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      • KCI등재

        Criterion Feedback in College Writing Instruction: Its Effectiveness and Student Perception

        한수미,김혜경 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회 2019 멀티미디어 언어교육 Vol.22 No.4

        The use of computer technologies by writing students has increased, but language teachers and researchers have expressed doubts about their effectiveness and feasibility. In the field of writing assessment, this study examined the effectiveness of Criterion as an automated essay evaluation (AEE) system while addressing two research questions: (a) What types of feedback did Criterion provide to Korean EFL learners? and (b) With respect to their English writing study, how did Korean EFL learners perceive Criterion feedback? Analyses on engineering students' essays and perception survey data were mainly conducted quantitatively. Results showed that Criterion feedback on the students' essays was effective for correcting missing articles and number/subject-verb agreement errors and reducing repetitive words. The overall student perception of Criterion feedback was positive. However, vague feedback on organization and development and repeating words; and inaccurate feedback on mechanical errors, mostly spelling errors and articles; and the lack of feedback on errors need to be dealt with as they decrease the reliability of the AEE system as an instructional tool. The results and findings of this study were discussed while offering implications for future avenues of research.

      • "The Waste Land" 에 나타난 죽음과 再生의 問題

        韓須美 전주대학 문리학부 1983 文理論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        The Waste Land is an ideal long poem which represents the modem poetry in 20th century. This poem was truly described the phenomena of this generation, as well as the mood of his own. That means that modern situation around us is full with spiritual death, meaningless life, physical and moral corruption, and sexual sterility, i.e. The Waste Land. Eliot´s view of the world like this was exactly right for the period after World War I. This record of special sensibility exposed to the anxieties of that particular culture. Besides, he had trouble with his own problem. This ˝The Waste Land˝ was written at Lausanne in Switzerland while Eliot was recovering from a spiritual and physical break down, Of course, his illness was largely for his unhappy marriage and his taking care of wife´s psychoneurosis of long time. That´s why this poem was a product to be derived from cultural and personal background. ″The Waste Land ″ presents the ambivalent concept of ″death″ and ″rebirth″ throughout this poem. So Eliot used the primordial image of death and rebirth from the Grail legend and ancient vegetation myth. He discovered that the barrenness of modern city was associated with the wounded fisher king and identified with his ″The Waste Land″: His Poetic character is using of juxtaposition of the present and the past, physical and spiritual, temporal and eternal and djrty and beauty. Also he experiments with both the idea of human time and with the stream of consciousness. That′s why he employs a number of quatation from every ancient or modern myths and literatures. And these sources reinforce this poem′s archetypal pattern of ˝death˝ and ˝rebirth˝. In The Waste Land, the epigraph symbolizes the motif of whole ˝The Waste Land˝. This epigraph contains all the suggestion of theme. Sibyl here symbolized ˝death-in-life˝. Because she can not die, she can´t born again. Her misfortune is linked with all character in the Waste Land. In habitants of The Waste Land suffers from this living death condition like sibyl. This concept attributed to a common Adam´s curse of Calvinism according to Eliot´s view. His poem reflects wholy upon his religious view. Ⅰ.Burial of the Dead This section title derived from the Egyptian ritual of Osiris, a fertility ritual normaly taking place in the spring. Opening line begins very ironical expression. The meaning of resurrection(Easter month) is opposite here. The cruelest month of April touches dull root and memory and desire. They are scenes both of joy and agony. The death of winter and the life of spring usurp each other. Memory takes him from the general truth to a particular event in his youth, when warm days of the resurrection season brought rain, the water of life with sun light. But against the happiness of his memory he must now set the present reality of the loneliness, arid desert within him. He thinks of Ezekiel, ˝The son of man˝. The desert nourishes no roots, the spirit of vegetation meaning love cannot survive. But the mystery is ˝fear in a handful of dust˝. Everyone must confont with this death. This kind of death occured in a hyacinth garden. The memories of his is most important his failure of love with hyacinth girl. And two citation from Tristan and Isolde is the drama of love death, ˝O'ed und leer das meer˝. In this verse, We can find a bitterness without love hope. The drowned Phoenician symbolize the loveless death. But the Hanged man who suffered and resurrected is a stranger to degraded Madame Sosostris. The crowds of people, inhabitants in unreal city are turning on the wheel of Fortune in the Tarot. These people, spiritually sterile describe a purposeless circle. Sterility, desolation is a characteristic of ˝The Waste Land˝. Ⅱ.Game of Chess The title of borrowed from a play by Thomas Middleton ˝Woman Beware Woman˝. This section treats sex without love, specifically with in marriage. A game of chess reveals the working of this process in two contrasted classes of society. Those women are Ladies of situation and projection of the people of The Waste Land. The chief symbols of this section is the sexual violation, barreness and abortion. Ⅲ.Fire Sermon ˝Fire Sermon˝ borrowed the Buddha′s teaching that all things burn on fire. The Buddha in his Fire Sermon described all things as burning. Fire symbolize double meaning. One is fire of lust. The other is purification. The section ends with works from the Fire Sermon immediately followed by another quotation from Augustine. Both the Buddha and St. Augustine characterized the lusts of flesh as a burning fire. Augustine came to Cartage, he found there a ″Cauldron of unholy loves″. The only refuge being such an aversion for life that one becomes free of desire and knows the rebirth is exhausted. The Fire Sermon is the cardinal turning point of the poem. Ⅳ.Death by Water The title of this section indicates the fulfillment of the fortune told in Part . The death of Phlebas appeared here. Death by water symbolize ambivalent meaning as well as of fire. One means merely drowning death. But the other is baptism and life-giving redemptive water. Phlebas was drowned but he is not resurrected, nor does the corpse sprout. Instead he is sucked into the whirlpool. It hints also at the physical death beyond the death in life of the Waste Land, it certainly offers no hope of immortality. The lines express regretful and admonitory counseling everyone who turns the Wheel, Gentile or Jew to renounce the worldly things and the lusts of the flesh. Ⅴ.What the Thunder said. The title of this section appears to be derived from the parable of Thunder, an Indian myth from the Upanishad. First passage of this contains three themes. ″The Journey to Emmaus″, ″The approach to the Chapel Perilous″and ″The present decay of Eastern Europe. The chapel is a symbol of the church. But they are empty, the actual ruins, the dry bones of formal religion in the Eastern, Western World. At this confrontation with this situation, the Voice of God utters in the sound of the thunder Da Da Da, i.e. ″give″″sympathize″″control″. Only obedience to these commands can bring the rain of fertility to Waste Land. But this poem is not a conclusion but an obscure beginning. The poet is still in the role of Fisher king reconstructing his physical and spiritual life

