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        포스트모던 관점에서 본 십대문화 위기와 기독교교육적 대안

        한미라(Mee-Rha Hahn) 한국기독교교육정보학회 2013 기독교교육정보 Vol.39 No.-

        본 논문은 포스트모던 시대의 십대들의 문화가 지닌 위기 징후들과 그것들의 영향으로 나타난 현상 중의 하나인 십대들의 학업중단과 관련된 문제들을 논의하고 가능한 해법을 기독교 교육적 관점에서 제안하는 것이다. 본 논문은 포스트모던 시대의 십대들의 문화 3대 트랜드와 십대 문화가 지닌 4가지 위기유형, 그리고 그로 말미암은 이 시대 십대들의 학업중단 사태와 기독교교육적 대안들로 구성되어 있다. 먼저 십대들의 문화 트렌드이다. 십대들은 이 시대 문화 해체자이다. 십대는 문화 컨텐츠의 프로슈머이다. 십대는 문화의 미래인(人)이다. 포스트모던 시대의 청소년들의 위기를 크게 4가지로 분류해 보았다. 첫째, 십대들의 조숙성, 둘째, 탐닉과 중독, 셋째, 금지된 것들에 대한 도전: 음란과 성에 대한 도전, 넷째, 생명훼손 이다. 포스트모던 시대의 십대들의 위기 중에서 가장 큰 위기는 학업 중단이다. 지난 5년간 학업을 중단한 청소년들의 누적 수는 총 35만명에 달한다. 본 논문에서는 다음과 같이 5가지 기독교교육적 대안을 제시하였다. 1. 관심과 배려로 학업중단을 예방하라 2. 학교는 떠나도 교육은 지속되게 하라. 3. 정부와 지자체 산하 전담 대안교육부서를 신설하라 4. 가정을 마음의 디톡스 센터로 만들어라 5. 교회는 치유와 회복이 일어나는 곳이어야 한다. This paper has made some suggestions in Christian education perspective for addressing the youth’s school drop-out significantly increased during the last 5 years in Korea. As for understanding the youth culture in the post-modern three trends and four crises of the youth culture were discussed. First of all, in post-modern era the youths are dismantling the traditional culture, prosumer of the contemporary cultural contents, and the future of the culture to come. The post-modern crises of youth classified into four: first, sexual immaturity, addiction problem, pornographic contacts, and life defamation. The most serious crisis of the youth is the school drop-out. On the nationwide, every year more than 70,000 students, the youth has left the school for some reasons. Over the past five years, a total of 380,000 the youth disappeared in the public school. In order to prevent young people dropped out of school and came up with five kinds of suggestions from Christian education perspective. 1. To prevent the teens from dropping out of the school with attention and loving-kindness, 2. Let their learning be continued even after quitting the school, 3. A new department called the teen’s school-dropout prevention program under the umbrella of the central government or local government 4. Create a home as the detox center for the broken heart 5. The church should be a place of healing and recovery for the wounded teens.

