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      • 미적 범주로서의 '거룩함'의 개념

        하재창 圓光大學校 社會思想硏究所 1995 社會思想硏究 Vol.5 No.-

        미적 범주로서 ‘거룩함’의 개념에 대한 본격적 논의는 근세에서부터였으나, 그 이론적인 연원은 희랍시대로까지 거슬러 올라간다. 다만 칸트에 이르러 『Beobachtungen u¨ber das Gefu¨hl des Sco¨nen und Erhabenen』(1764)에서 ‘아름다움’(Scho¨en)과 ‘거룩함’(Erhabenen)은 엄밀한 구분이 생기게 된다.(Kant,『Kritik der Urteilskraft』, 1790. Abteilung I. vgl.). ‘거룩함’에 대한 미적 범주 설정 방법의 다양함에도 불구하고, 본고에서는 칸트 이전의 미학 이론에서의 몇가지 중요한 갈래들과 칸트의 비판 전기의 글이라고 알려져 온 『고찰.Beobachtung.』을 통하여 엄격한 덕과 아름다운 덕을 대비시킨 엄숙성(Feierlichkeit)의 처지를 살펴보고자 한다. 아울러 그의 종합적이면서 함축적 주저라 할 수 있는 『판단력비판』(K.d. U.)에 담겨진 미학 이론과 목적 이론 사이의 연관 안에서 거룩한 아름다움, 거룩한 덕성을 맺어 주는 끈을 찾아보고, 거룩함의 분석론을 통하여 어찌하여 칸트가 수학적 거룩함보다 역학적 거룩함에 더 무게를 싣게 되었던가의 속셈을 확인해 보련다. 고대 철학에서는 ‘크기’ 그 자체에 아름다움의 값어치를 인정하지만, ‘거룩함’이라고 하는 특수한 미적 범주에는 별 관심이 없었다. 다만 Cassius Longinus에 와서야 ‘거룩함’의 개념이 수사학의 한 갈래 문체로서 언어 표현과 의미 상징으로 범주개념으로 중시하게 된다. 그리하여 오늘날 아름다움과 거룩함이 예술 영역에서 주요한 범주로 관심을 끌게 된 것은 18세기 계몽철학의 영향이 절대적이었다. 그 때의 거룩함에 관한 관심은 영국을 중심으로 한 롱기누스 전통의 연구라 해도 과언은 아니다. 이때에 미학적인 ‘거룩함’의 성찰과 분석이 시도되고, 미학자의 공통된 경향도 롱기누스와 같은 고대적 조화성에서 찾으려 했다는 점에서 그 의의는 발견된다. 『Peri Huphous,거룩이론』이 부각된 것은 W. Rhys Roberts에서이다. 다만 오늘날 롱기누스적인 어휘로서 인용된 것은 1739년에 출판된(1800년에 5판) William Smith의 번역이다. 롱기누스의 영향이 컸던 당시로서는 당연히 그것이 표준이었다. 롱기누스는 ‘거룩한 스타일’을 수사학적인 개념으로 창안하진 않았다. 그것은 그의 『에세이』보다 더 오래된 것이다. 수사학에 대한 관념은 고대를 지배하였고, 장중한 스타일(gravis)은 수사학에서 빠질 수 없는 부분으로서 그 목적이 청중에게 감동을 준다는 것이다. 이 점에서 초기 18세기 ‘거룩함’에 대한 논의는 고대의 Cicero·Demetrius·Dionysius·Quintilian 등의 수사학에 근거한 다양한 스타일에서 그 출발점을 발견할 수 있다.

