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        양계초(梁啓超)의 <조선애사오율이십사수(朝鮮哀詞五律二十四首)> 탐구(探究) -조선 멸망 소식을 접한 중국 근대 대표 지식인의 술회(述懷)-

        최형욱 ( Choi Hyeong Wook ) 한국언어문화학회(구 한양어문학회) 2012 한국언어문화 Vol.0 No.49

        Liang Qi-Chao (梁啓超), a Chinese representative intellectual on the Enlightenment during China`s transition to modern times had actively embraced social Darwinism, nationalism, and the Enlightenment on the basis of a contemporary economic and future-oriented theory influenced by his mentor, Kang You-Wei as a source of his ideology and had implemented various reforms in political, social and cultural areas. Due to the developmental time of the modern media and postal services, his thoughts had been directly introduced to the neighboring country, Korea and thus had a huge impact on the intellectuals of Chosun patriotic enlightenment movement. Liang Qi-Chao also had considerable knowledge about Chosun and published a number of relevant poetry, expressing an active interest about the situation of Chosun at the time. Although he was especially not a professional poet, Liang Qi-Chao`s two poems about Chosun are regarded as masterpieces including "Chaoxianaici (朝鮮哀詞) 24 five-word poetry" written in fall, 1910 when Chosun completely became the colony of Japan and "Qiufengduantengqu" (秋風斷藤曲) composed right after the death of Ahn, Jung-Guen in October, 1909. To Liang Qi-Chao, Chosun was a tributary state of China with close relationships for thousands of years and was simultaneously "the other" specially showing an image of China in comparison with the West. Moreover, his feelings and perceptions about Chosun were complex depending on the status of the Chinese Empire and the changes in the international relationships with the West, Japan, etc. Liang Qichao`s awareness in Chosun was shown in his writings such as about ten argumentative essays and poems mainly published from 1904 to 1911 when Japan gained complete control over Chosun. His work illustrated his compassion, interest, and concern about the collapse of Chosun as well as his feelings of loss of the dependent nation and his disappointment and derision based on sinocentrism and imperialism, including his remarks of rebuke against Japan as a competitor in addition to his criticism about Chosun`s ruling class and its nationality, eventually as a lesson for the purpose of the Chinese enlightenment. In particular, his critical analysis and exaggeration about Chosun`s downfall demonstrated his intentions to encourage Chinese people to get involved in self-empowerment. Despite poetic forms, "Chaoxianaici" (September, 1910) consists of such deep contents and emotions no less than his other writings, taking the lead in the revolution in poetry.

      • KCI등재

        안중근 의사를 제재로 한 중국 시가 연구Ⅱ ― 특별한 타자 및 제삼자적 인식과 감정의 표현을 중심으로

        崔亨旭(Choi, Hyeong-wook) 중국어문학연구회 2022 중국어문학논집 Vol.- No.137

        Chinese poems written on the theme of Ahn Jung-geun were generally created with three central eras as root: the period of evidence and sacrifice, the period of the May 4th Movement, and the period of the Sino-Japanese War. If you look at the entire catalog, it can be largely divided into two, of which one is the mourning and praising of Ahn Jung-geun. Ahn Jung-geun, who took revenge for the country, was praised as a symbol of ideal national character for patriotism, independence, martial spirit, and spirit of sacrifice in the first period. This was a distinction from the anti-Japanese sentiments. From the second era to the third, China was invaded by Japan and was driven to crisis- in this sense feeling comradery with Koreans, who also had fought in the same way against Japan. Whether the work expressed his perception and feelings directly or through his image, it honored Ahn Jung-geuns firm will to recover, thorough preparation, and self-sacrifice without regret. This has already been detailed in the previous article. As discussed in this paper, under the Chinese spilit, complex and subtle perceptions and emotions were expressed from the perspective of an objective third party, and from the perspective of one who regarded Korea as a subordinate state. First of all, Japan was criticized as a ruthless aggressor, but Korea was also criticized for its corruption and incompetence stemming as the root causes of its destruction. Comforting the Joseon people and praising their culture as superior also emphasized the conception of Chinese imperialism as a Chinese tradition. Also, the sense of superiority developed into disappointment, ridicule, and criticism of Korea. In the end, the sympathy shown for Ahns death within these works may not just be a pity for his neighbors misfortune, but a regret for losing part of himself. Some poets praised Ito Hirobumi, the main character of the Meiji Restoration, who was considered a role model for Chinese reform, and deeply mourned his death. In the Sino-Japanese War, China lost to Japan, and after the Meiji Restoration, many intellectuals, including Chinese officials and journalists, learned from Japan and also began to praise Ito, who was the central figure. In addition, they mourned Ito without hesitation since the Chinese people had felt superiority over Joseon for a long period of time. Finally, all perceptions and emotions eventually resulted in the pursuit of enlightenment in China, using Joseon, Ahn Jung-geun, and Ito Hirobumi as learning points. One of the important characteristics of modern and contemporary Chinese literature is that it has been greatly influenced by real-world politics, including domestic and foreign situations. It can be seen that this is true. Also, it is highly likely that much of the Chinese perspective, which is the basis of these special findings, was formed from the outdated and contradictory Chinese imperialism and the colonial perspective distorted by Japan. However, I think it can be used as an opportunity for Koreans to reflect on their failure to properly respond to the flow of world history in times of hardship through the eyes of the nearest opponent.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        량치차오의 尙武精神論 탐구

