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      • 극초단 펄스 레이저를 이용한 접합 기술 동향

        최지연,서정,Choe, Ji-Yeon,Seo, Jeong 재료연구소 2010 機械와 材料 Vol.22 No.4

        최근 극초단 펄스(ultrashort pulse) 레이저의 고출력화와 안정화가 실현되면서 본격적인 산업적 응용을 지향하는 상용 제품들이 쏟아져 나오고 있다. 극초단 펄스 레이저의 특성을 가장 잘 활용할 수 있는 적용 분야 중 하나가 유리 기판을 비롯한 투명 광학재질과 취성재료의 가공이며, 이는 시장 전망이 밝은 디스플레이와 의료 산업과 맞물려 큰 주목을 받고 있다. 본 고에서는 현재 큰 관심을 받는 분야 중 하나인 극초단 펄스 레이저를 이용한 유리 기판의 접합 기술의 원리와 최신 해외 연구 동향에 대해 살펴보고, 앞으로ㅢ 발전 방향에 대해 전망 하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        롤플레잉게임(RPG)상의 세계 경험 -인도 이원론의 관점을 통해-

        최지연 ( Ji Yeon Choe ) 인도철학회 2008 印度哲學 Vol.0 No.24

        Role Playing Game(RPG) means Game Genre that player performs duty assigned by Game storytelling through Game-character(avata). Some players have confused virtual reality of the Game with reality of genuine world. In this paper I have tried to understand the reality of RPG that is virtual reality. To accomplish this study, I made a tool of Samkhya system characterized by dualism in the Indian philosophy. In Samkhya system the university is composed of two original sources Purusa(mental) and Prakrti(matter). Purusa will not mix with Prakrti but enjoy the material world to which Prakrti transforms. This system has a intermediation between Purusa and Prakrti, that they call Buddhi. Buddhi is a material factor reflects Purusa(mental). Because the quality of Buddhi is illuminant, material factor can reflect pure mental factor Purusa. This theory of Samkhya could applies to the virtual reality of RPG. This reality is not the phenomenal world but the computer world. Nevertheless Game-player could experience virtual reality as if he experiences the real world by Game-character. While applying dualism of Samkhya to RPG, Game-player could be divided to two aspects those would compare to Purusa and Buddhi respectively. Game-character is endowed with intelligence by Game-player. This resembles that Buddhi reflects Purusa` intelligence. During playing the Game, player is the subject who recognizes and determines events in the computer world. This role of player would agree with the role of Buddhi. One hand Game-player endows Game-character with intelligence and willings to undergo the effect of Game course. The other hand Game-player who does not play the Game, is the subject of reality who does not participate events in the computer world. During playing the Game, player is enjoying pleasures, angers, and sorrows of Game-character identified to himself.

      • KCI등재

        무색정 개념 도입에 관하여

        최지연(Choe ji-yeon) 보조사상연구원 2007 보조사상 Vol.27 No.-

          본고는 4무색정이 4선이 확정된 이후에 타종교로부터 도입된 것이라는 기존 학자들의 연구결과를 토대로 그 도입 의도를 고찰해 보았다. 본고에서는 이러한 논의를 다음의 과정으로 진행했다.<BR>  먼저 무색정과 함께 초기 불교 수행론에서 중요한 위치를 차지하는 4선과의 대조를 통해 무색정이 가지는 이질적인 요소들을 드러냈다. 그리고 무색정의 이질적인 요소들이 타종교의 수행론과 어떻게 조화를 이루는지 살펴보았으며 여기서 타종교는 자이나교이다.<BR>  4선은 감정적이고 육체적인 느낌들에 대한 인식에서 벗어나 평정과 사티를 확고히 하는 과정을 그 심리적인 추이로써 묘사한 것이다. 반면 무색정은 4선이 심리 상태를 묘사하는 것과 달리 어떤 특징을 가진 외부 영역에 들어간다고 묘사한다. 이러한 과정에서 그 각 단계들 간의 연관성이나 그 특징들에 대한 인식(sa???)에 대해 모호함을 느끼게 한다.<BR>  이러한 모호성을 자이나 수행 체계와 비교한 결과, 그것은 영혼의 역할을 인정하는 체계 내에서 상당한 정합성을 나타냈다. 다시 말해 불교가 영혼 등의 존재를 부정하는 가운데 4선에 삼매체험을 추가하려한 시도에서 그러한 모호성이 발생했다는 것이다.<BR>  결국 무색정은 4선을 통해 완성되는 주관적인 심리적 고뇌의 극복에 덧붙여, 삼매체험을 통한 열반 개념을 체계화하는 역할을 하는 것이다.   According to the research of the scholars of recent times, the Ar?pasam?dhi is to be introduced from different religion. This paper studied an purpose of that the Ar?pasam?dhi is to be introduced. The process of this discussion was advanced at two step.<BR>  First, it shows that the Ar?pasam?dhi has heterogeneous elements as compared with 4dhy?nas. Second, heterogeneous elements apply to meditation system of different religion. It focused on the Jaina.<BR>  4dhy?nas is psychological progress. It is firmness of upekkha and sati that overcome cognition of feeling and emotion. The other side, 4ar?pasam?dhis is not psychological description. It explain that an ascetic enter to sphere of the outside. Each one of 4ar?pasam?dhis has a special feature. In the course of that process, there is not a link between each other. And there is an ambiguousness on sa??? of special features of each other.<BR>  It compared their ambiguous features with ?ukla-dhy?na that meditation system of the Jaina. As a result, it is not ambiguous in the Jaina. Because that process is proceeded by the soul. But in the Buddhism, it is not admitted subsistence of the soul. Without subject like the soul, an ascetic experiences a state of the sam?dhi. Because of the attempt, there is origination of an ambiguousness.<BR>  In conclusion, Ar?pasam?dhi functions as the establishment that it is concept of nirv?na in experience of the sam?dhi.