      • 상징개념에 대한 미학적 해명

        하재창 원광대학교 채문연구소 2001 역사와 사회 Vol.27 No.-

        Symbol is an epistemological entity in a sensuous representation. It is a transcendental idea compressed into the focus of the visible. Much of the Symbolism directly concerns the dramatic interplay and interaction of the opposing forces in the dualistic world of manifestation. In this article I endeavor to investigate the concept of Symbol from the esthetical history point of view. The problem of Symbol as 'Mystery of Sensibility' is a problematic theme in Kant's esthetics in relation to the esthetical and teleological judgment. Reflective judgment as a medium of nature and freedom is an attribute of Symbol in the domain of knowledge. Symbol could also be referred to as a sensuous form of intuition reflected in analogy. Henceforth, Symbol in Kant is a perception or presentation that does not represent what is conventionally known as mere 'Sign', but it embodies the abstract notion of 'Scheme'. Under this sense of symbolism, beauty is a symbol of the moral good, which is the intelligible or supra-sensuous reality to which the judgment of inclination ultimately points. Consequently, this provides the ground for the synthesis of the super-sensibility and the freedom. This also corresponds to reflective judgment and forms of intuition. Beauty in Kant is the expression of esthetic ideas both in the domain of nature and art. Thus the figurations of the speciality and the universality are accomplished by symbol. In the same line of reasoning with Kant, Cassirer proposed the notion of 'Symbolic forms' as a unifying factor of types of knowledge and representation. He also concluded that 'Symbolic forms' are deduced from various cultural forms. In The Philosophy, of Symbolic Forms he viewed 'Symbolic forms' in the perspective of 'Criticism of Culture'. Thus cognition and perception of human culture are consummated by 'Symbolic forms' in this standpoint. For Cassirer, symbol is 'the form of objectification' as a principle for unifying forms of intuition. Hence, symbolic form is a mode of human espression and synthetic unity of the subject and the object. Since Language and Knowledge are the forms of 'Symbolic forms', they are adopted by the theory of art. Symbolism is a creative and expressive characteristic peculiar to man only. Owing to this symbolic form, there can be the autonomy of art. In this perspective, the notion 'Symbolic forms' is far from mere shape or type or pattern in art. It is a representation of knowledge and cognition such as scheme and category. I believe Symbol is a living and ever-expanding organic unity. Thus the importance of Symbol in art and culture can never be overestimated. The possibility of cognition in man's knowledge of identity and ideation should necessarily be converted to the ability of creation under the controversial concept of Symbol.

      • KCI등재

        일상 언어의 의미에 관한 철학적 고찰

        하재창 현대영미어문학회 2001 현대영미어문학 Vol.19 No.3

        There are two types of languages according to the nature of the world they belong to. One is for the ordinary world and the other is for the scientific world. We describe these languages as Ordinary Language and Scientific Language. In general, Ordinary Language is a naturally evolved one and Scientific Language is an artificial one, which has a rather conventional nature. Therefore, it could also be said that the former is a creation of nature and the latter is a man-made product. Ordinary Language is also categorized by what it describes. It may be used for communication, for describing ethics, arts, and so on. In this paper we will discuss how the meanings in ordinary conversation is extricated. We will start by examining traditional philosophical exposition and then we will continue to observe and scrutinize various types of speech acts. We will also discuss what an illocutionary act is and describe the problem of meaning in order to verify how to understand the meaning of Ordinary Language and, especially, the meaning of conversation. The structure of conversation below depicts how the meanings of language in conversation are understood by both the speaker and the hearer. Speaker S ↓ ↓ Language L → → x Target of language Hearer H ↑ 1.There is an intention of a speaker when he/she makes an utterance. The intention could either be an internal or an external phenomenon. When the hearer conveys his/her intention in language, he/she must express it in a medium that the hearer can understand. The speaker's utterance should be relevant to the conversation, since the language is the means of conveying his/her intention and it is rule-governed. Language acquires the meaning of the sentence by the rules it follows thus we know what the language means. 2.The hearer must recognize the speaker's intention through his/her utterance and the speaker should ascertain whether or not the hearer's understanding of the speaker's intention is correct. Since language is a means to exchange intentions, it should have the illocutionary act that brings about the effect of communication. Understanding of the illocutionary act of speech comes from identifying synonymy. Recognition of the environment where the conversation is taking place is necessary, for the reason that the conversation between the speaker and the hearer occurs under certain conditions. Let us suppose that there are a lot of people on the street, and speakers A and B started to talk. A asks B "What is going on?" and B answers, as an illocutionary act, "There is a fight". If speaker A understands B's answer as "They are having a quarrel", then it is possible to say that the speaker B has succeeded to provide and the speaker A has succeeded to comprehend the intention conveyed in B's speech. Speaker A understood speaker B's intention via recognizing the meaning of speaker B's speech and the meaning of its target. Furthermore, identifying synonymy between 'fight'and 'quarrel', and also recognizing the rule when this speech is used gives speaker A clues for revealing speaker B's illocutionary act. It is also possible to assume that knowing the environment where the conversation took place facilitates a hearer in understanding the meaning of speech. The meaning of speech could be recognized more easily when conditions such as above are met. Misunderstanding in ordinary conversation tends to surface when one of the above conditions is missing in the conversation. Thus, we are required to be careful when trying to understand the meaning of Ordinary Language.

