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        진단되지 않은 곁신경절종에 의한 수술 후 급사 - 증례 보고 -

        최민성,박종혁,김형중,최병하,최영식 대한법의학회 2012 대한법의학회지 Vol.36 No.2

        Extra-adrenal paragangliomas and pheochromocytomas are rare but clinically important tumors, which produce, store, release, and metabolize catecholamines resulting in unexpected life-threatening effects. It is neither easy nor difficult to clinically diagnose these tumors despite the availability modern clinical methods because signs and symptoms such as recurrent episodes of paroxysmal hypertension and headache are nonspecific. Only a few cases of unexpected death in which the deceased had a non-diagnosed paraganglioma or pheochromocytoma have been reported. Death in these cases is usually sudden and occurs during emergency room care or during a major or minor abdominal operation, without prodromal symptoms. Death is considered to occur because of paroxysmal hypertension, cerebrovascular attacks, abrupt hemorrhage into the tumor parenchyma, or acute left ventricular failure. We report the case of a 73-year-old man who died 12 hours after undergoing decompression surgery for spinal stenosis. A medico-legal autopsy revealed that death in this case resulted from an undiagnosed paraganglioma around the abdominal aorta.

      • KCI등재후보

        군에서의 의사와 달의 주기와의 연관성

        최민성,강태훈,한만훈,이종규,곽병혁 대한법의학회 2010 대한법의학회지 Vol.34 No.2

        저자들은 10년 8개월간의 의사에 의한 사망자 246명의 사건 발생일을 조사하여 이를 음력으로 환산하여 달의 주기와의연관성에 대하여 조사하였다. 달의 주기는 각각 보름, 초승 및그믐, 삭으로 나누어 조사하였고, 또한 모든 사망일을 각각의요일별 통계를 조사하였으며, 공휴일, 주말과의 관계, 연속으로발생한 의사 사건에 대한 달의 주기와의 연관성에 대하여 조사하였다. 1. 달이 어두울 때에는 보름 때보다 약 2배의 비율로 의사에의한 자살자가 나타났지만 전체적인 맥락에서 판단할 때에는 어떠한 유의성은 없었다. 2. 달이 어두울 때에는 보름 때보다 약 3배의 비율로 의사에의한 자살자가 단기간에 다수 나타났지만 역시 전체적인맥락에서 판단할 때에는 어떠한 유의성은 없었다. 3. 요일별로 특별한 점은 나타나지 않았다. 4. 일반적인 선입견과는 달리 공휴일이나 주말에 특별히 증가세를 보이지 않았다. 자살자의 자살 시도시 어두운 날씨가 몰래 시도할 수 있어유리한 점이 있을 것으로 생각됨에도 일반적으로 생각하는 자살자의 우울한 기분(정동)과 달주기의 관계에 있어 뚜렷한 통계학적인 유의성은 없었다. 그러나 달이 어두운 때에 나타나는보름에 비하여 2배가 넘는 자살자의 비율과 3배에 가까운 연속 의사 사건의 비율은 나름대로의 의미가 있을 것으로 생각되며, 따라서 군 및 사회에서도 이러한 점을 심리-사회학적인 면에서 고려하여 자살의 고위험군에게 적용하는 것을 검토해 볼수도 있다고 본다. 그리고 결론적으로 이는 군이라는 제한된집단에서 의사자라는 국한된 표본에 대한 조사이므로 민간 혹은 군인 전체에 대한 올바른 경향을 보여준다고는 할 수 없다. 따라서 좀 더 범위를 넓혀 조사해 보아야 객관적이고 정확한결론에 이를 것으로 생각된다. The authors investigated the death days of 246 people who committed suicide and converted them into their respective days in lunar calendar in order to see if there are any correlations with the cycle of months. The cycle of the months was divided into the first quarter, full moon, last quarter, and the new moon. The death days were investigated by daily statistics each, and they were investigated in relation with the cycle of the months regarding the occurrence of suicide, holidays, and weekends. There were twice as many people committing suicide when the moon is dark than when it is full moon, but there weren’t much significance when judging from the big context. There were three times as many people committing suicide in a short period of time when the moon is dark than when it is full moon, but there wasn’t much significance when judging from the big context. There wasn’t anything special about suicide in daily basis. There wasn’t a big inclination in the number of people committing suicide over holidays or weekends despite common belief. If we find the correlation between the psychological factors and the actions of those who commit suicide in the military, we could contribute to adjusting to some extent the actions of those who have the potential of committing a suicide. Out of such expectation was proceeded this research.

