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        RBD 분석 TOOL을 활용한 승강장 스크린 도어(PSD)의 신뢰성(RAM) 목푯값 예측

        하태길,손국현,김재문,오염덕,김철환,강정원 한국산학기술학회 2022 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.23 No.12

        The purpose of railway construction in a railway project is to provide safe and convenient railway service for passengers. In this study, we predicted the RAM target value using a software tool to operate a railway system without failure and degradation after construction. RAM prediction verifies the RAM target before equipment installation. Later, a railway operator validates the RAM target during the operating stage as a key performance indicator (KPI). A railway system in the project stage which is centenary, transmittal communicator system, and railway control system. This paper, a validated railway platform door (PSD) only RAM prediction and to achieve international criteria, which can call the automatic door on a platform when a train departs or arrives. The process of RDB modelling inputs the device quantity and failure value in a software tool and makes the RDB with serial, parallel, and multiple and used a graphic user interface. These outputs of modeling can be used to judge whether a design achieves the requirements and RAM target. Meanwhile, we change the link between devices and add device redundancy if we cannot achieve the RAM target. In addition, we have to exchange the different device if we still cannot meet the requirement. The RAM target value of PSD was 99.932%, which complies international standards. This prediction of the RAM in the design stage is to reduce the installation and to keep the project period. 철도 건설의 주요 목적은 승객에게 안전하고 편리한 철도 서비스를 제공함에 있다. 본 논문에서는 철도건설자가 짧은 설계단계에서 RDB(Reliability Block Diagram)를 모형화하고 소프트웨어 Tool을 활용하여 철도 시스템의 신뢰성을 예측하는 방법에 대하여 논하였다. 이러한 신뢰성(RAM)의 예측은 실질적인 장비 설치 전에 설계가 목푯값을 준수하였는지 검증하고 향후 철도운영자는 운영단계에서 KPI(Key Performance Indicator)와 같이 준수하여야 할 시스템의 목푯값으로 활용할 수 있다. 철도 건설에 있어서 프로젝트 동안 철도 시스템은 전차선, 전송망 통신, 열차제어 등으로 크게 나눌 수 있는데 본 논문에서는 지하철 등에서 열차 진입 또는 출발 시 자동으로 문이 개폐되는 PSD(Platform Screen Door) 시스템의 신뢰성을 예측하고 국제적 기준에 부합되는지를 그 결괏값을 통하여 검증하였다. RDB 모형화 과정은 소프트웨어 Tool을 활용하여 블록별 장비 수량과 고장 값을 입력하고 장비별 구성방식에 따라 직렬, 병렬, 다중 RDB 연결방식을 그래픽 화 된 사용자인터페이스를 통하여 모형화하였다. 이러한 모형화 결괏값은 설계된 시스템이 RAM 목푯값을 달성하였는지 판단하게 하지만 달성하지 못했을 경우 시스템 내에서 장치의 연결방식 변경, 장비의 우회경로(Redundancy) 추가 등을 고려할 수 있는데 그럼에도 더 이상의 가용성 향상이 없으면 다른 장치로의 교체까지 검토하여야 한다. 본 논문은 설계단계에서 PSD의 신뢰성 예측 99.932%로 기준을 상회하는 것으로 분석됨에 따라 시공단계를 진행할 수 있게 되었으며 이를 통하여 불필요한 재시공을 줄이고 공기를 준수하는 데 기여 할 수 있을 것으로 본다.

      • KCI등재

        Differential Effects of Humor Advertisingby Expression Type and Receivers’ Temperament

        하태길,박명호,이희욱 한국마케팅학회 2007 ASIA MARKETING JOURNAL Vol.9 No.1

        The current study analyzed the relationship between expression type of humor ads and their advertising effects and the differences in advertising effects by expression type according to temperament as categorized by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). Expression type of humor was classified into arousal-, incongruity-, and superiority-type humor ads. Advertising effects were measured by consumers’ cognitive, affective, and conative responses. Three ads were created based on expression type of humor. A personality type, as measured by the MBTI, was categorized into four types of temperament, namely SP, SJ, NF, NT and used as moderating variables. As a result, the advertising effects varied according to the expression type of humor advertising. Interaction effects between ad expression type and temperament on ad feeling and ad preference were also found.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        형사절차상 자백배제법칙의 근거와 그 의미