      • KCI등재

        우울증과 정신분열증 환자들에서 Dexamethasone 투여후 혈청 Cortisol 값과 우울증상

        박영남,하재창 大韓神經精神醫學會 1988 신경정신의학 Vol.27 No.3

        우울증상과 Dexamethasone 억제검사(이하 DST로약함)의 관계를 조사하기 위하여 입원치료를 받은 28명의 주요우울증환자와 30명의 정신분열증환자에서 DST를 실시하였다. Dexamethasone 투여후 혈청 cortisol값은 우울증군에서 4.73±5.87㎍/㎗, 정신분열증군에서 4.39±4.09㎍/㎗로 양군사이에 유의한 차이가 없었다. Dexamethasone 투여후 혈청 cortisol값이 5㎍/㎗ 이상을 DST 비억제로 규정하여 우울증군에서 28명중 9명(30.2%), 정신분열증군에서 30명중 9명(30%)이 비억제였다. DST 비억제군과 억제군사이의 DST와 동시에 실시한 HRSD와 BDI를 이용하여 우울증상을 비교하니 우울증군의 비억제군에서 HRSD총점 및 개별 항목중 우울기분, 지체, 병식장애와 BDI총점 및 개별항목중 우울기분, 패배감, 성급함, 우유부단, 작업장애, 피로감등이 높았다. 정신분열증군에서는 HRSD의 심적불안과 신체불안이 비억제군에서 높았으며 BDI상에는 유의한 차이가 없었다. Dexamethasone투여후 혈청 cortisol값과 우울증상의 상관관계를 조사하니 우울증상군에서는 HRSD총점, 우울기분, 작업장애, 지체 심적불안, 병식장애와 BDI총점, 우울기분 우유부단, 작업장애, 피로감, 성애감소등이 유의한 정상관관계가 있었으며, 정신분열증군에서는 HRSD의 심적불안과 신체불안이 정상관관계가 있었다. 본 연구의 결과는 DST 비억제는 우울증의 특이한 생물학적 특성일 가능성을 시사하나 정신분열중에서는 DST 비억제는 stress에 대한 비특이한 반응이라는 이전의 가설을 부분적으로 지자한다고 하겠다. To understand the relationship between DST and depressive symptoms in depression and schizophrenia, 28 depression patients and 30 schizophrenic patients underwent DST during their hospitalization along with HRSD and BDI to assess depressive symptoms. The mean postdexamethasone cortisol levels were 4.74±5.87㎍/㎗ in depression group and 4.39+4.09 ㎍/㎗ in schizophrenic group. DST nonsuppression being defined as postdexamethasone cortisol level above 5 ㎍/㎗, 9 of 28 depression patients (30.2%) and 9 of 30 schizophrenic patients (30%) were nonsuppressors. In depression group, DST nonsuppressors had significantly severe depressive symptoms in HRSD and BDI. Among individual symptoms, depressed mood, retardation and lack of insight of HRSD, and sadness, sense of failure, irritability, indecisiveness, work difficulty and fatigability of BDI were higher in DST nonsuppressors. In schizophrenic group, there was no difference in the severity of depression between nonsuppressors and suppressors, but psychic anxiety and somatic anxiety of HRSD were higher in nonsuppressors. There were significant positive correlations between the severity of depression and postdexamethasone cortisol levels in depression group, but not in schizophrenic group. Those symptoms that had positive correlations with postdexamethasone cortisol levels were retarded depressive symptoms in depression group and anxiety symptoms in schizophrenic group. This results partially support the hypothesis that, while DST nonsuppression might be a specific biological reaction in depressive disorder, it is a nonspecitfic reaction to stress in schizophrenia.