      • Synthesis of Biomass derived Porous Carbon for High Power Ultracapacitor

        최민성,박호석 한국공업화학회 2019 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2019 No.1

        Recently, biomass conversion technologies have steadily researched on the carbon-based material fields owing to their specific characteristics such as abundance, ease of processing and environmentally-friendly. Here is an introduction for a kind of biomass, lignin which in a main composition of lignocellulosic structure of lignum material and also the second abundant aromatic biopolymer in nature. Lignin was used as a carbon precursor to manufacture carbonaceous material with high surface area based on hierarchically, nano-sized pore structure. Hydrothermal carbonization and chemical activation were carried out to change carbon precursor to object porous carbon which possessed ultrahigh specific surface area over 2800 m2 g-1. Based on their high specific surface area and hierarchical porous architecture, the as-obtained product showed excellent ion and electron transport properties, which can be a benefit for developing high power density in ultracapacitor application.

      • KCI등재

        인간, 디지털, 하이인터페이스

        최민성 한국언어문화학회(구 한양어문학회) 2012 한국언어문화 Vol.0 No.48

        該文章對于“包含着人文性的有价値的文化創意是什?”的問題是爲了探究計劃好的。在文化創意的談論上,爲了突出人的香氣,再說,爲了凸現人文性通過文化創意享有的觀点要思考。不是制作的內容本身的文本去接近文化創意?絡的競爭力和市場效益場市(性)的問題,而是“人類的産物”??可能轉化“人類的理解”,那溝通的過程我們要探索。人類面對人類、人類作爲面對面相互間的溝通的過程與享有的正確分析時可以使用的合适的槪念是“接口(interface)”。所有的文化創意是創作者和享有者一起對面的交点,而接口。其中,産生于最優秀的溝通成果的文化創意稱爲“高級接口”。文化創意接口的領域帶來的槪念來的話, “我們的文化內容飜譯成出色?”, “那一代和享有的眼光,解釋符合??”, “那是普遍性,帶有內涵爲中心?”可以看到。文化創意的領域上不是缺乏內容,而是爲幇助享有的優秀的接口。數碼迪瓦伊斯(Digital device)市場上接口的設計文化創意融爲一體的課題是最核心的一樣,文化內涵溝通的場所中最核心課題是優秀的接口的關系、設計速度要成爲設計的。

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        독버섯 추정의 식중독으로 유발된 출혈성 장염으로 인한 사망- 증례 보고 -

        최민성,김성호,최병하,박소형 대한법의학회 2014 대한법의학회지 Vol.38 No.1

        Mushroom poisoning widely reported in Oriental and Western literature, is typicallycaused by accidental ingestion of toxic mushrooms that resemble edible mushrooms. Reports about poisoning due to species of Omphalotus, Amanita, Clitocybe, and othertoxic mushroom species have been reported; toxicity depends on the mushroomspecies and the amount of toxin, which varies according to the climatic and environmentalconditions. Symptoms of poisoning, such as unspecific nausea, vomiting, anddiarrhea, as well as intestinal, hepatic and renal toxicities, also vary according to themushroom species. Most patients recover with anti-muscarinic therapy and supportivecare for nonspecific symptoms; however some cases of poisoning are fatal in childrenand elderly people. We report a case of sudden death due to mushroom poisoning ina 74-year-old woman, with hemorrhagic enteritis.

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