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      • KCI우수등재

        가습기살균제 사용 의료기관 노출 현황 연구 : 23개 노출 현장 실지 조사를 중심으로

        한경희(Kyunghee Han),조은경(Eun-Kyung Jo),서영준(Young-Joon Seo),곽정현(Jung Hyun Kwak),양원호(Wonho Yang),김판기(Pan-Gyi Kim),최윤형(Yoon-Hyeong Choi) 한국환경보건학회 2020 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.46 No.4

        Objective: This study aimed to introduce the use of humidifier disinfectant (HD) in hospitals based on an on-site investigation. Methods: A preliminary survey and on-site investigation of HD use were conducted in 23 hospitals. Among them, one hospital without previous information on HD use was selected for a pilot investigation; 22 hospitals were selected based on previous documents and exposure statements from parliamentary investigation and exposure assessment regarding HD. Descriptive statistics were used to present distribution and characteristics of HD purchase and HD use in hospitals. Also, details on interviews from the on-site investigation were described. Results: Among the 23 hospitals, a total of ten were confirmed to have purchased and used an HD (nine hospitals) or HD-like product (one hospital). For the purchased HD products, four hospitals reported ‘Aekyung Gaseupgi Mate’, two hospitals reported ‘Oxy Ssakssak New Gaseupgi Dangbun’, and one hospital reported ‘Homeplus Gaseupgi Chungjungje’ (one hospital used three kinds of HD products). One hospital reported an HD-like product and four hospitals were ‘Unknown’. For the number of HD products purchased, five hospitals reported ’100 or less’, two hospitals reported ‘More than 100’, and three hospitals were ‘Unknown’. For each of the ten hospitals, we described detailed characteristics of HD purchase and its exposure status obtained through on-site investigation, including the purchase volume (i.e., number of products), exposure space (i.e., patient’s room, staff space), and exposure period. Additionally, a comparison of on-site investigation and parliamentary investigation or exposure assessment regarding HD was reported. Conclusion: This study introduced detailed cases of HD purchase and HD use in hospitals based on an on-site investigation, and our findings revealed a possibility of a considerable volume of HD exposure in various multi-use facilities, including hospitals.

      • KCI등재

        유예된 여성 : 신경숙 소설 속 노동계급 여성에게 있어 ‘여성이 된다’는 것의 의미

        한경희(Han, Kyunghee) 인천대학교 인문학연구소 2021 인문학연구 Vol.36 No.-

        본고는 신경숙의 소설 「밤고기」(1987), 「풍금이 있던 자리」(1992), 「배드민턴 치는 여자」(1992)에서 노동계급 여성의 성 정체성이 젠더·계급·지역이 교차하는 가운데 구성되는 한 양상을 살펴보았다. 신경숙의 소설에서는 남성의 폭력으로 상정되는 ‘자연’에의 노출이 노동계급과 중산층, 농촌과 도시를 구분할 수 있는 기준으로 여겨지며, 이로부터 농촌/노동계급으로부터 벗어나 도시/중산층으로 상승한다는 것이란 더 이상 자연의 폭력에 노출되지 않는 상태에 이르는 것을 뜻하게 된다. 이때 계급 상승을 위한 노동계급 여성의 노력은 취약성으로 재현되는 여성성에의 동일시로 나타난다. 폭력으로부터 자신을 지킬 수 있는 이가 오직 자기 자신 이외 부재하는 노동계급 여성의 상태는, 너무나도 취약하여 남성의 보호 대상이 되는 여성을 상위 계급의 이미지로서 선망하도록 하는 것이다. 계급 분할, 계급 억압, 계급 상승의 이와 같은 의미는 보호받는 여성과 보호받지 못하는 여성으로 계급화되어있는 산업화 시대 젠더 이데올로기를 그 피지배자인 노동계급 여성의 입장에서 재구성한 결과이다. 이에 진정한 ‘여성’이 되려는 노동계급 여성의 노력은 더 좋은 삶을 살기 위한 향상심에 기인하면서도 열등감, 죄책감, 허위의식을 동반하게 된다. This article analyzes three short stories written by Shin Kyung-sook to examine the structure of working-class women"s gender identity among the intersection of sex, class, and region during the period of industrialization. Contained within these stories, exposure to sexual violence divides working- from middle-class, urban from rural. To escape the stigma of being considered a working-class citizen is to become a woman protected by men. Thus, true femininity is a form of vulnerability which motivates male protective psychology, and upward class mobility means identifying with representations of femininity as vulnerability. This interpretation of class division, oppression, and mobility reveals that Shin"s fiction internalizes the dominant ideology"s hierarchy of femininity. Therefore, the attempt to increase self-worth via identification with femininity paradoxically manifests character fractures like false consciousness, guilt, and an inferiority complex.

