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      • KCI등재

        日帝 强占期 金玉均 推仰과 偉人敎育

        金泰雄(Kim Tea-Woong) 역사교육연구회 2000 역사교육 Vol.74 No.-

        This paper intends to analyze the campaign for respecting Kim, Ok-kyun(金玉均) and the historical figures teaching during the Japanese colonial rule period. These activities show the perfect type of the historical figure whom leaders in modern Korean society, especially intellectuals involved in educational policy making, regarded as "the great man" at that time. The main bodies of these activities are the moderate nationalists who intended to realize the independence under the name of power establishment movement and Asianists who contended that Japan, Korea and China unite under the hegemony of the Japanese Empire reign. The former justified the westernization and the power establishment movement by regarding Kim, Ok-kyun as the pioneer of modernization, the latter beatified the invasion and rule of Japanese imperialists by regarding him as the hero who had made a martyr of oneself to maintain peace of East Asia. And they published the most of newspapers, magazines, novels and biographies to accomplish these objects. But this campaign was based on the heroism and elitism. As a result, some of people began considering Kim, Ok-kyun a pioneer, not a traitor. Furthermore, by making the Korean people consider him one of main Asianists, Japanese imperialists intended to set them on a war footing. After the Liberation, as the westernization was still the supreme goal in our society, Kim, Ok-kyun also was regarded as the great pioneer and patriot, not the pro-Japanese. Nowadays the understanding of Kim, Ok-kyun is based on the veneration of the moderate nationalists. But my point is not whether Kim, Ok-kyun is pro-Japanese or patriot, but relation between his life and our modern times. Namely, when we write the biography of a great mind or explain the life of a great man as history education scholars and history teachers, we need reconsider several factors that have obstructed our understanding of historical figures. Therefore, we need grade character on the historical conditions and the moral standards, not on the sectarian prejudice. Also we need participate in popular education and work out a teaching method when we consider the biographies of a great mind the desirable books for the mass.

      • KCI등재

        1920ㆍ30년대 한국인 대중의 華僑 認識과 國內 民族主義 系列 知識人의 내면세계

        金泰雄(Kim Tae-Woong) 歷史敎育硏究會 2009 역사교육 Vol.112 No.-

        Eastern Asia was a unique area where human migration did not take place in particular before the modern age. Especially in the case of Korea and Japan, long-term residence were not permitted for a long time since the Korean and Japanese showed sensitive reactions to the introduction of foreign culture. But after the opening of ports, they were compelled to accept not only the western civilization and the circumference culture but also their economic permeations. In particular, the Koreans had to accept the immigrations of foreigners and emigrations to the other countries such as Imperial Japan as their country had lost his sovereignty. Therefore, they had to accept the immigration of overseas Chinese laborers which brought the Korean labor market to a crisis. The so-called ‘Wanpaoshan(萬寶山) Incident’ in 1931 developed this crisis into national conflicts between the Koreans and Chinese accelerated by the conspiracy of Imperial Japan. The inner world of nationalist intellectuals in Korea who observed this situation was various and complicated. An Jae-Hong(安在鴻), the president of Choseonilbo(朝鮮日報), thought that the co-operation between the domestic Korean laborers and the Korean peasants in Manchuria was essential to solve this problem and emphasized the weak Koreans’ right to live. Yoon Chi-Ho(尹致昊) thought the so-called Manchurian invasion of Imperial Japan was essential to protect the lives of Korean peasants and promote penetration of Korean Capitalists in Manchuria. Kim Dong-In(金東仁) wrote a novel which justified the Manchurian invasion of Imperial Japan under the pretext of naive nationalism. In short, we found that the desire and demand of Imperial Japan and Japanese capitalist promoted conflicts between Korean and Chinese, and recognized that each intellectual had different and complicated inner world according to their ideological base and interests.

      • KCI등재

        朝鮮後期 監營 財政體系의 成立과 變化 : 全羅監營 財政을 중심으로

        金泰雄(Kim Tae-Woong) 역사교육연구회 2004 역사교육 Vol.89 No.-

        This paper aims to make clear the establishment and the change of financial system on the Provincial Government in the Late Chosun Dynasty. Chosun government endeavored to enforce the centralizing system rebuilding the ruined society after two wars. One of these efforts was to fix the seat of provincial government. In the result, the goverment realized the fixation of provincial government with the enactment of Uniform Land Tax Law(大同法). Especially, Jeonra Government was fastest among three south provincial governments to fix the seat of oneself. Because Jeonra province possessed the richest funds in the contry. Also the central government apportioned the expenses(營需) to the provincial governments. Therefore, the provincial governments had to manage the finance within the limit of 1,350 seok(石). But this establishment of financial system on the provincial government conceived the new problems. The most important problem originated from the characteristics of financial system made to attain self-sufficiency. Therefore, as the centralizing system developed more, the quantity of expenditure on the provincial government was more, in spite of the rule of central government. For instance, Jeonra Government adopted the grain loan system(Whan-gok system, 還穀制度) and utilized the interest of the grain loan as a supplement of it"s revenue. Also though the quantity of tax was very little, it collected the commercial tax, namely the market tax(場稅), the inlet tax(浦口稅) and so on. So to speak, Jeonra Government managed the provincial finance on the ground of grain loan system, not of the compulsory labor and the tribute. Furthermore, this management caused a severely heavy burden of the peasants and the local government. The crisis of local finance in the last stage of chosun dynasty was related with the financial management of provincial government after all. Therefore, the central government had to reform the finance of provincial government with the national finance and the local finance.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        朝鮮末 開城府財政 補用策의 추이와 朝野의 동향

