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        老人福祉의 佛敎理論的 接近

        Hwang Jin Soo(黃振洙) 한국노년학회 1986 한국노년학 Vol.6 No.1

        Ⅰ. Introduction In the present age, I will discuss background and real facts of aging problems that bring up as sirious social problems. Last that, as a means of setting a this trouble, I will try ideological correspondence principle in Buddhism. Ⅱ. Background of aging probkms (1) Old age of population and Lengthening of average life-span. As a consequence of development of medical treatment and sanitation, lengthening of life-span led to growth of aging population. (2) Nuclear family-For translation of family style by industrialization, gradually, tide is converting to nuclear family. (3) Current of industrialization and urbanization - It promotes specialization of family, So, it formed the basis of relaxation to supporting family's aging. (4) Change of value view - As a consequence of incoming universalism, Industrialism, pragmatism, from in the West. It brings about secondary form of ideal and present state of the relationship of age and youth. Ⅲ. Real facts of aging problems (1) Poverty - As a consequence of income severance by retirement under the age limit, it rauses poverty, and make grow worse health. (2) Disease and weaking of health-steadygoing older, threat of all sorts diesel is high, because of poverty and lack of medical appliances, it leads to weaking of health. (3) Lost role and solitude-aging lost their role within family by converting nuclear family and within society by retirement under the age limit, and feel langely solitude according to value view of family system. Ⅳ. View ideological in Buddhism of aging problems (1) Ideological groundwork of social welfare in Buddhism-as fundamental sprits of Buddhism is human relief, it is welfare realization (2) Bodhisattva and social welfare viewpoint Bodhisattva thought and religious asceticism includes very important basic spirits about social welfare thought and realization, in the present age. (3) Parent respect thought in the Buddhist scriptures (sutra)- Not only Bodhisattva but also, social welfare teaching respects human life, and many form moral relation of between human. 1. It is importand that religious asceticism Amitabba of Bodhisattva, It means that save well mankind. 2. Mercy thought-Mercy is practical essential and standard of Buddhism, It has become orgin of venous thoughts. 3. Buddhist alms thought-Buddhist alms is behavior spring from merciful heart. 4. Fortune field thought-As if field produce, it means that if we make an offending to it, it produce for ture. 5. Being Conscious of a Kindness and gratitude thought-Gratitude behavior is based on Oriental ethics view and Society solidarity principle. That is positive welfare behavior. 6. Life respect thought-Viewpoint of Buddhism shows Buddhist Commandments of not Killing animals in heart of mercy, because it become diffuse from the heart of human, and reches living everything. V. Conclusion Solution of aging problem is settlement of society trouble. So it must be show by the interelationships of high level society policy. Also, Buddhism accords with fundamental ideology of democracy, because of faith of mercy, and is thought that gives all round aid to human.