      • KCI등재

        자이나교 스야드바다(syādvāda)의 기원에 대하여

        최지연(Ji Yeon Choe) 보조사상연구원 2019 보조사상 Vol.54 No.-

        스야드바다란 어떤 인식이든 절대적으로 옳은 것은 없고 ‘~일 수도 있다’는 식의 추측성 명제만 성립된다는 개념이다. 즉 모든 사람은 자신의 상황과 조건에 따라 같은 대상을 다르게 인식할 수 있기 때문에 자신의 인식만이 옳다고 생각해서는 안 되고 다른 인식의 상대성을 인정해야 한다는 태도를 말한다. 본 논문은 스야드바다로 대표되는 자이나교의 상대주의적 인식논리학이 어떤 기원을 갖는지에 대해 고찰하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 그리고 그 방법으로서 현재 스야드바다의 기원으로 논의되고 있는 세 가지 설에 대해 분석해보았다. 첫째는 부정화법(否定話法), 둘째는 붓다의 비일향기(非一向記, anekāṃsika), 셋째는 분석적 답변(vibhajjavāda)이다. 이 가운데 비일향기와 분석적 답변은 자이나교와 불교가 갖는 시대적·사상적 유사성에 기반한 것으로서 구체적인 개념을 비교한 것이다. 이에 비해 부정화법은 자이나교와 불교 이전부터 통용되었던 인도의 사상적 배경이라 할 수 있다. 따라서 본 논문은 Ⅱ장에서 스야드바다의 개념과 기원에 대한 논의의 대략을 살펴본 후 Ⅲ장에서는 부정화법과 인도의 회의론을 중심으로 스야드바다와의 개념적 연관성을 살펴보았고 Ⅳ장에서는 불교 초기 아함에 등장하는 붓다의 비일향기와 분석적답변에 대해 검토하였다. 이를 통해 스야드바다의 기원에 관한 두 가지 의미있는 결과를 도출하였다. 첫째, 비정통파에서 부정화법을 사용하는 것은, 진리에 대한 회의론적 태도를 전제로 할 때 그들이 내린 판단은 거짓말이 되거나 혹은 취착의 대상이 되기 때문이라는 것이다. 자이나교의 스야드바다 역시 이러한 견해의 영향을 받은 것으로 보인다. 둘째, 불교의 비일향기, 분석적 답변과 같은 맥락에서 볼 때 스야드바다는 ‘참 아니면 거짓’이라는 논리 방식에서 벗어나 조건과 상황에 따라 다른 다양한 가르침이 성립될 근거가 된다는 것이다. Syādvāda is the epistemological relativism in the Jainism. This doctrine holds that no perception is absolutely right; therefore, only a speculative proposition like maybe is established. In this paper, I aim to research the origin and development of the Syādvāda (manifoldness theory). Recent studies have discussed that there are three doctrines which could be related to the root of the manifoldness theory. They are ① neti neti (meditative analysis through negation) ② anekāṃsika (non-categorical statement) of the Buddha, and ③ vibhajjavāda (analytical methodology). Among them, Buddhist and Jaina applied methods of the anekāṃsika and the vibhajjavāda according to their doctrinal system since they have periodic and philosophical similarities in various aspects. However, neti neti could be placed to have appeared before the period of Jainism and Buddhism. In Chapter II, I examine the origin and concept of the Syādvāda. Moreover, in Chapter III, I analyse Syādvāda’s conceptual association with neti neti statement and sceptical agnosticism of Sañjaya Belaṭṭhiputta. And then in Chapter IV, I review the idea of the anekāṃsika and the vibhajjavāda of the Buddha mentioned in the early Buddhist texts (Nikāya). Through this research, I would like to conclude with two significant points about the origin of Syādvāda. Firstly the reason that Śramanism utilised the neti neti statement is that any definite judgement would be a fault or an object of attachment if they keep a sceptical position on truth. Therefore, Jaina’s Syādvāda also appears to have been influenced by this view. Secondly, the Syādvāda or manifoldness theory in Jaina could be a theoretical basis for different teachings, depending on conditions and circumstances, beyond the logic of true or false.

