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      • KCI등재

        통계교육 연구의 역사와 한국의 통계교육

        탁병주,이경화,Tak, Byungjoo,Lee, Kyeong-Hwa 한국수학사학회 2017 Journal for history of mathematics Vol.30 No.5

        Statistics was not recognized until the early 20th century as an independent science, and statistical education research came to an international milestone in the late 1940s. The purpose of this study is to investigate the historical development of statistics education research, focusing on the activities of the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and the International Association for Statistical Education (IASE). Statistics education in Korea is considered with regard to the history of international research on statistics education in this study. It implies for the direction of statistical education research to domestic mathematics education researchers and statistical researchers related to statistical education research.

      • KCI등재

        중등수학 예비교사들의 통계적 소양 : 표본 개념에 대한 이해를 중심으로

        탁병주 ( Tak Byungjoo ),구나영 ( Ku Na-young ),강현영 ( Kang Hyun-young ),이경화 ( Lee Kyeong-hwa ) 한국수학교육학회 2017 수학교육 Vol.56 No.1

        Taking samples of data and using samples to make inferences about unknown populations are at the core of statistical investigations. So, an understanding of the nature of sample as statistical thinking is involved in the area of statistical literacy, since the process of a statistical investigation can turn out to be totally useless if we don`t appreciate the part sampling plays. However, the conception of sampling is a scheme of interrelated ideas entailing many statistical notions such as repeatability, representativeness, randomness, variability, and distribution. This complexity makes many people, teachers as well as students, reason about statistical inference relying on their incorrect intuitions without understanding sample comprehensively. Some research investigated how the concept of a sample is understood by not only students but also teachers or preservice teachers, but we want to identify preservice secondary mathematics teachers` understanding of sample as the statistical literacy by a qualitative analysis. We designed four items which asked preservice teachers to write their understanding for sampling tasks including representativeness and variability. Then, we categorized the similar responses and compared these categories with Watson`s statistical literacy hierarchy. As a result, many preservice teachers turned out to be lie in the low level of statistical literacy as they ignore contexts and critical thinking, expecially about sampling variability rather than sample representativeness. Moreover, the experience of taking statistics courses in university did not seem to make a contribution to development of their statistical literacy. These findings should be considered when design preservice teacher education program to promote statistics education.

      • KCI등재

        초등학교 수학 교과서에서 통계 그래프의 틀에 대한 교육적 고찰

        탁병주 ( Tak Byungjoo ) 한국수학교육학회 2020 初等 數學敎育 Vol.23 No.4

        Although there are various form of statistical graphs in the real world, the statistical graphs in elementary mathematics textbooks are very formalized by the pedagogical constraints. In this study, I examine the frames of statistical graphs and their educational importance, and analyze the frames in Korean, Australian, and MiC textbooks. As a result, the frames of statistical graphs in elementary mathematics textbooks (1) draws students’ attention to the components of the graphs, (2) plays a supplementary role in students’ drawing graphs by hands, and (3) helps to apply school mathematics to statistical problem solving in real life. The frames of statistical graphs in Korean textbooks is the form of tables focusing on (1) and (2), but these of MiC textbooks has various forms focusing on (3). On the other hand, Austalian textbooks introduced the table-form frames of statistical graphs at the lower graders, but gradually changed to the axis-form frames as the grade level increased. Based on this, a recommendation was drawn on how to deal with the frames of statistical graphs in elementary mathematics textbooks.

      • KCI등재

        과학적 설명의 통계교육적 의의: Hempel과 Railton의 확률적 설명 모형을 중심으로

        탁병주(Tak, Byungjoo) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2018 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.18 No.1

        The statistical inference has been understanded just as an inductive thing since ones think statistics is contrasted with mathematics. However, the induction which is used in statistics is called scientific, so statistics is involved in the category ‘mathematical science’. That is, we need to understand the statistical inference in a multi-faceted way. This paper addresses the statistical inference based on probabilistic explanatory models in the philosophy of science. Hempel’s I-S model illustrates the process in which the statistical inference emerges from a probabilistic explanation by connecting the frequentist probability with the classical probability. On the other hand, Railton’s D-N-P model shows that the probabilistic explanation gives reliability to a statistical inference through modeling as probabilistic distribution and random sampling. As a result, induction and deduction have a complementary relationship in statistics by the concept of probability, and it implies that teachers have to consider this comprehensive understanding of the statistical inference in teaching statistics. 통계학은 수학과 대비되어 통계적 추정이 귀납추론으로만 분류되는 등 제한적으로 이해되는 경향이 있어왔다. 그러나 통계학은 단순히 귀납이 아니라 ‘과학적 귀납’ 으로서 수리과학의 영역에 포함되기에 통계적 추정에 내포된 통계학의 성격은 단일한 것이 아님을 추측해볼 수 있다. 이에 본고에서는 통계적 추정에 적용하는 하나의 틀로서 과학철학계의 확률적 설명 모형을 채택하였고, 이를 통해 고찰한 통계적 추정의 과정을 통해 통계학의 이중성을 확인하였다. 연구 결과, Hempel의 귀납-통계적 설명 모형은 빈도주의적 확률과 고전적 확률의 연결에 의해 통계적 추정으로 전이되었으며, Railton의 연역-법칙적 설명 모형은 통계적 추정에 신뢰도를 전달하는 확률분포 모형과 임의추출 개념으로 발현되었다. 이를 토대로, 통계교육에서는 적용 가능한 귀납과, 귀납을 정당화해주는 연역 간의 대비되면서도 상호보완적인 관계의 이해를 추구해야 하며, 이러한 관계는 확률 개념에 의해 이루어진다는 결론을 도출 하였다.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재후보

        수학과 교육과정 개정의 어려움에 대한 성찰: 초등학교 통계교육의 변화를 위한 시도와 좌절을 회고하며

        탁병주(Byungjoo Tak) 수학교육철학연구회 2024 수학교육철학연구 Vol.6 No.2

        필자는 2022 개정 수학과 교육과정 시안 개발에 연구진으로 참여했던 경험에 관하여, 자문화기술지의 형식을 빌어 수학과 교육과정 개정의 어려움에 대한 성찰적 논의를 시도한다. 초등학교 자료와 가능성 영역에서 필자가 노력했던 몇 가지 시도들이 어떠한 배경에 의해 이루어진 것인지를 논하고, 필자의 주장이 기각되는 과정을 통해 교육과정 개정을 어렵게 하는 요인이 무엇인지에 대해 탐색한다. 네 가지 일화를 통해 수학과 교육과정을 개정하는 데 발현되는 어려움으로 교육과정 해석의 비일관성과 암묵적 교육과정의 존재성 문제를 확인하였다. 이를 통해 교육과정 개정에 참여했던 필자의 노력이 교육과정의 본성을 제대로 탐구한 상태에서 이루어진 것인지 반성하고, 향후 연구자로서 교육과정 개정의 어려움에 어떻게 대처할 수 있을지 논한다. In this reflection on my experience as a member of the research team involved in the development of the 2022 revised mathematics curriculum, I offer a reflective discussion of the difficulties of curriculum revision in the form of an autoethnography. I discuss the background to some of my struggles to change the elementary school statistics curriculum, and explore what makes curriculum revision difficult through the process of having my arguments rejected. Through four episodes, I identify inconsistencies in curriculum interpretation and the existence of an implicit curriculum as difficulties in revising the mathematics curriculum. In doing so, I reflect on whether my curriculum revision efforts were based on a proper exploration of the nature of the mathematics curriculum, and to discuss how we as researchers can deal with the difficulties of curriculum revision in the future.

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