        하태인(Ha, Tae In) 부산대학교 법학연구소 2013 법학연구 Vol.54 No.4

        자백배제법칙의 성립에 관한 연혁적 관점에서 자백배제법칙의 근거와 관련하여 허위배제설, 인권옹호설, 위법배제설의 탄생은 당연한 것으로 판단된다. 그러나 자백배제법칙이 영ㆍ미 형사소송의 역사적 측면에서 발전해온 것이라고 할 수는 있으나, 이와 다른 형사소송의 역사 및 구조를 가지고 있는 우리나라에서도 동일한 형식으로 접근해야 하는가가 본 연구의 시작이다. 형사절차상 자백의 임의성이 증명된 후 자백의 진실성유무를 판단하게 될 경우 자백의 임의성 판단에서 허위인지를 판단할 수밖에 없어 실질적으로 임의성과 신빙성을 동시에 판단하는 결과가 발생하고, 형사절차상 증거능력과 증명력의 판단이 혼동될 수 있다. 이러한 점에서 종합설 및 절충설은 타당하다고 할 수 없다. 위법배제설은 형사절차에서 적정절차의 이념을 실현하고, 자백배제의 기준을 객관화ㆍ단순명료화하여 위법수사의 억지력을 높이는 이론이라고 한 점은 타당하나, 위법행위는 아니지만 부당한 행위로 인하여 취득한 자백은 임의성이 의심스러운 경우에도 증거능력을 인정하여야 하고, 또한 위법행위 자체가 의심스러운 경우와 위법하지 않지만 부당한 경우에 명확한 설명을 하기 어렵고 사인간의 불법행위에 의한 자백의 경우에 법문의 취지와 관련하여 명쾌한 설명이 어렵다. 자백배제법칙은 헌법상 기본권에 해당하기 때문에 위법하지 않지만 부당한 수사로 인한 자백과 임의성과 관련이 없는 위법수사에 의한 자백의 경우에 증거능력을 부정할 수 있다. 또 사인의 의한 불법취득한 자백은 자백배제법칙이 직접 적용되는 것이 아니라 사인의 의해 기본권이 침해된 경우 국가는 이를 보호하여야 한다는 기본권의 국가보호의무에서 발생한다. 자백배제법칙은 원칙적으로 국가권력 특히 수사기관의 불법행위방지에 그 목적이 있는 것이지만, 사인에 의하여 국민의 기본권인 자백의 임의성이 침해된 경우에 형사소송법 제309조가 적용될 수는 없고 기본권이 침해된 경우에 국가는 이를 보호하여야 한다는 측면에서 헌법 제12조 제7항이 간접 적용되는 것으로 보아야 한다. 즉 자백배제법칙의 근거는 헌법상 기본권이면서, 증거법칙으로서 역할은 형사소송법 제309조가 적용되어야 한다. In connection with the voluntariness of confession, Article 12(7) of the Korean Constitution and Article 309 of the Korean Criminal Procedure Code provide for the exclusion of involuntary confessions made under torture, battery, threat, deceit or after prolonged custody as well as confessions whose voluntariness is doubtful. There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the rationales and scope of the confession rule. This reports argues that illegally obtained confession should be automatically excluded even though it is either reliable or voluntary in order to fulfill the request of the Constitution and deter law enforcement authorities misconducts. Reliability and voluntariness tests of confession have been linked to admissibility of evidence and probative force on criminal proceedings. Apart from credibility of confession, the voluntariness of confession is judged. The Confession Rule originates on the due process, and the due process exists for guarantee of he fundamental rights of a nation. And essentially the Confession Rule is not applied private persons but law enforcement authorities. Therefore that is not subject to the effects of basic rights among private citizens. Illegally obtained confession by private persons is not relevant the Confession Rule, applies to duty of nation to protect fundamental rights.

      • KCI등재

        마약범죄의 형사법적 대응에 관한 고찰

        하태 한국공안행정학회 2023 한국공안행정학회보 Vol.32 No.3

        Article 12 (1) of the Korean Constitution accepts the principle of due process as a constitutional principle. The principle of due process stipulates the basic principle that criminal proceedings should be regulated in terms of guaranteeing basic rights. Therefore, if the investigation by the investigative agency violates the principle of due process, it is illegal. An investigation may conduct an investigation necessary to achieve its purpose (Article 199 (1) of the Criminal Procedure Act). However, even if the necessity of such an investigation is recognized, it cannot be allowed if the means of the investigation are not equivalent to the purpose. As a general principle of investigation, the principle of considerability of investigation or proportionality of investigation is derived from the principle of due process. Specifically, the means should be suitable for achieving the purpose of the investigation (the principle of suitability), and the necessary means with the least infringement (the principle of minimum infringement), and there should be a balance between the benefits of achieving the purpose of the investigation and the benefits infringed by the investigation (the principle of balance). Currently, drug crimes have difficulties in detecting criminals and collecting evidence due to the wider area and the trend of intelligence due to informatization. As a means of this, the need for a trap investigation will increase further. Nevertheless, it should be legally allowed only to the extent that it complies with the principle of due process and the principle of considerability or proportionality of investigation under Article 12 (1) of the Constitution.

      • 촣 7,920 Joules의 전기적 쇽을 시행한 급성 심근경색 환자의 임상 경과 1예

        하태,정상렬,문성수,이수형,이은아,최영식 고신대학교(의대) 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 2006 고신대학교 의과대학 학술지 Vol.21 No.1

        Primary ventricular fibrillation during the early phases of acute myocardial infarction is thought to be the result of microreentry mechanisms in the infarct zone. In ventricular fibrillation, defibrillation is the most effective treatment to terminate reentrant arrhythmia. It has been known that repeated delivery of high energy DC shocks cause some myocardial damage, and the severity of myocardial damage is proportional to the delivered energy. Defibrillation interval and total delivered energy have also been known to be associated with the severity of injury. But few reports on a quantitative study in conjunction with the amount of delivered energy were documented. We experienced a case of a patient with acute myocardial infarction successfully managed by electrical shock of 7,920 joules for 5 hours. So, we report this case with the review of related literature.