      • KCI등재

        Register Variation in the Lexico-Grammatical and Functional Usages of MAKE and TAKE

        한수미,신정아 한국영어학회 2015 영어학 Vol.15 No.4

        Han, Sumi and Shin, Jeong-Ah. 2015. Register Variation in the Lexico-Grammatical and Functional Usages of MAKE and TAKE. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics. 15-4, 919-941. This study explored the spoken-written register variation in the lexico-grammatical and functional usages of two high-frequency verbs make and take with in-house corpora including academic lectures and textbooks of American universities. All uses of each verb in each academic register were analyzed and compared with regard to frequency and collocate. The results showed that both verbs and their delexical uses were significantly more frequent in lectures than in textbooks. However, no register variation was found significant in phrasal and/or idiomatic uses. The nature of common collocates of each verb also varies in register, but stance words were common collocates of both verbs in the textbooks. Both similarities and differences in the usages of make and take between lectures and textbooks are informative to identify the general, non-arbitrary structural and semantic patterns of high-frequency verbs across registers and to apply them to L2 instruction and research.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Developing a Collocation Test for Korean EFL Learners: Test Validation and Item Format Effect

        한수미,이용원 한국영어학회 2016 영어학 Vol.16 No.2

        Han, Sumi and Lee, Yong-Won. 2016. Developing a Collocation Test for Korean EFL Learners: Test Validation and Item Format Effect. Korean Journal of English Language and Linguistics 16-2, 221-243. The main goal of the study is to develop and validate a standardized collocation test for Korean EFL learners at varying proficiency levels. Additionally, the study also aims to examine the effects of item format on the test-takers' performance on the collocation test. A 40-item collocation test was developed and administered to 195 Korean EFL learners at the university level. Data were analyzed to obtain not only item-level statistics but also score reliability and criterion-related validity coefficients. Results showed that the new collocation test was well-constructed overall, given substantial reliability and validity evidence obtained for the test (including collocation items within an acceptable range of item difficulty and discriminability). The test-takers were found to have greater active receptive collocational knowledge than active productive collocational knowledge. In addition, the effects of L1 and item format on the collocation test performance were also ascertained. Implications of the findings for collocation assessment are discussed along with promising avenues for further investigation.

      • KCI우수등재

        Frequency, MI, and Congruency in Collocation Processing by Korean EFL Learners: Evidence from Reading Aloud

        한수미 한국영어학회 2019 영어학 Vol.19 No.3

        This study examined intermediate-level Korean EFL learners’ sensitivity to collocations versus noncollocations, and frequency, mutual information (MI), and congruency of verb-noun collocations from a psycholinguistic perspective. A read-aloud task was used to investigate the (controlled) oral production of 225 stimuli, 180 collocations and 45 noncollocations, which were classified into 15 stimuli sets with regard to frequency, MI, and congruency. Results of linear mixed-effects modeling showed a processing cost for collocations over noncollocations, which provides counterevidence for Wray’s (2002) holistic hypothesis. Significant effects of frequency and congruency of collocations were also found, indicating that more frequent or congruent collocations were orally processed faster than less frequent or incongruent collocations. These findings were further discussed in terms of the usage-based model and phraseology-based tradition as well as methodological and educational implications for future research in the field of L2 collocation processing.

      • KCI등재

        Exploring the Role of Automatically-derived Text Complexity Features in L2 Reading Test Development

        한수미,신정아 현대영어교육학회 2016 현대영어교육 Vol.17 No.2

        Although automatic text analysis tools are available, little research has been conducted on the application of such tools in reading assessments. When the ratio of academic vocabulary and transitions are computed automatically and used in test development, the text selection-revision procedure can be fast and transparent by complementing test developers’ expertise. To obtain empirical evidence for the utility of automatic text complexity features, this study attempted to explore the role of automatically-derived text complexity features in an intensive English program (IEP) reading assessment. Based on previous literature and the testing context, a total of 11 text complexity features as lexical, syntactic, and semantic variables were chosen, and their accountability for the IEP reading item difficulty was automatically measured by using three text analysis tools—Lexile, the Compleat Lexical Tutor, and Coh-Metrix. Results showed that seven complexity features significantly correlated with the reading item difficulty. Stepwise multiple regressions showed that a set of four lexical and semantic text complexity features (i.e., word length, total word counts, Lexical Semantic Analysis (LSA), connectives) explained about 45% of the variance in the reading item difficulty. The results and findings of this study are discussed with regard to limitations and implications for both reading assessments and instruction.

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