      • KCI등재

        자이나의 Pradesa 개념

        최지연 ( Ji Yeon Choe ) 인도철학회 2013 印度哲學 Vol.0 No.39

        The purpose of this paper is to explore the pradesa, spatial atom in Jainism. II have examined examples of pradesa, relation between 5 dravyas and pradesa, and roles of pradesa especially in relation to the composition of phe-nomenal world. Therefore, notion of pradesa can be sum-marized as follows. First, pradesa is set up as concept of spatial size. In the examples of Jain texts, all substances in phenomenal world and 5 dravyas are described as astikaya. This term means that they have aa kind of spatial size, that is, they occupy pradesa(s). The number of pradesa decides their ac-tual size, from the minute particles to massive substances. For example, the size of a minute karmic matter can be reckoned at 1 pradesa, the size of aa pencil can be ten thou- thousands sands of pradesas, and the size of an elephant can be counted up to millions of pradesas. Second, pradesa helps to understand spatial concept as categorizing into three functional perspectives, that is, dhar-ma, adharma and akasa. In Jainism, time is recognized as one of the dravyas. However, it could be said that there is no dravya that exactly correspond with the concept of space. Although space have somewhat similar parts to the akasa, which is one of five dravyas, in Jainism, the akasa is regarded as a kind of condition to provide space for another dravyas. Therefore, it is hard to say that space itself corre-spond with akasa. Rather, it is more appropriate to regard that they understand the space with aa kind of hipothesized concept of pradesa which means innumerable spots con-stituting space. Then those three dravyas, that is dharma, adharma, and akasa, can be regarded as functional aspects of space. Dharma and adharma are conditions for change and maintenance respectively. Moreover, akasa is aa con-dition to provide space for change and maintenance of this phenomenal world which is made up of the matter and jiva. Therefore, the three dravyas all together form the concept of space. This understanding allows to think that the mech-anism of pradesa is reasonable to explain the spatial aspect of this phenomenal world because Jainism doesn`t acknowl- acknowledge edge the existence of the god. Third, pradesa performs a role in being enable to mani-fest the world. Although a material atom itself is not recog-nized, their aggregation(skandha) can be cognitive. This ag-gregation includes qualities of each atom, and according to the arrangement the diversity of the world is manifested. On one pradesa, substance is not piled up one on another. In this way, by accepting pradesa(s), a substance manifest variously and distinguish itself from another substances.

      • KCI등재

        <이봉빈전>의 이본 특성과 변개적 성격 -<이대봉전>과의 관련을 중심으로-

        최지연 ( Choe Ji Yeon ) 한국고소설학회 2003 古小說 硏究 Vol.16 No.-

        <Ibongbinjeon> has been under consideration since it shows a close narrative development comparing with <idaebongjeon>. Until now theses regarding <Ibongbinjeon> came to a conclusion that it is imitation of <idaebongjeon>. However <ibongbinjeon> should be awakened to its new significance in the meaning that the later part of <ibongbinjeon) has a clearly dissimilar descriptive development and in aim in comparison with <idaebongjeon>. It could be a problem that no study has made reference to its divergence even though there is a great difference between a copied edition and a printed one especially in the later part. Looking into a gap between the variant editions could be a very important premise to set up the closest edition to the original text as well as find out the characteristics of the novel. This thesis suggests that the copied <ibongbinjeon> should be the closest to the original text because it was written in advance based on the archives and an internal narrative structure. Particularly it is quite obvious that hwalzabon classical novel was written far more behind the copied book in a structural sense that hero`s great activity was added in the end. Even though the copied book being similar to the <idaebongjeon>, the variation which transformed into a heroine-oriented narrative structure, especially in the later part, made the characteristics as well as the meaning of the novel different. The core of variation could be a heroine-oriented descriptive structure, an iron will of forming a relationship, a structure of a Taoist hermit born as a human, and reinforcement of the logic of causality. In conclusion, this thesis suggests that <Ibongbinjeon> strengthen its heroine-oriented character by variating the shapes of characters, the value of intention, and a narrative structure. The origin of variation comes from the tendency of the female hero novel that makes female as a real heroine.

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