        崔亨旭(Choi, Hyeong-wook) 중국어문학연구회 2016 중국어문학논집 Vol.0 No.96

        Chinese people during the beginning of the 19th century had suffered a serious setback in the process of the collisions between the Western and Japan. In particular, the defeat from the Sino-Japanese War brought them to have a sense of crisis that China may perish with a great disgrace to the nation. Around this time, Liang Qi-Chao(1873-1927) who became the influential leader of the Chinese leadership had attempted to fundamentally reform the nation in order to get over the crisis. The ‘Shangwu Jingshen(尙武精神)’, Martialism had been especially emphasized as the national characteristics in the process of the reform of the national traits, which was considered as one of the most important tasks. Liang Qi-Chao with the perspectives of the Enlightenment and nationalism had reflections on the current status of China and the Chinese spirit, namely, the national character and had detailed discussions about insufficient national traits and supportive national traits. In this process, he examined national characteristics of the Western and Japanese Empires that were invading China, including their evolutionary advanced skills and techniques among which the most important trait he particularly emphasized in his consideration was The Shangwu Jingshen, Martialism in addition to patriotism and strong willpower. During the time of his political asylum in Japan, he had great stimuli and attention to the effects of the martial spirit on the development of the Japanese special national spirit which made it possible for Japan to gain control over China and Russia and achieve Chosun Annexation. As a result, many of his literary works illustrated the great emphasis on The Shangwu Jingshen, Martialism and he examined and conducted case studies on how this spirit had a positive impact on the development of many other nations in the world; in contrast, he had deep reflections about the effects of the deficiency of the spirit on Chinese people and thus investigated the cause and effect relationship in relation to Chinese historical humiliation and embarrassment. Moreover, on the basis of these reflections and examinations, he had concrete and practical suggestions for the ways of encouraging The Shangwu Jingshen, Martialism from now on. Furthermore, as Liang Qi-Chao made a great use of education and media, considering his stance and position as a poet and a novelist, an educator, and a journalist, he greatly emphasized the martial spirit as part of developing new literary contents through the literary revolutionary movement including poems and novels within the framework of the theory of the Enlightenment and made great attempts to encourage the spirit.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        량계초(梁啓超)의 「추풍단등곡(秋風斷藤曲)」탐구 -안중근 의거를 찬미한 중국 근대 대표 지식인의 노래와 그 속내-

        최형욱 ( Hyeong Wook Choi ) 한양대학교 동아시아문화연구소(구 한양대학교 한국학연구소) 2011 동아시아 문화연구 Vol.49 No.-