      • 한국 불교의 미래를 위한 지식인의 역할

        황진수 ( Jinsoo Hwang ) 사단법인 한국교수불자연합회 2015 한국교수불자연합학회지 Vol.21 No.3

        한국불교는 항상 현재진행형이다. 한국불교가 목표로 하는 상구보리 하화중생(上求普堤 下化衆生)은 최선의 과제이지만 현실적으로 이루기는 어렵다고 볼 수 있다. 어쩌면 목표의 타점(打点)을 너무 높게 잡아놓았는지도 모른다. 그러나 한국사회는 흘러가고 불교역시 현상을 유지하면서 발전한다.여기에서는 한국불교의 시대적과제인 한국불교와 사회복지, 한국불교의 개혁문제, 한국불교의 국제구호활동영역을 대상으로 지식인의 역할을 논의하였다.한국불교는 사회변혁의 한 가운데에서 한국사회의 미래를 불국토(佛國土)가 구현되는 사회를 만들고자 하지만 한국사회의 역동적이고 갈등이 상존하기 때문에 어려움이 있다.한국불교와 사회복지는 생명의 존엄성을 기초로 하여 불교사회복 지인력수급, 맞춤형 교육프로그램개발, 불교정체성교육제도, 불교 사회복지 교육전담기관설립등을 논의하였다. 한국불교의 개혁은 오랜 기간동안 관행으로 인정해온 낡은 가치관을 개혁하고 한국불교의 현대화, 대중화, 생활화해야 한다. 그러기 위해서는 재정의 투명성, 도제양성과정, 불교신념을 심어주는 일, 국민적 신뢰성을 상실한 문제, 불교신도통계상의 문제점, 도시화의 특성을 활용하지 못하는 점, 청소년층 포교의 역량부족 등을 열거하였다. 그리고 불교의례상의 문제점을 적시하였다.또 종무행정상의 문제점으로 종단전치와 문증주의, 종단대표성 및 사명감부족, 직업종무원제도 미비, 교구본사, 말사의 인적자원부족, 사찰별 재정격차의 심화를 지적하고 이에 대한 개선방안을 제시하였다.한국불교의 국제구호활동영역은 아직 성숙된 단계는 아니지만 상당한 발전을 거듭하고 있다. 국제구호활동은 물적,인적자산의 확보, 전문인력의 확보, 불교관련기관간의 네트위킹 등이 필요하다.한국불교의 미래를 위한 지식인의 역할은 한국사회의 사회적 구조물을 정리하고 자리이타(自利利他)정신을 확립하는데 지식인의 개혁적의식이 정립되어야 할 것이다. 불교를 발전시키기 위한 지식인의 역할을 강조하는 이유가 여기에 있다. Korean buddhism is a going concern always. The subject of “Sang-gu bori hawa jungsang”(Pursuing the truth upwardly and edifying the people downwardly“ is the highest task, but it is regarded as difficult to realize it.Perhaps, it seems that the goal aims too high. But Korean society runs and the buddhism develops too while it maintains the current level.The roles of the intellectuals for Korean buddhism, social welfare, issue of Korean buddhism innovation and the international relief activities of Korean buddhism were discussed in this study.Korean buddhism tries to make the future Korean society of realizing the land of Buddha, but it is difficult because Korean society is dynamic and there are consistent conflicts.With regards to Korean buddhism and social welfare, the subjects of social welfare workforce supply and demand in Buddhism society, development of customized education program, education system for buddhism identity and establishment of the exclusive organization for welfare education in buddhism society were discussed in the study based on the dignity of life. The innovation of Korean buddhism shall be focused on the old traditional values approved as practice for long duration and Korean buddhism shall be modernized, popularized and made to be a way of life. The points to be overcome are listed for the transparency in finance, problem in the statistics of buddhism believer, non-utilization of the merits of urbanization and the lacking the capability for missionary work to teenagers and youth. And the problems in buddhism formalities were pointed out.As for the issues of religion affairs adminstration, abuse of religious body and familism, representation of religious body and lacking of duty sense, non-establishment of the professional religious staff system, headquarters of diocese, less human resources in the terminal temples and deepened financial differences among the temples were listed and the countermeasures were suggested.The international relief activities of Korean buddhism are developing considerably even though it is not in the mature stage. The material and human assets,professional manpower and networking among the buddhism related organization shall be acquired for international relief activities.The role of intellectuals for the future of Korean buddhism is to establish the innovative thought for arranging Korean social structures and acquiring the mind of pursuing the self and other’s interest (Win-win).This is the reason of emphasizing the role of the intellectuals for the development of buddhism.