      • KCI등재

        망상이나 환각을 동반한 조증환자의 단기예후

        하재창,박영남,김희철 大韓神經精神醫學會 1992 신경정신의학 Vol.31 No.4

        Hospital records of 101 DSM-III-R bipolar manic patients were reviewed retrospectively to study the short-term treatment outcome of manic patients with delusions or hallucinations. There were fifty eight(57.4%) manic patients with delusions or hallucinations and forty three(42.6%) manic patients without delusions and hallucinations. All patients underwent necessary treatments by their physicians. Manic symptoms, i.e., elated mood, irritable mood, verbal activity, and motor activity were rated on admission and weekly for four weeks after admission by a retrospective review of records. On admission, the total severity of manic symptoms, elated mood, and irritable mood were significantly greater in the manic patients with delusions or hallucinations than the manic patients without delusions and hallucinations. At one week after admission, all symptoms improved markedly, about 50% improvement over the severity at the time of admission, and there were no significant differences in severity of manic symptoms between two groups. Thereafter all symptoms improved rather slowly in both groups and there were no significant differences in severity of manic symptoms between two groups in subsequent 3 weeks. Average daily doses of antimanic medications administered were compared between two groups. Only during first week of hospitalization the manic patients with delucions or hallucinations received significantly higher daily doses(776.5 ±881.2mg chlorpromazine-equivalent doses) of antipsychotics than the manic patients without delusions and hallucinations(414.2 ±289.7mg chlorpromazine-equivalent doses). There were no significant differences in lithium and carbamazepine doses between two groups. These results suggest that the psychotic symptoms do not seem to affect aucte treatment outcome in mania, if treated appropriately.

      • KCI등재후보

        소아정신과 외래환자에 대한 임상적 연구

        하재창,정철호 啓明大學校 醫科大學 1992 계명의대학술지 Vol.11 No.2

        The authors studied retrospectively the clinical characteristics of 1147 child psychiatric outpatients who made their first visit to Department of Psychiatry. Dongsan Medical Center, Keimyung University, from January 1984 to December 1990. The results were as follows; There were significant differences of sex distribution among probands and the ratio between male and female was 2.1:1. There were significant differences of the percentage of male patients according to year from 55.8% in 1984 to 75.4% in 1990. There were some differences of age distrubution according to year. Old age group was more frequent from 1984 to 1987, while younger age group was more frequent in 1989 and 1990. The percentage of child outpatients to the total psychiatric outpatients was 14.7% and was increased by year, such as 4.0% in 1984 and 27.1% in 1990, and the number of child patients had also increasing tendency. The distributions of psychiatric disorders of probands were in the following order; Emotional disorder, Attention deficit disorder, Mental retardation, Epilepsy, Pervasive developmental disorder, Specific developmental disorder, Adjustment disorder, Sleep disorder, Elimination disorder, Other disorder, Stereotyped movement disorder, Organic brain syndrome, Schizophrenia, Affective disorder, V code, Other psychosis, Conduct disorder, No mental disorder. There were some differences in the distribution of psychiatric disorders accrding to age. Pervasive devemopmental disorder and Specific developmental disorder were more frequent before age of 6, Attention deficit disorder was more frequent before age of 9, Organic brain syndrome and Other disorder were more frequent after age of 7, Conduct disorder, Emotional disorder and Adjustment disorder were more frequent after age of 10, Psychosis was more frequent after age of 13, Stereotyped movement disorder was more frequent in the age of 7-12, Sleep disorder and Elimination disorder were more frequent in the age of 4-12. There were some differences in the distribution of psychiatric disorders according to sex. Attention deficit disorder, Stereotyped movement disorder, Pervasive developmental disorder and Specific developmental disorder were more frequent in male, while Emotional disorder and Affective disorder were more frequent in female. There were some differences in the distribution of psychiatric disorders according to year. Emotional disorder was the most frequent diagnosis from 1984 to 1988, Mental retardation in 1989 and Attention deficit disorder in 1990.

