 형식 6가지와 한글 이외의 기타 문자 형식의 전체 7가지 형식으로 분류되어 인식된다. 한글 문자는 2단계의 MLP 신경망 인식기에 의해 인식된다. 첫째 단계에서는 한글 문자를 자소의 조합 형태에 따라 2개 또는 3개의 인식단위로 나누고, 각 인식단위에서 추출된 방향각도 특징 벡터를 입력으로 하는 MLP 신경망으로 1차 인식한다. 둘째 단계에서는 첫째 단계의 인식단위별 MLP 신경망 인식기의 인식양상 특징을 추출하고 다른 MLP 신경망에 입력하여 최종 한글 문자인식을 한다. 한글 이외의 기타 문자의 인식을 위해서는 단일 MLP 신경망을 사용한다. 인식 실험에서는 실제 우편물 50,000통 영상으로부터 추출한 문자영상 데이터베이스를 이용하였는데, 실험 결과 본 논문에서 제안한 방법이 매우 우수함을 알 수 있었다. In this Paper. we propose a recognition method of machine printed characters based on the combination of recognition units using multiple neural networks. In our recognition method, the input character is classified into one of 7 character types among which the first 6 types are for Hangul character and the last type is for non-Hangul characters. Hangul characters are recognized by several MLP (multilayer perceptron) neural networks through two stages. In the first stage, we divide Hangul character image into two or three recognition units (HRU : Hangul recognition unit) according to the combination fashion of graphemes. Each recognition unit composed of one or two graphemes is recognized by an MLP neural network with an input feature vector of pixel direction angles. In the second stage, the recognition aspect features of the HRU MLP recognizers in the first stage are extracted and forwarded to a subsequent MLP by which final recognition result is obtained. For the recognition of non-Hangul characters, a single MLP is employed. The recognition experiments had been performed on the character image database collected from 50,000 real letter envelope images. The experimental results have demonstrated the superiority of the proposed method.

      • KCI등재

        필기체 숫자의 인식과 비숫자의 기각을 위한 MLP 신경망의 구현 방법에 관한 연구

        임길택,Lim Kil-Taek 한국정보통신학회 2005 한국정보통신학회논문지 Vol.9 No.7

        본 논문은 MLP (multilayer perceptrons) 신경망을 이용하여 필기체 妾자와 비숫자를 인식하거나 기각할 경우의 MLP 구현 방법에 관한 것이다. MLP는 인식률 및 속도, 메모리 요구량 등에 있어서 필기체 숫자인식에 매우 효율적인 인식기로 알려져 있다. 그러나 기존 연구에서의 MLP는 숫자 입력에 대해서의 인식에만 초점이 맞춰져 있으며 비숫자 입력 경우의 인식률, 기각률 및 동작 특성에 대해서는 연구된 바가 거의 없다. 본 논문에서는 숫자와 비숫자가 혼재하는 경우의 MLP 인식기의 구현방법에 대해서 논한다. MLP 인식기는 세 가지 방법으로 구현되며, 세 가지의 오류유형을 정의하여 각 인식 방법의 인식 특성을 분석하였다. 인식 실험은 66,705자의 필기체 숫자와 비숫자를 이용하여 이루어지며, 세가지 오류유형의 측면에서 숫자와 비숫자에 대한 가장 적절한 인식 방법이 논의된다. This Paper describes the implementation methods of MLP (mulilayer perceptrons) neural networks to recognize or reject handwritten numerals and non-nummerals. The MLP has known to be a very efficient classifier to recognize handwritten numerals in terms of recognition accuracy, speed, and memory requirements. In the previous researches, however, researchers have focused on the only numeral inputs and have not payed attention to the non-numeral inputs with respect to recognition accuracy, rejection rates, and other characteristics. In this paper, we present some implementation methods of the MLP in the environments that numeral and non-numerals are mixed. The MLPs have been developed by three methods, and investigated with three error types introduced. The experiments have been conducted on a total of 66,701 images of numerals and non-numerals. The promising method to recognize numerals and reject non-numerals has been described in terms of the three error types.

