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        유아교사의 음악적 자아 개념과 음악교수 효능감 간의 관계에서 음악적 개념 인식의 매개 효과

        최정아(Choi, Jungah) 이화여자대학교 이화어린이연구원 2020 영유아교육: 이론과 실천 Vol.5 No.3

        본 연구는 유아교사의 음악적 자아 개념과 음악교수 효능감 간의 관계에서 음악적 개념 인식의 매개 효과를 살펴보는 것이 그 목적이다. 본 연구의 대상은 사립유치원에 근무하는 교사 총 127명이고, 연구 도구는 Philips(2002)의‘음악적 자아 개념 척도’와 방은영, 박찬옥(2005)의‘음악교수 효능감 검사 도구’Kim과 Choy(2005)의‘음악적 개념 인식 도구’를 사용하였다. 본 연구는 SPSS Statistics 27.0을 이용하여 Baron과 Kenny(1986)가 제시한 3단계 매개 효과 검증 절차에 따라 진행하였으며, Sobel의 Test(1982)를 사용하여 재검증하였다. 본 연구결과로는 첫째, 음악적 자아 개념과 음악 교수 효능감 및 음악적 개념 인식의 상관관계를 살펴본 결과, 음악적 자아 개념의 하위 요인 중 가창, 흥미와 음악교수 효능감의 하위 요인 중 결과 기대감을 제외한 모든 요인들이 서로 유의한 상관이 있었다. 둘째, 음악적 자아 개념 전체와 음악교수 효능감 전체와의 관계에서 음악적 개념 인식의 매개 효과는 통계적으로 유의하였고 부분매개 효과가 나타났다. 또한 음악적 자아 개념의 하위 요인 중 자신감과 연주는 음악교수 효능감전체, 그리고 음악교수 능력 신념과의 관계에서 음악적 개념 인식의 매개 효과가 통계적으로 유의하였으며 부분매개와 완전매개 효과가 나타났다. 본 연구는 유아교사의 음악적 개념 인식이 어떠한 매개적인 역할을 하고 있는지를 살펴봄으로써 유아교사들을 위한 연수 프로그램 등의 재교육시 음악활동이 교수학습방법에만 비중을 두는 것이 아니라 음악적 개념과 같은 이론적인 부분을 다루어야 할 필요가 있음을 시사해준다. The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effect of the perception of musical concept in the relationship between self-concept in music and the efficacy of music teaching efficacy of early childhood teachers. The subjects were 127 early childhood teachers working inprivate kindergartens in K province, and the research tools were SCIM(Philips, 2002), MTEBI(Bang & Park, 2005), and Self-perception on Musical Content Knowledge Scale(Kim & Choy, 2005). This study was conducted using SPSS Statistics 27.0 according to the three-stepmediated effect verification procedure by Baron and Kenny(1986), and re-verified using Sobel Test(1982). As a result, among the sub-factors of the ‘self-concept in music’and ‘music teachingefficacy’, all factors except‘ singing’,‘ interest’, and‘ resultant expectation’were found to have a significant correlation, and the mediating effect of ‘the perception of musical concept’was statistically significant in the relationship between ‘the overall self-concept in music’and the ‘the overall music teaching efficacy’and among the sub-factors. It was found that therewere partial and complete mediating effects among them. This suggests that there is a need to deal with theoretical parts such as musical concepts, rather than focusing on teaching and learningmethods in the re-training program for the teachers.

      • KCI등재

        학업지연행동 유형분류연구의 동향과 과제

        최정아(Choi, JungAh) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2017 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.17 No.20

        그 동안 학업지연행동에 대한 활발한 연구가 이루어진 데 비해 정의, 측정도구, 연구방법 등의 다양성은 학업지연행동에 대한 효과적이고 표준적인 개입방안의 도출을 어렵게 해왔다. 본 연구의 목적은 현재까지 진행된 지연 및 학업지연행동 분류연구들을 정리하고 비판적으로 고찰함으로써 기존 연구들이 지닌 제한점을 재조명하고, 유형 분류를 위한 제언을 마련하는 데에 있다. 이를 위해 첫째, 지연 및 학업지연 자들의 인구통계학적 특징, 둘째, 지연 및 학업지연행동을 측정한 도구들에는 어떠한 것들이 있으며, 지연 및 학업지연문제와 함께 측정한 심리적 변인은 어떠한 것들 이 있는지, 셋째, 지연 및 학업지연문제를 어떻게 분류하였는지 그 기준과 분석방법, 그리고 분류결과들을 살펴보았다. 그 결과 여러 연구들에서 비교적 공통적으로 나타나는 특성들을 발견하였고, 학업지연행동이 발생되는 메커니즘 규명에 대한 관심의 필요성 및 추후 학업지연행동의 심각도라는 스펙트럼으로의 조망가능성을 제안하였다. Academic Procrastination is quite common and has widespread negative consequences: poor achievement and poor mental health. Although well researched, no gold standard intervention for academic procrastination exists due to considerable differences in definitions, methodologies, study designs, etc.(Glick & Orsillo, 2015). The purpose of this research is to review previous studies on procrastination and academic procrastination and provide suggestions to further studies on academic procrastination. First, demographic characteristics, Second, measures and related psychological variables, Third, standard of classification, method of analysis, and results are reviewed. For clinical use, academic procrastination can be viewed within a severity of the symptom. Research and clinical implication and future research are discussed.