      • KCI등재

        성폭력 범죄의 신빙성 판단기준인 성인지 감수성에 대한 고찰

        하태 한국공안행정학회 2022 한국공안행정학회보 Vol.31 No.4

        When sexual violence crimes are committed in a private space, there is little physical evidence, and it is not easy to prove the perpetrator's crime as the victim is the only witness. If the arguments of the two parties are different, there is no choice but to worry about whose statement to give faith. In sexual violence crimes, gender sensitivity appears as a criterion for judging the credibility of victim statements. Gender sensitivity is a broad ability to recognize gender discrimination and gender inequality, a concept that has recently emerged to improve gender-related perceptions such as gender equality and gender awareness. Originally, gender sensitivity was a cognitive concept that was not related to the legal application of criminal cases and should be applied to policies or systems. In 2018, the Supreme Court applied for the first time in sexual harassment cases. As the Supreme Court cites this in criminal proceedings, it appears to be important in its meaning under criminal law. However, gender sensitivity is a concept that requires judgment from the perspective of an average victim, and what it means is ambiguous. In addition, there is a concern that objective and detailed arguments may be omitted during the trial process by hastily generalizing the victim's statements. It is also very dangerous because it seems to be implicitly understood to put more credibility on the victim's statement. In addition, it may be quite unreasonable to judge guilt or innocence based on the victim's statement. This is no different from estimating facts based on the victim's statement, so there is also a risk of a public opinion trial. Gender sensitivity should be satisfied that the victim cannot be said to be not a victim just because he/she acted uncharacteristically. In other words, gender sensitivity cannot be the only criterion for solving sexual violence crimes. This is the same as victimhood in a narrow sense. In other words, gender sensitivity and victimhood should act as passive elements that cannot be said to be victims just because they do or do not do such actions. Therefore, gender sensitivity or victimhood cannot be the only criterion for judging the credibility of victim statements. If only statements exist and there is no physical evidence, there is only an effort to reveal the truth, but the perfect substantive truth cannot be revealed. Therefore, the contents of the statement should be comprehensively evaluated and the principle of presumption of innocence should be followed. In addition, it can be said that a case without reasonable doubt in conviction requires a high degree of certainty compared to a case with physical evidence.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        수사기관의 무영장체포와 영장주의의 실질적 의미

        하태인(Ha, Tae-In) 중앙대학교 법학연구원 2011 法學論文集 Vol.35 No.1

        Arrest accompanied by the introduction of a voluntary goal to attract, including for the protection and the fight against illegal investigative practices and procedures to ensure the investigation. Arrest system is distinguished from the arrest, has the legitimacy of the purpose, procedures will also be distinguished from confinement. However, due to the arrest warrant documents the human rights of the accused actually does not help. Hearing the trial of legal claims of infringement of protected areas can be seen that. To solve this problem to determine whether the arrest of a legal trial must be held to be switched. Go before a judge immediately after arrest without a warrant of arrest and confinement of the trial, whether due at the same time criticized as unconstitutional if the arrest warrant and of complexity of the procedure can be free from criticism. The real guarantee of human rights and the legal right to be heard will be. The human rights of the accused and the court’s work overload, and when you consider the promptness of the investigation within 24 hours of being issued an arrest warrant that is right. Warrantless arrest for a non-spiritual and material damage suffered by the accused filed a civil suit for damages would have received as well as the integration of human rights procedures, including attorney’s fees, considering the economic aspects of compensation for the accused in criminal proceedings system should be established.

      • KCI등재

        Effect of Ssanghwatang and Ssanghwatang-Mixed-Paedoksan on the Recovery of Exercise induced Fatigue.

        하태,박동일 한국생명과학회 1998 생명과학회지 Vol.8 No.4

        To investigate the effect of Ssanghwatang and Ssanghwatang-mixed-Paedoksan on the recovery of exercise induced fatigue, we observed content changes of lactate, LDH, glucose, FFA as metabolic substance in the serum of rats administered these drugs just after adn 120 minutes after maximum swimming,. The results were obtained as follows: 1. Lactate was found to be decreased in the rats with administration of Ssanghwatang and Ssanghwatang-Mixed-Paedoksan, 2. serum LDH activity was found to be decreased in the rats with administration of Ssanghwatang-Mixed-Paedoksan, 3. glucose was found to be increased in the rats with adiministation of Ssanghwatang-Mixed-Paedoksan, 4. FFA was found to be decreased in the rats with administation of Ssanghwatang and Ssanghwatang-Mixed-Paedoksan,.

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