      • KCI등재후보

        한국 노인문제의 불교 이념적 접근

        황진수 ( Jin Soo Hwang ) 사단법인 한국교수불자연합회 2011 한국교수불자연합학회지 Vol.17 No.1

        현대 한국사회에서의 화두는 노인복지이다. 노인복지는 노인의 빈곤, 질병, 소외와 역할의 상실로 표현되는 4고(苦) 가 그 대상이다. 불교에서 추구하는 기본정신인 상구보리 하화중생(上求普提 下化衆生)의 개념을 노인복제에 접목시켜보고자 하였다. 사실 노인복지는 생로병사의 인생의 라이프사이클에서 거의 마무리 단계에 있는 것이다. 불교의 이념에서는 보살도 이념과 행도덕목인 사섭법, 자비사상, 보시사상, 복전사상, 지은보은사상, 생명존중사상을 논의 하였다. 또 불교경전에서의 부모존중 이념으로 부모은중경, 효자경을 설명하였다. 결론적으로 현대의 노인문제를 불교적 이념에 접목시키는 실천적 복지가 필요함을 강조하였다. Ⅰ. Intoriduction In the present age, I will discuss background and real facts of aging problems that vring up as sirious social problems. Last that, as a means of setting a this trouble, I will try ideological correspondence principle in Buddhism. Ⅱ. Bachground of aging problems. (1) Old age of population and Lengthening of average life-span. As a consequence of development of medical treatment and sanitation, lengthening of life-span led to growth of aging population. (2) Nuclear family-For translation of family style by industrialization, Gradually, tide is converting to nuclear family. (3) Current of industrialization and urbanization - It promotes specialization of family, So, it formed the basis of relaxation to supporting family`s aging. (4) Change of value view - As a consequence of incoming universalism, Industrialism, pragmatism, from in the West. It brings about secondary form of ideal and present state of the relationship of age and youth. Ⅲ. Real facts of aging problems (1) Poverty - as a consequence of income severance by retirement under the age limit, it rauses poverty, and make grow worse health. (2) Disease and weaking of health-steady-going older, threat of all sorts dieses is high, because of poverty and lack of medical appliances, it leads to esaking of health. (3) Lost role and solitude-aging lost their role within family by converting nuclear family and within society by retirement under the age limit, and feel langely solityde according to value view of family system. Ⅳ. View ideological in Buddhism of aging problems (1) Idelogical groundwork of social welfare in Buddhism-as fundamental sprits of Buddhism is human relief, it is welfare realization (2) Bodhisattva and social welfare viewpoint Bodhisattva thought and religious asceticism inclues very important basic spirits about social welfare thought and realization, in the present age. (3)Parent respect thought in the Buddhist scriptures(sutra) - Not only Bodhisattva but also, social welfare teaching respects human life, and many form moral relation of between human. 1. It is importand that religious asceticism Amitabba of Bodhisattva, it means that save well mankind 2. Mercy thought-Mercy is practical essential and standard of Buddhism, It has become orgin of verious thoughts. 3. Buddhist alms thought-Buddhist alms is behavior spring from merciful heart. 4. Fortune field thought-As if field produce, it means that if we make an offending to it, introduce for ture. 5. being conscious of a Kindness and gratitude thought-Gratitude behavior is vased on Oriental ethics view and Society solidarity principle. That is positive welfare behavior. 6. Life respect thought-viewpoint of Buddhism shows Buddhist commandments of not Killing animals in heart of mercy, because it become diffuse from the heart of human, and reches living everything. Ⅴ. Conclusion Solution of aging problem is settlement of society trouble. So it must be show by the interrelationships of high level society policy. Also, Buddhism accords with fundamental ideology of democracy, because of faith of mercy, and is thought that gives all round aid to human.