      • KCI등재

        인성교육, 기독교는 어떻게 할 것인가

        한미라(Mee-Rha Hahn) 한국기독교교육정보학회 2015 기독교교육정보 Vol.0 No.47

        오늘날 학교에서 일어나는 비정상적인 폭력과 욕설과 급기야는 교사를 희롱하고 구타하는 사건에 이르기까지 인륜을 가르쳐야 할 학교가 교육의 종말을 선언해야 할 지경에 이르렀음을 말해준다. 이유가 무엇이든, 국민들의 인성교육 필요성에 대한 의식이 압도적으로 높았다. 즉, 학생들의 인성과 도덕성 수준에 문제가 있다고 답한 국민들이 대부분이었기 때문이다. 인성교육이 어린이나 청소년들에게만 필요한 것이 아니라는 것을 깨닫게 해 주고 있다. 인성교육진흥법에서 인성지도자로서의 교사 연수를 요구한다. 인성도 주기적으로 새롭게(refresh)해야 하는 인간의 본질(essence)로 이해하는 것이 필요하다. 결론적으로, 기독교 학교나 종교단체나 정부가 올해부터 시행코자 하는 인성교육이 성공하려면 아니 적어도 효과나 효력이 발효되어 현재보다는 더 나은 방향으로 한국 사회와 학교와 가정 그리고 교회에서 어린이와 청소년들이 정상적인 아이들처럼 뛰어놀고 학교에 흥미를 가지며 공부하고 친구도 사귀며 정상 또래 아이들로 회복하는데 근본적인 대안은 무엇인가? 3가지 방안이 제시되었다. 1. 교사의 자율성, 자존감, 전문성이 향상되어야 한다 2. 교사와 부모를 위한 인성-사회성-감성교육이 필요하다 3. 트리니티 인성교육과정 개발하여 가정-학교-교회가 삼위일체의 교육구조 속에서 협력해야한다 어린이와 청소년 그리고 청년들은 한국의 미래다. 그리고 한국교회의 미래이기도하다. 이들의 예절과 책임감과 순응과 역사의식과 공동체의식을 회복시키는 것은 비단 정부만이 해야 하는 일이 아니라 학교와 교회와 가정의 삼원화 된 단체들이 한마음으로 한국의 미래 세대들을 치유하는 일에 온 정성을 쏟아야 한다. 그 일이 지금 하나님께서 기독교인들과 기독교 교회들에게 주시는 이 나라를 위한 이 시대의 교육자들의 사명이라고 생각한다. Unusual violence and profanity in today"s school where character education should be carried out finally reached negative territory where harassing and even beating teachers by the student taking place. And this tells us now the end of training. Whatever the reason is the awareness of the need for character education of the public were overwhelming. In other words, people answered that there is a problem with humanity and morality level of students. This character education may not realize that they need to give only to children and adolescents. It calls for teacher training as a leader under the law of promoting character education. It is also required to understand the human nature (essence) to be refreshed periodically. Consequently, if Christian schools, religious groups and the government want to make a success in their character education that taking effect from this year, the three measures were proposed. 1. The autonomy of teachers should be improved, self-esteem, expertise 2. Character- social-emotional education for teachers and parents is needed 3. The trinity curriculum for character education is to develop and collaborate each other under the home-school-church network Children and youth are the future of Korea. And it is also the future of the Church in Korea. Government, as well as, schools and churches not only restore the courtesy and responsibility and compliance with historical consciousness and sense of community, but also pour the whole devotion to heal the next generations of South Korea in unison. The work is now given as mission by God for the Korean Christians and the Korean churches.