      • KCI등재

        자본주의를 비판하며 자본주의와 교섭하기

        한경희(Han, Kyunghee) 한국여성연구소 2016 페미니즘 연구 Vol.16 No.2

        1970년대 중반 이후 한국 경제는 본격적인 시장 자유주의 경제 체제로 전환한다. 본고는 도시 세태 비판 혹은 중산층의 속물의식 비판이라고 얘기되어왔던 일련의 박완서 소설들이 이러한 경제 구조 변화와의 길항 작용 속에서 등장했음을 밝히고자 한다. 박완서의 소설들은 근면·절제·노력·인내와 같은 개인 윤리를 기반으로 근면하게 노동하는 이가 더 이상 부를 얻지 못하고 대신 돈과 땅과 같은 재산으로 부를 쉽게 얻는, ‘돈이 돈을 낳는’ 자본주의 메커니즘을 비판한다. 그러나 노동가치에 근거한 이러한 비판은 근면한 노동의 주체를 남성으로 자본주의적 욕망의 주체를 여성으로 상정하며, 프롤레타리아 계급을 무절제하고 게으르며 따라서 지도를 받아야 하는 집단으로 본다는 한계를 갖는다. 그러나 자산 소유만이 자신을 보호해줄 수 있는 것으로 여기는 상태에서 자본주의는 개량의 대상이지 타도의 대상이 되는 것은 아니다. ‘더 나은’ 자본주의를 위해 다른 사람의 노동력을 고용하면서 자신도 직접 노동하는 중산층이 부르주아 계급을 대체할 대안 계층으로 상정되며, 특히 지적인 여성이 자본 소유의 자격을 갖춘 주체로서 등장한다. 이 과정에서 토지가 자립경제의 가능성을 지닌, 그러나 폐쇄성과 배타성이 노정된 생산 수단으로서 실험된다. From the mid-seventies, the Korean economy switched to a full-scale free market system. In this paper I intend to discuss how a series of novels by Park Wansuh, which are commonly considered to be critiques of urban social conditions or middle-class materialism, emerged through the antagonism of the economic structural change. Park’s novels criticize the ‘money begets money’ capitalist mechanism in which the personal ethics of hardworking people, such as diligence, restraint, effort, and patience, can no-longer help them acquire wealth, and instead wealth is easily gained through assets such as land and money. This criticism introduces the subject of diligent labor as male, and the subject of capitalist greed as female. Under the mindset of seeing intellectual labor as needing more diligence, restraint, effort and patience than physical labor, the proletariat who performs physical labor or simple labor is viewed as intemperate and lazy, thereby seen as a group which needs guidance. Middle-class women who operate under this understanding of social structure continue this sense of moral superiority while also devising many ways to gain the capital that will protect them from poverty.

      • KCI등재

        비극적으로 아름다워야 한다는 조건 - 1990년대 여성문학의 제도 문학 편입 맥락과 그 과정

        한경희(Han, Kyunghee) 한국현대소설학회 2021 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.83