        金泰雄(Kim Tae-Woong) 歷史敎育硏究會 2007 역사교육 Vol.101 No.-

        This paper tries to expose the character of local financial difficulties and the direction of financial policy by analyzing the transition of financial assistance policy on Gaeseongboo(開城府) and the tendency of whole nation, 1800~1866. Gaeseongboo asked the central government to assist the finance in the early 19th. The opinion of bureaucrat was divided into the line of territory annexation and one of additional aid on the financial assistance policy. Finally, the government tried to assist the finance of Gaeseongboo by annexing Poongdeokbee(豊德府) on the ground that Gaeseongboo was the old capital and important fortress. But this trial produced the repulsion of Yangban literatis in Poongdeok. They regarded the abolition of Poongdeokboo and local school(鄕校) as the weakening of their local power and asked the government to refound Poongdeokboo. After all, the government refounded Poongdeokboo in order to strengthen the defensive system in 1866. Because the French army invaded Ganghwado(江華島) on the west environs of Seoul. Thus, the local financial policy of government in the last medieval times was still affected by the political-military condition with the financial condition.

      • KCI등재

        韓國 近現代 歷史寫眞의 虛實과 整理 方向 : 국사 개설서와 7차 교육과정 교과서를 중심으로

        金泰雄(Kim,Tae-Woong) 歷史敎育硏究會 2011 歷史敎育 Vol.119 No.-

        Photographs included in history textbooks gives readers a vivid description of history, making the text more readable and students more motivated. But in most cases, references and explanations of the photographs are vague, incomplete and unaccurate, in all making the photographs itself unreliable. In addition, some of the pictures are used without consideration, unquestioning the intention of the photographer, which is naturally loaded in the image. Also when it is listed in textbooks, lack of close examination on the selection and layout of the pictures makes photographs no more than an ornament of the text, or worse, reproduces a misled image of the past. As to reduce these restraining factors and verify the authenticity of the images, photographs should be “source criticized”, just like written sources. Despite the restrictions and limitations, historical photographs have great advantages that can be made into great academical and educational use. Photographs are one of the most appropriate visual historical materials when tracing clues of historical events or restoring the daily-life of the past.

      • KCI등재

        新國家建設期 敎科書 政策과 運用의 實際

        金泰雄(Kim Tae-Woong) 역사교육연구회 2003 역사교육 Vol.88 No.-

        This paper aims to make clear the textbook policy and the realities of its execution in Korea, 1945~1953. The textbook policy in those days was related to the abolition of colonial education and establishment of national and democratic education. Because the textbook policy affected the contents and the quality of textbooks essential to the learning of next generation. Therefore, Korean Language Society(朝鮮語學會) and the others participated in the textbook compilation and the establishment of textbook policy directly after liberation. But the publishing companies were in the difficulties for paper & printing and the many irrationalities appeared, as Korea divided into two and the economic crisis was serious. It was the first task to secure the paper necessary to publish the textbooks. And it was the second task to guarantee the background which can support the compilation. publication and supply of textbooks. From this point of view the establishment of textbook policy and the enactment of syllabus of lectures(敎授要目) were more important than the other immediate works. Therefore, the U. S. Military Government and the Korean Government carried out the textbook policy by taking the government designated textbooks(國定敎科書) with the authorized textbooks(檢認定敎科書) together, while they were absorbed in the enactment of syllabus of lectures. And the Ministry of Education of the Republic Korea ordered the schools not to use the books which Choi, Nam-seon(崔南善) and Lee, Kwang-soo(李光洙) of pro-Japanese wrote in order to establish the national education system. The various plans necessary to execute the textbook policy were proposed by the academia, the educational world and the press. The educational world insisted that the schools take the government-run textbooks(國營敎科書) with the government designated textbooks on the ground that the government could provide the textbooks smoothly and standardize the predicates. Dong-a Ilbo(東亞日報) insisted that the government control the thoughts by leading the textbook compilation. On the contrary, Korean Educator Federation(朝鮮敎育者聯合會) and the others criticized the textbook compilation which the nation monopolized and requested the compilation of scientific and democratic textbooks. Son, Jin-tae(孫晋泰), an editorial officer and Choi, Hyeon-bae(崔鉉培), a former editorial officer insisted that the primary schools use the government designated textbooks and the middle schools use the authorized textbooks on the ground that the government could accept the opinions of acadmia and the publishing world can rise the quality of textbooks. And the Ministry of Education stabilized the textbook policy by observing the approval procedures(檢認定節次) in the first half year of 1949. Finally, the Ministry of Education made up for the weakpoints which the government designated textbooks and the authorized textbooks had by allowing the schools to use the supplementary readers. But the Ministry of Education canceled the authorization of textbooks that the left literary man or the scolars wrote and elimiated some part related to the thought problems. Therefore, the textbook policy converted the means necessary for the nation to control the education. Besides, ideology problems had considerable influence over the policy of authorized textbook, as Korean War broke out in 1950.

