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        제주(濟州) 지역(地域) 신문(新聞)의 우리말글 검토(檢討) : 틀리거나 어색한 말

        허춘(Chun Heo) 제주학회 2001 濟州島硏究 Vol.20 No.-

        언론 매체의 우리말글은 국민들의 언어 생활을 좌우한다. 따라서 언론 매체에서 바르고 고운 우리말글을 사용해야 사회도 더 맑아진다. 정확한 우리말글 사용은 언론 본래의 사명에 비추어 보면 부차적인 것이라고 할 수도 있으나, 글이 의사 소통만을 위한 단순한 도구가 아님은 말할 나위가 없다. 방송에 비해 신뢰성이 많이 낮아지고는 있으나 신문은, 적어도 우리말글에서는, 국민의 교과서라고 할 정도이니 책임이 더 무겁다. 시간을 다투는 보도 경쟁에서 마감 시간에 쫓기는 데다 교열부까지 축소 또는 폐지된 실정임을 모르는 바 아니지만, 언론 매체의 우리말글에 대한 무관심과 부주의에 주의를 촉구한다. 언론 매체 종사자는 우리 말글의 길잡이라는 사명감을 지니고 바른 우리 말글을 쓰기 위해 끊임없이 노력해야 한다. 필자는 앞서 방송의 발음, 국어 사전의 발음 표기, 표준 발음법 보완에 대해 논술한 바 있는데, 이어 제주 지역의 신문을 중심으로 검토한다. 물론 제주 지역이 특히 오류가 많은 것은 아니고 다른 지역과 같이 전국지의 우리말글을 생각 없이 모방·답습하고 있다. 대비를 위해 전국지나 다른 지역의 신문, 방송 등도 아울러 예시한다. 이 글에서 검토한 내용이 제주 지역의 언론에만 해당하는 것은 아니지만, 다른(지역) 언론의 풍조를 생각 없이 따라 하지 말자는 의도에서다. 기자들에게 경각심을 촉구하며, 교열부를 축소 또는 폐지하고 있는 현실을 걱정하는 뜻이 있기도 하다. 이 기회에 문인, 학자, 지식인들의 각성도 촉구하기 위해 이들의 글(말)도 같이 보인다. 독자는 보통 기사 제목을 보고 정독(열독) 여부를 결정하는데 특히 포장이라 할 수 있는 제목을 붙일 때 우리 말 구사가 너무 어색하거나 틀리는 일이 많다. 기사의 신뢰성을 떨어뜨리는 오·탈자를 비롯해, 맞춤법에 맞지 않는 말은 물론이거니와 군더더기 말, 부당하게 생략하는 뒷말, 용어 사용 문제, 조사의 오용, 일어식 어투, 시제의 문제, 활용 오류, 사동·피동형의 오·남용 등을 중심으로 검토한다. 생각 없이 쓰는 일(영)어식 단어와 관용구, 외국(래)어 오·남용, 역어체, 非文·惡文, 문장의 호응, 과도한 문장 부호 생략, 기준 없이 하는 띄어쓰기, 로마자·아라비아 숫자 남용 등에 대해서는 별론한다. 기자만 알고 있는 문장, 장황한 문장, 상투적인 문장 등의 문제도 심각한데, 기사는 독자의 관점에서 써야 한다. 글말은 입말을 거쳐서 뒤에 나온 것이지만 지금은 글말을 바탕으로 입말이 이루어지고 있는 바람직하지 못한 상황이다. 우리말에 대한 여러 조항을 보완해야 한다는 필자의 주장과는 별개로 규범적인 표기를 전제로 하고 검토하되, 쟁점이 있으면 개인적인 견해를 피력하였다. 글의 성격상 이론적인 논의는 최소한으로 줄이고, 현실어와 신문의 특성을 감안하면서 지적을 위한 지적이 되지 않도록 노력하였다. 올바른 말글 생활은 올바른 삶의 출발점이다. It is no doubt that the main responsibility of journalism is not to use accurate words, but to deliver correct informations to the public, including critics and comments. However, words in journalism are not simply an instrument for communication. Even though it is true that newspapers are in less trust in terms of the accuracy of informations than broadcasting, the former has a stronger influence of Korean words to the public than the latter. One of my previous papers has discussed Korean words in terms of the pronunciation in television and radio, phonetic transcription in Korean dictionary, and the replenishment of standard pronunciation rule. This paper is for a critical review of Korean words, with a special reference to the newspapers being published in Jeju. It is, of course, not true that Jeju newspapers make relatively more mistakes in using Korean words than other newspapers. An emphasis of this paper is given to the fact that Jeju newspapers imitate and follow the wrong stream without a careful consideration as other regional newspapers are so. This paper has focused on Korean words being used in Jeju newspapers, with a special reference to wrong and omitted words which decrease the reliability of articles, the words which is not matched with orthography, unnecessary superfluity, improperly abbreviated words, wrong terms, use of inaccurate particles, abuse of newly-made words, Japanese way of expression, wrong tenses, abuse of abbreviation·slang·vulgar word, abuse of the words written in Chinese characters, withered native Korean words, errors of conjugation, inflection, and declension, etc. Another paper will examine the misuse and abuse of foreign and imported languages, translated-styled sentences, incorrect and wrong sentences, content of articles who wrote out, omitted sentence mark, and spacing between words without rule, etc. What has been found significantly from this paper was that Jeju newspapers are problematic in terms of the misuse and abuse of making- and passively-typed verbs. This results in a undesirable situation which written language is formed from spoken language, even though the truth is that the latter is followed by the former. This situation implies that mass communication workers should make an effort continuously to write accurate Korean words, with a responsibility that they are a guide of Korean words.