        This article explores the context and process of women’s literature’s incorporation into the literary sphere as universal ‘literature’ in the 1990s. Following the early 90s decline of ‘National Literature’ and subsequent hollowing out of literary conventions, the previously sturdy authority of literature was shaken. In reaction, nostalgia arose in the literary sphere for lyricism-often called a conservative aesthetic-and Shin Kyung-sook’s fiction became an object on which to project this nostalgia. Theorists attempting to initiate a break with the literature of the 1980s and reconfigure the literary sphere around liberal individualism actively appropriated the works of Shin and other women writers as a response to men’s departure from the literary world after National Literature’s decline. In the process, women’s representations of self and world were subject to new forms of selection and censorship that differed from those faced by earlier women writers. As literature solidified into an expression of ‘negative aesthetics’-centering on a fundamental sorrow underlying life’s ambiguity, complexity, and unascertainability via reason, or on universal truths of human existence unrelated to any specific time or place -only women’s literature which depicted women withdrawn into inner otherness could receive recognition as universal ‘literature.’ As a result, only literary works for which the central tone is one of depressive loss and solitude stemming from a specifically feminine narcissism-in other words, works which would previously have been referred to as ‘feminine(yeoryu-jeok)’ sentimental novels-were incorporated into the literary sphere. Other women’s literature was categorized as popular literature, commercial literature, aggressive feminist literature, and so on. In the process, ‘women’s writing’ asserting that the literary value of women’s literature lay in representations of motherhood, acting as surrogate to supplement the universal self’s sense of lack, colluded in the construction of the contemporary literary sphere’s concept of universal literariness, which appropriated and ultimately neutralized women’s literature.

      • KCI등재

        안동 현대문학사에서 박종우의 위상

        한경희(Kyunghee Han) 한국문화융합학회 2020 문화와 융합 Vol.42 No.4

        본고는 지역문학 연구의 일환으로 소외된 지역문학의 현장을 찾아 발굴하는 일에 목적을 두었다. 중앙문학사에 비해 인적 물적 기반이 부족한 지역문화 현실 속에서도 고군분투한 작가의 자취를 찾아내고 그들의 교류를 확인하여 문학사를 기술할 때 더욱 온전한 문학사를 갖출 수 있기 때문이다. 지역문학사 서술을 위해 안동지역에서 활동했던 작가와 작품을 발굴하는 일 이외에도 작가들의 활동사항을 잘 정리해서 그들의 역량이 지역사회에 어떤 의미로 작용했는지 살펴본 것이다. 안동에 아무 연고가 없는 박종우가 안동의 현대문학에서 중요한 위치를 갖게 된 것은 단순히 안동고등학교 교사였기 때문이 아니다. 당시 안동은 기성문단에 등단한 작가가 없었고 전쟁이후 폐허가 제대로 회복되지 않은 상황이었다. 작가적 역량이나 문학적 역량이 집중될 환경이 되지 못했다. 박종우가 안동에서 문학적 분위기를 주도하고 만들어갈 수 있었던 것은 안동의 현대문학판의 미형성에 큰 이유가 있다고 본다. 안동의 현대문학은 학생동인 중심으로 출발했다는 것은 안동문화의 한 특징을 드러낸다. 박종우의 영향력은 크게 두 가지로 언급한다. <맥향> 동인의 조직과 문예교사로서 시창작 지도이다. 전자는 현대문학이 전무한 안동에도 문학장에 새로운 기운을 불러낸 것이다. 전후 피폐한 지역문화현실을 극복하는 중요한 역할을 했다고 평가할 수 있다. 전쟁을 겪으며 폐허가 되었던 안동에 새로운 문화접변 현상을 박종우가 불러 일으켰고 그 결실로 학생문예운동이 일어난다. 후자는 안동에만 국한되는 것도 아니다. 박종우에게 시창작 지도를 받은 경상남북도 학생들은 오늘날 지역문학 현장에서 중심역할을 하고 있다. 특히, 안동의 경우는 당시 문예장학생 제도로 대학입학까지 하는 사례도 생겨나 문예창작 움직임이 활발해졌다. As part of regional literature research, this paper aims to find and discover scenes from marginalized regional literature to show that a more complete literary history can be gained through literary history descriptions that involve identifying traces of struggling writers and confirming their exchange, even in the local culture reality, which lacks a human and physical foundation compared with central literary history. In addition to discovering the artists that were active in the Andong area and examining their works in order to describe the history of the local literature, we also organized these artists’ activities to see how their capabilities operated within the community. Park Jong-woo, who has no connection with Andong, is not relevant simply because he was a teacher at Andong High School. At the time, Andong had no writer in terms of the ready-made paragraph, and the ruins had not been properly restored since the war. It was not an environment that was conducive for a concentration of artistic or literary competence. I think that the reason Park Jong-Woo was able to lead and create a literary atmosphere in Andong is because there is a great reason behind the formation of the region’s modern literature. The fact that Andong’s modern literature began with a focus on student drivers reveals an important regional cultural characteristic. Park’s influence is largely mentioned in two ways. Machyang is a literary teacher’s map of poetry creation as well as a method of group organization. The former brought a new energy to the literature hall in Andong, from which modern literature was absent. It can be said that it played an important role in overcoming the devastated post-war local cultural reality. In Andong, which was ruined during the war, Park Jong-woo evoked a new cultural transformation phenomenon, resulting in a student literature movement. The movement is not limited to Andong. Students from Gyeongsangnam-do, North Korea, who responded to Park Jong-woo’s guidance on poetry creation, play a central role in the field of local literature today. In the case of Andong, in particular, there are many students who were able to attend university through the literary scholarship system.