      • KCI등재

        예수의 제자도와 제자교육의 모형화

        한미라(Mee-Rha Hahn) 한국기독교교육정보학회 2016 기독교교육정보 Vol.0 No.50

        이 논문의 목적은 예수의 제자도와 제자훈련 및 방식에 대한 탐구를 토대로 참 제자교육이란 무엇인가를 깊이 성찰해보고 제자교육의 새로운 방안을 제안 하고자 하는 것이다. 예수는 예정된 인류구원을 위한 중대한 사건이 다가오자 그의 제자들에게 그의 공생애 3년 동안 해 온 사역을 그대로 수행할 것을 명령한다. 예수의 짧은 지상의 생애, 33년 동안 수많은 무리를 제자로 삼으셨고 그중에서도 12제자들을 세워 예수의 제자도를 전하는 첨병으로 삼고 인류구원의 과업을 대대로 계승되도록 하는 치밀한 제자교육의 典型을 남겨놓았다. 기독교가 세계 최대의 신자수를 지닌 거대 종교로 성장하고 2천년이 넘는 세월동안 그 위치를 확고하게 지킬 수 있었던 것은 기독교만이 지니 독특한 교육시스템 때문이며, 그것의 핵심이 바로 예수의 제자도인 것이다. 그러나 예수의 제자도에 대한 신학적 연구는 많았으나, 교육학적관점에서의 연구는 괄목할 만한 성과를 만들지 못했으며, 참제자도의 실천 또한 시대의 변화에 따라 왜곡되어 왔던 바, 본 논문에서는 21세기의 학자들이 재발견과 재해석을 거듭해온 예수의 참 제자도와 예수의 제자교육의 특징을 집중적으로 고찰하여 그의 제자교육을 모형화 함으로서 교회와 가정과 학교의 현장에서 보다 용이하게 활용할 수 있는 방안을 마련하고자 하는 것이다. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the meaning of Jesus’ true discipleship and his unique way of making disciples and to suggest a new interpretation of true discipleship and a practical version of Jesus’ way of making disciples that is applicable at the church, school and home. The momentous event scheduled for human salvation had been imminent, Jesus commanded his disciples to do exactly what he had done during his three years of ministry. During the short life on earth, countless multitude followed Jesus, among which 12 disciples were chosen as the forefront for maintaining Jesus’ salvific ministry for humankind. It is due to the unique educational system of Christianity that was able to firmly defend its position as the world"s largest religion for over 2000 years and grow to a huge number of believers. And the core of its educational system is the Jesus’ unique way of discipling and the discipleship. While the theological study of Jesus" discipleship were many, and research in the pedagogical point of view did not make remarkable achievements. The practice of the true discipleship had gradually been distorted according to the changes of the times. This paper is to study intensively meanings of the true discipleship of Jesus and the characteristics of Jesus’ making disciples rediscovered by 21st Century Scholars. Furthermore, it is to design a model for making and teaching disciples and discipleship in order for teachers and parents to apply it to their children, youth and all-aged Jesus’ followers.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        귀로에 선 기독교대학의 채플

        한미라(Mee-Rha Hahn) 한국기독교교육정보학회 2007 기독교교육정보 Vol.18 No.-

        This article aims at presenting some of ideas that can be helpful for improving Christian university's chapel service in Korea. Three points are to make in order to achieve the objective. First of all, a theoretical foundation on Christian college's worship service is reviewed in light of its meaning and significance. Second, the participant's needs are surveyed in order to improve the chapel at Christian colleges. For identifying the student's need and attitude of their chapel service, the researcher took 1800 students of first and second year at Hoseo University, Cheonan, Korea. And lastly, feasible ideas are presented based on the previous studies' findings and the results of the survey conducted by the researcher. As the result of the survey, this study has found some of significant findings as follows. Except few church-affiliated Christian universities, Christian colleges in general occupy about 30% of total students whose religion is said protestant. Less than 30% of the entire students who received the worship service are satisfied. More than half of the total said the Chapel service should not be must-taking class. The students rather prefer concert or musical and drama to sermon or traditional worship service. The fact has not been changed since 10 years ago. However, a recent study conducted by Yonsei University says, though the immediate response to the chapel service turns negative, alumni/ae positively evaluated the Chapel's influence on their religious orientation. This will say there surely is a difference between in school and out of school in their attitude about the University's chapel service. It is out of question to say that crisis is coming toward the Korean Christian college and its religious service on campus. However, this crisis is nothing new. In fact the crisis was there 10 years ago. Thus we need to seek feasible resolutions against this crisis with more vigorous enthusiasm. First, the pessimism needs to be cleared about the Christian university's chapel service. That is, we must not give it up or weaken our motivation. Younger Oh once said the Christian identity must be defined by the Christian university in terms of founding ethos. With a firm foundation of Christianity, the Christian university needs to upgrade and update its religious service. Second, professionally trained chaplains are needed in order to fulfill the university's mission. Culturally skillful and experienced chaplains are able to open a dialogue with non-Christian students. The success of the Chapel service is heavily dependent upon the campus ministers. However, the currently hired ministers are the graduates who received an old fashioned theological education mostly at the denominational seminaries. Moreover, their employments are not on the tenure track. Within the current working condition, the university may not obtain able and well trained clerical manpower. Third, the top manager and staffs must be at least Christians; otherwise the school easily put the Christian values aside. Some of the staffs and top manager of the Christian schools are found non-Christian, even shaman follower. The staffs of the Christian university are the policy maker, and the Chapel service is the foremost policy issue that they have faced every year. Fourth, the Christian university considers the first priority of Chapel's class time on the entire curricular schedule. Younger Oh insists that the chapel service of the university is the key concern for every member of the Christian university so that all of the faith community will be able to participate with no stress. Fifth, most of Christian colleges are private. Thus theoretically they can freely operate the school for example in recruiting students, etc. However, the Christian colleges in Korea have received financial aids from the Government. When student filed a lawsuit against the chapel service for their religious freedom, the Christian university needs to p

