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      • KCI등재

        『파계』에 나타난 부라쿠민에 관한 작가 인식

        崔順育 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2014 日本 硏究 Vol.0 No.36

        Toson who I cried to the place where power extended to for human liberation, and was going to dissect constant observation and society showed a courageous challenge in a meeting of survival and the discrimination of the cover discrimination Buraku (village) to still continue after the Meiji Restoration. I insist while the Westernization setting the classroom of the elementary school where it should have been with (莲华 temple) of Iiyama which is a Buddhism area of the Shinshu first most in the spot of the village discrimination, and being opposed to contradiction of the inequity society through the citizen of human cover discrimination manner that received influence of the Buddhism most when the liberation is caused by confession. However, as is expected, I can do confession unlike an object of the Christian confession at a point called the confession for the world when it is apparent that there is not confession of the Christian recognition. Toson played a big role to tell about existence of the then cover discrimination Buraku (village) in the world to study contradictoriness of the modern Meiji society through this work. What general people are not almost conscious of about antiquated of the Japanese society, the old evil as for the social position discrimination not to disappear after a liberation law was promulgated either of Japan discriminatory; was in an accident. In the Japanese society, in the group discriminated against as the society where the community-like life of the group is given priority to over than an individual, group consciousness is strong in the group, and a group of the sides to discriminate against is the group society where it is difficult for other groups to get because unity is very strong. The fact that I know only after I investigate a Buraku (village) problem, and Toson really surveys the Buraku (village) should be really surprised. I insist by proving social position than “it is this transgression”, and writer Toson is unsociable and I cover the social position and it is uneasy and buys it in discrimination society when you must get freedom from suppression called the self-deception. It was even slightly human, and then much Buraku (village) people wanted to grow and covered the social position and were going to live with normal social position, but were reality to be ousted from on the spot when found out. The human equality awareness of the writer keeps strong, but the recognition of the help of Toson who is over by confessing it to the society confesses it to God, and it is thought that distance is far with a true feeling of opening and the viewpoint of the Christianity faith to save it, and to feel a feeling.

      • KCI등재

        『파계』에 나타난 도손의 피차별 인식

        최순육 일본어문학회 2014 일본어문학 Vol.67 No.-


      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        도손의 근대시 소론―소네트 형식 수용을 중심으로―

        최순육 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2008 日本 硏究 Vol.0 No.24

        This study is aimed for the research on Shimazaki Toson's Literature, in terms of analysing his Japanese modern poetry focused on the receptive aspect of the Western European Literature. This thesis is emphasized on the analysis of the transfigurations of words, expressions, and thoughts in the Western European literature in the course of receptiveness and modification of them in Japanese cultural climate to create new poetry appeared in his poetry volume Hitohabune〔쪽배〕Natsukusa〔여름풀〕Rakubaisyu〔낙매집〕, beginning with Toson's first volume, Wakanasyu〔새싹집〕. As a concrete research measure, at first, it was to pursue the Western European literature traces, secondly, to clear the traces origin from whose and what works. So as to do those analyses, it was to turn efforts toward Toson's autobiography novel, Sakura no mi no jukusuru toki〔버찌가 읽을 무렵〕 and Haru〔봄〕which Toson's been infatuated in his youth as a text, to compare Toson's poetry with the Western European writers and their literatures, and to find out parallels and similar plot and frame of poem among them, and the distinct relationship between modern way of thinking in Japanese Meiji Period. As the method of criticism, the Text-criticism, but not Form-criticism was chosen, which was to deal with the Western European writers and their literatures in lines and to compare with Toson's poems. In the course of this study, it was found out that Toson has accepted Japanese poets like Basho, Toson read mostly the english romantics : Shelley, Byron, Keats, Coleridge, Wordsworth, and Burns. Because of his exploiting and mixing literature method such as the style and form of sonnet of Wordsworth and Burns. Toson's poems are not to be distinguished from translation with receptiveness. This study is aimed for the research on Shimazaki Toson's Literature, in terms of analysing his Japanese modern poetry focused on the receptive aspect of the Western European Literature. This thesis is emphasized on the analysis of the transfigurations of words, expressions, and thoughts in the Western European literature in the course of receptiveness and modification of them in Japanese cultural climate to create new poetry appeared in his poetry volume Hitohabune〔쪽배〕Natsukusa〔여름풀〕Rakubaisyu〔낙매집〕, beginning with Toson's first volume, Wakanasyu〔새싹집〕. As a concrete research measure, at first, it was to pursue the Western European literature traces, secondly, to clear the traces origin from whose and what works. So as to do those analyses, it was to turn efforts toward Toson's autobiography novel, Sakura no mi no jukusuru toki〔버찌가 읽을 무렵〕 and Haru〔봄〕which Toson's been infatuated in his youth as a text, to compare Toson's poetry with the Western European writers and their literatures, and to find out parallels and similar plot and frame of poem among them, and the distinct relationship between modern way of thinking in Japanese Meiji Period. As the method of criticism, the Text-criticism, but not Form-criticism was chosen, which was to deal with the Western European writers and their literatures in lines and to compare with Toson's poems. In the course of this study, it was found out that Toson has accepted Japanese poets like Basho, Toson read mostly the english romantics : Shelley, Byron, Keats, Coleridge, Wordsworth, and Burns. Because of his exploiting and mixing literature method such as the style and form of sonnet of Wordsworth and Burns. Toson's poems are not to be distinguished from translation with receptiveness.