        梁啓超는 중국의 근대 이행기를 주도해나간 계몽주의 維新派진보 지식인의 대표이론가이자 실천가였다. 그는 정치적으로 수구세력에 대항하고, 언론·교육·학회 활동 등을 기반으로 變法維新을 도모하고, 정치·사회·경제·법률·역사·문학 및 기타 과학사상 등 근대화된 서구의 학술과 문화를 수용함으로써 폐쇄되었던 근대 중국에 새로운 개혁의 기풍을 일으키며 當代에 이미 커다란 호응을 얻은 것은 물론이고 현대에까지 계속 깊은 영향을 미쳤다. 양계초는 詩歌분야에서도 큰 성취를 이루었다. 근대적 시론을 피력한 『飮?室詩話』는 詩歌史的으로 매우 중요한 자료이며, 많은 詩詞작품들은 질적으로도 상당한 평가를 받고 있다. 이러한 양계초의 詩歌중에는 특히 조선과 관련된 작품이 두 편 있는데 모두 걸작으로 꼽힌다. 하나는 조선이 일본의 식민지로 완전히 전락한 1910년 가을 지은 「朝鮮哀詞」5律24首로 여러 수에서 조선 멸망에 대한 애통함을 노래했다. 다른 한 편은 그 보다 앞서 1909년 10월 안중근 의사 의거 직후 지은 「秋風斷藤曲」이다. 전체적으로 볼 때 「秋風斷藤曲」에서 양계초는 조선과 일본 사이의 제 3자 또는 조선의 보호자, 일본의 경쟁자 등의 복잡한 입장에서 안중근 의사의 이토 히로부미 처단이라는 역사적 사건을 다루었다. 안중근 의사의 비장함과 의연함에 대한 존경과 조선에 대한 동정의 마음 한편으로 이토 히로부미의 維新에 대한 憧憬과 追崇이 "가을 바람에 덩굴(藤) 끊어졌네"라는 상징적이고 중립적인 제목 아래 복잡한 감정과 격정적 시정을 자아내게 했던 것으로 보인다. 이 작품은 풍격 면에서 중국 古詩의 舊風格을 나름대로 유지하고 있고, 형식면에서는 자신이 詩界革命에서 강조한 바대로 7언 96구의 장편시를 채택하였으며, 무엇보다 내용면에서 애국·계몽을 목적으로 하는 시국 및 세계정세에 관한 논의 등 이른바 新意境을 담아내었다. 양계초는 이 시를 통해 동정과 애통함을 표현하기도 했지만 그보다 그에게 있어서 조선은 결국 서구와의 대비 속에서 중국을 비춰볼 수 있는 특별한 타자 또는 옛 번속국이었다. 사실 1904년부터 1911년에 집중된 관련 저작들에 보이는 양계초의 조선에 대한 인식은 크게 조선의 멸망에 대한 동정, 중화사상 및 제국주의적 입장에서의 속국 이탈로 인한 상실감과 서운함, 경쟁자인 일본의 강권에 대한 견책과 유신에 대한 학습 의욕, 망국의 근원으로 본 조선의 지배층 성향 및 국민성에 대한 비판 등으로 나타났으며, 이는 궁극적으로 중국의 계몽을 위한 교훈을 목적으로 한 것이었다. 본고에서 살펴본 「秋風斷藤曲」은 단순히 안중근 의사를 찬양하고 조선의 멸망을 동정한 작품이라기보다 안중근 의사 의거를 제재로 하여 위와 같은 인식들을 종합적으로 강렬하게 나타낸 작품이라고 할 수 있다. A Chinese scholar, journalist, philosopher and reformist during the Qing Dynasty, Liang Qichao (梁啓超) inspired Chinese scholars with his writings and reform movements. He also made a great name as a poet, and there are two Korean-related poems that are often numbered among his masterpieces. "Chaoxianaici" (朝鮮哀詞), written in the fall of 1910 when Korea was already annexed by imperial Japan, is an elegy lamenting the downfall of Chosun. The other Korean-related poem, "Qiufengduantengqu" (秋風斷藤曲), was written right after the assassination of Ito Hirobumi by the radical Korean nationalist, An Jung-geun, in October, 1909. "Qiufengduantengqu" was written from the complex multi-perspectives of the poet as the third party between Chosun and Japan, as the protector of Chosun, and as the competitor of Japan. Although "Qiufengduantengqu" clearly exhibits the poet`s sympathy with the Korean cause and his heartfelt lamentation, Chosun for Liang Qichao was ultimately "the other" through which China could and should imagine itself at the brink of its full insertion into modernity. Therefore, despite the sincerity of its emotional tone, "Qiufengduantengqu" is better understood as a poetic attempt to project onto the historical reality of Chosun`s downfall the Chinese sense of the loss of a tributary and its desire both to learn from Japan and to contain the Japanese influence. Ultimately, the poem is more a enlightened lesson for China than a sincere lament for Chosun.

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