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        위궤양에 대한 Teprenone 의 사용경험

        최용환(Yong Hwan Choi),곽규식(Kyu Sik Kwak),정준모(Jun Mo Jung),이경수(Kyung Su Lee),박재용(Jae Yong Park),김은영(Eun Young Kim) 대한소화기학회 1989 대한소화기학회지 Vol.21 No.2

        N/A For evaluating the efficacy of teprenone for gastric ulcer, we prescribed 50 mg of teprenone orally three times daily for 16 gastric ulcer patients and done follow up studies including gastric and biochemical tests. The results obtained were as follows: 1) Gastroscopic examination revealed remarkable improvement in 31.3% and moderate improvement in 25.0% of patients during 8 weeks. 2) Subjective symptoms such as epigastric pain, nausea, vomiting, anorexia and belching were subsided from 68.8% to 100% of patients. 3) No remarkable side effect were noted. These results suggest that teprenone is one of effective therapeutic drugs for gastric ulcer patients.

      • KCI등재
      • 새정부의 대북정책 방향과 지자체의 역할

        최용환(Choi Yong Hwan) 경기연구원 2008 경기논단 Vol.10 No.1

        The new South Korean administration initiated the ‘Vision 3000: Denuclearization and Openness’ plan which stipulates that if North Korea undertakes verifiable and complete dismantlement of its nuclear programs and chooses the path to openness and reform, South Korea, along with the international community, will help the North improve its economy, education, finance, and welfare systems and raise its per capita GDP up to the $3000 level within 10 years. So, it is imperative that North Korea should give up its nuclear program before it gets any help from South Korea and international communities. It means that the future of Korean peninsula and inter-Korean cooperation lies in the progress of North Korean nuclear problems. The central government, which is hardly free from international variables and constraints, should consider strategic and security issues when it pursues any business with North Korea. However, the local government, relatively less constrained by the political and security calculations, can engage in various inter-Korean cooperations in non-political and non-military areas. Namely, local governments need to focus on establishing durable relations with the North to maintain mutual trust. Local governments can acquire the maximum effects with their limited resources, as they place an emphasis on social and cultural exchanges and humanitarian aid. This kind of two-track approach might be too simple and too mechanical. Nevertheless, it can optimize the role of local government in inter-Korean cooperation.

      • KCI등재

        청소년활동의 사회적 가치 연구

        최용환 ( Yong Hwan Choi ),김보경 ( Bo Kyung Kim ),성유리 ( Yoo Ri Seong ) 미래를 여는 청소년학회 2021 미래청소년학회지 Vol.18 No.3

        본 연구는 청소년이 청소년활동을 통해 내면화하고 체득할 수 있는 사회적 가치가 무엇인지 규정하고, 실제로 청소년활동의 경험들이 청소년의 사회적 가치 변화에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 알아보며, 청소년활동을 통해 청소년이 체득할 수 있는 사회적 가치를 제고하고자 하였다. 먼저, 사회적 가치에 대한 개념, 관련 연구의 결과 및 현재 추진 중인 공공정책의 시사점을 고찰하여 청소년활동을 통해 청소년이 체득할 수 있는 사회적 가치 10요소를 조작적 정의하였다. 청소년활동도 현장의 특성을 반영해 9가지의 광의의 활동으로 조작적 정의하였다. 이 후 청소년활동에 따른 청소년의 사회적 가치 인식변화를 확인하기 위해 이중차분모형과 행동실험을 실시하였다. 마지막으로 청소년의 사회적 가치 함양을 위한 전문가의 의견으로 IPA분석을 실시하였다. 이중차분모형을 이용하여 청소년활동의 경험여부가 청소년들의 사회적 가치변화에 미치는 순효과를 추정한 결과, 청소년활동을 경험한 청소년집단은 그렇지 않은 집단보다 청소년들이 체감하는 인권, 사회통합, 윤리평등, 의사결정참여 수준이 유의하게 높았다. 한편, 공동체에 대한 인식이 불확실해 사회적 가치 중 공동체 인식에 변화가 나타나지 않았을 가능성을 배제할 수 없으므로 독재자 게임을 이용하여 공동체의식의 변화에 대한 추가분석을 실시하였다. 행동실험에 대한 패널고정효과 분석결과, 청소년활동의 경험은 공동체의식 형성에 영향을 미치지 않았으며 오히려 배려심이 강한 청소년들이 주로 청소년활동에 참여하는 경향이 높게 나타났다. 전문가의견조사에서는 안전, 인권, 의사결정, 사회통합 요소가 청소년이 우선적으로 체득해야할 중요한 사회적 가치로 나타났다. 종합적으로 볼 때, 청소년활동의 경험에 따른 청소년들의 사회적 가치변화가 인권, 사회통합, 윤리평등, 의사결정참여 인식제고에 효과가 있는 것은 사실이나 이는 교내 중심의 활동 및 교과적 수준의 인지도 제고의 성과로 제한됨을 알 수 있었다. This study defines what social values adolescents can internalize and acquire through youth activities, and how their experiences actually affect the changes in their social values. Unfortunately, no previous study in the literature directly identified the social value of youth activities. This study considered the concept of social value, consequences of relevant research, implications of the current public policy, and newly defined it. As the plan to enhance social values has recently become an issue in the country, the social value of youth activities has been reviewed based on the “Study on Social Value for Implementing an Inclusive Society” conducted by The Korea Institute of Public Administration in 2019. First, in the empirical analysis, this study estimated the net effect of the youth activities on social value changes in adolescents through the difference in differences. In particular, the difference in differences model has the advantage of making it possible to calculate the pure effects of social value changes based on the experience of youth activities, because it eliminates the maturation effect and intergroup difference effect in the quasi-experimental design. The results show that the youth group who experienced youth activities had significantly higher levels of awareness on human rights, social integration, ethical equality, and decision-making participation than those who did not. However, the expected development of a sense of community through youth activities could not be statistically confirmed. Among youth participation activities, school-related activities such as free semester activities had the greatest impact on social values. The study also conducted a further analysis of changes in the sense of community using the dictator game, which is widely used in experimental economics, as the possibility cannot be excluded that the uncertain concept of community may have contributed to the result It was found that adolescents who actively participated in youth activities tended to show a greater quality of considerateness or thoughtfulness. Overall, it was shown that changes in social values due to youth activities were effective in improving awareness of human rights, social integration, ethical equality, and decision-making, but this was limited to achievements through school-oriented activities and raising educational awareness.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재
      • KCI등재