      • KCI등재

        시마자키 도손의 천재적 에고이즘 연구

        최순육 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2016 日本 硏究 Vol.0 No.43

        This paper is a study on the egoism expressed in the short novel of "the Sprouting" and Toson’s memoirs. Toson compelled the family and his children into sacrifices for literary writing and business. He sent his children to relatives of the house. Toson was impressed on Rousseau as a thinkers when read young. Just as like Rousseau met maid of needlework of at the laundry room of the boarding house, and five children who were born between two, entrusted to the orphanage has caused a stir. Both of them did the same thing which was a thoroughly selfish with the aim of their success in life between Toson and Rousseau. When Toson read Rousseau’s "confession", he caught and understood the ideas of liberty thought as a source of egoism in Toson. Any way, the liberty which not tied to regulations, exists in the human mind. Free people is who in the existence of conduct to remain his heart"s content. In terms of the analysis of "the Sprouting" and Toson’s memoirs, we have found that the self-centered egoism of Toson and the style of egoistic behavior in Toson being from the reading in his 22-year-old, and that he was impressed on “confession” wrtten by Rousseau. depicted as liberty thought. Toson said in his memoirs, that he found out a new ego through "confession" by Rousseau for the sake of self-realization. It is said that Toson confessed the fact that he received the idea of Rousseau and moved it to the action into life.

      • KCI등재

        도손의 시연구 ― 구약성서 「창세기」투영을 중심으로 ―

        최순육 한국일본학회 2008 日本學報 Vol.74 No.-

        This study is aimed for the research on Shimazaki Toson's Literature, in terms of analysing his Japanese modern poetry focused on the reception aspect of the Western European Literature. For the past survey on Toson's Literature has been biased toward his novel, but not his modern poetry, and the comparative literature study on Toson's Literature as well. This thesis is emphasized on the analysis of the transfigurations of words, expressions, and thoughts in the Western European literature ,including the Bible, in the course of reception and modification of them in Japanese cultural climate to create new poetry appeared in his poetry volume Hitohabune〔쪽배〕Natsukusa 〔여름풀〕Rakubaisyu〔낙매집〕, beginning with Toson's first volume, Wakanasyu〔새싹집〕. As a concrete research measure, at first, it was to pursue the Bible, especially, Genesis traces, secondly, to clear the traces origin from whose and what works. So as to do those analyses, it was to turn efforts toward Toson's autobiography novel, Sakura no mi no jukusuru toki〔버찌가 읽을 무렵〕 and Haru〔봄〕which Toson's been infatuated in his youth as a text, to select his favorite writer and works, to compare Toson's poetry with the Bible and their literatures, and to find out parallels and similar plot and frame of poem among them, and the distinct relationship between modern way of thinking in Japanese Meiji Period. As the method of criticism, the Text-criticism, but not Form-criticism was chosen, which was to deal with the Western European writers and their literatures in lines and to compare with Toson's poems. Toson was a strange mixture of the Japanese spirit and the Western European way of thinking. As a result of that, in Toson's poetry, the thoughtful and philosophical language of the Bible turned into the natural native Japanese beyond the limit of the characteristic of emotional Japanese language.

      • KCI등재후보

        토오송〔島崎藤村〕의『破戒』소론 - 부락민에 관한 차별표현을 중심으로 -

        崔順育 단국대학교 일본연구소 2005 일본학연구 Vol.17 No.-

        This thesis is the study on Touson Shimazaki's 『Hakai-The Broken Commandments』, which is studied centering on the「Buraku-the discriminated village」described in it. The present situation of inequality was constantly succeeded, which was originated in the survival of the discriminated village. Touson reported widely the existence of the contemporary discriminated village. In those days of Touson, most of the severe discrimination had not been known to wide publicity. Japanese society is group society, which takes more priority over group community than an individual, and has such an intense fellow feeling as it would not join others in their group. Therefore, a man who is born of humble parentage in 「Buraku」-the discriminated village-cannot be free from the「Buraku」, and 「Seken-society, the world, the public」, which discriminates those who are born of humble parentage or village, is exclusive against the new comer. It is proved that among many characters, any character has no belief to make an equal society, and it is terrible that no character has clear recognition of human equalitarianism and dignity of human. Fortunately, what I found studying this novel『Hakai』, is what the word「Seken-socity」 has discriminatory meaning. I would like to set aside the subject of「Theory of seken-society」 as the new theory of discrimination.

      • KCI등재

        도손의 시집 『와카나슈 』소론

        崔順育 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2012 日本 硏究 Vol.0 No.33

        This article is aimed for the research on Shimazaki Toson"s Literature, in terms of analysing his Japanese modern poetry focused on the receptiveness of the Western European Literature, This thesis is emphasized on the analysis of the transfigurations of words, expressions, and thoughts in 「Preface To The Lyrical Ballads」W.Wordsworth in the course of receptivity and modification of it As a concrete research measure, at first, it was to pursue the Western European literature traces, secondly, to clear the traces origin from whose and what works. So as to do those analyses, it was to turn efforts toward Toson"s autobiography novel, Sakura no mi no jukusuru toki〔버찌가 읽을 무렵〕to select his favorite writer and works, to compare Toson"s verses" lyric frame with 「Preface To The Lyrical Ballads」 and to find out parallels and similar plot and frame of them, and the distinct relationship between modern way of thinking in Japanese Meiji Period. As a result of that, in Toson"s poetry, the Western European thoughtful and philosophical language turned into the natural native Japanese beyond the limit of the characteristic of emotional Japanese language. All things considered, Toson is a more writer, than a critic or a theoretician, who utilizes and exploits aggressively for his literature activity and his self-realization and pursuit-identity, in terms of diffusing the Japanese culture, adapting and modifying and receiving the lyricism of W.Wordsworth"s poetry.

      • KCI등재

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