      • KCI등재후보

        유배문학 연구의 과제

        허춘 ( Chun Heo ) 영주어문학회 2012 영주어문 Vol.23 No.-

        The study summarizes earlier researches on exile literature and suggests some issues to investigate further. Exile, one of the types of punishment in the Chosun Dynasty period, was as severe as the death penalty was. The nobility was a target, so arts and literature of the nobility had a lot to do with exile. For this reason, Studying on how "exile" has an influence on arts and literate of the nobility is very significant and meaningful. Earlier studies on exile literature have developed in three ways. First, bibliographical studies, that is, studies of contents, writers and social background, have been conducted. Second, based on bibliographical researches, writers` inner conflicts have been investigated. Third, literal conceptualization of exile literature in an area that needs more research. Setting up the concept of exile literature: The notion of exile literature needs to extend the scope of application. Exile literature should include not only experiences in a place of exile but events and feelings on the way to exile. Field survey and profiling : Each exile has different social and political background such social status and faction. Field survey and profiling of exiles should take precedence to understand the big picture of exile literature. A virtuous cycle and a vicious cycle resulted from exile: How exile affects political affairs he manages after being released from exile and literary works should be verified. Differences depending on a place of exile: How a place of exile (whether a island or the mainland) has an influence on an exile`s life and literary works should be taken into consideration. An attitude toward exile: An attitude toward exile can be categorized and investigated according to time, place and social status (the civil or military nobility). The importance of an integrated view-point: In addition to individual case studies of exile, it is important to integrate cases as literary works. Historical investigation of exile literature: It is necessary to accumulate data of literary works and to develop historical investigation of exile literature. This can make exile literature acknowledged as a significant field of literature.

      • KCI등재후보

        제주 방송의 우리말 사용 실태 검토

        허춘 ( Heo Chun ) 영주어문학회 2011 영주어문 Vol.21 No.-

        The study analyzes Korean language in the broadcasting media of Jeju and reviews mistakes frequently made, which are also found in that of other regions. Several common mistakes are discussed in depth with examples. Journalists engaged in the broadcasting media of Jeju should root out a tendency to follow incorrect usage of the language in a nationwide broadcast without due consideration. Journalists in broadcasting should make efforts to pronounce words correctly. This study reviews common mistakes in broadcasting, which are not consistent with the rules of Korean phonetics and orthography. Prevalent mistakes are as follows: indistinction between short and long sounds, incorrect application of fortis and lenis sounds and mispronunciation of words to which the rules of assimilation and addition should be applied. This implies journalists should pay particular attention to correct usage of Korean language.

      • KCI등재후보

        제주 신문의 우리 말글 사용 실태 검토

        허춘 ( Chun Heo ) 영주어문학회 2015 영주어문 Vol.29 No.-

        정확한 우리 말글 사용은 언론 본래의 사명에 비추어 보면 부차적인 것이라고도 할 수 있으나, 날마다 접하는 신문은 우리 말글의 길잡이라 할 만하다. 10여 년의 시차를 두고 제주의 신문을 검토한 결과, 전보다 많이 좋아졌지만 아직도 적잖은 오류를 보였다. 기사의 신뢰성을 떨어뜨리는 오자를 비롯해 맞춤법 오류, 부적절한 말, 띄어쓰기 오류, 일어의 잔재, 외국(래)어 남용에 대해 먼저 살펴보았다. 다음, 기자만 알고 있는, 불친절한 문장, 부적절한 표현, 주어와 술어의 호응 여부, 기자의 일방적인 판단 개입, 문장부호 활용 등에 대해 기사에서 검토해 보았다. 문장의 앞뒤 연결이 매끄럽지 못한 접속도 있다. 관건은 우리 말글에 대한 언론 종사자의 지속적인 관심과 노력이다. 회사에서도 정기적인 연수와 평정, 독자로 구성된 기사 점검 위원회 구성 등 제도적 장치로 품격 높은 신문을 만드는 데 힘써야 할 것이다. This paper is for a critical review of Korean words, with a special reference to newspapers being published in Jeju. Comparing research data on a study about newspapers conducted 10 years ago, not a few errors are still found in newspapers now being published in Jeju. In this study, frequently made errors are reviewed, such as errors in orthography that damage the reliability of articles, improperly abbreviated words, wrong terms, errors in word spacing, Japanese way of expression, sentences which do not make sense, etc. Journalists should pay attention not to misuse and overuse foreign words, translated-styled sentences. In addition, journalists should check the correct usage of punctuation marks and conjunctions. Newspaper reporters need to be regularly trained and evaluated on Korean language of newspaper articles. Monitoring system in which readers participate could be a way to reduce repeated errors found in articles. Journalists should make efforts to use words correctly, with a responsibility that they are a guide of Korean words.