      • 원전 2차측 배관 감육여부 판별을 위한 Total Point Method 전산 알고리즘 개발

        오영진,윤훈,문승재,한경희,박병욱,Oh, Young Jin,Yun, Hun,Moon, Seung Jae,Han, Kyunghee,Park, Byeong Uk 한국압력기기공학회 2015 한국압력기기공학회 논문집 Vol.11 No.2

        Pipe wall-thinning by flow-accelerated corrosion (FAC) and various types of erosion is a significant and costly damage phenomenon in secondary piping systems of nuclear power plants (NPPs). Most NPPs have management programs to ensure pipe integrity due to wall-thinning that includes periodic measurements for pipe wall thicknesses using ultrasonic tests (UTs). Nevertheless, thinning evaluations are not easy because the amount of thickness reduction being measured is often quite small compared to the accuracy of the inspection technique. U.S. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) had proposed Total Point Method (TPM) as a thinning occurrence evaluation method, which is a very useful method for detecting locally thinned pipes or fittings. However, evaluation engineers have to discern manually the measurement data because there are no numerical algorithm for TPM. In this study, numerical algorithms were developed based on non-parametric and parametric statistical method.

      • KCI우수등재

        NaDCC (sodium dichloroisocyanurate) 성분 가습기살균제 유사제품의 특성과 의료기관에서의 사용 사례

        조은경(Eun-Kyung Jo),한경희(Kyunghee Han),주민재(Min Jae Ju),양원호(Wonho Yang),최윤형(Yoon-Hyeong Choi) 한국환경보건학회 2020 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.46 No.5

        Objective: This study aimed to compare the characteristics of humidifier disinfectant-like products (HD-like products) and humidifier disinfectant products (HD products) and introduce actual cases of the usage of HD-like products in hospitals based on an on-site investigation. Methods: The characteristics, chemical components, and usage of HD-like products (Hichlor or Biospot) and HD products (N-with) containing NaDCC (sodium dichloroisocyanurate) were compared. In the process of conducting the on-site investigation, four hospitals were identified as previously using HD-like products. Each on-site investigation to identify the use of HD-like products was composed of four parts: 1) hospital infection control guidelines, 2) manual for humidifiers in patient’s rooms, 3) interviews with nursing staff, infection managers, and purchase managers, 4) searching on the product purchase system. Results: Although HD-like products (Hichlor and Biospot) and HD products (N-with) were sold for different usage purposes, they were all white-colored and coin-shaped foaming tablets with the same chemical component, NaDCC. The manual for using HD-like products and HD products was similar (inserting the tablet in a humidifier container with water). Among the four hospitals, one had used Hichlor in the same manner as HD (N-with) by inserting a tablet in 1L of water in a filled humidifier container and Biospot as a kind of detergent for humidifier container cleaning. Another two hospitals had used Biospot and/or Aniosyme as a kind of detergent for humidifier container cleaning. The other hospital had used unknown product in the same manner as N-with, so we thus assumed it was either an HD products (N-with) or HD-like products (Hichlor, Biospot). Conclusion: This study raises the possibility of the development of adverse health effects similar to exposure to an HD-products when exposed to an HD-like products and the possibility of further use in other medical institutions or multi-use facilities. Therefore, an expansion of the investigation is needed in order to confirm whether there have been similar cases in the past.

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