      • KCI등재

        한국 청소년 가치관의 연구사적 고찰

        한미라(Mee-Rha Hahn) 한국기독교교육정보학회 2011 기독교교육정보 Vol.29 No.-

        The purpose of this article is to investigate changes in the seven core values of the Korean adolescent over the last thirty years; goal of life, family values, educational priority, career goal, social and ethical awareness, and patriotism. Twenty previous studies were selected, analyzed and compared according to these values. Major findings are as followed. First, young generations in the 80s held a conservative position on patriotism, filial piety and sexual ethics, however, they had relatively instrumental morality on honesty and abortion. Second, adolescents in the 90s were proud to be a Korean. However, it was not the same as their patriotism. Some noticeable changes were made; taking more liberal position in sex, taking college education as the means of success, and considering economic ability as the first value in marriage and nursing parents. In short, secularism and individualism began to influence style and quality of their life. Third, the way in which young people in the millenium age think and act seem more balanced than before. They can even criticize a national issue like FTA-importing American beef. However, their body and instinct tend to be vulnerable in controlling lust and pleasure. The surprising numbers of adolescent abortions and cheating at school verified this. In sum, Korean young generations seem to live in imbalanced value system In general, their value tendency seem normal except on abortion and honesty. What we concern is the teen’s fearless decision on human fetus and self-conscience. The value education for balancing between soma( body) and spirit(pneuma) must not to be postponed anymore for this generation.

      • KCI등재

        "불임 치유"와 생명 윤리 문제

        한미라 한국기독교교육정보학회 2000 기독교교육정보 Vol.1 No.-

        The aim of the thesis is to seek a biblical correspondence to the recent issue on artificial insemination. There have been ongoing debates on artificial reproductive technologies in theological communities. Yet a few biblical correspondence to the issue has been made. This paper has three tasks. The first is to identify what challenges are in terms of conflicting with Christian faith. The second is to investigate who the barren women were in the Old Testament & the New Testament. The biblical languages referring infertility or infertile women are also examined. The third is to find out how God handles this issue and to make a reflection how modern Christians especially women can deal with artificial reproductive technology. Six challenges are identified as follows. First, infertility has been regraded as a disease so that it needs medical treatments. Six medical treatments in general are available today for infertile patients. In Vitro Fertilization(IVF) and embryo transfer is one of six that British doctors, Steptoe &Edwards first applied it to an infertile woman. This challenges natural conception, saying that a baby can be made without sexual intercourse. Secondly, gamete intrafallopian transfer in which a gamete(conceived egg & sperm)is immediately transferred into female's fallopian tube. Some catholic churches allow this method with the condition of extracting sperm by a leaking condom. The third is to transfer zygote or embryo into female's fallopian tube. Zygote is one day-old conceived, and embryo is two days. Both second and third methods have been rejected by most Catholic churches. The fourth is artificial insemination in which the doctor injects extracted husband's sperm into wife's uterus. Two ways of AI are possible: artificial insemination homologous: AIH) and artificial insemination donor: AID). What challenges us most is AID, because it may devalue family kinship and promote a business selling sperms. Even if the couple agreed to AIH, the child's future is not quite clear when divorce occurs. The fifth is frozen embryo transfer. This also challenges our faith in the life-giver, God. Whether frozen embryo is a live human or not is disputable. Catholics oppose freezing embryos in the sense that the frozen embryo is obvious life entity. They asserts that the best condition for human embryo is not in the freeze but in mother's uterus. The sixth is the most disputable method, hiring surrogate mother. USA and American Infertility Society agree on this but Christian Doctors Association, USA and Catholic churches disagree. This confuses our ethical standards on mother-child relationship and causes serious and endless disputes between genetical motherhood and physical motherhood. The Bible is the epitome in telling the stories of infertile women. Abrahamic household has been succeeded by those who once were barren: Sarah had the longest infertility period; she became a mother at 90, her daughter in law, Rebekah & Rebekah's daughter in law, Rachel also experienced the same. Hannah. mother of Samuel also suffered long with her barrenness. In New Testament, Elisabeth, mother of Baptist John, finally relieved from her infertility shame at her very old age. The virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, is the first, one and only biblical case of external fertilization, that is, in theological term, conception by the Holy Spirit. Infertility in the Bible were used in two purposes: One is means to show God's wrath or as consequence of human being's wrongdoing. Two, God closes women's uterus for the sake of His own salvific plan as shown in the case of Abraham's family. Healing infertility seems totally in God's hands in the Bible. God creates life and gives us life. It is His sovereignty in giving or taking life from us. However, modern medicine somehow promotes artificial way of creating life that seriously challenging Christian belief in the Creator God. Now we, theologians must raise relevant correspondence to the cutting edge technologies in artificial reproduction.