      • KCI등재

        대·중소기업간 동반성장이 기업의 사회적 책임과 경영자 회계윤리에 미치는 영향

        황진수(Jin-Soo Hwang),임종옥(Jong-Ok Lim) 한국산업경제학회 2016 산업경제연구 Vol.29 No.1

        본 연구는 창조경제 실현을 위한 대·중소기업간 동반성장이 기업의 사회적 책임과 경영자 회계윤리에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 것을 연구목적으로 한다. 따라서 본 연구는 2011년부터 2013년까지 동반성장위원회에서 동반성장 지수의 평가대상으로 선정된 94개 기업을 대상으로 분석하였다. 주요 변수인 동반성장 변수는 동반성장위원회의 동반성장 지수, 사회적 책임 변수는 한국지배구조원의 ESG 통합 부문 평가등급, 경영자 회계윤리는 Kothari et. al. 모형(2005)으로 계산된 재량적발생액의 절대값을 대리변수로 선정하였다. 검증 결과, 적극적으로 협력중소기업과 동반성장을 하는 기업으로서 우리나라를 대표하는 기업들도 경영자의 재량적발생액에 의한 이익관리를 행하고 있어 경영자의 회계윤리에 문제가 있었고, 동반성장과 사회적 책임 간에는 유의한 양(+)의 상관관계가 있었다. 기업의 사회적 책임이 경영자 회계윤리에 영향을 주지는 않지만 동반성장은 사회적 책임과 경영자 회계윤리에 영향을 주고 있었다. 또한 추가분석을 통해 경영자 회계윤리수준과 기업의 사회적 책임이 동반성장과 관련성이 있었다. 본 연구는 대중소기업간 동반성장을 유도하여 기업의 사회적 책임 및 경영자의 회계윤리 증진에 공헌하고 있으며, 경영교육에서 실천사례로 활용하는데 크게 기여할 것이다. This study is to analyze an effect on corporate social responsibility and accounting ethics of CEO using the shared growth between big corp. and SME to achieve creative economy in Korea. To achieve this purpose of this paper, I analyzed 94 firms selected to evaluate the shared growth index of Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership from 2011 to 2013. Main proxy variables are shared growth index of Korea Commission for Corporate Partnership, corporate social responsibility using ESG evaluation information of Korea Corporate Governance Service, and accounting ethics using the Jones-ROA model(2005). The results show that shred growth firms perform earnings management using discretionary accruals, so I think there is a problem of accounting ethics of CEO in Korea. There is a positive significant difference between shared growth and corporate social responsibility. Corporate social responsibility, however, has no positive influence on Accounting Ethics of CEO, but shared growth has significant influence on corporate social responsibility and accounting ethics of CEO. Also, additional analysis shows that there is the correlation of shared growth between the accounting ethics level of CEO and corporate social responsibility. This paper will make a great contribution towards corporate social responsibility and accounting ethics to lead CEO to a better shared growth between Big Corp. and SME.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        우리나라 노인권익 운동의 현황과 과제

        황진수(Hwang Jin Soo) 한국노인복지학회 1999 노인복지연구 Vol.6 No.-

        This study is about a movement to protect the olds rights and interests, which is economically, socially and culturally in bad conditions. In this study, the ideology of movement to protect the olds rights and interests as a social movement was introduced and the requirements for being a successful social movement was arranged. Also, actual problems for the movement was analysed. for this purpose, the possibility and decisive factors of the movement, and its involvement with the policy were discussed and possible variables contained within the movement also described. In a way of the movement, introducing media and approaching to government, introducing media and approaching to government administrative office and to judicial authorities are taken into consideration as inevitable. this study also appraised the movement to protect senior` rights and interest as a NGO level of movement

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        동서양 심성론의 측면에서 본 왕양명의 양지(良知)의 자족성(自足性)에 대한 고찰