      • KCI등재

        일제하(日帝下) 조선(朝鮮) 개항장(開港場) 도시(都市)에서 화교(華僑)의 정주화(定住化) 양상(樣相)과 연망(緣網)의 변동(變動) : 인천(仁川), 신의주(新義州), 부산(釜山)을 중심으로

        金泰雄 ( Kim Tae-woong ) 인하대학교 한국학연구소 2012 한국학연구 Vol.0 No.26

        조선 내 개항장 도시에 거류하는 華僑의 定住化 양상과 緣網의 변동은1931년 萬寶山 事件과 화교배척 사건을 분기로 시기별 그 특징을 보여준다. 우선 1931년 이전에는 仁川府, 新義州府, 釜山府 華僑의 정주화가 진전되었다. 인천부의 화교는 商人들을 중심으로, 신의주부의 화교는 華工들의 급속한 유입으로 상인과 화공을 중심으로 정주화가 진행되었다. 다만 부산부의 경우는 지리적으로 일본과 가깝고 일본인 상인의 영향권 아래에 있었기 때문에 정주화가 앞의 두 도시에 비해 별로 진전되지 못했다. 다음 華僑 緣網도 이러한 정주화 과정에서 親姻戚과 同鄕 조직을 근간으로 삼아 地域內ㆍ地域間, 同業別 連繫 組織으로 발전되거나 확장되었고 나아가 조선내 전국적 조직이라는 民族 緣網의 구성 요소로 자리잡기 시작하였다. 이러한 추세는 재조선 화교들이 타자와 주변인으로 내몰릴 수밖에 없는 정착지의 구조적 조건 속에서 중국 재래의 客幇이라는 연망을 활용하는 생존 전략에서 비롯된 자연스러운 귀결이었다. 그러나 1931년 萬寶山 事件과 조선인의 화교배척운동이 일어나고 곧이어 1937년 中日戰爭이 발발한 가운데 일제의 關稅統制로 인해 화교 경제가 난국에 처하면서 정주화의 양상이 달라지고 기존의 연망이 동요되기 시작하였다. 우선 화교 상인에 기반한 인천부의 경우, 무역 부진에 따라 화교 상인들이 대거 본국으로 귀환함으로써 화교 연망이 점차 영세 소상인 중심으로 재편되었다. 또한 신의주부의 경우, 일시적으로 쇠퇴하였지만 화공에 대한 일본인 자본가들의 요구로 인해 이후 꾸준히 유입되면서 화공 위주의 화교 정주화가 진전되었다. 한편, 일본의 중국 침략과 중국의 분열은 재조선 화교 사회를 龜裂시켰다. 즉 일부 화교 조직은 일제의 강압에 못이겨 친일 활동에 나선 반면에 다른 조직은 여기에 반발하여 본국으로 돌아갔다. 따라서 화교 조직은 지속적인 정주화에도 불구하고 외부 정치적 요인에 의해 영세화되어 가는 가운데 1945년 해방을 맞기에 이르렀다. 그리고 냉전질서의 강화로 인해 더욱더 그 기반을 상실해 갔다 The aspect of settlement and network of the overseas Chinese who live in the open port city in Korea changed after Wanpaosan Incident(萬寶山 事件) in 1931. First of all, the settlement had been making progress in Incheon, Sinuiju and Busan before 1931. In particular, traders mainly make the settlement in Incheon. Similarly, the settlement in Sinuiju is almost made by overseas Chinese merchants and Chinese laborers because of inflow of Chinese laborers. Only those who live in Busan couldn't settle well because of Japanese commercial supremacy. Due to these settlements, another settlements of overseas Chinese can be formed and expanded through the native place associations. But these overseas Chinese was also depressed after Wanpaosan Incident in 1931, and the Sino-Japanese War in 1937. In particular, ones who engaged in trade in Incheon did, too. Sinuiju, however, standed out as the center of settlement through inflow of Chinese laborers caused by Northern industrialization. Of course, despite these political and economic fluctuations, the progress of settlement was lasted. But it had started to change the character of the settlement. Small traders and Chinese laborers became main group of the settlement contrast of Big traders, Chinese laborers and other people before. While the settlement has been progressed, the networks of the settlement has been weakened. It means individual distribution of the overseas Chinese. It is because influence of political and military event such as Wanpaosan Incident, Korean's reject event to overseas Chinese, Japanese invasion to China and establishment of pro-Japanese government in China divided the overseas Chinese to pro-Japanese and anti-Japanese. With the advent of the Cold War order, this split has deepened.

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