      • KCI등재

        문자형식 분류 기반의 인쇄체 문자인식에 관한 연구

        林吉澤,金湖然 대한전자공학회 2003 電子工學會論文誌-CI (Computer and Information) Vol.40 No.9

        In this paper, we propose machine printed character recognition methods which utilize the character type information and divide the character clusters. The characters are subdivided into a total of seven types, of which six types are for Hangul according to the grapheme combination fashions and one type for English characters, numerals, and symbols. According to the character type, we separate input character image into several recognition units and recognize them by using the direction angle feature. The recognition for each character type is completed by combining recognition units which are recognized by neural networks respectively. For combining a total of seven character recognizers, we implemented seven methods such as switching method, integrating method, and their several variants. As experimental results, we obtained 98.2% recognition rate of simple switching method, 90.54% of integrating one, and between 97.35% and 98.65% of five variants. 본 논문에서는 문자의 형식정보를 이용하여 인식대상 문자군을 분할하여 인쇄체 문자를 인식하는 방법을 제안한다. 인식대상 문자를 전체 7개의 형식으로 나누는데, 한글 문자의 경우 자소 조합 방식에 따라 6개의 형식으로 분류하며, 영숫자 및 기호 문자의 경우 1개의 형식으로 분류한다. 각 문자형식에 따라 입력 문자영상을 몇 개의 인식단위로 나누고, 이에 대한 방향각도 특징을 추출하여 신경망 인식기에 입력하여 인식한 후 인식된 각 인식단위를 조합하여 문자인식을 한다. 각각 구현된 7가지 형식별 문자인식기를 단순 스위칭 및 통합 방법과 두 방법의 변형 방법 등 7가지의 방법으로 결합하여 최종 문자인식을 하였다. 실험 결과, 단순 스위칭 방법은 98.62%, 단순 통합 방법은 90.54%, 나머지 5가지의 변형 방법들이 97.35%에서 98.65%의 인식 성능을 보였다.

      • 필기체 주소인식을 위한 MLP 기반 숫자인식기의 구현 방법

        임길택 慶州大學校 2005 論文集 Vol.18 No.2

        In the past several decades, a wide variety of research works have been conducted to develop the classification system of handwritten numerals. Most of them assumed that input characters are all valid numerals and did not give much attention to non-numeral inputs. If a numeral classifier constructed on only numeral data set is utilized for address recognition, we cannot expect what the result is when it tries to recognize non-numeral inputs. To build address recognition system for a Korean letter envelope, the designer should consider various kinds of inputs such as English characters, Chinese characters, Korean characters, and mis-segmented characters resulted from erroneous character segmentation process. In this paper, we investigate the properties of neural network based numeral classifiers to be used for Korean address recognition. Three types of errors are newly defined to inspect the characteristics of classifiers. Utilizing those error types, we present a promising neural network based method for the numeral classification.

      • PCA와 RBF 특징벡터의 패턴 분류 성능 비교

        임길택 경주대학교 정보전자기술연구소 2006 情報電子技術論叢 Vol.5 No.-

        In this paper, we have investigated the pattern classification performance of two feature vectors, PCA and RBF which have been frequently utilized for the classification of image patterns. The patterns considered were handwritten numeral images. We first have extracted direction angle vectors from image patterns. Then, PCA and RBF feature vectors have been obtained from those direction an인e vectors. The discrimination capability of two feature vectors has been analyzed in terms of the class separability measure Q which was defined in this paper. The class separability Q is obtained by calculating two kinds of distances, average pattern distance in the same class and average class distance between classes. Another measure for the feature vector's discrimination capability is based on the recognition rates of two classifiers, Bayes classifier and LMSE classifier. Experiments had been conducted on the handwritten numeral image database collected by Concordia university in Canada.

      • 효율적인 영상 이진화를 위한 적응적 Water Flow Model에 관한 연구

        임길택,오현화 경주대학교 정보전자기술연구소 2004 情報電子技術論叢 Vol.3 No.-

        In this paper, we propose an improved method to overcome the drawbacks of the existing water flow model based method for document image binarization. The proposed method defines the region of interest (ROI) around character areas to restrict rainfall onto the terrain surface. The amount of water required to fill a local valley is automatically determined according to the properties of the valley, thereby eliminating an iterative rainfall procedure which is very time consuming process in the existing method. Finally, to threshold the amount of water filled, a local adaptive method is applied to each pond. In the experiments on three document images, the proposed method showed better performances than the existing water flow model based method in terms of both quality and speed.

      • 인쇄체 한글인식을 위한 MLP인식기의 인식결과 재추정 : Softmax 타당성 연구

        임길택,김기석 경주대학교 정보전자기술연구소 2007 情報電子技術論叢 Vol.6 No.-

        In this paper, we have studied on the feasibility of softmax method for MLP classifier which had been developed for the recognition of Type 1 machine printed Hangul character. When an MLP has been employed as a classifier, the softmax method has well known to be a proper method to obtain class a posteriori probability of the input character class. The recognition of postal address images is indispensable for the automatic sorting of postal envelopes. The process of the address image recognition is composed of three steps; address image preprocessing, character recognition, and finally address interpretation. The last address interpretation step is highly influenced by individual character recognition characteristics. For better envelope sorting rate, the character classifier should produce and forward proper results to the address interpretor. We have tested softmax and original method for reestimation of MLP classifier output values. To find out which method is more proper, we have utilized the character images of the real postal envelopes from the sorters in the post office. Through the experiments, we have seen that the original method produces better outputs for the address interpretor in terms of error and rejection for individual characters and non-characters.

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