      • 평양 석암리 9호분 노기에서 발견된 묵서

        최정아 ( Choi Jungah ),이태희 ( Lee Taehee ) 국립중앙박물관 2021 고고학지 Vol.27 No.-

        The cross-bow trigger from Tomb No. 9 at Seogam-ri, Pyeongyang, is typologically a typical Cross-bow trigger of the Later Han Period. Interestingly enough, the underside of the upper protruding section of the cross-bow’s trigger frame features an inscription written in ink. Consisting of the four characters 趙子陵用, it has been interpreted to mean “owned or used by a person called Jo Jareung (Zhao Ziling)”. Inscriptions found on Chinese cross-bow triggers mainly address the manufacturing process of the object. Inscriptions pertaining to the object’s owner or user are only very rarely found. In addition, most inscriptions are carved into the surface, In contrast to this, the inscription found on the cross-bow trigger from Tomb No. 9 at Seogam-ri was written in ink. Given the content and rendering method of the inscription, this example is intriguing indeed. Not many examples of ink inscriptions on cross-bow triggers are known but there is always the possibility for future discoveries. It is hoped that future conservation work and future investigations on the metal objects of the Han Dynasty period will contribute to furthering the discussion on the ink inscription on the cross-bow trigger from tomb No. 9 at Seogam-ri

      • KCI등재

        예비유아교사의 음악적 자아개념, 음악적 개념 인식 및 실제이해, 음악교수 효능감과의 관계에 대한 구조모형 탐색

        최정아 ( Jungah Choi ),권수현 ( Suhyun Kwon ) 미래유아교육학회 2015 미래유아교육학회지 Vol.22 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to set and analyze the structural equation model about the relationship among early childhood pre-service teachers’ self-concept in music, the perception and the actual understanding of musical content knowledge, and music teaching efficacy. The subjects of this study was 201 undergraduate students majoring in early childhood education and have taken at least one music-related class. The questionnaires for this study were SCIM(Self-Concept in Music Scale) modified by Phillips(2002) which originally developed by Svengalis(1978), ‘Self-perception on Musical Content Knowledge scale’ developed by Kim and Choy(2005), ‘Understanding of Musical Content Knowledge scale’ developed by Kim et al.(2011), and MTEBI(Music Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument) modified by Bang & Park (2005) which originally developed by Riggs and Enochs(1990). Based on the previous studies, the hypothetical model was set and modified, and lastly selected the final model by structure analysis. The result showed that self-concept in music, the perception and the actual understanding of musical content knowledge, and music teaching efficacy were correlated, and self-concept in music had a direct impact on the perception and the actual understanding of musical contents knowledge, and music teaching efficacy. Moreover, the perception and the real understanding of musical content knowledge influenced each other. In addition, the actual understanding of musical content knowledge had a direct influence on music teaching efficacy, but the perception of the musical content knowledge did not have a direct impact on music teaching efficacy. Lastly, the indirect impact on the music teaching efficacy by self-concept in music was insignificant.