      • X線 全身照射에 依한 家兎蟲垂 淋巴組織의 微細構造의 變化

        河在昌,洪錫宰 慶北大學校 醫科大學 1979 慶北醫大誌 Vol.20 No.1

        成熱家兎를 實驗動物로 하여 600γ의 X線을 單回 全身照射하고 B淋巴球系의 中樞淋巴組織으로 알려진 충수임파조직에 惹起되는 變化를 機能的 組織構造에 따라 病理組織學的 및 電子顯微鏡的으로 檢索하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 組織學的으로는 충수임파조직의 dome과 follicle에서 大小淋巴球의 甚한 懷死 消失과 大食細胞의 顯著한 增加를 볼 수 있었으나, 胸腺依存域인 TDA에서는 淋巴球의 壞死 消失이 比較的 輕한 程度로 認定되었다. 上記한 變化들은 X線 照射後 3時間에도 顯著하였으나 照射後 1日에는 더욱 甚하였다. 電子顯微鏡的으로는, X線 照射後 3時間에는 dome 및 follicle에서 淋巴球의 核染色質은 核邊緣部로 凝集되고 核中心部는 稀薄化되었고 어떤 淋巴球에서는 核濃縮을 일으키고 있었으며, mitochondria에서는 cristae가 消失되고 空胞化하는 傾向이 있었다. 그리고 組織球가 增加하고 그 細胞質內에서 lysosome의 增加, 濃縮된 核斷片의 탐식 等의 所見도 輕度로 認定되었다. 照射後 1日에는 dome 및 follicle에서 淋巴球는 大多數가 破壞消失되었고, 組織球가 顯著하게 增加되어 破壞된 細胞成分들을 활발하게 탐식하고 있는 것을 볼 수 있었다. 그러나 TDA에서는 淋巴球에서 染色質의 核邊緣部 凝集 乃至 核濃縮 그리고 mitochondria의 變性을 多少 볼 수 있었으나 甚한 破壞性變化는 認定되지 않았으며, 組織球의 貪 機能도 顯著하지 않았다. 以上의 實驗成績으로 보아, X線 照射에 對해서 B淋巴球를 生産하는 中樞淋巴組織의 淋巴球들은 感受性이 높아서 早期에 甚하게 破壞되며, 抹消淋巴組織에 分布하는 T淋巴球는 比較的 抵抗性이 있어서 損傷을 적게 받는 것으로 推定된다. This study was undertaken to investigate the structural changes of the appendiceal lymphoid tissues of the adult rabbit after whole body X-irradiation by the light and electron microscopes. Nine healthy rabbits, weighing 2 to 2.5 Kgm were divided into 2 groups: Group 1: Control group: Untreated (3 rabbits) Group 2. Experimental group: A single air dose of 600r whole body X-irradiation was given (6 rabbits). Experimental animals were sacrificed at 3 hours and 1 day after irradiation and examined light and electron microscopically. The results were summarized as follows: Light microscopically, the appendical lymphoid tissues showed marked necrotic loss of small and large lymphocytes as well as considerable increase of macrophages in the dome, corona and follicle. But thymus dependent area (TDA) was relatively well preserved with mild degree's necrotic loss of the cells. These changes were apparent 3 hours after irradiation and more prominent after 1 day. Electron microscopically, the nuclei of lymphocytes in the dome and follicle revealed peripheral aggregation of chromatin with central rarefaction after 3 hours. Some lymphocytes showed pyknotic changes. Mitochondria of the these cells were vacuolated and lossed their cristae. Macrophages at this time were increased in number and showed increase of lysosomes with phagocytosis of nuclear fragments. After 1 day, lymphocytes in the dome and follicle were substantially destructed and lossed. Macrophages were markedly increased in number and showed considerable number of phagosomes containing destructed cellular debris in the cytoplasms. In the TDA, only milder degree of chromatin aggregation, pyknosis and mitochondrial degeneration were found but apparent destructive changes were not impresive. Phagocytic activities of macrophages were also inapparent. These results suggested that central lymphoid tissue for differentiation of B-lymphocytes was very sensitive to X-irradiation and severely affected at early stage, while T-lymphocytes distributed to peripheral lymphoid tissue were relatively radioresistant and affected lesser degree.

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