      • KCI등재

        경주 보문단지 내 관광호텔기업의 원가·관리회계시스템 실태 분석

        김용 ( Yong Kim ),허춘 ( Chun Heo ) 대한관광경영학회 2010 觀光硏究 Vol.25 No.5

        본 연구는 경주 보문단지 내 특급 관광호텔기업의 원가·관리회계시스템의 실태를 조사·분석하는 것이다. 주요 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 원가·관리회계업무를 전담하는 부서가 없으며 관련 전공자에 의한 전문 인력이 부족하였다. 둘째, 총원가 구성비율이 객실부문의 경우 직접재료비 2%, 직접노무비 26%, 제조간접비(미배분간접비용 포함) 72%이었으며, 식음료부문의 경우 직접재료비 26.6%, 직접노무비가 39.1%, 제조간접비(미배분간접비용 포함) 34.3%로 구성되어 있었다. 셋째, 활동기준원가계산(ABC)과 균형성과측정시스템(BSC시스템)은 도입하지 않은 것으로 나타났으며, 단기적 재무측정치를 중심으로 성과평가를 하였다. The purpose of this study is to investigate and analyze the cost and managerial accounting systems for 6 deluxe-grade tourist hotel companies in Gyeongju. Findings were summarized as follows. First, it was found that exclusive departmental responsibility was not present among the samples hotels and not enough staff were handling the tasks. Second, composition ratio of manufacturing cost was different from rooms and F&B parts. Also, direct labor time was a commonly used cost allocation base for rooms part, and direct labor cost & raw material quantity was a commonly used cost allocation base for F&B part. Third, most of the sample hotel companies have not applied activity-based costing and balanced scorecard as innovative cost·managerial accounting technique.

      • 「玉丹春傳」硏究 : 「李娃傳」과의 對比 With Comparison to Iwachon(李娃傳)

        許椿 제주대학교 1989 논문집 Vol.29 No.-

        This study has the character of prelude to the full-dress comparative study of the novels during the Ming(明) Dynasty, Okdangchoonragranbongboo (玉堂春落難逢夫) and Okdangchoon (玉堂春), a dramatic miscellanary. Thus, the two novels, Iwachon and Okdanchoonchon, are contrastively discussed in this study, with special focus on the plot, character, theme, the writer's consciousness, of these two novels. these are arranged as follows: Both the two novels follow the processes of 'meeting, farewell, penance, reunion and glory.' These can be summarized as 'division' and 'union.' Okdanchoonchon takes on a form of a variety of puns(a kind of 'word play'), the merits of which are not fully taken advantage of. And this led to the loss of half of their effects. In Okdanchoonchon, the choice of a man by a woman is based on the wisdom to acknowledge a person as well as his humanity. The 'meeting' expressed in the novel of Iwachon is more passive than in Okdanchoonchon, but these two novels are the same in that a woman is the subject of choice and investment. During the Dang(唐) Age there are many 'Kagis'(家妓) (a kisaeng belonging to a distinguished family;kisaeng means a 'professional entertainer') and 'Mingis'(民妓) (a kisaeng not belonging to a particular person), whereas we had many 'Kwangis'(官妓) (a kisaeng belonging to a government office), which naturally made the difference of the progression of a story in a novel. In Iwachon, the obstacle to the achievement of affection is possessions or humanity, while in our case it is usually the government authority, which makes the main conflict different. Speaking of the theme on a novel, the novel Iwachon deals with the pure-minded feeling of a 'kinyo'(called also a kisaeng) through the re-covery of humanity, whereas Okdanchoonchon puts emphasis on the friendship of a human species. This difference is fully revealed even seen through the writer's consciousness. The reason why Okdanchoonchon is looked upon as not a successful imitation of choonhyangchon (春香傅) is that Okdanchoon(玉丹春) has been inserted like an illustration in the conflict between Lee Hyol-ryong(李血龍) and Kim Chin-hee(金眞喜), and that there is not any direct conflict between Okdanchoon and a 'sato' (means 'lord'). However, it must be reconsidered to assert definitely that the writer had the intention of imitating other literary work.

      • KCI등재

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