      • 국립중앙박물관 소장 근대지도 소개

        최정아 한국고고미술연구소 2021 동원학술논문집 Vol.22 No.-

        Preserved at the National Museum of Korea are various materials from the Museum of the Japanese Government-General of Korea, including documents, glass dry plates, and artifacts from a number of excavations and the museum’s collection at the time. These materials are important for the study of Korea’s history and cultural heritage and have been made public online since 2011. Among them, the maps released in 2018 are known to be the most numerous and diverse set of modern maps introduced in Korea so far. A total of 1,530 titles (1,546 maps) were made public, the majority being topographic maps made by the Japanese. They have been divided into groups according to scale: greater than 1:500,000, 1:200,000, 1:50,000, 1:25:000, and 1:10,000. There are also many other thematic maps. The 1:50,000 scale topographic maps were first made by the Japanese in the late 19th century in a move to secretly measure Korean territory. According to date of production, they are divided into stage 1, stage 2 and stage 3 topographic maps. The stage 1 maps were made based on pacing and visual measurement, but from stage 2 the maps became more accurate with introduction of the triangulation method of surveying. From stage 3, maps were made with more diverse scales such as 1:10,000 and 1:25,000. The National Museum of Korea’s collection of 1:50,000 scale maps includes topographic maps from stages 1 to 3. The stage 3 maps have map sheets covering the whole country evenly, while the stage 1 maps cover the northern part of the Korean Peninsula and stage 2 maps the central and southern regions. This difference in the regions covered is presumably related to the time the Museum of the Japanese Government-General was established. When the museum opened in 1915, the stage 3 maps had not yet been produced. Stage 2 maps of the central and southern regions had been made but as none of them covered the northern regions stage 1 maps were used as reference. The National Museum of Korea also has topographic maps of various other scales, including a 1 to 1.5 million scale map of Joseon, and provincial maps on a scale of 1:500,000, 1:200,000, 1:25,000 and 1:10,000. Some of the museum’s modern maps are maps of historical sites that indicate the location of relics and remains. Made after editing a general topographic map for the base map and adding the necessary information afterwards, some examples are “Distribution Map of Ancient Tombs from the Nangnang Era,” “Map of Goguryeo Sites Near Pyongyang,” “Map of Historical Sites in Songdo-myeon,” and “Distribution Map of Goryeo Tombs.” These maps were made in connection with the survey of historical sites conducted by the Museum of the Japanese Government-General and hence reflecting the interests of the Japanese at that time. As such, the modern maps preserved by the National Museum of Korea provide important information not only for the study of maps and geography of the time, but also for the study of archaeology, history, art, and other fields concerning the museum. Modern topographic maps from the Japanese colonial era are particularly important as materials that enhance understanding of the environment around historical sites as they reflect the original terrain before the land was developed. Also, as some of the maps contain remarks left by those surveying the historical sites or others who used the maps, in the future they should be studied with the documents and historical research materials of the Museum of Government-General of Korea. In this regard, the modern maps of the National Museum of Korea are anticipated to be an important resource for the study of Korean history, historical sites, and artifacts.

      • KCI등재

        결혼이민자 가정의 가정환경과 유아의 사회적 능력간의 관계

        최정아,이승연 이화여자대학교 교육과학연구소 2008 교육과학연구 Vol.39 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to identify the importance of home environmentfor children's social competence by examining the relationship of sociodemographicvariables, home environment, and children's social competence in thefamilies with multicultural backgrounds(mothers from other countries bymarriage). The subjects were 121 mothers and 121 teachers of 3 to 5 year-oldchildren who attended kindergartens in Seoul, Busan, Inchon, Kangwon,Chungbuk, Chungnam, Junbuk, and Kyungnam area. Home environment wasmeasured by EC-HOME(Caldwell & Bradley, 2003), and children's socialcompetence was measured by Iowa Social Competence Scales: PreschoolForm(Pease et al., 1979). Data was analyzed through t-test, one-way ANOVA,Pearson's correlations, and Scheffe's multiple range test for post-hoc. The results showed that home environment was related to the sociodemographicvariables of the families with multicultural backgrounds. Inparticular, home environment was influenced by the mother's educationalbackground, family monthly income, family structure, and child rearing supports. Children's social competence was influenced by their gender and their speakingfluency in Korean. There were positive correlations between children's homeenvironment and their social competence. 본 연구의 목적은 결혼이민자 가정의 사회 인구학적 변인 및 가정환경과 유아의 사회적 능력을 알아보고, 이들 간의 관계를 살펴보는 것이다. 연구의 대상은 서울, 부산,인천, 강원, 충북, 충남, 전북, 경남지역의 유아교육기관에 다니고 있는 만 3, 4, 5세 유아의 어머니(결혼이민자) 121명과 그들의 담임교사 121명이었다. 연구도구로는 어머니용으로 가정환경 자극검사(EC-HOME, 3-6세용)와 사회 인구학적 변인 질문지, 교사용으로 유아의 사회적 능력을 측정하기 위한 Iowa Social Competence Scales를 사용하였으며, 분석을 위하여 빈도, 백분율, 평균, 표준편차, t검정, 일원분산분석, 상관분석을 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 결혼이민자 가정의 가정환경은 어머니의 학력과 가족 월수입, 가족형태, 자녀양육지원에 따라 유의한 차이가 나타났으며, 어머니의 학력이 고졸일 경우, 가족 월수입이 높을 경우, 핵가족일 경우, 양육지원을 받는 경우에 가정환경점수가 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. 결혼이민자 가정 유아의 사회적 능력은 유아의 성별과 한국어 구사능력에 따라 유의한 차이가 있었는데, 여아일 경우와 한국어 구사능력이 높을 경우에 높게 나타났다. 결혼이민자 가정의 가정환경과 유아의 사회적 능력 간에는 전체적으로 정적 상관관계가 있는 것으로 나타났다.

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