        황진수 ( Hwang Jin-soo ) 충남대학교 유학연구소 2019 儒學硏究 Vol.47 No.-

        본고에서는 명대의 유학자인 왕양명(王陽明)이 주장한 ‘치양지(致良知)’설의 ‘양지’가 그가 주장한 대로 과연 ‘자족성(自足性)’을 가지는 지에 대해 살펴보고자 한다. ‘자족성’의 사전적 의미는 ‘스스로 넉넉하여 충분한 성질’이란 뜻이다. 어느 것이 자족적이라는 말은 본래의 자신에게 자신이 가지고 있지 못한 다른 어떤 가치가 부가된다고 해서 자신의 가치가 더 증대되지는 않을 정도로 완전무결하다는 말이다. 양명은 “성인의 도(道)는 내 본성 안에 자족한데, 예전에 사물에서 이치를 구한 것은 잘 못이었다” 라고 하고 “마음밖에는 이치가 없다(心外無理)”라는 심즉리(心卽理) 사상을 주장하였다. 이것은 그가 만년에 주장한 ‘치양지’설에서도 크게 달라지지 않았다. 양명은 결국 천리(天理)가 곧 양지이며, 이 양지는 외부로부터 구할 수 있는 것이 아니라 마음으로부터 구해야 함을 주장하였다. 따라서 덕성지지(德性之知)가 리(理)이며 견문지지(見聞之知)는 부차적인 것이라 하였다. 또 양지를 사물에 이르게 하면 그 사물의 이치를 깨달을 수 있다는, 즉 치양지만 하면 천하의 모든 이치를 다 파악할 수 있다고 주장하였다. 이런 그의 주장에 대해 많은 사람들이 의문과 다른 견해들 밝혀 온 것이 사실이다. 이에 본고에서는 선진시대부터 신유학에 이르는 심(心)에 대한 여러 담론들, 특히 맹자, 순자, 이고, 북송오자, 주희 등의 주장과 청대 대진(戴震)의 주장, 그리고 서양 고대 철학자들인 프로타고라스, 아리스토텔레스 등의 인간본성에 대한 시각을 함께 살펴보았다. 『전습록』상에서 양명이 말한 양지에 대한 개념을 정리하고, 친구 고동교(顧東橋)와 제자들이 제기했던 문제점들도 검토하였다. 다산의 치양지에 대한 비판내용과 현대의 과학적 시각등도 함께 검토해 보았다. 그 결과 양지가 양명이 주장한 대로 스스로 넉넉하여 충분한 ‘자족성’을 갖추고 있다는 논리의 타당성이 부족함을 알 수 있었고, 아울러 동양과 서양의 지(知)에 대한 차별적 개념을 융합적으로 발전시켜 나가는 연구의 필요성도 찾아 볼 수 있었다. In this paper, we will look into whether the Intuitive Knowledge(良知) coming from Wang Yang Ming(renowned philosopher of Ming Dynasty)'s opinion of Extension of Intuitive Knowledge(致良知) really has the Self-sufficiency(自足性) as he claimed. The dictionary definition of 'self-sufficiency' says 'the state of being sufficiently enough', and this means that the addition of any other value to the one who does not possess that value will not increase one's own value further, in other words, 'perfectly complete and enough'. Yang Ming maintained "The Tao(道) of saint is self-sufficient with my human nature, and it was wrong for me to seek for Li(理) from outside things in the past", and "There is no Li outside of my mind." This opinion has not changed much in his argument on the Extension of Intuitive Knowledge that he claimed in his later years. Yang Ming, after all, claimed that Intuitive Knowledge is very right Heaven Li(天理) and this cannot be obtained from the outside, and rather only should be sought for from the inner mind. Accordingly, the Intuitive of Virtue(德性之知) had been considered as Li by Yang Ming and Intuitive of Experience(見 聞之知) being as secondary. It is true that many different questions and opinions from other pre and post philosophers had been raised about his Extension of Intuitive Knowledge argument, that is by extending Intuitive Knowledge residing at his own mind to all other things on earth, he can finally realize and grasp all the Li's of those things. Thus, this paper has reviewed a variety of discourse on mind nature(心性) from the Pre-Qin down to Neo-Confucianism period, especially focusing on those Mengzi, Xunzi, LiGao(李翶), five philosophers of Northern Song Dynasty and Zhuxi's. In addition, also reviewed the Qi(氣) thought of Daizhen who was a famous philosopher from Qing Dynasty period. Besides, looked at the views of human nature, such as the ancient Western philosophers Prothagoras and Aristotle. Summarized and analyzed the meaning of the concept of Intuitive Knowledge described in various different terms and thoughts at << Chuan Xi Lu(傳習錄) >>, and reviewed as well those questions raised by his own student GuDongQiao in response to his teaching. In addition, also investigated Dasan's critics on Yang Ming's Extension of Intuitive Knowledge argument and the modern scientific perspectives on this. As a result, we could find out Yang Ming's argument that Intuitive Knowledge(良知) has the self-sufficiency(自足性) leading to the ethical and moral life was lacking the validity basis, and the need for the convergence research about two different concepts of Knowledge between Eastern and Western worlds.

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