      • KCI등재

        기독교교육 정보화의 가능성과 한계

        한미라 한국기독교교육정보학회 2001 기독교교육정보 Vol.3 No.-

        Nothing seems impossible on the internet in times like this. In a sense, we all became the internet users Post-moderns spend more days & nights on the internet than in real life Browsing, searching, downloading, up loading, e-mailing are most frequently conducted behaviors on the internet. Instead of casting a net to catch a fish in the sea, we use the world wide web for seeking and hunting the areas for fishing. Not until few years ago, the internet was known to an invisible, virtual, cyber space, but it has now become a tangible space where we can hear and see. Three questions were raised in terms of informatization for Christian education: why CE needs IT?, what is informatization of CE? and what to be considered when establishing the informatization for CE. First, informatization is defined to enable or promote activities in every aspect of contemporary society by way of creating, processing, and circulating information. Educational informatization, in a broader sense, a set of systematic activities the way in which entire process of the existing educational services including the related law, customs, and an individual's thought and acts are to restructure in accordance with the demand of current information society. In a narrower sense, it means the activities using IT in order to Improve the efficiency of teaching-learning and educational administrative services. Then, the informatization of Christian education refers to the process and activities for promoting reproduction of the existing information and creating a new information for the sake of Christian education. More specifically, it signifies that the information service is provided by an educational agency or institute for establishing data base for T-L and administration of Christian Education, and for importing IT & CT(communication technology) into it. Second, informatization of Christian Education were examined its biblical validity both in the Old and the New Testament. Five positions were claimed by the Scriptures. l)our ability to produce information is God's intent 2)seeking information is our responsibility, 3)the Word of God is the transmittable information generation to generation, 4)the Kingdom language as content-information needs literacy and interpretation, 5)the Gospel is a sacred information for circulation among all people. Third, the informatization of Christian education was also discussed in the perspectives of religious education theories. Four different approaches were employed traditional theological approach, socia-cultural approach, contemporary theological approach, and social science approach In sum the theoretical reflection gives an idea and a rationale for what-to-do about the informahzation of Chrishan education Finally, some suggestions were made in order to activate the informatization of Christian education as follows: l)all the church data is to be computer-based 2) all the information on students of the church school is to be computer-based, 3) the data-base must be established for church's human resource, 4) all the physical resource being used for Christian education must be compatible with multi-media devices. 5) CE is to import instructional technology in order to improve the T-L efficiency, e. g web-based instruction, interactive computer-based instruction is also recommended. As Leon Sweet once said the future church is EPIC(experiential, participatory, image-driven, and connectedness)church. The informatization enables the church being EPIC at any time any place both to on/off line. So does it to Christian education. Above all Christian educators must be alert about changes in IT and its applicability to Christian education. Teaching religion is to seek efficiency and the informatization promotes it.

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