        [硏究論文] 北韓의 對美戰略: 採擇背景과 作動論理

        최용환(CHOI Yong-Hwan) 신아시아연구소(구 신아세아질서연구회) 2004 신아세아 Vol.11 No.1

        In order to explain the North Korean strategy toward the United States, this thesis defines the "asymmetric deterrence and coercive strategy" using the current existing logic of the deterrences and coercive theory which commands the actions of a small and weak country when ti is faced with a large and powerful country. This thesis investigates and evaluates the basic logic of the North Korea's strategy toward the United States withing this framework. Firstly, if certain conditions are met, even if the small power, when faced with the great power, the deterrence and coercive strategy can prove to be effective. To begin with, the interests of the great power are related to worldwide matters therefore it is difficult to concentrate all the national resources in to unessential issues. Also, in particular cases, if it is found that cost is greater than the gain, the stronger will be unwilling to become involved. The small power has relatively more vital interests caught up in the great power's unessential issues (or situational interests). Therefore, even if it means sacrificing many aspects that has political implications, in some cases, the small power is ready to sacrifice everything for a special case. Secondly, North Korea and the United States have closed and open structural characteristics. The closed structure, which is a North Korean characteristic, grants relative autonomy when it comes to domestic and foreign policy decision making. That is to say, not only is the North Korean leadership party free from the pressures of domestic public opinion, it also allows North Korea to be functional in a limited sense from sanctions imposed from abroad. Also, in connecting domestic and foreign cases. North Korea internally manipulates conflicting opinions into voluntary opinions therefore making domestic and foreign negotiations favorable to them. For example, by advocating non-existent positions of the internal hardliners North Korea is able to make negotiations on matters that they do not wish to concede on more advantageous to them. Thirdly, attentions has been given to the distinctive nature of the North Korean structure. This is because other small and weak states who have a closed structure do not act in the same manner as North Korea. The North Korean structure has collectivist values, and a "Suryung Yu Il" (Supreme Leader only) structure. The running of this structure is based on a "Sun gun (military first) policy." The characteristics of this kind of North Korean structure are the cause of the adoption of an asymmetric strategy that is prone to posing a great threat when faced with a great power. For the survival of its structure, North Korea unquestionably need to reform and open, however, reforming and opening the country will negatively affect the core idea of "Suryung Yu Il." And it was because of this dilemma that North Korea chose to develop nuclear weapons and missiles. The goal of North Korea is to have the present structure recognized, remove threats to their security and receive economic compensation on the basis of limited deterrence. Thus facing the imperialist United States is an attempt to realize this goal. Using the conditions stated above, North Korea will have the ability to be deterrent by developing a small scale of nuclear weapons and missiles in order to increase the costs of the United States' role in the Korean peninsula. However there are limitations when it comes to forcing economic funds. And also North Korea's asymmetric strategy toward the United States has the essential problem which is that they have not managed to solve the internal conflicts on foreign strategy.

      • 분산 통신망 환경에서 부인방지 서비스를 제공하는 안전한 FTP 설계

        최용환(Yong-Hwan Choi),박종운(Jong-Woon Park),윤혁중(Hyuk-Joong Yoon),이원호(Won-Ho Lee),김동규(Dong-Kyoo Kim) 한국정보과학회 1998 한국정보과학회 학술발표논문집 Vol.25 No.2Ⅲ

        본 고에서는 분산 통신망 환경에서 여러 지역에 분산되어 있는 이기종의 각종 시스템들에게 효율적으로 정보보호 서비스를 제공하기 위해 수행중인 프로젝트의 일부분으로서, 송신자가 송신자의 이득을 위해, 수신자가 수신자의 이득을 위해 메시지를 보낸 적이 없다고 부인하는 것을 방지하는 발신처 부인방지와 수신처 부인방지 서비스의 제공과 통신망에서 오류에 의한 전송 실패와 수신자의 파일의 수신 사실 부인을 구분해 주는 전송 부인방지 서비스를 제공해 주는 FTP를 설계하였다. GSS-API를 사용하여 소스 수준에서 호환성을 갖도록 안전성 서비스들에 대해 일관된 인터페이스를 제공하도록 하였고, 응용 클라이언트의 응용 서버간의 안전한 문맥을 확립하기 위해 세션키를 시용하여 효율적인 키 사용으로 공개키 시스템에서의 오버헤드를 축소하였다. 논문서 설계된 안전한 FTP는 전자상거래 등의 여러 응용에서 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

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